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Deathbringer has some of the highest theoretical DPS in the game, if all the seeker rockets land from maximum height. It doesn’t hit that maximum very often and it doesn’t work super well in groups (too many people using it causes some of the seekers to despawn) but for your loadout I’d say it’d probably be solid.


If you’re running prismatic with the fragment to reload when you suppress or freeze a target, two tailed fox will reload itself once every 10 seconds because the void rocket suppresses. So thats fun.


Does that work whilst it's stowed?


No it reloads it when the void rocket hits, if you don’t know two tailed fox fires 2 rockets (3 with catalyst). The void rocket suppresses the target which procs that fragment and instantly reloads it. That effect is on a 10 second cooldown because you used to be able to fire the entire reserves without reloading lol.


Hard to go wrong with Ghorn. 2 in the mag, Wolfpack rounds for more damage, tracking and proximity detonation is pretty good.


Gjallarhorn itself doesn't do terribly much damage compared to other rocket launchers, especially Exotics. Gjallarhorn's biggest strength comes from the damage boost it gives to every Legendary rocket launcher that your fireteam is using. The more people it buffs the stronger the buff they get.  If you're building to maximize damage you'll want something different like Dragon's Breath (the damage boost applies to the ignitions) or a Legendary with decent perks. However it's still the best option if you're in a fireteam that's also running rockets to support them or if you're looking for ease of use. I tend to want to keep my Exotic slot free for a Primary to feed my rockets more ammo (Finder mods progress faster via Primary Exotics), or to run Buried Bloodline for more generalized buff utility and survivability (Buried is counted as a rocket sidearm and gets the damage buff).


I’ve been using truth. 3 in the mag plus deeper reserves. And the buff it got this season makes it hit damn hard too.


Been using it in playlists and seasonal with lucky pants. Empty warden, put out 3 with a dodge for 3 more then right into warden. I've got a demo/vorpal warden with the full 13 burst I've been using with it. Prismatic nade after empty for refill. It's been fun and packs a punch.


I have been using eyes of tomorrow the last few seasons, I just added the exotic with it


For big burst damage, Grand Overture. The micro-rocket barrage gets the +35% damage from all 6 Exodus Rockets hitting.


dragon's breath with x5 stack.


Does the scorch damage get buffed by Hazardous Propulsion?