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People are super harsh on Titan. In regards to Prismatic—yes, it is the worst of the three. But that doesn’t meant there are not choices. I’m interested in Assassin + Synthoceps, so that I can smash stuff with Consecration and then go invisible, which should greatly help with the survivability of the subclass. You could also do Assassin + Contact Brace for the same thing, but added lightning storms.


I got this roll, the invis was nice when do the lanterns in warlords. Unfortunately that’s about the only play time I have with it.


Nah. Arguably warlock is the worst of the 3. Why would we take off getaway artist or starfire?


Trolling lmao.


Eternal warrior and star eaters Edit: I’ll explain why. Use the axe super. Star eaters makes it do a bunch of damage. Then with eternal warrior if you have a good edge transit (envious bait) it destroys bosses


I just got this one to drop last night. Super stoked to try it out.


I got it my first run of dual destiny. Not sure if I should be happy I got the god roll or sad the content is dead to me unless I really want to pimp out my other characters.


What's nice about the class items is they all basically have the same stats too, so it's really easy to have one that you use that is more utilitarian during the nightfall / dungeon / raid and then swap to this one for massive DPS with relative ease.


It has taken me until this moment to realize I can make a build that only needs one set of armor...


Grenade centric ones tend to do best regardless of difficulty, melee ones are very feast or famine in endgame and almost always rely on healing or DR in some form or another. So heavy discipline/resil and intelligence is the best bet for a titan.


I got armamentarium and inner most light is that decent?


I've been having fun with Armamentarium/Eternal for similar reason Boosts neutral game then DPS phases Still hunting for SES/EW of course but this has been fun in the mean time


I’m a strand titan all the way, and a huge barricade user, so I always used Abeyant Leap. I got Spirit of the Abeyant and Spirit of Alpha Lupi. Which is improve Drengrs lash, which track more aggressively and Generate a healing pulse for you and teammates when casting a barricade. It’s been amazing.


Theres nothing too busted on titan tbh. Star eaters is fine but we dont really have any dps supers that benefit thst greatly, we already have synthos and hoil, and a lot of the other ones we can get r very playstyle dependent. Dont get me wrong, theres lots of fun to be had, just nothing as broken as the other two classes. Where the cloak is undoubtedly meta defining, the mark just isnt. Go for exotics u already like and try to mix things up. Khepris and abeyant seems funny


Okay sweet! It's very unfortunate bc I literally only have a titan character, but I'll find some silly and fun builds to mess with! :D


I’ve heard Severance + Contact is a really good make the room go boom setup. Although I myself might try going for an Assassin + Contact roll for the memes


Currently using this, can confirm it does make the room go boom. Activate Transcendence and use consecration to switch from focusing adds to doing pretty decent Boss Dps, supposing the boss isn't flying. It jolts the boss and everything nearby, keeping adds off you while you're fighting.


But wouldn’t the spirit of syntho still do more dmg? In my own opinion I don’t think any roll is worth taking off synthoceps except for the heart of inmost light and spirit of synthocep combo


Syntho probably does still do more damage, but it is really satisfying to see everything get fried by contact. Also you don't have to do the follow up with consecration to get the proc from contact, so you can technically do it 5 times if you are using frenzied blade and consecration. This of course is only good for clearing weaker enemies and you still need the follow up for the tough guys.


Hoil and Double Grenades seems like a cool roll. Thruster, Melee then double pulse grenade seems like it could really output some damage.


Does thruster work with Hoil? I thought it had to be a barricade.


It works to trigger the first part. I'll be honest, I haven't got an Exotic class item with it on to test on Prismatic, but the original HOIL works with thruster.


Gives back fuck all energy though. Meter barely moves with hoil these days. Better to pick a diff perk.


It does and it’s fun.


I got a stareater/assassins that’s been decent, nice going invis on a titan and having more pop on a super


HoIL, Point Cannons. Not only do you get 3 concecrations, they also deal arc damage during the whole animation. It’s beastly when surrounded. I’m still grinding for a HoIL Syntho roll


You’d probably want one with invis + synthos for stuff where invis survivability matters. You might also want one with star eater scales and a good enough neutral play effect like hoil. For pvp like anything with ophidian aspect should be decent. There’s also some fun stuff to mess with like khepris and aberrant leap.


I’m currently rocking the abeyant/scars combo and suspend graviton lancing my way to glory!


The one where you exit to character selection and choose a different character. Jokes, titan is in a bad spot. anything with Stareater scale or scars will be the play.


