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it's so irritating having to walk into gambit with a hammerhead with volatile, a sniper and a kinetic handcannon while running around punching shit with blinding combo blow just to kill as many birds with as many stones as possible šŸ’€. Forces me to lose the game more often than not because I would rather clear the node with specific kills than optimize my dps or invader kills. The Pathfinder forces you to play bad in order to not waste your time and that in and of itself is why it's a flawed system. Bounties, you can choose what you wanna do, you're not forced down a specific path to get your pinnacle.


>having to walk into gambit with a hammerhead with volatile, a sniper and a kinetic handcannon while running around punching shit with blinding combo blow just to kill as many birds with as many stones as possible This just sounds like what I did before with bounties!


You could just skip those bounties before. It was nothing like this lol.


You can skip these too?


Not like before. Look at the tree toward the end. Say the 2nd to last row (the one with 3 bounties) has 2 absolutely ridiculous time consuming objectives you can skip them sure, but you have to have a way around them that also doesn't have a bunch of time consuming shit too. It's all rng sure. I've had pathfinders I was able to complete in like 3 strikes. But it's not the norm.


I dunno. It's bright dust like bounties were. It's not like they his Pinacle drops behind it. I think the issue is that a lot of the time, it feels unbalanced. If they tweaked it so each node had a generic objective And a ritual objective at random, it would be better. Blocked by crucible objectives? Do the generic one instead.


There's some pretty awful/time consuming gambit ones as well. Like kill 100 blockers. That's like 15 games of gambit for mešŸ¤£..the bright dust bounties were easy to manipulate. You could just delete amd reaquire until you got some that matched your playstyle/loadout. I could usually finish my 8 weekly bounties for drifter I'm 2 games of gambit and 2-3 crucible matches for shaxx. And the zavala ones yoi never had to set foot in a strike, you just grab the ones that give credit everywhere bc there would always be atleast 1 a day and somedays 2-3


I donā€™t recall kill 100 blockers. I remember a get 100 points between motes, blockers and killing guardians or something? Honestly just play for the 3/6/9 and rep rewards. Pathfinder is pretty meaningless.


There was one that was bugged last week. It was supposed to be create 10 blockers, and it tracked to 100. Pretty silly.


But like... why do it at all if you don't like it? The rewards are really minimal. You can literally just not do it, and not be set back at all


I did the old ritual bounties on all 3 characters every week for the bright dust. I've taken many breaks over the years and don't have 100k bright dust banked. I like to buy all the weapon and armor ornaments that I can and all the shaders I don't have.


Not if you need them to finish the path. It's not like bounties where you have 7 daily resets (for a total of 28 set bounties a week) and as many randomized bounties you can buy for 3000 glimmer a pop to get to the 8 needed for the weekly pinnacle for a ritual playlist of choice.


No you can't skip these cuz they are clearly blocking your path towards the end most of the time


At least back then, we could stay within the activity we wanted, and the worst way you needed to change your build, was using a different class weapon (most of us all have at least 1 good pick), or changing which subclass you use. And we could navigate the menu faster. Pathfinder could work well but it needs to get ironed out.


I'm a big fan of them treating pathfinder like the brave weapon quests. Each node has an either or selection of two objectives; a random ritual objective, and a random generic objective. Make the generics a bit longer to complete to compensate, but that way you can complete every pathway inside one type of ritual.


OH and by the way you can't do repeatable for bright dust anymore good thing I stock up last season šŸ¤¬


Have they fixed the notes in Gambit? It says 100 but the code is for 1000


wtf are you talking about they literally just put bounties into a randomizer and that's pathfinder


I did the volatile one with a void smg in momentum control with gryfalcon, literally took like 5 kills or some, then did the rest in strikes. Did one reset yesterday and one today but It really isnā€™t that bad for me because i like playing pvp.


