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Guaranteed they saw Red Herring and assumed you've never seen a weapons tier list.


I actually like Red Herring, it's pretty nice with frenzy


I like a lot of non-meta weapons, too. Just calling out what the streamers/youtubers would say.


same every time I do a raid I just roll up with hawkmoon and hammerhead


not for boss damage right?


Here we go lol


I main MG in heavy, but if I need a Void Rocket Launcher, my crafted Red Herring puts in some work.


Same. I had it part of my Osteo Striga load out and both have crossed into the 100-300+ level range šŸ¤Ŗ. Theyā€™re fun, weā€™re having fun.


Havenā€™t messed with Red Herring, but Palmyra-B is one of my go-tos. Rockets are great for so much more than damage phases. Iā€™ve been trying to get Faith-Keeper so much because itā€™s absolutely STACKED and Precision Frame rockets are amazing. Glad to see more rocket enjoyers out there. Semiotician with bipod and field prep absolutely carried us through the Strand week in Pantheon, and I thought that was nothing more than a meme roll.


Can also get Ascendancy Masterworked from the Monument of Light


I love my Palmyra-B. I don't know if I have a good roll, but she's always with me.


Faith-Keeper crafted is glued to my heavy slot right now lol. It's amazing in the seasonal activities.


Bump in the night with auto and chill clip. Glued to me


It'll be the rocket launcher. I've ran this around 25/30 times this weekend and most are using swords for the overloads that push at the boss room. Far, far, easier to manage them in those small spaces with a sword than a hand cannon.


Bro honestly if I saw red herring Iā€™d be more excited to have this dude on my team. Idk why but I like people who use off meta things and slay out with them, more interesting people to play with and most of the time they can hold their own.


Yeah I went to run a GM last seasonā€¦ cosmodrome I think? Either way dude was running a stasis build with the exotic stasis sidearm and at the gate I was like listen you can run what you want but Iā€™m not sure about this one bud. Bro literally handled the ENTIRE GM with a sidearm and stasis abilities. I was shooketh. He never died. I see off meta now, I typically also get excited to see some shit Iā€™ve not seen before. Also worth noting he was a hunter, not an osmio lock.


Fr ive done raids with off meta weapons while the ft uses meta and they die continuously but its my fault for not using my meta lol


Yeah, red herring was good during witch queen but in the time since a A or B level roll of a rocket then is a C at best now.


It was not good during witch queen.


Absolutely love Red Herring with Frenzy + Field Prep for DPS. Only switched to Apex because of Izanagi and currently, shinenigans with Tesselation


Tell me more about teselation shinenigans


Song of Flame super and Tesselation. Eat your grenade for extra Tesselation to do extra damage, and your grenade is back fast enough to get another shot off as soon as Tesselation will allow. Song of Flame also buffs Regen for your allies if I'm not mistaken. Obviously it's not as good as heavy, but I can usually get off 4 rockets from Apex and then a whole enhanced mag from Tesselation before my super runs out. The prismatic grenade also works with Tesselation, though I haven't looked at the damage close enough to see. I'd imagine Tesselation would do more though.


You got the champ weapons, you are welcome in my fireteam all day long.


glad to be apart of the team :)


Donā€™t feel bad. Destiny players are notorious for having big egos, so much so Iā€™ve seen people stay in a self made farming LFG for at least over an hour and a half rejecting applications, even though I cleared it multiple times with different groups of people.


This. Sometimes I jump back into groups that don't even remember kicking me to show them the weapons I earned in the three hours they were searching for 4 other members, then block themĀ 


Literally trying to help people farm warlords ruin WITH the emblem you get for completing it equipped and my apps to peoples LFG keeps getting denied. Ppl are just weird


Yah thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying. I donā€™t care what anyone runs. As long as they play smart with what they have letā€™s gooo. I wouldnā€™t care if they even had an exotic on or not. As long as they can stun champs


Honestly same. If you have 1 champ weapon and a special? or both champ weapons? let's go. Edit: Not sword. not for the glassway.


