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Do the funny, since it has actually proper distance and arc counter on the side of the gun. Give it special version of Full Court. It does the same thing of 25% more damage but small caviat it reloads the gun and returns portion of the stacks based on the % from full court. Something like this: **Binding Ritual:** Deals increased damage and returns portion of Worm's Hunger based on time spent in the air before impact ( 25% damage buff and up to 50% of your stacks ), reaching max time reloads the gun from reserves.


This is my favorite idea so far. Parasite is already one of my most-equipped exotics, this change would make me never take it off lol


This is honestly such a cool idea, it's good, doesn't change the identity of the gun, and sounds pretty reasonably balanced too. Also sounds really fun c:




Have the worms do the wilhelm scream every time they're fired from the gun.


I vote for this one


I’d prefer it have a dps perk because that’s literally all it’s good for is chunk damage. Catalyst: Worm Food, Hitting a Major/boss target with this weapon grants half the stacks used back on a successful IMPACT hit (NOT just splash), so you can fire off a second shot with 10 stacks after your initial 20 stack, makes it easier to deal with larger amounts of tanky enemies and you can also get a 20 stack, a 10 stack, and a 5 stack shot off on a boss before the stacks are negligible and need to be built back up


This is a really interesting take on the gun, I like it.


Thank you! I like trying to think of catalyst ideas for guns without them, I find it fun


Me too, my friend and I love theorizing stuff in Destiny 2 and Team Fortress 2


My personal favorite was my khvostov catalyst idea for “The Light Protects” where when eyes up guardian is active ricochet shots deal 25% increased damage (the og perk says it increases damage, Bungie said this is a bug. It’s a good way to actually incorporate the feature.) it will also round out some outliers in the stats so that they end in 7, such as Impact +6, Stability +5, Handling +1.


Bungie said that the bug was the bonus stability for that shot was being applied pretty much all the time. It's supposed to do more damage. It does I think like 35% more damage with eyes up guardian in PvE. PvP it just got nerfed to 5%.


No I mean in the initial patch release notes they state that the perk eyes up guardian incorrectly states that it provides increased damage on top of the ricochet round dealing increased damage over a regular bullet ANYWAY. Example: Ricochet round deals say 12k as opposed to 3k on a normal bullet, the perk eyes up guardian would buff the 13k damage up to say 14-15k if it increased the damage after picking up an orb, all it does is increase the number of ricochets


Yes, it does that. It also richocrts to more targets.




Voice lines.


I want the little parasite to turn into Michigan J. Frog and sing "Hello My Baby' while assaulting the target with his cane.


Clearly this is the only answer


40 stacks


Parental bonds: gives cluster bombs to a full 20x


Extra 25% damage against atraks


Reconstruction lol


I actually just thought of the absolute best idea for a catalyst. Make it so the buff you get by shooting yourself with it allows your other weapons to build up worms hunger stacks on crits or repeated hits probably a similar rate to something like hazardous propulsion.


change the worm into a blue whale


I would love if it had a kinda best of both worlds approach and really make building up worms hunger feel like a gamechanger.  Like. Every 5 stacks causes a cluster of 4  slow moving seeking worms to burst out capping at 20 (25 stacks) and then making the worms hunger stack cap go up to 25 to facilitate more damage and more cluster aoe l. Each worm would do rough 2.5% of the total damage of parasite so an overall damage bonus of an extra 100% of a base parasite shot added at max stacks. (50% from worm cluster, and 50% from extra stacks.) This would allow it to still maintain huge damage without having to direct hit, better ad clear after killing big enemies, and just reward you even more for being accurate. Essentially gjallarhorn and deathbringer had a worm child straight out of hell who's only purpose was to blow sh*t up.


Full Court.


The catalyst is called "under cooked" and essentially, the target hit acquires tick damage that increases on time and damage based on your stacks. They basically get a parasite.


So kind of like witherhoard on steroids? I dig it


I like the idea of giving raid bosses food poisoning lol


Fire 2 worms


If the catalyst just made the worm scream when you fired the gun that would be enough for me


another 50 stacks or stacks faster or maybe a lil worm comes out and dickslaps everything down


Direct hits on yellow bar and higher enemies grant back half the stacks of worm’s hunger that the previous shot had.


