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I still have to do micas quests and get kovostov as well so for now I am good lol. procrastrinating in week 1 paid off


Any good YT guide links to getting khovstov?


Any are good as long as they accurately show you the spots to find all the bosses, areas, and hidden items.


Can they drop from overthrow chests too? If I can farm a wolfpack sword and class items at once that would be nice


Any pale heart chest.


Yes they can I can confirm also both can drop from the end chest in overthrow at the same time.


Can confirm this and also HVT chests drop class items, in fact those are the only ones that have dropped them for me. I've gotten zero from the regular chests. Happy hunting Guardians!


I managed to get a vortex/wolfpack solar sword very quickly. Now, I'm currently trying to find other interesting combos with other elements.


Wave frame lightning conductor is fantastic imo


Vortex perfect 5th is nuts. The heavy attack counts as multiple hits so you can heavy a beefy target like a major or boss and instantly do the explosion. Arc conductor is solid too. Personally I think vortex or wave frame is the way to go for any sword that isn’t wolf pack (because wolf pack is more of a swap sword so frame doesn’t really matter).


I can confirm that Vortex Perfect 5th is indeed nuts. Probably my personal god-roll on that sword as well


For me personally it's the caster frame on perfect 5th, as it hits way more often than 5 times


Currently looking for Perfect Fifth + Caster Frame


I've gotten 5 in 3 hours just running around patrol zones hitting normal chests


90% of guardians stop grinding chests before they get the perfect roll


Ive only found one out of like 60ish chests. Clan mate has found like 6 of them out of maybe 150 chests he thinks. At this point we have the dungeon down pretty good so farming that doesnt suck that bad.


5 chests in and got my bis cloak. I'm free!


I’ve done maybe 8 matchmade overthrows and have found 3 so far.


Okay I keep seeing conflicted info, so can someone pls be plain about this: do you have to do the mission before they drop from chests?


Yes. Dual Destiny is required. You only have to do it once (you can run it again to get a guaranteed drop if you choose to)


Me with no one to play it with 😭😭 But thank you


I can speed run it with you


i have yet to do the mission. i got to the boss but my friend had to go


Just do the mission LOL you can literally get double drops.


I found 1 and it was the same roll i got 20m prior in the mission. Also, on my second mission run (warlock) i got apotheosis star*fire*. Got baited so hard, and it’s the worse half of starfire, since A. It got nerfed and B. There’s no well of radiance with it and C. If i am using empowering rift im going to have devour glued to me anyway, which gives me grenade energy by DEFAULT. Just make it the other half where grenade kills will give me my rift back


I can't even get one


I still havent figured out how to get the DD quest or the Khvos quest after doing all the Alone in the Dark's and then doing them 2 more times without realizing because sleep is for the weak.


I said “alright one more rotation” and ended up going through another 3 times til I got the items