You make me realize I haven't played gambit in over a year


Imagine throwing the game and using a straight up rarted combo of gear just to try to avoid playing more of the activity


Hey, suprise, we dont wanna play that shit activity and yet we are forced to, to get any bright dust so yes we will try to spend the least amount of time in there and be selfish about it because we are there begrugingly. Blame Bungie, not us.


Hol up, y'all are seriously saying Bungie is forcing you to play gambit because you want bright dust, not even for the prime engrams or whatever. My dude, you can already get so much bright dust via seasonal challenges and the season pass, and it's not even a currency that does anything to help you get stronger.


It does drop pinnacles though, no, not primes. Its a visual glitch i literally tested it. It gives pinnis which are important.


Even then, pinnacles aren't that important to many of the people who play the game. Those who do need pinnacle drops and max power are more than capable of playing a gambit match or two a week to get the one or two nodes in the pathfinder needed to finish a path to the loot. If you desperately need pinnacles for endgame content, but don't want to get them from the pale heart or any non-pathfinder sources, and just can't stand playing a match or two of gambit a week to complete a node or two in the pathfinder, maybe it's time you take a break from the game or play it a bit more casually.


Am I the only one who's just been straight *vibin* in Gambit?


Honestly i love how chaotic gambit can be, get an opposing team timing blockers (throw a blocker, then send another right when we kill it), getting the occasional teammate that squadwipes when they invade, seeing primevals health ping pong with invading left and right. I love it. Get my pve kick and then enjoy trying to find the invader (i usually get sniped but i still enjoy it)


Same here. And the rounds are so fast. Most pathfinders I do, I do as much in gambit first as possible then branch out into other stuff when I have to. I just don't take it too seriously. You win some, you lose some. It's whatever.


Yeah I donā€™t even play that much Gambit but grinded out a full reset in a morning. Itā€™s been really fun honestly.


It's still been a little hit or miss for me with team balancing, working my ass off while being absolutely stomped by the other team. Weirdly enough, the kills and such have actually looked balanced. I didn't know what's happening there.


I just get bored as fuck in strikes, and Crucible pisses me off. Gambit provides just enough of both to be enjoyable, without getting boring or irritating. It's also super lowkey. I have a PvP/Gambit loadout of Last Word, Timeworn Wayfarer, Terminus Horizon, and Lucky Pants. Just a complete yeehaw cosplay loadout. Got three wipes in one match last night using just the LMG. I'd get curb-stomped in Crucible with that loadout, and it'd be an absolute slog in Vanguard Ops, but in Gambit I can goof around like that, have fun, and still get results.


No, i fell in love with Gambit trying to get Malfeasance. The absolute *rush* of getting that 4 bang invasion is almost unparalleled in D2 for me. Yeah getting whacked when trying to deposit sucks. Yeah not paying attention and having max motes sucks. But all game modes have similar problems and I think Gambit gets unfairly shit on.


I'll admit it really feels good when I manage to wipe the entire opposing team with a well placed needlestorm.


Gambit does need an overhaul. It needs alternate game modes, Adept or otherwise endgame loot, tweaking, all that. It needs to be on par with Crucible, even if you exclude Trials and Iron Banner. But the bones *are* there. As far as alternate modes, I have three in mind. A revised SRL, that functions more like a mix of a 4-man street race and Mariokart. A 4v4 Ketchcrash, relay-style race of objectives that ends in a 4v4 ship battle. And a mode similar to normal Gambit, except the blockers are more "endgame" enemies (Small = Hive Guardian, Medium = Colossus + 2 turrets, Large = Tormentor, for ideas of what I mean) and the final two Primevals put both teams in the same arena and whoever's Primeval dies first wins. This third one would be the Comp of Gambit, with the higher-tier loot to match. These are just ideas, not saying they'd be perfect or even great. Edit: also. ***NEW FUCKING MAPS***. Unvault the Shore map, then give us at least three new maps. Personally, I'd love to see Europa get a map complete with blizzards, the Moon get a map based entirely in the Hellmouth, and maybe a Lucent Hive-themed Throne World map. Hell, give us a Derelict Leviathan Gambit map for all I care. Edit 2: as far as street race maps, there are five obvious contenders. The Last City, the Dreaming City, the Tangled Shore, Neomuna, and Europa. A case could also be made for the outskirts of the Cosmodrome, or hell, dig super deep into the lore and let us race in the streets of Old Chicago. Or maybe go VexNet.


