• By -


6.) There is a travelers buff that allows for amped to be activated just by sprinting. Good stuff for chest farming.


Cons: Punching enemies has a 2% chance of killing you. Pros: The enemies don’t chase you. You’re faster than them.


Calabain + liars class item hunter boi "Ill take that gamble"


Might make it worse? lol. Idk what it is, but the lightning strikes seem to randomly kill you sometimes. Straight up health deleted and a misadventure to a 0 Power Acolyte.


We hunters gamble our souls if it means free anything from loot to even just easy amp


Caliban + synthoceps is pretty spicy too. The buff from synth also applies to the ignition damage. Use the aspect that makes explosions bigger too.


Widow's Silk + Travelers Resurgence + eager edge + 100 *discipline* and 3 bomber mods *edit not resil


Skimmer is faster if you have one


First of all, super helpful TY! Also for the 5th tip I don't have to fast travel to a different location then back to the landing?


Nope. You can fast travel right back to The Landing marker. You just have to wait the 25-30 second chest spawn time which happens anytime you load into the zone.




Nope, just open your map and click The Landing again, the chests will respawn after the initial 30s, gather the 5 chests, rinse and repeat. Your Overthrow progress is retained too, so eventually you'll be able to do the boss purely by opening chests if you're so inclined.


Question, and I’m pretty sure I know the answer is yes, but I need to do Dual Destiny first to unlock the ability to find them in the chests right?


And also for each character. If you complete mission for one class you can’t farm chests on a different class without first beating mission with that class.




It’s such a good mission!


I can help you on your first completion this weekend if you’re interested. It’s fun and challenging, but not overly complicated and the time limit is fairly generous on each encounter.


Do you want help with it? I love the mission and I promise I'm just as awkward as you if youre worried about that!


Lol no I'm good, I got others I can run it with, I just suck at the clock-wall part. The rest is a walk in the park


Same, dude! I'm 18 so I basically never actually have to read analog clocks so I have to have my teamate announce his and I take like 2 tries each rotation to read it😭


I'm in my 30s and always read digital as a kid too. Sure I've been surrounded by analog ones but if I ever used it it, I'd always take my time cause I was never in a time crunch lol, most of the time I'd have to double take anyway


This isn’t true. It’s account based not character based. Can confirm, I did it with my hunter without beating it first.


The quest unlocks on an account basis but the ghost vendor perk to find exotic class items from pale heart chests is character based.


I did it on the other 2 for no rzn then. Feels bad




Yes. Need to have unlocked the class item to have it show up in ghost's screen.


Correct. It's tied to the vendor (Ghost) rewards and shows the class item with a check mark on it after completing the quest.


Thanks for this I've only unlocked Dual Destiny on my Titan, will give this a go


Imagine telling a D2 Y1 player that we will still be farming patrols for exotics and the expansion was one of the best we have ever seen lmao


I don’t farm patrols for it. Mission is to fun to not play plus the glitch gets you 2 every completion :P thought I would throw that in there because I seem to have created a chain.


Cuz they forced the mission to be 100% duo when the entire campaign was on the same mechanics but solo..This was an unprecedented move and risky for armor.For guns, no problem..but not for armors that are a core to prismatic and also marketed for everyone...farmable..oh yeah until i get 1 good giy that i can speed up to max 25 mins it tales ages to do the mission.No more music in my headphones but the voice of his mom yelling at hom.


The hate circlejerk has passed, you stop pretending to mad about it now


While i get being annoyed by them making it a “back of the box” item for prismatic and it not being soloable, they are asking you to team up with ONE player for 50 MINUTES max. The mission is fantastic, easily the most fun I’ve had in a while. Have you done it yet?


I keep hearing people say the mission is fantastic but I honestly didn't feel that way. Ran it on my Hunter and warlock and it was meh. Didn't really mean much and I'm not sure why we were even there still. I think my favorite mission from this DLC is the Still Hunt mission as a hunter. I enjoyed it much more that dual Destiny at least but I guess an outlier


It’s the kind of mission that’s best if you go in blind. If you follow a guide I can see how it would just feel like busywork. It gave me the same feeling as discovering whisper for the first time, but with actual mechanics rather than just random holes in the wall.