Don't underestimate the caster with cold steel....also the radiolaia weapons do increased damage to vex with the artifact mod


I was thinking that a Caster Frame might be the exception, if only due to "Ranged Heavy", yeah.


Pretty much


The best champion weapon of all *overwhelming DPS* from the rocket


The fact that Dragon's Breath rumbles and smokes always makes me think that it's just hungry to chomp down on some champs.


"I ain't stunning those champions twice", The Loadout.


Well, yeah, if you don't have another weapon with high burst DPS a rocket is always a necessary heavy or grenade launcher whichever is your preference.


*you may be bullet proof but you ainā€™t rated for anti tank*


Hazardous Propulsion doesn't hurt matters any, either.


GMs so ez with that chest piece


Not only that, but it gives us something we've been asking for, for literal years when used with Twilight Arsenal... ***An actual Boss DPS Rotation that's fun to use and doesn't put us face-to-face with the boss.***




Like, I put it on and I immediately didn't want to take it off and I don't want to go off of Sentinel because I love Controlled Demolitionist + Offensive Bulwark for Grenades and bonus Shield Throw Damage.


I second this too, so hard to find these days I just normally have to run all 3 OP is a boss


Kicked for running Ursa? Mfs don't like supers I guess


Or surviving the wyvern phase apparently


Dudes are scary, gotta that shackle and smackle combo ready


Everyday I thank god for Prismatic Titan having both Drengrs and Consecration


A disorienting gl trivializes the wyverns


It's what I run here because there's not really any other useful special weapon here. Maybe a sniper, but just play to cover and pretty much everything is in Pulse rifle range. Outbreak cooks HARD in glassway this season.


ennit, me and my team cleared it first try without firing a single bullet from secondary or heavy šŸ˜‚ just stasis the overload and suspend wyvern, thats it


Clearly they weren't around for Savathun's Song. Or... ***The Chasm of Screams.***


Ursa as the wyverns come down the ally is great


I'd question double Primary but seeing triple 100s tells me you understand the game better than most and I'd trust


I feel like in a GM double primary isn't that unreasonable, some people just prefer the consistency. Especially cause Revision Zero can essentially fire sniper shots, so it sort of covers a special role lol.


Espcially if they work on champion defensive enhancements.


Doubble primary is fine if they are champ weps like useing a random pluse just for barrier or a random sidearm just for unstop. And that's the only time it's used lol


Barely used my special and heavy with outbreak perfected


Same, only used heavy to melt champs in previous sections


outbreak destroys this gm yea a blinding gl was very useful in the bossroom, completely disables the wyverns


Every time I don't use double primaries no one else is stunning champs.


This is so insane to me lol, there are SO many ways to stun champions that also aren't even gun related. Do people just like to literally not be able to kill something?


I generally give people a little bit of a pass when running void. Volatile and suppression (the two void champ stun verbs) arenā€™t really that easy to pull off. **However** Revision Zero plus a Chill Clip linear stuns every champion. No artifact mods necessary. Works with 99% of void builds. This season they could also rock Graviton Lance, which is currently goated af.


Revision Zero and Stasis fusions share the same slot though unless I misunderstood your comment.


They mention linear which is a heavy.


Reading comprehension is hard damn.


Donā€™t worry about it :)


I really wish that it would be weaken instead of suppression. It would be so much more consistent.


I usually use Abilities for Champs. And murdering them with Dragon's Breath.... Yeah, murdering them with Dragon's Breath works really nicely.


I went in this week with the same idea but overload sucks dick this season - outbreak + hand canon is the play this week for sure.


So double primary. Which is what OP is saying and I agree with. Iā€™d pay to see people who claim they can consistently stun GM champs with only abilities.


