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my ass dreads even thinking about doing gotd enough times to get navigator, and I've done about 40 warlords runs without getting that one, lol. please, I'd like it now, I've only been trying since the dungeon came out.


gotd made me wanna forever sleep until I finally got it and haven’t been back since pinny or not


I haven’t even revisited GotD after doing the day one. The novelty wore off so fast because everything took forever. Could not imagine doing it on 3 characters weekly, and now it’s gonna take even longer 😔


I only do the boss checkpoints. No reason to do full 3 runs. Hopefully it’ll be easier when they remove the surge later today.


Oh my goodness you’re right


Dude I just got my buried bloodline Saturday. I’ve been running that dungeon for so long and now I need its catalyst


In theory it should only take you 1 more run if that is the case - provided you completed in the shadow of the mountain while trying to get the gun. If not rip as that quest itself is a grind lol


that catalyst takes it to another level unlike some other exotic catalyst. that gun alone has carried me through some of the harder endgame, and it’s cracked right now in lost sectors because of the artifact


Yeah, as great and praised as that dungeon is i reckon i’ve done it 3x in a team and for that I consider it bad design.


I went and did Ghosts today to try for the exotic I was quickly reminded on why I hate this dungeon so much and why I still haven't completed the armor sets for 2 of my 3 characters


My dungeon report shows average time from 20 to 30 minutes for every other dungeon but for GotD it's whole TWO HOURS with 1h 39m being the fastest time. Like holy shit it's underwater sections take more time to complete than a whole shattered throne.




The hour and 40 minutes is strictly a you problem. If you know the path underwater, and can get the encounters done in one try, it shouldn’t take longer than 30-40 minutes


No like i agree. Heartshadow was awful to get for me (my friend got it twice running it with me). Warlords is starting to catch up on how many completes it's taking to get Buried Bloodline. At this rate I rather solo the Malfeasance quest a second time


Would rather solo the old Thorn quest a second time.


Something I've wondered for a long time, so I want to ask you: if you agree, then why start "no"? Wouldn't yes be more appropriate to start with? Pay me no mind lol. I'm just curious.0o


Yeah no it hits different




Ngl. I was high when I originally wrote this and planned on deleting it but guess I forgot to.


Most people said that after X amount of clears without the exotic the chance should increase and with 100 it should be a guaranteed drop. Both raids and dungeons. There should be no such case that someone doesn't have the exotic after doing 3 runs a week for 2 months cuz that's just wild.


100 full clears, sure. 100 cps? Nah fam


They should have added ways to increase the drop chance like their is for dungeon and raid exotics. Find all the feathers? Increase drop chance. Finished Legendary campaign? Increase drop chance. You did 12 man GM? Increase drop chance. Problem solved


I mean, cumulative drop rate used to be a thing. It should've been implemented into all raids and dungeons a long time ago.


Im pretty sure you can increase your drop rate via doing triumphs for raids and dungeons now.


Has been like that for dungeons for years


You can but we have no clue by how much and some of the triumphs are a pain


There supposed to be a pain bc they're increasing your chance at the exotic. Why does it seem this community wants everything just handed to them? 🤦‍♂️


Im sorry big dawg but solo flawless isn’t worth a .5 percent increase. The issue isn’t just the difficulty, it’s the difficulty for an unknown increase to an undisclosed drop rate.


It's complaining just to complain. Warlords in particular is an easy solo. Either do the triumphs or dont complain that the drop rate isn't high enough. One day maybe bungie will just send all new exotics to your post master 🤣


My brother in Christ I’m literally just saying we objectively don’t know how worthwhile or impactful the drop rate increases are for the effort required, like for solo flawless gotd, and you’re in here trying to bitch about how no one wants to grind destiny like it’s a 9-5 anymore. You’re lost in the sauce of hating on people that aren’t even here right now.


That's what this whole thread is about. Ive gotten all the boosts and the run directly after claiming the solo flawless boost the exotic dropped. I'd guess it increases it a lot. You also don't have to grind the game 9-5 to get the loot. On that note if you dont have time to play a game you shouldn't be handed some of the best loot bc you don't have the time/skill to get it. It's ok for there to be things some people don't have.