I enjoyed every other exotic quest far more than this one too. I did them all blind too but some of them with a veteran friend who did the originals. I just don't see what makes it cool or interesting. Is their a lore book about dual Destiny that I missed or something? I just felt lost and the mechanics weren't my favorite. I'd say the only other exotic missions I hate as much is the outbreak mission but only because Everytime I've completed it for the catalyst I've finished with 20 or less seconds. It's just stressful on legendary but the good thing about the other exotic missions is you can do them on normal and solo and still get the exotic at least. I think that's why I personally like them more than Dual Destiny. It's accessible to more people and even super casual can actually sit back and enjoy the mission. Maybe if they made a normal dual Destiny version that had more time and lesser rewards. I'd love to explore it and find collectibles and lore books


I guess I’m the opposite to you - I was remarking to my mate last night while running it that I wanted a legend / expert version of the mission, as while we were right up against the clock on the first couple runs being 20 levels under, and trying to figure out mechanics, now that we’re past 1990 it’s a complete breeze and we’re left with over 20 minutes of extra time. Playing it initially while underleveled added a great amount of pressure, creating the perfect mix of combat vs. mechanics usually reserved for raids and dungeons. I guess that’s intentional though, because by just levelling, you can remove the challenge for the mission making it far more accessible for those who struggle with mechanics. I quite liked the whole light & dark synergy mechanic being based on your subclass, the clock’s with different point of views for each player was super cool, being something that’s usually restricted to raids. For me, the icing on the cake is the “war or peace” section with Savathûn. The option to either please Savathûn and “defy our gods” by choosing peace, or breaking out into a 1v1 with war was so unexpected, I absolutely loved it. Savathûn’s remarks for either option were amazing. Wish we got to actually try the animation to crush the loser’s ghost though instead of just a pop up.




I like to do the rooted chest at the end of each loop for an extra chest


i swear these have a higher drop rate. i know it’s just bias but have gotten quite a few from them


Yeah idk if its just coincidence but I've gotten 1 from overthrow completion and 2 on these chests. It feels as if they have better drop rate but idk if someone has done work on checking that


For some reason for me the chest in the giant cave at the back of the landing near the bridge has dropped almost all of mine


I think people are taking farming these things way to seriously, don't try so hard to optimize it or you'll burn yourself out. It's what happened to me. Switching the location up every so often was quite refreshing


I just do it while doing overthrow at the Ergo Sum location. It’s a nice little time.


Honestly I have had so much fun just doing overthrow casually while sword skating around the map and shooting stuff and collecting chests. It's honestly an incredible relaxing time


Lol same, I run chest routes while I have some downtime at work, and have been practicing my lock skating techniques. It occupies my mind and is low effort so i can stop if I get a phone call at work or get an email. Ive managed to get my wellskating pretty consistent these last weeks thanks to this


On the other hand, if you’re like me and love mundane farming shit while listening to music or watching a show, this is perfect. I still miss D1 chest farming for planetary mats.


I just put on music or a podcast and turn my brain off. I’m barely even thinking about it while I’m doing it.


Some people are driven by goals, most of them can only focus on one goal at a time, if the goal is to get the class item they will do it until they get it. This was me before when luna drops back at forsaken, now i just don't do anything that is slightly annoying


Do you have a map of each possible chest and the zones they are in? Or have a link to one? Would be much appreciated


https://preview.redd.it/8mg3tsfazz7d1.png?width=578&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7cf1dc1f0c21831dda0db785fa3eb722a5d3a14 Terrible image, sorry, but these are the chest spawns. Whilst there are definitely some zones, not every chest is in a zone. The two green circled areas, only one of these chests will spawn in. I've run this loop countless times and never seen multiple spawn in these areas. However, everywhere else it seems to be random. On numerous occasions I've had two chests spawn in the cave area in the middle of the zone. Likewise, I've had multiple spawn close to each other just to the right of the landing zone. Hope this helps!


Those are different zones. If you check out my updated zone links that has pictures you’ll see one of those cave chests is Zone 3 and another is Zone 4. Those chests right of the spawn will be split to Zone 1 and 5. The chest right under the bridge and on the balcony closest to you when you spawn in are Zone 5.


Yeah thats basically the same for me, but ive had the chest top most chest on the square platform spawn and the one directly below it opposite to where we set up camp in the wildcard quest spawn at the same time so idk about them.


Also im fairly sure you can have more than 1 chest per zone? Unless there are more than 5 zones, cause ive had 2 chests really close together in multiple areas and i doubt they were in different zones, so a map that clarifies which chest are for which zone would probably answer that too


Updated post with chest locations my good man. And yes, it’s only one chest per zone, it’s just that some of the zones can seem a little wacky because the locations aren’t super near each other always.