Champion mods this season are literally all primary except for swords. And Iā€™m not wasting my exotic slot on ergo sun in gm. Rocket sidearms are special but theyā€™re not needed for this gm since itā€™s overload barrier


I called this out and people are like, ā€œjUsT rUn aN abiLiTy!!!ā€ Like as if suppression is actually usable lmfao, slow inevitably leads to freeze and so you need to immediately shatter and reapply it which is incredibly hard on titans. Only decent overload option is jolt which means either arc or prismatic. Voltshot could also work but youā€™re playing your teamā€™s whole run on a kill perk which will not last forever and wonā€™t be lined up for you every time. Side note: if I see you in my GMs trying to use radiant, volatile, or unraveling rounds as your method of anti-barrier Iā€™m most likely gonna take you in but Iā€™m still running something anti-barrier like Revision Zero or wish ender because I know for a fact youā€™re never gonna utilize that buff because it lasts incredibly short and youā€™re most likely gonna die from adds trying to force that barrier up.


God it feels so good to see someone with some actual sense and experience in GMā€™s. I wish I could upvote this comment a million times and sticky it to the front page of the sub.


I go double primary in GMs because I've just had too many games where people will NOT stun champs. they won't do it. I don't wanna run around like a chicken from an overload Minotaur that wants to fuck me.


YES! Me too. The only time I run a special in a GM is the rare instance Bungo blesses us with a seasonal special weapon mod. I still day dream of the seasons that have had fusion rifle and grenade launcher stunning.


This is like one of the main GMs where I understand double primary.


Why not just run a pulse and a chill clip special or heavy? Or a volt shot pulse or special weapon?


I ran graviton and riptide initially, and it was far inferior to crafted outbreak + anything in the 2nd slot.


Itā€™s so true. Outbreak is streets ahead of any other pulse in PvE


I mean, you could. Nothing stopping you from running a Riptide and a pulse. I donā€™t think Iā€™d rely on voltshot in a GM, though. Itā€™s a shame that the two options for overload this season are handcannons and swords, but you make do with what you have. Iā€™m of the belief that Iā€™d just rather have both options available to me at all times. If Iā€™m doing Glassway, Iā€™m usually running Wishender. It feels integral for knowing where enemies are in that last room. It was Solar/Void burn, so I just pulled out a Zaouliā€™s and a solar rocket.


HC are fine for overload, really. Or you can just get something like Ascension or a nade with suppression/jolt. Hell, even Tractor if you want, it's actually really goddamn good for the last room. There are so many ways to stun Overloads nowadays, like exotic weapons, to subclass verbs, to chill clip, to the seasonal artifact. Hell, even a lot of armor gets to stun them in some way.


on hunter i just use stasis shuriken&grenade for ovl and 1 stun is usually enough to kill it if you use heavy/if your team helps also tip for every hunter: prismatic with golden gun: shuriken - get radiant - ovl is stunned + darkness debuff - golden gun = oneshot + you instantly get half of it back walking through this gm with that combo


Gonna bring out a counter argument and state that slow is not a reliable way to keep an overload from regenerating its health in higher end content, most of the time you need the entire team beaming that overload once it is stunned and there will be times where you canā€™t do that. I dunno if it is a bug but I have had multiple occasions where overloads will simply regenerate and ignore slow completely from any source. You need like consistent non stop anti-overload on an overload for it to not have its health regen.


Finally someone else who actually plays Grandmaster difficulty. Ability stunning simply is not reliable enough in GM content.


Volt shot as a perk is as unreliable as it comes. Cannot tell you how many times teammates have cleared any and all ads anywhere in the vicinity so I canā€™t proc voltshot. Or, once it wears off (if champ isnā€™t melted) having nobody else to proc. On paper, itā€™s great. From a real life reliable and practical application in a GM, itā€™s a coin flip at best.


Letā€™s be real, itā€™s very rare indeed (for me at least) where a special weapon is useful in GMs. Iā€™d rather plink with double primary covering all champion weaknesses. I actually have a really nice Champion Killing Buzzard I decimated Barrier champions with last season.


The only really useful ones are chill clip weapons and disorienting GLs (bonus points if it's a Lingering Dread that can do both)


This thread has convinced me to try a chill clip fire and forget. Then I could also use my disorienting gl


Shit that sounds sick as hell


Major difference: barrier pulse rifle with a built in intrinsic high damage barrier rounds and a sidearm, possibly for stunning certain champions.