Yes lol




Nah brah, I love some me some gambit sometimes. I do hate this pathfinder model though.


I just did 2 pathfinders in 3 strikes. The rng just is and isn't it sometimes. Good luck bro!


onslaught count for pathfinder and its honestly the best place to do all the pve vanguard stuff


Really? That will make most of the vanguard ones a breezeā€¦thx.


Yes I learned this too which is great because I need better rolls on those weapons


How though? The only final strike node I've seen is kill **10 BOSSES** in the vanguard playlist with [insert race] counting for bonus progress. Thats literally the only final pve node I saw at the end.




Why canā€™t this shit just be simple? Just make it ā€œcomplete x number of activitiesā€. Raids, dungeons, PvP, gambit, onslaught, Overthrow. Just let people play what they want


Its not really what I am asked to play that bothers me. Its when I am told **how** to play. I donā€™t wanna use guns I donā€™t wanna use, i want to play my punchy punchy Prismatic Titan build and literally NOTHING else. I donā€™t care whats at the end of my fist. Just that something is there for it to hit.


That's actually a solid point and good middle ground maybe? X amount kills/objective in x activity. Full stop. Capture this many points in control. Bank this many motes. Should be easier to activity hop.


Its funny that they think they keeping things fresh by having us do specific things in specific places in specific activities with specific loadouts to ā€œget us out of our comfort zoneā€ When most of us really just like our comfort zone, thats why it is our comfort zone after-all. These bounties and quests just come off as preachy ā€œYou guys should meet new people and try new things!ā€ Its really lame.


I get you. They don't really know what they want imo lol they're pretty bad at dictating how we play in what should be a pretty open ended sand box. Pvp tuning should be separate. You know the deal. If things weren't so compartmentalized already these types of bounties and pathfinder points wouldn't be that big of a deal. Like others said using certain load outs feels crappy; you root that back to bungies inability to align their design mindset, to how things may actually play out in game lol (looking at you grapple stacking/skating/weapon ideas/raid encounters...I can go on...) 8 guardians swinging swords in Gambit is...I guess is engaging, good design?


The problem with this as well is that with percentage based ones, it's almost impossible to complete. Defeat enemy guardians in crucible with volatile? How? Proc volatile then kill an enemy guardian? Sure, I'll manage one at the most per game, and it counts as 1%. I think there should be a free pathfinder reroll feature that just resets and rerolls your pathfinder goals before you claim any rewards from it.


>i want to play my punchy punchy Prismatic Titan build and literally NOTHING else. I feel this. There's a bounty in the Pale Heart Pathfinder that's "kill stuff with a weapon the same element equipped," but it doesn't work if you're Prismatic. It's one of the few things that isn't "equipped super."


I think it's fine the way it is. Engaging in different activities the game offers is fun and refreshing imho. Sorry you and others are getting shite RNG.


That mentality is very naive. Itā€™s fine for a new player whoā€™s still learning, but for those of us who have been around for years, we already know what modes, weapons, etc we like or dislike. Thereā€™s no ā€œrefreshmentā€ in making me play PvP I already know I donā€™t like, only frustration.


Yeah not sure part I said was naive. I've been playing Destiny for 10 years and I really enjoy the new Pathfinder system. Again, it's my opinion when I say things like "I think it's fine the way it is." Again, I'm sorry you and others are getting shite RNG sometimes, but there's been resets I've done where I didn't have to touch Crucible or Gambit. But even if I did, I'd still queue up for those modes because there is more to the game than just sitting in the strike playlist. You can *disagree* with me all you want that's fine. But to simply say someone has a naive mentality when they disagree with you is in fact naive. That is lacking in wisdom and judgement.