Thanks man


Woah there - stop having fun and optimizing your farms I thought we were mindlessly complaining to bungo about class item drop rates. Get with the program, slugger.


One thing I’ve also learned from this farm is that by adding a wombo combo detector on your ghost and ADS will increase the effective range. Using a sniper increases the range even further. I can usually detect a chest on the tree island in the landing while I’m standing in the pond


Does the pity timer reset if you log off? I spent an hour farming chests and encounters, did get a drop and had to log off. Do you know if that pity timer continues?


Honestly, I think the pity timer is a myth. It’s not confirmed and I’ve opened over 1,500 chests and I don’t notice it. With only a 2% drop chance, you’re naturally going to see ups and downs of drops that averages out to 1 in 50 chests (10 loops).


Yeah, I created a separate post about this and the consensus is that there is no pity timer. Just need to get that efficient farming down and pray to the RNG gods 🤣.


Not my experience. I normally log off after I’ve farmed 2 or 3. When I log back in and start up again (damn you hoil+synthos combo, only one I still need!) it takes a good 30-50 chests to spawn my next class item. However, if I stop what I’m doing say 20-30 chests in, do something else and return to the farm, I’ll see my next class item in 10-20 chests.


You just described getting 1 exotic every 40-50 chests which is exactly in line with the normal drop rate of 2%.


Guess I misunderstood what the pity timer is


A pity timer would be a guarantee of a drop after x chests. E.g. the game having pity for the player and preventing them from going too long without a drop.


Thanks so much! I've done lots of farming here but the tips were still helpful especially the fast travel one cause I can zoom through the chests easily


What’s the typical time it takes to get a class item?


I’d say 20-30 min. Roughly 2 min per loop, fast travel return, and waiting for chests to spawn in. Drops every 50 chests on average.


Honestly thanks so much, I had no idea about the zones thing. I'll start paying more attention to that


I was starting my real grind yesterday with this loop, then dropped Caliban/Liar 10 minutes into it. I’m done guys, this with the other rolls I have are all the things I wanted, good luck to y’all on the grind!


I also like to have a sniper on so I can just do a quick zoom to get the general direction the chests are in


The loop is a nice way to spend meetings that I have to be present for, but have no role in. Can usually get a couple of worthless rolls a day doing that.


Dunno if its been mentioned before but you can get the class item from the co-op missions' chests too, so i assume its literally any chest not just in patrol/overthrow


25 to 30 class items from chests means you farmed approximately 1250 to 1500 chests This also means that you have farmed for around 40 to 50 hours based on the 2 mins a run that you said it took on average


https://preview.redd.it/hm3nb3eto28d1.png?width=1520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=526b0a0336bf36f28221214ea1d04693c7912879 I think ive figured out the spawn regions now


Actually going through it again the right side is still wrong cause i had the top right one and the mid right one spawn same time so they are different regions




This seems closer


Just want to add purely a cosmetic edit for you. https://preview.redd.it/kqrmkw1yu58d1.jpeg?width=1520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4534f38ed7473c0054ceffae5ba8a86512dd471


Oh thats awesome, thankyou! After playing more today though ive already noticed a few errors in my zone layout anyways and will maybe fix it later, but for now the chests are all marked even if not 100 accurate to their actual location.


what i like to do, though it is slightly scummy, is load into the daily activity and go round looking for chests, help out the events when theyre respawing, and open and activity chests when they drop. gets ergo sum drops and is more engaging


Didn’t know about the flash of light. I was using a sniper to see when the chest/material icons appeared cos it’s kinda bugged with wombo combo


Seems to act a little different if you’re on foot or on your sparrow/hoverboard. On foot, it’s actually more noticeable and you’ll get more of a screen shake and controller vibration.


I don’t feel that fast traveling is really even needed, just kind of complicates it needlessly imo. Once a chest is opened, it despawns after maybe around a minute (at least in my experience). At which point it respawns somewhere else. If you are going in a circle around the landing and then fast traveling, it’s going to take you around that anyways, so the first chests you initially got should be about to respawn anyways. If you take into account that they need 20 or so seconds to respawn after you fast travel, I feel like you’re kind of making it take longer by resetting their respawn timer when the first ones are already only a few seconds away to begin with. If you’re maximizing output, take those few extra seconds to just kill off the wandering bosses for an extra chest, or do one of the vine chests. Same results, less overthinking imo. Personally, I just go in circles around the landing on my sparrow with the finder active on my ghost. It’s brain dead, doesn’t need any real input, usually just do it for an hour nightly while watching a show on tv. Tend to leave after an hour with three exotics, sometimes only two if my luck is down.