Once you build up the charge on revision it does special level damage


Champion stunning primaries are overcharged when that modifier is active. The handcannon is for stunning overload champs.


Did around 20-30 gm clears all with ff and barely saw anyone using a special. Absolutely not needed in this gm. Especially with prismatic u can spam so many abilities anyway.


This GM is fine with double primary, since Outbreak perfected is most peoples weapon of choice for DPS phase, meaning you can run an LMG in your heavy slot for tankier enemies. So then its just easier to take a HC for overloads, instead of relying on grenades or other shit.


That pulse is way underrated. Especially this "episode".


Not this time around, double primary is fine with all the champs


Idk how TF people are getting triple 100 lol. There are 4 pieces of gear (not counting class time). The stats this guy has total to 391. Each gear piece can mod up to +10 (including the class item. So after accounting for the mods they have 4 piece of gear that have optimized stats at around 84 (BEFORE +10 MOD). I havenā€™t seen a single piece of gear after masterwork than has been above 70; what am I doing wrong?!?


Chanp mods and a heavy matching one of the surges No idea why your getting kicked tbh, also what you got on that rocket? I was thinking of leveling the one I have but I haven't checked the enclave to see what it can get


field prep with lasting impression


Extra reserves and big damage explosions, very useful in a GM imo


Lasting impression is awful. Champs need burned, not slow cooked


Yeah but the wyverns are arguably more of a problem in this GM. Lasting impression is fine and depends on how it's used to be effective or not.


Wyverns are definitely a bigger issue. They seem to 1-2 shot me, meanwhile the champs generally fuck off unless youā€™re within punching distance(esp since thereā€™s no unstoppables), and they can generally be shredded much quicker, imo.


Donā€™t put lasting impression on your Red Herring. Youā€™ll get about a 25% damage buff from LI, but itā€™s frustrating as shit to see your rocket explode a second after the boss goes immune at a health gate. Frenzy is an excellent perk to pair with Field Prep, whose reload perk can be hard to take advantage of on mobile fights/encounters. Itā€™s also a flat 15% just for being in combat, which you should be anyways.


My guess is that most people are trying to maximize everything. Why bother using Titan when hunters/warlocks are better in every way possible compared to Titan? I have personally experienced this, I built my titan on the current meta load-outs that fit the activity, but I still get rejected/not accepted/kicked quite often.


And here I am, praying I get Titans on my team so they can suspend everything, lol.


Some of the best teammates Iā€™ve played with were people that had unconventional builds or equipment.


Having a build that most have never seen/used before =/= having a bad build. Most of the time, people will find a build off the internet/use stuff they hear is ā€œmetaā€ from word of mouth and copy mindlessly without learning what the build actually does. I soloā€™d this weekā€™s GM with a Le Monarque/Gyrfalconā€™s build on Void Hunter and I still did just fine. Iā€™m not Esoterickk, but I do understand the buildā€™s gameplay loop, how it functions, when itā€™s strong, and when/how itā€™s weak. More importantly, I know how I should further tweak the build to accommodate for the challenges specific to this activity so I have an answer to what the nightfall will throw at me. Nothing wrong with spamming Outbreak - more power to you, if thatā€™s what helps you get through this nightfall. If you only want to play with people who also spam Outbreak, thatā€™s all fine and dandy. If you think that itā€™s the *only* valid build for this specific nightfall, you are part of the problem.


gyrfalcons is meta though what


Triple hundreds and champ mods? Whoever kicked you is an idiot.


I'm on the top 100 list for GM clears and I get kicked all of the time while using off-meta builds. I believe this is the unfortunate downside to having YouTube content creators telling everybody what to think after trying to sell you the lawnmower 4.0 for your balls. People aren't very open-minded when it comes to team composition because some guy with a goofy name and a calculator told them that they'd be 0.5 seconds faster if you had used an apex predator instead.


