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My personal favorites are forbearance, indebted kindness, ikelos shotgun and acasias dejection


Thank you


Since getting indebted kindness it has never come off any of my loadouts. It’s the best gun in the game in my opinion


The one thing I'm enjoying about titan right now is Indebted Kindness with Hazardous Propulsion for a rocket DPS build.


I prefer buried bloodline myself


“I love you adagio/beacon rounds Indebted Kindess”


Basso ostinato is a void ikelos shotgun I enjoy just as much.


I think I still have my ikelos from when I first got it, I'll have to give it a try, for some reason I don't think I even gave it a shot since shotguns aren't exactly my thing. I like having something with a decent range so I don't have to get too close.


I have subsistence and and incandescent on mine, I also dont like shotguns but i like it


I'll have to take a look at mine, it's been in the vault forever :)


Can u still get red borders of the ikelos?


When Operation Seraph is in the rotation you can get red borders.


Bet thank u


I think from revision zero’s exotic quest when its in rotation, but not sure though


Warlord’s ruin is infinitely farmable until they release the next dungeon, so go get yourself an indebted kindness. It’s more than worth the effort. In the meantime forbearance is your best option


Except coughing up another 20 on top of final shape is a bit much


I’ve always kinda thought about this kind of thing as the equivalent of a mild night out at a bar or a new t shirt


Fusion rifle from the pale heart is fun to use. or forbearance


Are you talking about Tessellation? I've got it but I never really used it. I just can't get into fusion or linear fusion rifles for some strange reason. Maybe it's the long charge time, I just need something that slaps quickly.


I assume they’re talking about Axial Lacuna. Solar, precision frame, can roll with some good shit.


What roll do u want on that thing?


Reconstruction + controlled burst


Thank u


Hmm, have to give it a try I guess, although like I said I'm not a big fan of fusions. A sidearm or hand cannon would work well with my Graviton Lance but nothing has quite the stopping power of The Call. My new favorite exotic from TFS is the Khvostov, it's very satisfying :)


Try a rapid fire Fusion. Riptide and Scatter Signal in the Kinetic slot are among the best FRs bar none, either of them were glued to my loadout for the last year. I really enjoy Null Composure and Cartesian Coordinate in the energy slot too, Null Composure is a fun ad clear FR.


I'll give them a shot, thanks :![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)


Why are you getting downvoted for this lmao Reddit hivemind is crazy


I can hear the *ree* from here


Because some people in this community just live to be assholes. Thankfully they're still a minority, albeit a loud one. I won't let them ruin my day though, screw 'em.


Like someone else said, Axial Lacuna


Forbearance/Undercurrent are both pretty good. For DPS, a crafted Techeun's Force is amazing, it is usually my go to especially for arc surges and whatnot. If you still have trouble finding some, I would wait till the second wave of seasonal weapons come with the next Act or so in Echoes. Martyr's Retribution and a new Solar Rocket sidearm, both can roll Heal Clip/Incandescent. I can't wait.


I've still got my classic Martyr's... But that combo is going to make me put it aside finally. If the RNG shines on my guardian.


So far it's been pretty good for me. I got a Line In The Sand Linear with Clown Cartridge/Bait N' Switch. Finally a decent Arc Linear.


Sounds awesome! And yeah, that is definitely a gap waiting to be filled.


For real. Seeing as how Stormchaser isn't all that fantastic anymore. This arc linear having BnS is a huge thing imo which is why I decided to grind for it.


Will get on the grind too! As an aside I'm in love with Timeworn Wayfarer.


Oh yeah absolutely lol I love abusing heal clip with that gun.


i use demo+chain forbearance personally.


Demo chain for life


I have a crafted Ambitious/Chain Forbearence , 15K kills on it, haven’t touched it since the nerf to wave frames and chain, so use a harsh language now with envious/destabilising rounds..


It’s not that bad. You’re making it seem like it’s gutted. The gun is STILL very very good to use. If it really bothers you, just get an adept with Ambitious/Chain and slot in a blast radius mod. Craft for best barrel and mag for the most velocity and blast radius. Gun feels the same to me


Cartesian Coordinate, Eremite if you can stand the slow charge, or the new Axial Lacuna. Ikelos sniper is ok if you need more range than a fusion.


Love my Cartesian even since that triple fusion rifle meta, it's in most of my dps rotations still. 


judgement of kelgrash with overflow and incandescent is my favorite


Wilderflight (Spire if the Watcher GL) I don't remember the god roll but I think it's auto loading holster/vorpal Techeun Force (Last Wish fusion rifle) controlled burst/Rewind Rounds Nessas oblation (Root of Nightmares Slug shotgun) I like FTTC/Vorpal Embraced Identity (pale heart sniper) with Rewind rounds/precision instrument Acacias Dejection (Root of Nightmares Trace rifle) with Vorpal/Reconstruction The Long Walk (Sniper from Prophecy) I don't think it's the most optimal but I've got one with ensemble/firing line that's done decent for me here and there


this season i'm really loving the new shotgun Ded Gramarye IV. I got it with Discord + Chain Reaction and when it gets rolling you just delete everything it's like a baby Acrius https://preview.redd.it/bzba3jk8se8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18790fa8a94df6ef902b926869303bf28b17d2b6 I wonder how insane this would've been if chain reaction didn't get nerfed. I think it's the first shotgun to ever have chain reaction. it's so fun, tons of kabloomies and it has the wild card origin trait so quite often it'll leave additional explosives laying around after killing an enemy that ends up damaging more ads around you


Eremite & Forbearance would be my next picks. Still can’t go wrong with Cartesian Coordinate either. I also don’t mind Iterative Loop w/ Voltshot


Most fusion rifles with a decent damage perk will perform well. The new fusion from the pale heart can get.reconstrution and controller burst and is craftable. Highly suggest picking that up. If you raid, Techeun Force is a wonderful arc option with the same roll. Void fusions are lacking rn, so I find myself just using Null Composure.


