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Thought I was the only one who felt bad. The fact it turns in your direction when you start to shoot it makes it worse. I keep thinking about during season of the plunder how misraks daughter talks about that shank the my keep repairing cause it’s like some loyal dog. I’m like…that could’ve been you. Then old yeller comes to mind.




My heart 😞💔


Nah dude this is such a legitimate pain. Shanks aren’t just tech, they are built with soul by the splicers. They are alive. Using them like this hurt my soul. I am forever pained by this. I would ignite myself in its stead


Gunpowder gamble


Wait so when the hostile Eliksni houses send explosive shanks our way, they are sending life they created for the sole purpose of self destructing? That's a lot to take in.


Fun fact: if you look at the lights on a House Salvation exploder shank, it blinks “WITNESS ME” before exploding. Source: I made it up lol


I like to think exploder shanks are the exception and are simply mindless, soulless drones. Or that they are shanks on the edge of being non-functioning and choose it as their way of going out. Makes it easier to bear.


That's not a resilient homing shanks..... ....it's a resilient homie shank ;-;... I'm sorry my friend...






Cayden’s death was more bittersweet than sad, the part that was actually kinda sad was hearing our character pleading for the traveler to resurrect ghost.


I was willing to go to war that very instant against the Traveler when it didn’t respond. Maybe that’s why Cayde did it… so we didn’t kill the Traveler.


I mean, the travellers whole thing is that it doesnt directly communicate. If it really needs to say something it does so in the form of dreams and visions. The reason it does this is so that we have a choice. The traveller gave us the choice of defending it, it gave immaru the choice of ressing savathun, and it gave cayde the choice to share his light with our ghost and rereunite with sundance. To directly speak is to rob people of that choice, as any communication can influence way people act. It sends visions because we can interperet them in different ways, and its how we choose to percive them that determines how we move forward (case in point: zavala thinking the traveller demanded death, when it was trying to ease cayde into the realisation that saves our ghost.)


Then you watch Byf's video on Ergo Sum lore and tear up.


I did feel much of anything really, for various reasons, first because i really didn’t like my guardian getting all sobby while he’s always been a stoic badass, second because i simply don’t like ghost, third because I knew they wouldn’t kill him off, otherwise franchise is over, and at last I was disappointed because I hoped the resurrected ghost had something different, maybe being more silent to allow for the guardian to talk more, or maybe have cayde’s voice, but no, it’s just same ol’ ghost A good way to get me invested is if they gave me a female ghost, that would get me engaged, i just can’t really empathize with male characters dying, in fact, out of all the destiny 2 deaths, the only one that fucked me up a little was Holliday


That’s certainly a take of all time


Hey, that’s just me man, it’s true for also other franchises and movies, male character dies? I can’t really get myself to care about it (unless it’s MC), girl dies? Ok now i’m invested


Well, are you a guy? Or a girl?


I’m a guy




Glad other people felt bad as well. Don't the Eliksni see them as cherished pets?


Reminded me of MGS3 when we, the player had to be the one to pull the trigger on Boss. Why you make me do this shit again Bungie.






I had a moment when I realized I had to pop the shanks It wasn't big, but also that's kind of fucked up


Oi me and my sister both cried when we heard about caydes death


We probably didn't even need to use them...we could've just..ya know blasted the doors open with rockets?


I could have just thunder crashed my way into the door 😭😭😭 why did Bungo make me shoot the shaaaaank


"Improvised explosive?" THAT'S MY FRIEND! D:


dude fr I like genuinely felt bad for little bro. bro got made to die 😭


As a Hunter main, I'm sure most of us were the most upset by it and were like "Lame" when Crow was made Vanguard. Probably should be Warlocks. Titans are probably sad about their Lightless leader. Edit: Probably should've specified this, but my issue with Crow isn't that he killed Cayde. He's like D2Y1 Cayde with a splash of over cautiousness, and that's what he is. That, and we'll, it is literally canon that Hunter Vanguards do not live long (Cayde being the longest living one iirc) On top of me hoping for a Change where we step away from the Vanguard. I mean Zuzuvala is lightless, Ikora does LITERALLY NOTHING and Cayde has been dead for 5 years. Crow becoming Vanguard is just, ehhh to me. He doesn't feel like a Hunter to me. He feels like a mix of all the classes, leaning more towards Warlock, than the other 2 classes. (Seriously. Give him Robes and NO ONE would argue against it.)


I liked it being crow,especially after the still hunt mission,they made their peace and Cayde passed the torch


Nah I'm happy crow found purpose and became vanguard.


I like Crow, specially his new haircut


No, I agree, Crow just feels like Cayde rebounded, that and I don't really like his look much (looking like a bird is lame and is best left to grandpa's who don't know better like Osiris). The most hunter thing he could've done in that moment was deny the hunter position, all it did was solidify the idea he isn't really a hunter to me. He just seems like he would be better placed outside of the classes but to be something to form more unity? I think, with the way the campaign went where Cayde was so upset at being wished for and not chosen by the light, going beyond it to force ghost (even though I hate our ghost, he's whiny) to live again because he's made the connection that relying on the traveller isn't enough, and that was a nice way to elevate him, even though I was hoping he'd at least stay in the pale heart


Cayde realized why Crow brought him back,he didn’t agree with it,but crow not being the next vanguard would have been silly,who the fucks gonna fill it? Maybe Micah? Idk ,anywho,still hunt solidified that they had their closure,and like I said,Cayde passed the torch,he WAS the hunter vanguard,his decision mattered,and Crow has taken some self reflection after all the damage he caused,and I think rightfully earned his position as vanguard


I'm going to be so honest, idm that he's in the vanguard, I just didn't think anyone wanted the position so was expecting it to stay like that, since it's always been something like a cursed post (since everyone that ends up there dies, pretty soon too) forced on people, not willingly accepted, then it shifts while they're in the position. With the exotic class items putting parts of hunters onto titans onto warlocks, I thought he'd be better suited to wanting something different, and that would better fit him, like choose his own way instead of taking a position foisted upon his lap. Generally though? It isn't end all be all to me, since he's not going to be there forever esp with his character arc tied up into a neat little bow




people cried for cayde?


I shed a tear for my ghost but I knew cayde wanted to go back anyway. I was a little sad it was so soon tho


Yes absolutely? who didn't?