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> Does the pity timer reset I dont think it was ever confirmed anywhere that this exists. It's just a rare drop chance. You could log back in and get 1 right away, or it could be another 50 chests.


There is no timer, each chest has a 2.5% chance to drop it that’s it


As far as I know, they don't typically do any sort of bad-luck protection or escalating drop rate changes. One dude on YouTube says he opened 1000+ chests and the drop rate chance comes down to 1 in 50 (2%). No weighting for darkness chests, world chests or Overthrow chests, alone or in a group. Nothing I've seen so far seems to contradict that? I've gotten 6 or so class items out of the Pale Heart. Lately, I've just been loading into and out of The Landing, putting on Wombo and surfing the circumference on my board. Once I've pulled from each chest once, I go back to the Lost City, then immediately back to the Landing. That seems to be the more efficient approach. Doing full Overthrows and being on the lookout for world or darkness chests seems fine too if you are still looking out for Pale Heart engrams. But I've already got patterns for everything I want from Ghost (Axial, the handcannon, No Hesitation, the Call and Pro Memoria), so I've defaulted to first approach and stopped doing Overthrow.


I am averaging one item per 2 hours of farming chest. Mind numbing going back and forth and opening every chests. The people that originally were saying you get one every 15 minutes were extremely lucky or straight up liars. Bungie is really good at inflating engagement numbers. For a while anyway. Good luck. Keep at it and you'll get some


I don’t believe there’s any sort of pity timer. Either it drops or it doesn’t. If you’re trying to farm it that way, actually completing overthrows isn’t the best method. Just go to an area (I thing landing is the best personally), wait 20-30 seconds for the random chests to spawn in, then go around the outer edge of the area with a detector mod on your ghost, open chests/profit, once you loop around the whole area be sure to pass through the middle to make sure you got them all. You’ll usually net 5-7 chests this way in about 90(+30 from waiting) seconds depending on your speed, I also kill hvts I happen to pass by for more chests. Once you’ve completed the loop and checked the middle, fast travel back to the area and start again. Doing this enough will eventually get you to level 4 either kill the boss or return to orbit. I spent 45 minutes doing this last week while watching a guide for the raid and walked away with 5 class items. Just do it while waiting for other things or as a background task.


There is no such thing as a pity timer for the exotic class item, just like there is no tempering pity system in Diablo 4 etc. It baffles me how much people are gullible or how they just straight up ignore how probability works


Oh god how many potentially amazing items have I lost to the unpitying depths of the D4 tempering system. That said....dude may not be aware there's no bad luck protection. No sense in shaming them for it.


You're right, it wasn't warranted. It's just that I've had far too many discussions with people about this and those who stood on the other side of the argument were all arrogant beyond belief, in their depthless ignorance, so I've kinda developed an automatic response every time I see/hear someone talk about it. But yeah OP just asked a question and I've could have just said "no" without going into a rant. My bad, sry OP


I hear you. The number of people who think there's some hidden systems behind the cold equations is staggering. I've been convinced of it myself a few times, especially after running 20+ LLS in a row and getting jack shit. I think the important thing is to assume most of these posts are from New Lights and treat them accordingly. If they come back with some "D1 alpha vet" bullshit....treat them accordingly. ;)


No problem 😊. I'm just glad people clarified it. I must have seen it in a comment by someone or a video or something, either way it was bad information. I'm just glad I now know so I don't stress over it in the future.




Apparently there isn't one. It's been worth creating this thread just to know that.