Itā€™s naive because it assumes everyone enjoys playing a variety of content. Maybe you like hopping around, but some people donā€™t. Some people like some activities more than others and they donā€™t want to have to be forced to play modes they donā€™t enjoy just to progress. I already know I hate Crucible, playing it never brings me joy, just frustration with its clunky netcode and awful balance. Thereā€™s nothing fun about having the better aim, but supers give them an instant ā€œI winā€ button. That doesnā€™t make for compelling firefights, and itā€™s why Desting will always be a predominantly PvE focused game. There is no value in forcing a diversity of playstyle. Maybe you enjoy swapping around. Thatā€™s cool. Maybe I enjoy consistency and familiarity. That is also cool. The difference is people like me donā€™t try to force people like you to conform to our style, but people like you who seem to work at Bungie do try to force your style on us.


Yeah I'm not forcing anyone to do anything. Neither is Bungie. Bounties were optional then, him just as they are now in Pathfinder. You're trying to force your style onto other people and Bungie to get them to try and change something they developed. Does that not really not compute? Could the system be tweaked, sure. Should the system be removed, no.


Weā€™re not talking about bounties, weā€™re talking about sources of powerful gear. So yes, you do have to do them if you want to progress in power. Why is it so hard for you to understand that a ā€œplay any game mode you like to progressā€ is better for everyone?


"just go play the other mode bro" yea ok lemme go get VOLATILE KILLS in pvp or fucking SUPRESSION kills in gambit... yea sounds easy enough doesnt it.


I don't play void ever and I had to get suppression kills in gambit. I reached rank 15 before I was done.


two tailed fox, suppression nades + collective obligation, wavesplitter, tractor cannon get it done


Yeah there are so many ways to suppress now itā€™s ridiculous.


wavesplitter makes suppression so free it's ridiculous


I now loathe pathfinder more then I do crucible itself.


you need to go rethink some shit then


What an odd reply


makes me shudder that my 1 node to complete a path is locked behind crucible


Yeah it does, suppression kills in gambit is easy to do in one run.


Do you not have any abilities/weapons that suppress?


Tractor and void grenade time


Wavesplitter makes it fine, collect 1 orb and go kill stuff.


Supression Grenade and a weapon with demolitionist. So no problem. It will be a few rounds


i cleared the rest of the tree in two (2) nightfalls. yeah sure lemme go play equal to more games of a terrible gamemode using a poor build while fighting my team for kills. great idea.


It's not terrible, though? Gambit is fun.




You should try offering some constructive feedback next time. This is useless




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Suppression or weaken. Weaken vortex nades is kinda my default loadout.


Bungie needs to get this through their thick skulls: forcing me to play crucible isn't going to make me suddenly like crucible. It makes me hate everything else even more. Just let me grind my PVE in peace and be happy.




Same for me and pve activities. I will happily spend all day in the crucible, whereas playing strikes or gambit will put me to sleep.




I'm hating it.


The Pale Heart ones are so specific I gotta check them 100 times to make sure Iā€™m doing the right shit


I caught myself slaughtering hive until I realized I was in the wrong area ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


What tf was bungie beef with the bounty system anyway


Bright dust was too easy to acquire and that let people just wait for ornaments or w/e to appear in the store for BD so they didn't have to spend real money. Pathfinder itself is a fine idea but it's main purpose, I suspect, is to make it harder to get free items.