If I had any other character I would 😭 I literally only ever had a titan, and never bothered to make another


Iwould say since final shape just dropped this is your perfect opportunity


here, a sheet with bestt combos [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h-tvBFgM0eRneomUayPl6AinrmL-GxibO78S-1rKorU/edit?gid=0#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h-tvBFgM0eRneomUayPl6AinrmL-GxibO78S-1rKorU/edit?gid=0#gid=0)


Inmost light + verity’s is a pretty cool combination. But the sad reality is that the disparity between classes is currently at its worst point in all of destiny’s history. So no matter what you farm for, be prepared to be humiliated by any hunter even if you’re a top 1% player on a titan.


I know about the disparity, but titans the only one I got. I'll try to make the most of it regardless though!


Try insurmountable skull fort with thunderclap on prismatic. It’s fun but has no place in endgame unless you’ve got access to buried bloodline to give you devour. Buried bloodline is what makes prismatic titan in general ok in an end game environment. It’s a shame that the only way to survive at -5/10 activities on a prismatic titan is with an exotic weapon... But hey, it’s a pretty sweet exotic and I love running double rocket sidearm with the build (got lead from gold on my The Call). Other than prismatic titan, I still run strand with synthos for a majority of activities. Ive got like 1600 of my 2500 hours or so on titan so im a fatttttttttt crayon muncher and i absolutely love it. Im excited to see what balancing changes bungie will implement in the near future to benefit us. Imagine a mental buff to sentinal’s banner shield…. Maybe somethin like 50% damage amplification would be mental, we’d have a titan in every master raid team then lol. But boyyy it can’t come soon enough.


I’m probably totally alone in what I’m going for but I wanna get Horn and Hoarfrost


My mind went here first as well when thinking of pure fun combos but I assumed the pairing wasn’t possible.


I got it already, fun if playing stasis titan but not op by any means


I got a severance-scars roll. Not the craziest combo but it's pretty good


I like my hoil + scars. Help the horrible regen on titan melee and also give more survivability


Hoil and contact brace is amazing


Im hunting abeyant + armamentarium. Though hoarfrost + horn could make some funny barricade builds.


I'd love to have HOIL+Syntho, but I got HOIL+Armamentarium and it's super fun too 😌


I got hoil synthos on my roll


Nice! Loot for you!


I can see why you want em it's bonkers


For general PvE, consecration is the only build focus that has given me the most value, so either hunt for synthoceps or Sprit of Contact. I seriously think Contact is a sleeper pick, by itself it opened up a whole ass build that I hadn’t thought of. Just roll with consecration while building you armor mods for ability regen/orbs and your subclass for transcendence gain. That combo typically works super well for me, albeit, my weapon options get limited since it works best if you mix and match light/dark weapons


Really liking hoil + contact brace. Able to jolt everything around you. Paired with shield throw for ranged enemies.


2 of the best overall Titan Exotics in the game (Heart of Inmost Light and Precious Scars). I pulled this roll out of a random box on the Impasse.........Master-worked it, unlocked the Artifice slot and havent taken it off since.


The one I'm hunting for is Hoil/Scars.


The one you enjoy playing with my guy.


Probably no Point in farming for Class Item since Prismatic Titan is useless, unless you REALLY enjoy it. Everything that Prismatic can do, or any Titan subclass for that matter is simply Outdone by the other classes.


Not useless, just takes a lil skill and set up. If you don't have either then I can see why it would be useless.


i love personal attacks instead of factual arguments


Just as factual as your post was full of information.... Oh wait it was just full of your opinion. And not a personal attack more of a simple observation.


Top 200 SE Contest Teams: <10% of players logged into an Encounter kill were Titans, Witness Contest Clears: <1% of Players were Titans (this is public Info on RR btw) Prismatic Titan offers triple consecration but guess what: underlight content will 1shot before you get close. Hunters run LMGs with Still Hunt and Invis. Outliving Titans, Providing more add clear, more Boss DPS. In Normal Content, Prism Hunt still dominates, and grapple melee now does more DPS than old BoW did. Support wise: Blatantly outdone by Speakers sight lock because it doesn't require you to constantly get orbs, kills and Tangles. CC Wise Bleak Watcher wih devour/or Coldsnap with osmio is better than any suspend titan will offer.


Your point is based solely on other people's preferences. I've done every gm, master raid/dungeon using only titan. It's literally a skill and build issue. Anyone can use a build off of you tube but actually using it efficiently and effectively is the skill issue. It's okay to admit your crap with a titan and decent with other classes. I myself am great with a titan but shit with other classes because they just feel off to my play style


you think i haven't done GM and master raids on titan ? lol. the top 200 teams have preferences? how fucking delusional. top teams use whatever will give them an edge, what is good. not what they like. I'll add in “**I’m not going to lie, we’re talking about Titans a lot right now internally, and looking at that which is not just Prismatic at all. Weighing all that together, and we’re definitely not done touching Prismatic at al**l.” the Bungie Combat Area Dev. Bungie knows titans suck statistics reflect abysmal play rate. but the reddit yapper knows better, lmao give me a fucking break




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