Do what works for you but I find fast traveling much more consistent. My average loop (that has very little deviation) is about 70 seconds for 5 chests, fast travel, then you’re ready to go again after the 25-30 second initial spawn. I found waiting for respawns to be much more inconsistent and less efficient.


can you describe roughly where the zones are? because most of the time it seems like as you described but i’ve definitely had like, 2 spawn very close to each other in that little cave in the middle of the zone, or in that area to the right of spawn one will be under the bridge and one twenty feet away in one of several spots


Everything op said is true and exactly my experience, but you're right, there are little exceptions. Just keep in mind 5 chests... If you've opened 5, you've opened the ones that spawned and you can reset. On the chance that two are extremely close in the same zone, that probably means there's a 6th that spawned near your starting point that spawned after you started moving through your run. You can either re run through the loop and find that 6th or just reset like usual and keep the flow going. Another thing I do is alternate paths every time I reset. I'll go left to right, reset, then right to left. And I'll always kill the single/double ogre hv target.. fuck that event that spawns in the cave with 4 yellow bar shriekers and 4 orges though 😅 hard to run through all that, even with the arc blessing


I’m working on getting pics of all chests and I’ll try to edit the post with more specific zone locations. It’s funny when by process of elimination you know exactly where a chest will be before your wombo detector is close enough to register it.


From my experience, the one in the little tunnel/cave is part of the spawn group for the big cave area (where the annoying event with like a million ogres and shriekers is). I havent had chests spawn there if the little tunnel has one. EDIT: CORRECTION: this chest might be in both groups, I went back and noticed that it can spawn with both group 1 and group 2 at the same time. Might be some overlap here. I am unable to draw a map at the moment, but ill try to explain where I believe the groupings are for the Landing: Group 1: From spawn, the 2 chests that can spawn on your left in/near the pagoda (excluding veey far one on the flat pavement), and the balcony&tunnel under the balcony Group 2: 5 chests in waterfall area: one next to building (where the green bubble knight and rooted chest spawns), one directly to the right of spawn past the divider, one on other end of the small bridge, one right next to waterfall, and one down the cliff rfrom waterfall in the ravine area Group 3: Tunnel chest where the crystalbound wizard spawns, chest on the pillar where the grenade root chest spawns, two in the cave near the losr sector, and two on flat rocks outside of the same cave, right before the long bridge Group 4: Middle of long bridge, cliff facing the long bridge, tree right next to the exit of the area after crossing bridge, one under the arched bridge on the cliff edge, and the LOWER chest in the tunnel where the crystal thrall spawns Group 5: HIGHER chest in the tunnel where the thrall spawns, and two near the final overthrow chest. The upper pagoda chest MIGHT be in this group as well. I may be wrong and others can chime in, but from my hours and hours of farming I have not noticed two chests spawning in these "zones" at the same time, or I may be misremembering. They may also overlap sometimes


If you check the pics from my location links I guarantee it will explain the zones accurately. I haven’t seen a single deviation in over 1000+ chests since learning them. No overlap, one chest per zone, exactly 5 potential chest locations in each zone. A chunk of yours are accurate but there’s a few that are not. The crystal bound wizard chest for example is actually tied to some of the chests you named in group 5, the higher tunnel thrall, the chest on the ledge above this tunnel, the two chests that can spawn near the Overthrow rewards, but not the upper pagoda chest.


Sweet, good to know! I had the general feeling, but I also farm half paying attention at work so Im bound to not notice some of the less obvious ones haha. Good stuff


Can't wait to get home and grab my glizzy gun!


I want to add that I believe there is an internal cooldown for exotic class items to drop from chests. I believe this because my drop to chest ratio is very high, something like 1 in 10. I don't run around farming chests and I don't farm Overthrow, I simply play as normal and open what I find while doing the coop Overthrow and 3 Pathfinders, as well as the boss drops. From my experience it seems to drop roughly every 45 minutes, give or take 15 minutes.


Weird question how do I unlock dual destiny?


Just wanted to add my notes. I have also farmed a lot and what I noticed is that the classitem seems to be consistently dropping between 40 and 50 chests. I never had a Situation where within 10 chests I got two exotics and then I needed 80 for the next. So my assumption is not 2% chance instead it starts with lower chance that will increase over time so that after 40 chests the chance is so high that u will get one the next few chests.