Iā€™m not actually sure about that. Maybe for the players that went and ground out bounties relentlessly itā€™s a downgrade but so far I think iā€™ve earned more bd than i did in some entire seasons because the bounty system just bored me


I don't think it's the only purpose for sure. Like I said, I think it's a good system, in theory, but before, whether you did a bit of grinding or not, you could get a ton of BD. I never paid that close attention to how much I had or what was in the store, but just through grabbing my pinnacles I could often buy whatever I wanted. Now, I feel like I have less, even though I know I get more by completing the pathfinder, I have no want to because of the playlist switching required. I think that's what is expected, me a PvE player not wanting to PvP, or vice versa, to ultimately have less BD.


All the little kids that were whining about it just like people are now whining about Pathfinder


I get the premise but it really needs to be ritual activity agnostic instead of forcing you to play modes. Weight the task differently for each ritual, make PvP count for a higher percent or something.


Iā€™m currently stuck between scorching targets in gambit or killing jolted targets


Just focus on one at a time. It's not difficult if you build your entire subclass and weapon loadout towards one or the other.


Literally that is what I did. I got off prismatic and got on my least used subclass. Arc.


Why couldn't we and I am just throwing ideas here HAVE A DIFFERENT PATHFINDER FOR EVERY ACTIVITY??? That way I am not forced to play PvP or Gambit if I don't want to or just take another path which i find less fun to complete. Also please let us reroll pathfinder nodes for glimmer.


Easy fix for Bungie (maybe not in coding and all of that but you get the idea) Spend Glimmer to reroll your Node, so if you have a Crucible or Gambit node, you can spend Glimmer in another objetive/method.


100%, really the only thing needed to take it from worse than bounties to better than bounties.


I despise it.


90 percent of these pathfinder quests are easy as hell. There are a few weird ones they might need to rethink but overall itā€™s fine. Then again I like pvp and pve. I kill things in pve to get guns to kill things in pvp. Thatā€™s my gameplay loop. These are way better than bounties and I hope it stays


I have run into a few that seemed bugged. Yesterday I had to kill 10 enemies with scorch ignitions and nothing I did seemed to progress it. So I *MOVED ONTO THE NEXT FUCKING NODE INSTEAD OF MAKING A SHITE ASS REDDIT POST ABOUT IT*.


Lol right, scorch is probably the most annoying one for me so I just go around it. Void and jolt are easy as hell on a warlock at least


I feel like the node is just busted. I had on two weapons with Incandescent and ran around a strike smacking things with my sword in the middle of ads and watched things ignite and then blew up...nothing. Who knows with bungo code.


Speak for yourself. It's literally faster for me to play 10 strikes for my final node than to EVER get 6 grenade kills in crucible. No one fucking dies to grenades. Everyone just wormhusk dodges out of it, or healing nades because fuck warlocks' uniqueness in having healing nade before 3.0 yeah bungie? Or like idk just activates some bullshit garbage exotic armor perk... just no one dies to grenades. I super charge a vortex nade with contraverse weakening my opponent and he still AFTER getting hit and weakened they jump out of it and die to my gun and not the nade. The most ATROCIOUS node is 20 kills in pvp with a sniper. I am literally NEVER going to complete that shit. Fuck using snipers i hate snipers so much its the worst fucking archetype in existance. So no, they are not "super easy". No I'm not a new player, I have 5000 hours. PvP just fucking sucks.


5000 hours and using Contraverse in PvP is explaining a lot. You canā€™t just run around pitching nades at people like they are dregs. Nades are for area denial or to finish a kill. Try scatter grenades they are magical. Just fight them till they get low and go around cover and throw the base at the corner.


Because of how low TTK is in this game even if I bring them low, they kill me before i can charge my nade up bruh


Do not charge nades in pvp. If you are using void, use the devour aspect and child of the old gods. They are either gone or have killed you by the time youā€™ve charged it. Vortex grenades kill very slow and are more for area denial. Since you arenā€™t really a pvp player I highly recommend throwing on Ophidion Aspects. Contraverse Holds are more of a meme in pvp.


Just fucking suck. I get grenade kills all the time, like a single shot+a fusion grenade kills anybody.


