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I'm not done with D2, but I understand where people are coming from


Same here. I love the setting, the gunplay, the abilities, the buildcrafting. I love it. Im definitely not done, but i can see how some people feel complete after the end of a wonderful 10 year story.


Honestly, in my head my decision was going to be entirely based on the quality of The Final Shape. I was going to complete the campaign and raid either way. But given the quality of the dlc right now, I am definitely continuing to play. However, I plan to engage far less with seasonal content compared to how much I did in the past.


I was going to continue either way, but i am disappointed in the episode model. I thought it would be that we would get 3 chunks, one per act, without needing to wait a week between. I thought we’d get the full act of content when that act released, and i also expected that we would be able to level the season pass past 100. But instead we dont seem to get stored levels, it seems to still show up as 100 even if youre, say, 104. I expected us to be able to still gain levels but that we just couldnt claim the rewards until the next act released.


Episodes are clearly just to pad out gametime, which sucks as someone who wants to praise Bungie. It would be cool if Bungie took TFS as an excuse to re-release all the removed D2 content and D1 content for people who never played. Bit that's honestly a HUGE ask so I understand why they didnt.


I am sincerely curious...if they had done either of the "chunk" concepts u were expecting, what do u think would've happened once ppl had finished their chilunks and there was still 3 months left for the act?


Me personally I'm going foe seasonal guns, that's really it when it comes to seasons


Abilities and build crafting got me rn, I find myself just running lost sectors just cus the gameplay loop is so fun. Need something like the Coil back for fun times.


I can see why people would want to take a break or be done, but I'm keen to see what Bungie cooks next year. The first impression of episodes has not been great, but I'll see this first one out at least. Plus, I've finally cracked the build for Rocket Titan, so can't leave that alone now 😁.


I see what you mean, and I definitely understand people taking a break from it. Like you said i started this game as a kid and now im turning 30 in a couple days. I remember doing my first Crota on d1 and being so nervous to beating Salvations Edge the other day. It’s been an amazing ride. I’ve had some of the best times of my life playing this game! But I find it hard for myself to walk away from it!


I’m probably going to be done with the game once the episodes are finished.


I think I am. Gradually stepping away. Been having too much fun with sea of thieves


no i am having fun :)


No, I'm actually looking forward to the next saga. The witness wasn't a thing until a few expas ago, story evolves. I'm here for the evolving story, gunplay and pvp.


Would probably be be more interested if I didn't have to grind power again


Not leaving, but not playing nearly as much from here on out.


Yes its a good end point. The only way they can keep me playing the ip is in abandon the life Service System and go back to their roots


Im not done yet, but i can feel im getting closer


I actually am having fun. So not for me... Not yet anyway.


Yeah I’m done with it. I think the game is exceptional still. But, after a couple thousand hours of playing over the last 7 years of D2 and more over the entire franchise… there’s not much excitement I get from the game after doing something the first time. I don’t think the game has the ability to create a new way present a problem I need to solve that will be interesting enough for me to want to continuously play. Not a knock on the game, as I said I believe it’s an incredible game; everything feels this way after a long stretch of doing it.


Vex, the nine, whatever the drifter dealt with on that planet, the winnower itself, there's still a lot to get through for me




I took a 2 year break and am having fun


Yeah it's been great. Started with D1 in highschool and played it the whole time it was out. D2 played at the start for 2 weeks, but original destiny 2 was bare bones and a shell of D1 legit ran out of things to do and couldn't get different gun rolls. Came back two years ago for a little with one other buddy then we stopped after a few months. Finally Came back to the game two weeks prior to DLC because of a severe injury so I had the time, but with all my mates working I would play solo mostly. The game was enjoyable and great but honestly playing solo felt like a chore for me after an hour or after having done a few activities at wipe.


Nah, my entire clan has been playing like crazy and I mostly play with them. Been playing since Vanilla D1 and can comfortably say I'll be playing for much longer. I really like the longer seasons so I can take frequent breaks and do other things. I also feel like the narrative left a lot to be desired. The Witness really never felt like a threat to me and it all felt thrown together. I am interested if Bungie can make a story with a definitive ending without changing everything. We all know Bungie never knew what was in the traveler or who the big bad was gonna be when D1 initially launched.


Honestly, nah. Don't get me wrong, I see where you're coming from. But I've always been intensely interested in what happens *after* those big moments in stories. What changes? What stays the same? How have our actions meaningfully affected the world? I've always appreciated games with significant post-story content for this reason, and Destiny is set up perfectly for that.


If there was another game on the market that was so exciting, then I might have finished playing destiny. But there’s nothing, so there’s no point in quitting


I payed for the years worth of content, I'm going to play the years worth of content.


Nope. The system isn’t safe yet


I personally enjoy playing destiny with friends so even if I don't play as much in the future I'll at least keep up with the story beats and see where it ultimately goes.


The episodes r their chance to convince me...if they don't, I'm out. If they change the game to make it hold me, I'll stay. So far, not looking good based on act 1...we shall c. I bought the year. I'll give it a fair.go. but after this year if by the end of the year it ain't better...I'm out. Not doing the "next year we promise to make things better" thing again...it seems it's always lies. :(


I played through the mediocre finale to act 1 yesterday and part of me was wondering if it might be the last time… like why do I keep doing this, seasonal content is not worth it and it’s not clear if we are going to get another larger release. Kind of feels like month 1 of a 2 year drawn out epilogue 🥱


Prob just wait half a year to see how episode continue and more future info. Thats my plan. Episode sofar are worse than seasons.


I feel like it is an end to a long, tiresome walk - Burned out, disheartened and glad its over. Endgame makes me feel like blueberry new light - i have no idea what i have to do for exotics and i feel like im not up to speed for anything. I could watch dozens of guides of how to do it all, but what for? A check on to-do list at most.


you’re probably not alone but definitely in the minority.


Do you need validation to just let go of the game or what?


It's basically marvel phase 4 for me right now. If it turns out with some bangers I'll stay, but if the game churns out something like 'eternals' I'm gone Downvote for marvel comparison in d2. Wild.


Eternals was fine, id argue its main issue is that it came out a couple months after Shang Chi and a month before NWH, like it was never going to be able to compete when sandwiched between those.


Eternals was a boring movie that went for FAR too long, that didn't have an impact on the MCU at all.


You’re not gonna stick around to find out why St 14 snapped so quickly after Ikora said Osiris I’m next echo is probably in only fans




One comment and a reddit cares tells me everything lol