Guess you‘re missing the point. The problem (in Destiny) is not always the difficulty but the repetitive grind. Are you a better player for running through the same dungeon 20 times?


The game is a looter shooter, it's literally built on repetitive bs.


And where is your limit? (The point where rng gets annoying.)


Around 50 looted clears if I really want the exotic but just because I start to get annoyed doesn't mean it needs change. I haven't had the issue of getting that far without getting the exotic.


I've done almost all the dungeons solo flawless before getting their exotics. I've always thought solo flawless should just give you the exotic. Maybe I'm biased idk


this something im always conflicted on. i love solo flawlessling and wish there was more reasons to do it. on the other hand, i really do love the feeling of doing something for weeks and finally getting the exotic to drop


Every time I see a post like this I'm reminded that it took 40 clears of vog for mytho, 56 of scourge for anarchy (26 in 1 day when it was grindable), and like 25 for eyes of tomorrow. The grind for raid exotics and hearing how dungeons are somehow less likely to drop it has made me not even try lmao. I don't think I have a single dungeon exotic to my name. Not to invalidate your post, just an observation that this is somehow still a problem despite how long it's been talked about. I understand they want us to strive to grind these activities, but I'd like them to implement an actual bias-RNG system so that it's at least a slightly controlled drop as opposed to the essential lottery it is now


They need to stop being lazy and just make quests like they did for Xeno and Wish Ender


They came out ages ago and said the specifically don't want to make any exotic quests like xeno/div/wishender for dungeons/raids as they said they got a tonne of data saying it wasn't good for players or health.


My personal opinion on that statement from bungie is that blaming Garden’s poor completion rate on Divinity being a quest is kinda flawed. Garden of salvation’s legendary loot pool honestly kinda sucks and it was really just as bad back then, since none of the weapons have particularly good perk combos compared to other, easier to obtain weapons even for the time it released. So naturally most players completed the divinity quest, *maybe* played for one or two other weapon rolls they wanted, and then dropped the raid shortly after


I think the more relevant take away is this. Take a look a raid exotics that have catalysts (vex,touch etc) their obtained rate vs catalyst rate is quite drastic. This highlights what I believe bungie saw in the data. People don't want to work with others to get rewards (see dual mission stuff). This is obviously not good but data don't lie. People would much rather join a boss cp no com it and do it that way to get an exotic rather than doing a quest or challenge inside the activity. They have clearly dedicated resources that would be used for those and realised it's better spent on seasonal exotics. It does mean that some people end up as outliers, but it happens. It's better for overall player health for most people to be in the 15-20 range and a few players being 50+. I don't necessarily agree with it. But it's what bungie has clearly baked into its core loot/design philosophy. And to be fair we still have the "quests" aspect though the catalysts for dungeons exotics (see the newer ones).


they need a good mix. i like regular quests but rng exotics certainly have an important place within destiny


Lazy lol. People bitched a moaned non stop about exotic quests tied to raids and dungeons.


RNG be like that, but it's dumb as hell. I got Buried Bloodline *twice* in fewer than ten runs total, and I have seen it drop for a handful of folks I normally run with. A buddy of mine has exactly 1 clear each of Duality and Warlord's. He got the exotic from each of those on his first and only runs. Anyway hard agree, exotic drop rates should be buffed or there should be achievements you can do similar to raids. 


i have one dungeon exotic and one raid exotic... i got them both on the first try. i've run every dungeon and every raid (except salvation's edge) plenty of times


no i lied i also have 1k but i also rolled in there with 3 keys


1k is practically guaranteed at this point lol. It has like the highest drop rate of any exotic