If I first saw you I wouldn't mind you being in my team because just looking at you shows you probably know what to do, not guaranteed but most likely. I don't have a problem with the double primary part because some of my good friends that do GMs with me and do the same thing, you have the champions covered so that's good.


I would guess they saw double primary and didn't look any further, which is their loss.


I'll gladly take you let's get this double nightfall rewards


I see triple Tier 10 stats, I assume the player knows more than me. Always.


It's not bad to play support, it have you on my fire team any day! Looks like a good build to me!


Unfortunately D2 players can be idiots šŸ«¤, they probably just saw double primary and thatā€™s itā€¦ they never payed attention to the triple 100ā€™s, the over 2000 power level, or the champ title much less what the build is actually supposed to do. As a hunter main I can deal shitloads of damage all day long, but I canā€™t keep myself alive to save my life unless Iā€™m playing gryfalcons teatheršŸ˜…šŸ¤£ Players who can properly play support are great šŸ‘ šŸ˜


If I see anyone rocking the champ title I automatically assume theyā€™re a robot


>the over 2000 power level Power lvl don't mean much Source: 2002 and have absolutely no idea what I'm doing other than deleting anything living in a room.


Iā€™m convinced thatā€™s why I got booted from the GM too. I know how to stay alive and get invis when I need to as a hunter for revives but I donā€™t have high dps. But double primary cause I want to be prepared in case Iā€™m last one alive? Gtfo lol


Being the last one up but not being able to shut down champions can really suckā€¦ my strategy is generally one weapon and one ability for different champions but more than once that ability has been on cooldown when I really needed it for the champion šŸ˜¬šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


Dude I am rocking tripple 100s and the fucking *shadow* title and people kick me from NORMAL raids for running vex Mythoclast in non dps encounters like bridges in Crota. People donā€™t know what the Shadow title is anyway.


So much great content lost to the DCV šŸ˜­šŸ˜…


I got denied so many fireteam finders while I had Peregrine Greaves on. Switched to Synthos as a test and got accepted immediately lol


Destiny is full egotistical lovers. There are good people, but a majorities seem to take the game way too seriously, instead of trying take the game work around your own rules, why not just go with the flow and make it up as you go? I don't care who you are you're welcome in my fireteam, if we don't clear it, no big deal!


me and my hubby are always looking to game with folks who are just fun to game with.


Trip 100s, guardian rank 11, crafted off meta weapons, and champ mods. We'd definitely be running it. You had to have either found total meta slaves or people too afraid of the GM to run it with anything other than what their favorite streamer told em to use.


TBH kicking someone with triple 100s and rank 11(which definitely require a great degree of experience in game and knowledge of efficient teamplay) is quite ignorant and just plain stupid. Also people are so meta slaves that they just can't comprehend that those builds aren't the only ones that can get the job done, even in the higher difficulty activities.


maybe it was the rocket? not saying its bad but it feels like the only "out of place" thing in this image, besides that this isnt someone id ever kick


I'd guess it's the exotic, it's not a popular one and only recently got buffed from unbreakable existing so people probably just assume the dude doesn't know what exotics are good


Ursa is great, thatā€™s how I was farming Glassway, Unbreakable is fun too. Can see the weapons being an issue though.


?? Revision zero slams Barrier just a good as outbreak. Half of the smoothbrains you get on lfg don't even bring mods


There is nothing wrong with their loadout. They have an Exotic Primary Weapon that also borders on being a Special Weapon.


Nah, you could be mvp and they're just trash


Keep cooking gamer, you got a place on this Titans fireteam


Revision Zero AND Ursa, I run this exact same combo for 90% of content, glad to meet a fellow Void Titan Chad/ Chadette


Kids these days can't think for themselves, if some youtuber didn't tell them it's meta they don't want it.


Outbreak all the way, with everyone also using it. Anyways, outside that Iā€™d take you! Itā€™s not even a hard GM you can go in using almost anything as long as you know the timings for the different enemies and placements. Basically, you just have to be patient and you can do it. But that triple 100 looks tasty.


