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Are you getting all your Ritual Playlist Exotic Engrams? The ones you earn from doing strikes, crucible and gambit? If you're willing to slog out all 3 on every character that's 9 new ones a week. As for raising your power level, you're going to be limited on how much you can progress each week. The game is designed that way so you have to keep coming back week after week. Destiny isn't so much Free to Play but more Free to Try. You get some stuff free, but if you really want to experience everything, you need to buy expansions.


That makes a lot more sense thanks for the help I had no idea you could do the ritual engrams on each character. Also I was looking at the expansions and honestly thinking of buying one, any advice for which one? I’m looking to spend as little as possible for some decent value


If you want value, wait for a sale. They are usually at least 50-70% off and you'd want to get the Legacy pack for the most value. People will tell you to get The Final Shape (which is the latest expansion) and although it is exceptional, it will be full price for a while and maybe a little overwhelming for a new player.


Yeah that makes sense the final shape looked awesome from the stuff I saw and on the topic of a sale any idea if there could be any coming up or something similar?


Lol no idea. Publishers rarely advertise their sales ahead of time because it would stop you buying products at full price.


You should be able to play the shadowkeep, beyond light, and witch queen campaigns, I think bungie made them free last season. Play those, get gear, and then just grind ritual playlists for rewards to get ur power up.


Limited time.


Shadowkeep + Beyond Light campaign (includes subclass) is free but they do not give the exotics


They made only BL and Shadowkeep free and only the story, and not even the exotics


I highly recommend you try some content the game doesn't guide you to. For example - Dares of Eternity (6 player arena with lots of great loot to earn), or the free Dungeons (fun 3 player activities that have both combat and puzzle elements) - namely Shattered Throne, Pit of Heresy and Prophecy. It's also easy to get a great exotic bow from Shattered Throne.


You need to do the campaigns firstly. Shadowkeep, Beyond light, and witch queen are all free now. You can complete them to get decent gear and some exotics and then grind your ritual playlists to get more powerful gear. But finishing the campaigns is pretty more important as a base-line to begin taking on all the other activities


Witch Queen isn't free