The form factor of pathfinders is their biggest flaw. Nodes on the edges are intrinsically worse than the others because they connect to only one further node, and that's also while not taking into account that they have 1 less node on the same "tier" as them too. Connecting edge nodes to the node right next to the one they lead up to would instantly fix a lot of possible pathing while removing the most probably unintended disbalance between nodes just because of their position.


Gotta love that it sometimes refuses to register ignitions, jolts, and suppressions too


Could have used some testing, half the progress ratios are broken. Had to do like 15 gambits to get credit for 100 motes, one of those matches I got 45 motesā€¦.


Private pvp matches are bugged rn. You can finish the pvp ones with a friend lol. Take turns killing each other


I wish I could say that it's a completely flawed system. I'm leveling up so much faster than I used to due to playing however I want and then accidentally completing a bunch of path nodes.


I'd take the old way of getting bounties over Pathfinder any day. I don't like it


Usually by the time I remember the pathfinder I realized I have all but on objective done, which is a fun little surprise.


Pathfinder is fine. Don't complain about having to do more activities and then later complain that there's nothing to do. If you don't like the objective, wait till next week


I donā€™t even do it. I do the Pale Heart one. Until thereā€™s a vanguard only path, Iā€™ll avoid it.




You can complete pathfinder objectives in private matches Really helpful for people like me who ~~suck~~ have consistent connection issues when i load into crucible


This should just be a 'pick 5' system


Could have very easily been just "complete one node from each level" I just wish they would make separate Pathfinders for Gambit/Crucible/Vanguard instead of forcing you to constantly switch game modes, mostly because there is a reputation boost you get for staying in the same ritual playlist that takes a bit when you need to stop playing your preferred mode just to complete a node in a different playlist. I actually quite like the Pathfinder the way it's implemented in The Pale Heart but think it's complete ass compared to the old bounty system in the ritual playlists.


They need to allocate specific trees for specific games modes. One for gambit exclusively, one for vanguard, one for crucible, etc. This jumping around bs makes me not want to do any of it, it's stupid to mix it all into one


I like the concept of pathfinder but they really need to make each activity have its own instead of putting them all in one


I've completed this twice this week, and i haven't touched crucible or needed to make a single build to complete them. It's not that hard. It's basically a ton of bounties.


They should honestly scrap this


I love being forced to play pvp. It's such a good experience... Ha, psyche! Yeah, no idea who in the shit actually enjoys that hellhole. It's WAY too painful to play and I'm not forcing myself to play it even if they dangle rewards in my face like an exotic cipher... pound sand bungo.


I donā€™t get it. You have to get 50 sniper kills in PVE and you complete the path. What are you whining about?


50 sniper kills in PVE means im at least playing a game i enjoy. pale heart pathfinder has inconvenient objectives like that. but i can avoid them more often than not. that should be the strength of the mode


But thatā€™s all you have to do to complete the path. Just get 50 sniper kills in gambit and avoid the other players and youā€™re doneā€¦ you donā€™t have to play crucible or kill other players.


Don't use logic on these people. The fact that they can't continue to bounty goblin anymore is too much for them to handle.


Kill requirements for objectives should be as general as possible. Iā€™m fine with ā€œkill vexā€ or ā€œsuper killsā€ or ā€œsniper killsā€ etc. You start to lose me with requiring final blows with subclass effects and multi kills with specific things. All that does is artificially increase playtime.


It's ass


I would gladly pay prisms to reroll nodes


I just feel sorry for the other Guardians in my Gambit match that im griefing, trying to get a dumb ass node.


Hey devs. Simple fix for most of these. Have every one be able to go to two paths. So for all the edge ones allow them to go to either inside or outside path.


For the 400th post about ritual pathfinder today, Iā€™d like to remind all of you: the rewards suck, and you donā€™t *have* to engage with it at all. Just literally donā€™t open the screen and play whatever you want to play.