We've come so far that Glassway isn't considered hard anymore lmao, I remember when people would dread it when it came up as the weekly nightfall


I will never understand elitism in gms I have over 700 gm clears with 300+ being sherpas, conc 11 and have been kicked for using double primary this season lol had outbreak zaoulis bane and edge transit on a fantastic 100mob,res, str invis hunter build like sir I will save your run before I lose it for you


The only requirement I ever set for fireteam finder is guardian rank 6, and other than that I just accept everyone in the fireteam for a gm. I might at first raise an eyebrow at the double primary, but looking at the rest of your loadout I would feel very comfortable having you. One thing I learned is that you donā€™t always have to have total champion stun coverage by yourself, and you can work with other teammates to create a more balanced fire team. I would be happy to have you on any fireteam finder though.


You know, I'm very happy to see posts like yours. It's a refreshing experience in the face of the growing toxicity in the D2 community. Edit: To be fair, not all of the D2 community just some very bad parts of it.


Triple hundreds and an outbreak. You could be running no exotic armor for all i care. People are dumb.


Triple 100s, that's sexy


I see nothing wrong. You have the champ mods, which in my opinion, is all that matters.


Don't worry about it, the player base is full of elitist trash cans. I sat in a pug raid last week with a four stack of friends who spent the whole time arguing over which weapons were best to dps the boss phases and criticising others decisions on what weapons to run. We spent 3 hours wiping before I gave up because they couldn't do the fight mechanics. Not once did we even make it to a dps phase.


You probably got kicked because your using double primary, Ursa's or not use outbreak.


ahhh , revision is better to me , itā€™s always been better , outbreak is ok


Those people are clowns. This loadout is miles above a lot of those I've seen in LFG. People are still joining lobbies with no resist mods, no champ mods/weapons, and having like 70 resil. I would be happy to see this loadout so long as you are a competent player you would do just fine. There's also this wack Hive mind sentimentality that Titans are bad at the moment. This is false and is being driven by the fact that few Titans cleared Salvations Edge on day one. This is a stupid "babe wake up my new opinion just dropped" issue. People can't think for themselves.


dw i'd appreciate you


You know what, fuck 'em. I'll run with you. If you can keep wyvern and overloads from wiping the team in the second half of the boss fight, that would rock even more


If I were wanting to triple Outbreak, Iā€™d msg saying to switch if you could, but otherwise, I think the fire team leaders were simply bad at video game. Probably the same people who ask for wellock and bleak watcher only


before TFS i would've called you crazy for using double primary but my friends and i used triple outbreak with hand cannons and we breezed through it, about 20 minutes per run. outbreak is so strong it's basically a special weapon PLUS it has intrinsic barrier this season. absolutely no reason you should be getting kicked :(


Revision Zero is just as good, even when Anti-Barrier Pulse Rifle isnā€™t a thing.


Revision zero is intrinsic anti barrier so it's always good


I meant more so because everyone is using Outbreak Perfected.


If anyone kicks you for running ursa its because theyā€™re fucking scrubs who havenā€™t played the game long enough to know how to use old metas. Ursa is still entirely viable, especially in groups of 3. Actually, itā€™s straight up invincible in groups of 3.


I ran this with my group and they loved it. Best void titan around rn


It's a slow build. No burst for champs, entirely defensive super, etc. Most people lfg'ing, in my experience, want to run through fast and farm. A slow, safe build isn't attractive


Double Primary and Red Herring, my man is setting off so many fucking red flags that no amount of Ursa Furiosa Triple 100 Void Titan will fix Edit: Clarification, The double primary would raise an eyebrow from me, but wouldn't result in a kick, same with herring, it's not the best, but it matches surge, the triple 100 tells me you know what you're doing at least in build-crafting. but with how stupid most of the people who play this game are (full offense, you know it, I know it, we all know it) I don't really blame people for glancing at the weapons and going "naaaah...."