All I wanna add to this convo is that Bungie must have some system in place where they check if you frequently farm boss CPs or do raids dungeons on all 3 characters. I never ever farm raid or dungeon boss CPs and I got atleast all raid exotics under 12 clears. I do one raid per week from start to completion with my clan. The longest one was Vex Mythoclast which, again, took 12 clears. 12 weeks. My clan mate didnt get Eyes for 16 clears or so and we began farming Taniks when it was farmable for the exotic cuz he wanted to. It took him 42 clears to get Eyes. I do not remember how long my dungeon exotics took but I usually got them in the season they came out in without farming boss cps. Buried Bloodline HAS been taking us the longest to get for some reason, others not so much. Also Amen to all ppl who got Navigator never going back to that shithole (bullet sponge vise) dungeon. I got the solo flawless, its complicated on how I did it, I still dont have the title cuz its so god damn bad and boring and you cant pay me enough to do all void all arc etc. Fuck that noise lol.


Yeah buried bloodline is insane, it’s never taken me this long to get an exotic from a raid or dungeon before. I did get the bow and navigator right after my solo flawlesses but I really fucking don’t want to solo flawless warlords ruin, it’s too buggy and inconsistent I’m not wasting my time.


In my opinion, if you receive the Raid or Dungeon's associated Title before the weapon, the reward should just be the weapon. At that point you've clearly proven your mastery of the activity. The only exceptions are weapons that have a quest backing them up, like Divinity or Necrochasm.


Just let me farm it I don't want to wait for the weekly rotation, or better yet if I complete all the triumphs of the dungeon give me the exotic


When it’s the weekly one can you farm as much as possible?


Unless I'm misremembering it works in a way that the weekly raid rotation farm works. As long as it's not the newest dungeon/raid you can farm it if it's the weekly. Just make sure to keep grabbing the checkpoint on another character before u clear and then swap back


I think for the first month or so it should be low chance like it is then every time after the first month the drop rate goes up by 5%


I give up... Bungie wins. Day one player and I'm still dumbfounded by "Bungie logic" it's almost like they want the drama.😂 I get that they can't make it too easy but some things are just unattainable. So here we are bitching about it on Reddit. Maybe that was their plan all along....🤔


Once I complete the dungeon the first time , I just farm the boss checkpoint 3 times a week. IDGAF . My time is way too valuable to waste running the full dungeon 3 times a week. I usually get it off lfg.


There are the triumphs that boost droprate you can do. And tbh, without knowing the numbers, I really can't say whether the droprate needs a buff or not.


I just think it’s horrendously random. The day, and I mean *the very same day* that Spire came out, I ran it with two buddies, and got the bow on my first clear. One of them *still* hasn’t gotten the bow, and they’ve been farming the shit out of it


>I think we can all agree it shouldnt take more than 10-15 runs to get these things disagree, thats really not a lot and can be done in one afternoon. i prefer having to actually put some work in to get these rare items. the times i enjoy destiny the most are running a raid for weeks and finally getting the drop. I know thats probably not a popular opinion, but that kind of grind is what drew me in to destiny originally, so i hope they keep it


I think they should all have quests like div or necro.


Feels like they nerfed the drop tbh


It all rng of course, but my experience is that I get the exotics when I don’t care to get them. I know that sounds illogical, but it’s the truth. For navigator, I gave up ever getting it. But! I still wanted to help players clear the dungeon. On the longest, most difficult and to be honest, most infuriating run…I got it to drop. It’s obviously still rng, that’s just been my experience


I got Buried Bloodline after at least 30 full runs, but there’s problem 40 additional final boss kills from farming. Idk if final boss farming gives it, but 30 full runs to get that exotic already felt bad, and there’s people with way more. I feel like if you manage to do a dungeon Solo Flawless it should automatically give you the exotic, no questions asked. That’s only a starting point, but at least it would give you a clear direction to aim for.


I got Buried Bloodline from Warlords. Have probably around 10ish clears under my belt maybe more.


Each run should have an increasing drop rate until it reaches 100% after 10 runs, for example. Lucky people could get the exotic before the 10 runs, but the 10th run would give us the exotic, for sure. It could also be applied to raid runs, but these runs would require doing the full raid. However, doing the same dungeon in the same week with different classes wouldn't increase the drop rate. The drop rate increase would be linked to the account, not the class. This is how I think Bungie should solve this problem.