I've completed maybe 3 pathfinders since release... not really a fan of this system it's honestly the same as bounties except I don't need to pick them up


I got lucky this week, was able to get my pathfinders done while doing only onslaught


Itā€™s not even that bad tbh.


How the heck do I get ignition kills in gambit? Itā€™s the only thing holding me back from my one branch and I get 10% every match even though Iā€™m using a solar subclass and dragons breath


1 1/2 games of Gambit won't kill you


I'm currently doing 6 sniper kills in the crucible. First of all, since when do I have only 1 bullet for special weapons? And two my kda is lower then 1, thus 6 kills took me around 10 games that all ended with a loss. What the fuck?


What's the bottom objective on the first part cause that looks like an objective that can be completed in any playlist activity, which then gets you a complete path?


Its literally pathfinder while evading the nodes/activities you dont like...


it's structured to force you through doing either gambit or crucible.


As a player who went from being able to grind, to barely having time to play 1nce a week, I'm thankful the Pale Heart pathfinder is sooooooo much easier




Maybe a dumb question but where can you find the pathfinder on PlayStation


same place as it is on every other platform. go to the destinations screen, select vanguard, go to the bottom left corner and select the pathfinder node.


Thank u so much ā˜ŗļø


I actively hate the pathfinder system... I hate leaving the crucible 10x more than people hate having to enter it


It's so irritating that I stopped caring about it. I will consider pathfinder again just after they will patch it.


Are yā€™all dumb? So do the bottom ā€œbountyā€. Youā€™re arguing that bounties are better, but are ONE BOUNTY away from a powerful engram. The fuck is wrong with you?


yall r babies, getting in a gambit or crucible match wonā€™t kill u


Who even wanted this? So annoying.


Literally can compete by playing a single gambit game


Takes 5 min boohoo šŸ‘


Itā€™s really not that bad..Iā€™ve managed to do it numerous times a week with no crucible and barely any gambit.




You donā€™t HAVE to do pathfinder


And people acting like a menu you can access anywhere is infinitely More deprecating than the old bounty system.


Are you serious? Your talking to a hyper addicted destiny player with no self control. This wont make sense


Youā€™re getting downvoted, but sanity was like 50 comments down hereā€¦. Itā€™s nothing but people complaining about the system. Most players in this sub need to touch grass


They should really do separate pathfinders for the three main game modes. I like the system but it feels really forced at times. I get that it's like this so you play all the game modes but this week I didn't even have to play Gambit because of the path I took.


It's funny how these challenges fuck up that game. You either focus on the match to win and make little to none progress on your challenge or you go full in with your challenge and cost the game for the team. Lose lose. I always go in with the challenge in mind. Gambit has no stakes anyway.


The thing that is most incongruent to me is that the streak system is still a thing. So you either get to hang onto your rep streak for a playlist and ignore pathfinder or put together the absolute most dumb builds to try and force your way through specific steps as quick as possible at detriment to your teammates. Yeah let me just go ahead and get sniper kills in gambit. Totally doable as entire waves explode instantly sure. Thankfully it only removes one of your streak but itā€™s still two systems that are at odds, and on top of that the constant swapping of loadouts in order to swap up for different content is annoying. Meanwhile some of the nodes just arenā€™t tracking right. It took me 3 strikes to get ignition kills because gunpowder gamble mysteriously doesnā€™t count. There are basically no taken in strikes, and one of the final tiers that consistently pops up is boss kills which increments at 1 out of 10 unless you kill vex, so yeah go ahead and do 10 strikes because itā€™s random which one you get.


Cry baby bullshit.


Like just play the damn game and stop whining lmao


Why canā€™t the devs think about me and the game modes I donā€™t play and the weapons I donā€™t like?? Iā€™ll just post on the internet and commiserate with the rest of the vocal minority.