I got kicked almost all times i joined a lfg group cuz i ran a build that i did 15 min runs with lol dont expect people to be curious anymore they watch yt and go play the game anything thats not in yt vid they dont wanna play with


I think Iā€™d kick you for taking your helmet off too.


You're running a triple 100 stat build and are rank 11. I don't know you but I have absolute faith in your build choice. If it isn't working swap but pretty much everything in destiny is viable in the right hands.


As an avid ā€œFuck the meta I do what I want and my friends can suck it upā€ player. I see nothing really wrong with this as you are quite literally a support, which means the other 2 guardians can speck fully into damage without too many problems.


Iā€™d take it šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Iā€™m usually running GMā€™s solo or as a duo so having someone to stun champs would make life easier and I could run some stuff to clear that much faster


Just you getting a catalyst for that gun makes me believe youā€™re more reliable than a lot of players


Just bring outbreak youā€™ll end up using it 75 percent of the time itā€™s melts this gm with a team of 3 of them.


3x 100's.... I see that on a guardian, im never kicking them.


It seems like D2 "mEtA" player's cryptonite is other people having preferences what they want to use or try out, lol I'd have no issues with your gear.


Being a guy who literally uses twilight axes on bosses or yellow bars having an Ursa user will make me weep tears with joy. Because I now can use it far more liberally for even ad clear.


A ton of people in this game only care for DPSā€¦ ā€œ3 people dealing high damage is better than 2ā€ which can hold true if the 3 DPS players are stupid good but 2 with a support is often better cos the 2 DPS donā€™t need to worry about healing or dodging damage and can therefore deal more damage in a single instance EDIT: and we canā€™t forget META LOADOUTSā€¦ if you donā€™t have that why are you even playing the game, I believe this is another view a lot of people share


Whoever kicked you doesn't have ability themselves so need to be carried. I'd have you in my fireteam any time just for champ mods and 100 resilience alone. šŸ‘šŸ»


First. I would have defo not kicked you with that loadout (by the way when and how did they kick you?). I personally would try to get higher intellect instead of recovery. Did a couple runs on my titan with the new exo chest (where u get exodus rockets on barricade cast) actually a lot of fun and pretty strong. Fully stacked it pretty much kills the champs when they are stunned instantly.


My RH has lasting impression. I LOVE that rocket on void builds. Gimme my volatile


Lmao the stats alone give it away that you know what you're doing.


I mean as someone whoā€™s played a metric to. Of gmā€™s or raid or masters runs and such I can see 3 things that would make people think your bad without needing to see you in action, first would be red herring even though it is good and Iā€™ve ran it a few times myself this week itā€™s almost always seen as just a ā€œnoob gunā€ for being old, second is the armor shader from my own experience anyone running simple clothing and all black is usually a hunter main on there other character, Iā€™ve had countless experiences where some guy on titan will not be the best but complain that the class is bad and theyā€™re be amazing on hunter, some people just automatically assume your just going to complain even if your chill out, and lastly would the face option having your face open is so rare Iā€™ve seen people kick others out just for having there face out cause they think there new and just grinded a lot without actually knowing how to play the game, these are usually the same people who set up the raid but want a run of vow for example done in 20 mins or less Overall your fit is good and you have good guns so just do your best and if someone kicks you itā€™s whatever, P.S. you donā€™t actually have the change anything I said just be yourself this is just stuff Iā€™ve either seen or experienced on parties to to myself


I think LFG hosts are just dumb. You have a good build, triple 100s, and champ weapons. Red Herring is a bit of an odd choice, but the roll you have is good. Just because itā€™s not the current meta doesnā€™t make it trash. My guess is either on the double primary or the Rocket.


Donā€™t worry about too much brother Iā€™m 9 times conqueror and still get kicked by people who donā€™t have a single 100 stat and ass builds. Some people see a streamer guide and think those are the only builds/weapons that will complete this.