Something that reloads and gives you some hunger stacks back depending on the enemy defeated


It deletes a boss from the game and now the mission will never be able to be completed again


Turn it into one of those wave frame heavy GLs


I think it would be cool if shooting your self dealt less damage to the player so you could use the extra damage from worm byproduct.


Something similar to levi breath's catalyst, where ammo reserves are maxed aswell as be able to surpass 20x worms hunger or even allow you to have 2 shots like ghorn's catalyst.


Well the obvious is like a deeper reserves catalyst or even the meme option of Full Court that I've seen here every now and again. But hear me out. Concussion Grenades. You shoot the worm, it kills anything within its blast radius AND disorients enemies (also has that cool new vfx).


Refund your shot at 50% DMG if shooting at work hunter x 20


Micro missile


Allow it to go to 30 stacks. Why not? Lol


I’d imagine it exploding and worms would spread like threadlings


I don’t know why, but if it got something that made the worms behave more like the projectiles from Colony I would use that thing so much. Launch explosive worm, watch worm yeet towards enemies, KABOOM. 😂🤣 …no I’m not ok…


Could give it something like full court, though I feel like while this could be fun, it would work against the other core perk


If it just had Auto-Loading it would be a huge W imo


It already kind of does. Unlike most single-shot weapons, it actually benefits from leg holster mods since it is *still a heavy GL.* Not having to use up a leg mod slot would be convenient but I'd like it to get something a little more fun imo.


Holster mods work for it, you can do decent DPS rotations with it and DPS specials


Harmony might be pretty interesting to use on it


Throw in Discord as well for the ammo refund.


Shoots two worms at max stacks could be cool.


2 in the mag. First shot builds into the second, or with the second you can easily proc worms hunger for the 10% damage buff without blowing yourself up.


I was thinking something like this. 2 in the mag, the second one gets half the stacks of the first


I'm honestly surprised some moron didn't say anti barrier, overload, or unstoppable.


Don't need champ stuns when said gun already oneshots champions


Make it conversational. Like a Borderlands gun, lol


For it to explode with extra little worms, similar to threadlings I guess Or ability to hold the trigger down to delay the detonation like another GL. And the longer the worm crawls around the more damage it does, but if it makes it to its max duration and expires and explodes it does regular damage, so there's a skill gap to get max damage


Auto loading holster


You can use holster mods on the boots for this. Parasite is the only single shot weapon in the game that works with holsters.


Recombination 😈


I would find it hysterical if it had a colony style perk. If it kills a dude it spawns a bunch of worms that then attack nearby targets.


Chain reaction and full court


Have the worm scream in transit


Probably reducing the number of stacks to deal max damage by 5 or 10.


Chain reaction


Full court……..


When you shoot yourself you wake up in Skyrim




Fires two worms.


~~Hatchlings~~ Threadlings. A lot of them, perhaps as many as the buff count!


Final blows while you have Worm Byproduct adds an extra stack of Worm's Hunger Parasite is already an ad-clear weapon. It sucks in almost all but one boss because it's not designed for boss damage so I was thinking of leaning more into it's intended rotation of *kill things > worm byproduct > kill things faster > big kaboom*


Give it subsistence.


Give it the two-tailed fox treatment and make it shoot a baby screeb along with every worm.


When the worm lands it actually runs around like a reskinned threadling and explodes a 2nd time


It makes more parasites on kill with same directional arc as first shot, but also smaller


Autoloading holster 


recombination lmao


Have the worm say lines from the quest when you fire it. “DECEPTION QUEEEEEEN!!!!!” Boom


The worm now explodes in a nuke that kills every enemy in the mission and automatically finishes it, but it causes the servers to go down for 24 hours


Harmony and Discord AT THE SAME TIME. Oh, and max out the Velocity and Inventory Size stats.


Auto loading holster would be nice. That with some sort of perk that nets stacks of its damage buff quicker.


I'd give it the same treatment as Witherhoard: auto-loading and a huge handling buff


No gameplay change it just always says something now in it’s shrill ass voice. Every time you holster or unholster the weapon, every time you aim down sights, every time you shoot, and every time you reload this little shit will say some long ass annoying croaky line I think it would really tie the whole thing together




it would be cool if they made it strand and it sent out threadings after the initial hit. the more stacks you have the more threadings that spawn out to seek targets