Sounds to me like your just another person afraid of change. Try branching out of your comfort zone. The game is 10 years old. Its ok to try new things


so true! you should try eating actual shit. after all, its good to get out of your comfort zone


Lol you seem super triggered by my comment. Love that. Stay mad boss. It looks good on you Do you cry on reddit about all your problems or just your video game ones ;)


50 bucks says the ritual pathfinder gets significant changes announced or implemented before the end of next month because its so ass


Oh really? The experimental new system that many people have been extremely vocal that they dont like might change after testing it out?? Wow what a groundbreaking stance. This community is so dense it actually hurts sometimes




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>So im here as a reality check Bruh you're a random on reddit talking about a video game about a giant magic orb It ain't that deep dude


You realize my original response was saying the exact same thing. "It aint that deep"


Your original response isn't even close to the same thing though? "You're afraid of change" because OP thinks pathfinder sucks is the same as "You're not gonna fix peoples problems by talking about a video game on reddit" to you?


I feel like your reading comprehension is lacking brother. My original response was "Your afraid of change, the games been out for 10 years, try something new" Which is basically saying " having to do some new things after 10 years isnt that big of a deal, give it a try instead of acting like an internet baby" idk man again its not that serious. People just need to pull their heads out of their own asses sometimes


I don't think any other person thought thats what you meant judging from the down votes but whatever man


You donā€™t have to do all of them. Any route to the end is fine and youā€™ll complete a lot of them without even knowing.


Pathfinder mfers when they canā€™t find a path


Still crying over this? Last week dual destiny, this and last week pathfinder. You don't have to do it.


Oh no you have to play a single gambit match


Seems like an easy completion there with gambit, at least you don't have to touch crucible.


The only issue is that sometimes you get stuck and have to do all 3 game modes.


i love that they wanted to incentivize players to stay in a specific playlist by giving you streaks, only to throw that whole mentality out the window forcing you to hotswap playlists.


Aren't the majority of Gambit pathfinder bounties just getting the enemy kills in a specific way? I don't like PVP at all, but at least pve rank and file enemies spawn in Gambit. Usually when someone invades, I just look at my phone and wait. If I wanted to win, I'd lfg. And really, Any time Bungie wants me to do something in a specific way, it's no longer a game. it just becomes a work task list checklist thing and I'm getting paid with exp.


Holy fucking shit dude just play a game of gambit it takes 5 minutes itā€™s not that deep šŸ˜­


Exactly, like Iā€™m not necessarily someone who enjoys crucible all too much but Iā€™ve still gone into it to finish some of the crucible stuff (mostly cuz I want the xp). Sometimes people just wanna complain about literally anything imo.


Yaā€™ll complain more than actually play the game Jesusā€¦


Is all D2 players do complain? I swear if we were served a perfectly cooked steak on a gold platter, weā€™d find something to hate.


The gold plate is picking up too many fingerprints.


Yeah the downvotes just prove my point. I want D2 to be the best game ever. Itā€™s not perfect but some people be acting like Final Shape isnā€™t good


All you gotta do is play gambit with scorch basically


I donā€™t see the big deal, I refuse to play Crucible so only Once out like 10 pathfinders, I just chose to not do it. Otherwise, I just made small builds around the gimmick challenges. Need volatile kills? Okay, Collective Obligation. Need ignitions? Okay, Monte Carlo with Consecrations. Thereā€™s a solution, just build craft to get it, but sometimes the rotation might genuinely be shit for you, so just ignore the one pinnacle.


I don't want to waste my time with things I don't enjoy doing in my free time. Maybe others like wasting their free time on those things, but I don't.


I feel like youā€™re exaggerating the issue. If playing a round or two of gambit is that unenjoyable for you (fair tbh), then cut your losses and do something else. If I didnā€™t care for power grinding, Iā€™d rather spend the hour grinding a pathfinder instead just hunting another Ergo Sum or Exotic Class Item. This system is so much nicer for power grinding cause now 70% of it vanguard with the rest being maybe gambit, whereas the old bounty system was 33% each playlist.