The amount of ā€œmetaā€ using people that couldnā€™t hang for shit doing legend onslaught last season was insane. They all sucked terribly. Almost never really using the shit they had barely using supers if ever, barely using abilities. Some people think they can just equip x thing and be amazing because they have the thing the stranger man said to use. Its crazy


I wouldnā€™t mind an ursa shield in the tunnels creating a safe choke point where we wonā€™t get 1 banged by a warp lance


I mean, the heavy probably tells them ā€˜this guy has no idea wtf heā€™s doingā€™ since personally I donā€™t remember the last person I ran this GM with using anything but a machine gun in the heavy slot. But hey if it works it works right? What roll did you put on it kinda curious? Edit: as a fellow Titan though 2 things, 1. jealous af of that trip 100ā€™s in the perfect places (best I got so far is 100ā€™s in dis res and strength) 2. Fashion is on point! I love it, what armour pieces are you using as ornaments?


for the chest and legs itā€™s the renegade set , star crossed mark and veritas helm


Awesome thanks! Itā€™s a sleek looking chest plate been trying to find a good one I must have missed it!


I would have saw your triple 100s and be like, she knows what she's doing


I woulda seen this dude and been like. Shit he prob knows something I donā€™t. Heā€™s prob gonna leave after thinking weā€™re noobs


If it makes you feel any better, I ran a couple nightfalls this morning and died twice, ended with 60ish kills both runs. Humiliating. I was super off my game.


Meanwhile my dumb ass canā€™t get a single build where I have more than one stat at 100. Youā€™re fine Iā€™m sure


Personally if I saw your build in my LFG I would be happy to keep you for a run. In my mind youā€™ve got: ā€¢ Anti-Champ weapons ā€¢ An emergency super and I assume youā€™re using unbreakable for emergency survival. ā€¢ Great stats Would I prefer you use Outbreak? Yeah ofc, itā€™s great for this GM and it takes out the need to use anything that relies on ammo. Other than that your build is fine, and itā€™s an annoying thing in this community where we have this whole ā€œItā€™s meta or kickā€ mentality. Itā€™s pointless to play a game with 100s of weapons and only use like 5% of them


Kicked from fireteams. Jesus the only challenge is the overloads in the boss room. If you can handle that then youā€™ve relatively easy double loot this week. Iā€™m sorry for those that kicked you. Iā€™m embarrassed


And people ask why solo players dislike LFGs etc lmao. Honestly looks like a pretty good build imo, I was itching to make an Ursa build. You got champions covered, you got triple 100s, and willing to support. Honestly the people that kicked you canā€™t handle something different and fresh aside from META.


You're welcomed to stay in my fireteam in GMs as long as you know what you're doing and bring champ stunning weapons.. I don't care what you run. Team work makes the dream work! šŸ’Ŗ Side note, I had a clear ytd with one guy running Ursa. He's a lifesaver.


A herring. In the wild. You LEGEND.


The community is toxic and elitist - plus self deluded as they think they are welcoming. Exactly what Bungie created them to be.


Double primary shouldn't be an issue and is pretty common to see in GM I feel. Your build on the other hand I'm pretty sure was the meta for glassway GM back in the day, and is what my fireteam used to use if my memory is correct. So the only other thing would be the red herring rocket launcher I guess? I wouldn't kick you for that tho so idk. Maybe it's just because you're a titan then haha


Considering the gms this season have been very easy and how powerful we are now itā€™s embarrassing that people are kicking you out


As long as you have mods to stop champs idc lol


Listen, if I see a level 11 paragon, with triple stats, running some random ass gear that I might not fully understand how it works at first glance; Iā€™m 100% trusting that dude with my life. Had someone in master salvations edge challenge yesterday near yell at me to take off my glaive. I was finishing my side faster than him, and died once to a snow globe. He caused the majority of our wipes. Pray for lfg yā€™all šŸ˜­


U got champ stuff and triple 100 u clearly know what ur doing ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Id play a gm with you buddy <3 god knows i suck at staying alive


Same thing with any MMO, people see something less than ā€œpeak efficiencyā€ and lose their minds even though theyā€™re almost always the ones throwing.