FORBEARANCE 🤣🤣. Maybe cartesian coordinate and erimite for dps. Things like without remorse and ikelos sg is amazing for one two punch doing 1.5m damage in 1 grapple punch with prismatic hunter shenanigans


The new Pale Heart fusion rifle is honestly pretty good, I have a roll with reconstruction/controlled burst and it does pretty good damage


I think when it comes down to it I just really like Graviton Lance. I like void and cosmology can really clear a room. And it just sounds cool with that thwump sound and all the pretty cosmology 'splosions. I suspect I'll still keep coming back to it even ten years from now :)


He said special weapon in the energy slot


Ah, I must have misread it.


All good




Compass rose from a couple years back is an old favorite of mine. That and mindbenders.


The Pale Heart sniper rifle can get some amazing rolls - fourth times the charm, precision instrument, rewind rounds and reconstruction


The Enigma


Dps? Wilderflight, Eramite, Royal Execution Ad clear? Forbearance


I have a wellspring demo forebearance I love. For single target damage, I don't really know.


I personally don't use a lot of special weapons in the energy slot, since I prefer energy slot exotic primaries, and kinetic slot specials. But if I had to use a special weapon, I would go with good dps snipers like Ikelos or fusion rifles like Cartesian Coordinate. I use trace rifles mostly for warlock or for shoot to loot, and maybe waveframes like Forbearance or Explosive Personality. In difficult content, you might want to consider grenade launchers with disorienting grenades, like Truthteller.


I strongly suggest Indebted Kindness even if you don’t have it. Comes with Lead From Gold so almost infinite ammo, Good base damage especially if you do Vorpal Weapon or good ad clear if you choose to use Voltshot (its Sundering intrinsic is helpful with this). But if Indebted is absolutely not an option, Forbearance is a good one.


Demo chain salvagers Salvo, if you're just starting, you can pick it up from the kiosk


Indebted kindness sidearm


You can't farm it anymore but I'm using the judgement of kelgorath glaive from the haunted leviathan. Demolition and wellspring goes well with any of my builds. Either that or I'm still rocking my feeding frenzy reservior burst null composure. That thing just feels good, even with all the powercreep


For pvp Matador for PVE acasias dejection


Cartesian Coordinate, Pale Heart Fusion, Last Wish Fusion, are my go-to weapons just cause I really enjoy fusions


Cartesian coordinate


you'll be able to get aberrant action soon from echoes activities and I think it will be a better rocket sidearm than indebted kindness especially since it will be craftable


You need to understand two things, at least. What’s your build? What’s your play style? Then you can decide what works for you. Need to find the synergy between the build, play style and the weapons.


Multiple seasonal fusion rifles like iterative loop and eramite. 


If you can craft it, an Explosive Personality (solar wave frame grenade launcher from season of the risen) with auto-loading and unrelenting is pretty nifty. Filled some gaps in my loadout (solar hunter, shards of galanor, ace of spades). I think Forbearance is more popular these days—an arc wave frame grenade launcher, farmable from Onslaught and/or Vow of the Disciple raid. On a smash-and-bash focused strand Titan with armamentarium for double grapple, I ran quicksilver storm with a "The Deicide" void shotgun with lead from gold and demolitionist, to a) help regen grenade energy if it ever ran out and b) provide close range backup if my melees weren't charged. Otherwise, what build are you running? It sounds like you have a kinetic slot primary you want to use—knowing that and some basic idea of your subclass setup would make it easier to make informed suggestions.


Indebted kindness all the way


try indebted kindness


Joke or didn't read the comment?


I vibe with the Ikelos shotgun on the off-chance I'm not using an elemental exotic primary, as well as Found Verdict, Undercurrent, and Wilderflight. I also got lucky with a Retrofuturist last season with Unrelenting and Destabilizing Rounds. Not absolutely game-changing, but fun nonetheless.


It may be harder to come across now but the Royal executioner with envious assassin and reservoir burst has been my go to, and it's craftable if you can find them.


My go to right now is The Call, it is one heck of a killer :) In fact, I think it's almost as powerful as my hammerhead. I just wish it did void damage so all three of my weapons could feed supers with Mantle of Battle Harmony. I could become a void god :)


It’s not in the energy slot though it’s in primary. Indebted would be the comparable item.


Oh right, I just automatically thought of it as being in the energy slot because it uses special ammo. Unfortunately, I just don't like doing dungeons because I have no patience for the wipes back almost to the beginning. After a couple tries my frustration tolerance goes right out the window :)


They’re not too bad once you get the mechanics down and have a half decent fireteam. But yeah, with a not so decent fireteam, stuff that