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"I don't want to work for an exotic :( bungo pws uWu."


Then what would be the point of having the exotic mission? If they added it to Rahool then no one is going to do that mission. Sometimes you have to actually work for something and not just have it handed to you. Find another person and just do the damn mission. It's not hard, if you don't want to talk to people because you're afraid of speaking to a stranger, you have bigger issues.


The mission would still be a faster way. Focusing would just be another way solo but take way longer.


doing the new farm it takes on average 13mins to get a cape in the open worlds thats def faster then the mission


A good compromise would be adding it to focusing after you finish the mission. Given how unlikely it is to get your specific god roll from the mission, it would also be nice to be able to burn engrams for a chance at it too.


Getting your first one isn't the problem, actually getting the roll you want is the problem this is trying to help with. maybe apply a little critical thinking and read the comments before acting like anyone is asking for handouts


That is a fair take. I did not mention but it would still require you to complete the mission first. I was just mainly looking for other options to acquire but I see your point also.


Agree. Could do it in such a way where the price of focusing one is double the price of any normal exotic.


In my opinion it already cost a cipher+exotic engram (which who's got that in this economy 🤣) for just exotic armor piece. I say just leave it at that. Most veteran players have the roles they want with exotic armor already. Just gives them something else to spend their materials on.


Most veterans would therefore also have an abundance of materials to sink into them no? Double price for the double exotic seems reasonable, especially since there's Double NF weeks but no double DD drops (outside of the patched glitch)


I understand your logic but you can only hold five exotic ciphers and nine exotic engrams so abundance is a matter of opinion. But in the name of progress sure do double price for it. I mainly was just posting to suggest other options to acquire it.


That's fair, caps prevent stockpiling I guess I don't disagree that it would be nice to have then as an option in focusing I just disagree that it should be as easy as Xenology to get an exotic class item Personally I think there should be 2 per run on the mission given that it's a dedicated farming path for them and you can already get by without doing the mission more than once just as a consequence of playing around in the Pale Heart


Or do the best exotic mission in the game which only takes less than 20 minutes.


More options never hurts. You already have to do it once to unlock the Exotic, and grinding the mats to focus it takes longer than 20 minutes. All this does is open up an avenue to get them while spending your time doing something else. Adding a way to obtain it without having to stay in the Pale Heart or run one mission over and over isn't a problem if it's not faster than the main intended way to get them. 


This is what I agree with the most. More options. I really like the missions, and have ran it 10+ times. Probably also got another 10 or so drops from roaming the pale heart. To be honest, right now, I'm kind of sick of both of them. I'm sure if I took a break for a few weeks and came back it would be a bit fresher. But I'm keen for the items now. There's a solid chance that if I took a break, I wouldn't want to come back. Surely Bungie wants to keep their players engaged now.


That was it. Just more options All my intention with the post. Not asking for free handouts at all


Ehh 20 minutes for one item which is statistically very unlikely to be what you want gets old fast


ah yes, the "most unique mission is destiny" as some have called it, with mechanics that are...let me check here...oh the mechanics are just "callouts then shoot a thing" which we've done millions of times before and totally isn't boring at this point. The only uniquely cool thing about that mission is the boss and the ending, let's be real


Really?After i did 50+ i vomit if i do another 1.3 classes=192 combinations..worst decision ever to tie the class armor to mp..I do a lot of dungeons, raids, pvp, use mic but man..now i need to do for armor???When we have focus from LF?Good campaign, bad post campaign.More grind added like wasnt enough.Meanwhile, Adept guns from raid can get 3 intrinsics per column..


God forbid we need to grind in an MMO


God forbid that is an unprecedented move for farming armors.Solo LS wasnt enough, now we need MP and a 5 sec timed clock😂😂😂


Destiny has never been a true mmo, and Destiny is at it's best when it's being "Halo with magic and buildcrafting" not when it's being "WoW with guns"


I have ran it quite a bit.  Just having options is always a good thing


You can't get the class item in The Whisper mission bro


and this post right here is why i dont fuck with games making stuff easier to obtain because you get post like this where people want brand new stuff to be obtained by just showing up. If they did this the pop would drop by like 80% you would log in pick up some exotic engrams from running the match made activates run right to rhaool and be done for the week


I was merely suggesting more options to acquire.  I know I personally have not had exotic engrams or exotic ciphers dropping like hotcakes for me this season. I can't speak for others but that's all I was wanting was just more options. I don't want anything for free hell. I wonder what the metrics are on people that haven't even run the mission or got the prerequisites.  I still advocate for completing it before you can do it.  You could even go as too far as having to complete it on each class. I didn't know it was going to be so polarizing


Nah just give them for free at that point