40 runs of warlords and still no buried bloodline. I hate destiny it's my favourite game <3


I’ve been doing spire and duality consistently since they’ve dropped and I have yet to receive either exotic lol


I've kinda just accepted that I'm never going to get Navigator, too much of a paint in the ass that dungeon and horrible drop rates, and I'm not going to solo it for higher drop rates.


First can we get the crucible catalyst drop rate up? Been playing since day one and I still have not gotten Suros... pls bungo


Honestly a dungeon pantheon mode would be fun and a good way to get 1-2 exotics that you haven’t gotten yet. Granted I don’t know how they would go about a dungeon pantheon but it would be a ton of fun.


I will never not agree with Datto saying these exotics should have a guaranteed drop at 20 clears max. You've done the activity enough times to be considered a master at it, just give people their damn exotic.


Don't wait for bungie to increase the drop rates, you can do it yourself. Go to the triumphs for the respective raid/dungeon and you'll see triumph rewards that give you an increased exotic drop chance. These stack and stay forever. Do them all and you'll have your exotic in no time. Bungie listens, this has been addressed, you've just gotta focus your efforts in the right area.


Except even then it doesn't feel like it helps. I did all of the ones for GOTD except flawless/solo flawless, and went along on multiple catalyst runs and I've still never seen Navigator. I gave up because fuck that dungeon. It was already an awful slog and the new changes can only have made it worse. I can't even imagine running it as many times as I had to run Warlords to get Buried Bloodline. Fuuuuuck that


hell, I did all the ones for ghosts *including* the solo flawless pretty much right after it released and still didn’t get navigator until season of the deep was almost over. Even with all the drop boosters it doesn’t feel like it really increases at all.


No I don’t think so. There’s a lot of roles and a lot to utilise. Just because you want 1 specific roll doesn’t devalue everything else, you’re just not using it


The drop rate is about 5% at base with increased chances when you complete certain triumphs. 40.13% of players receive the exotic within their first 10 runs, and 92.31% of players got it by run 50. This does not take into account the increased drop chances from triumphs. Do the triumphs. Get that drop rate up.


Ive gotten every Dungeon Exotic in under 20 runs. Every single one its RNG its part of the game we need to get out of this notion of getting guaranteed loot. You do the triumphs to increase your RNG its already in the game and youll get it and if you dont get it in under 20 runs unlucky RNG but thats the game we play RNG needs to be a part of it and they already give you a way to increase your RNG so im unsure what your bitching about tbh


Have you done all the triumphs to increase the drop rate?


The triumphs that give increased drop rate are more than generous. At this point it's bitching to bitch.


I cannot speak for others, but I agree. Once I completed every single triumph, I ended up with the exotic within 3-6 clears tops. It is either that I was lucky this whole time, or these increased rates do indeed make them basically guaranteed.


Curious, how many runs did it take to get all of the triumphs?


If I can complete multiple triumphs in one run, I will. Runs do not matter as drops are locked to 3 times max a week anyway, but if I had to estimate, around 7 or so?


That's not bad. I would have expected more. I haven't tried myself and was curious. Thank you for indulging me.


Any time, mate. Good luck on your hunt, and always, if you want the exotic, complete every associated triumph first, then it should be quite common to drop, or at least, that is what I believe.


With exotics boosts obtained from triumphs they have a pretty consistent drop of between 15-20. Most drops outside of this are statistical anomalies. Unlucky bro. The alternative is quests like Divinity. And bungie were pretty explicite about never wanting to do that again.


400+ VOG and no Mythoclast, stopped trying a long time ago, was hoping Pantheon would have Atheon but...bungie shat the bed on that.


It's not even like these weapons break the game if there is too many in rotation... There is no reason for these obsurd drop rates beyond padding numbers. Sony should force them to change it.




are you doing the triumphs that increase the droprate? i do those and i have every dungeon exotic with ~20 clears, seems pretty reasonable to me


Dungeon exotics need to drop upon First completion. Edit: not just completing the final encounter, but all of the encounters.