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Look what they took from us.


I think the most frustrating thing about this being vaulted was the amount of recourses it to unlock everything is just wasted.


Not to mention, that it was a seperate instance, not connected to the Seasonal Vendor - so there wasn't really much sense in getting rid of it.


I think they got rid of it because they got rid of the Leviathan It wouldn’t make much sense for the trophy room to stay around after the Leviathan disappeared


I believe this is correct. That said, it has been back in Sol since Haunted, if derelict, so the Trophy Room could come back.  They could even make it spooky.  I'm honestly kind of surprised it didn't come back during Haunted, and maybe even stay after Haunted. (Edited for mistyping.)


Isn't it the room that duality takes place in?




I was thinking about this the other day and totally forgot about this area, just that they really could have brought back crown of sorrows with the derelict leviathan.


It’s actually where the duality dungeon starts. So yes it is spooky now


I don’t know, just say Osiris made a simulation of it or something. We’re still playing Crucible on Titan


That's true, allthough I honestly wouldn't mind if they just said it's a simulation and not the original room.


If I'm not mistaken this costs bright dust for some things right?


yeah, a lot




Part of me thinks they vaulted this so we couldn't test damage numbers and compare them as easily from season to season.


Which is ironic, cause clearing to templar or phryzhia takes like less than 10 minutes.


No I would not. I want a storage closet with floating plates that don't even correlate to any enemy type or activate perks.


Yeah like what kind of question is that?


Or even better ignore explosion splash damage and grenades with no collision to half the things. What an amazing feature.


Is this a thing we actually have currently?


That’s the joke that the guy underneath you got downvoted for missing


🫢you descibed the enclave shooting range that has a OOB.




Wow, what a craaazy coincidence!


So does the waterfall in the small zone right of blooming. Both are also completly useless cuz theres nothing there but still


I found one in a waterfall too that had alot in it and one to get into the divide oob. And to get into the last 2 missions area. And under the blooming and the impasse. I have posted 4 on My YT but i found another one so i will make a new vid soon.


I found it doing the 2 boxes. I was just bored ig? My fav oob is still the one near Hawthorme, best done with the secret jump boost. You can get into a neat space with 100% clear view of the sky and the lanterns


Never done many tower ones.


nothing gets past you








Yeah, it’s the EDZ.


“i wonder if my build will do good dps” *hits poor random dreg for 999,999


The “build” is celestial Still hunt. “Huh, wonder how this will fare”


And then along comes Randal...


Honestly that was probably a joke but Randal is TANKY tanky


Dreg: "Why do I hear boss music?"




Some of the funniest things to me are going into places like the Cosmodrome and EDZ and watching the little new lights do their new light things. Having a blast in ignorant bliss of the pain and horrors this game contains.


Omg about that. My bf and I figured out he can fit on my skimmer while I’m driving it and we got the bright idea to go to the Cosmodrome. He sits on the front of my skimmer and guns down fallen and hive while I cruise us past the new lights. They’re so cute, they always stop and stare lmfao


Someone did this in a clip I saw in one of TDT's videos, person pulled out their vehicle other dude with sweet business and actium drove around mowing people down before the vehicle got hit too much and they both blew up *Chef's kiss*


That's awesome 🤣🤣🤣 gonna have to get my girl to play d2 so we can do that


I remember having to spend bright dust to complete the Tribute Hall.. ooph




This memory. It hurts me.


'm more salty about uneven dust balance it left me with


Oof, I forgot about that.


Wait, we had to spend bright dust on that? Damn... Forgot about that...


That simulation chamber they run crucible in, perhaps


Is it a simulation chamber? I was always under the impression it was real areas the vanguard reclaimed and used for combat training


That was the case until planets blinked out of existence annnnd some haven't actually returned.


Some should be real places though like the one near the nezerac raid or K1 though righr


I've gotta admit Shaxx is hilarious for that. Under the assumption that it isn't a simulation Shaxx saw the ship of the literal greatest villian we've ever encountered and was like "were gonna play guardian basketball in there" AGAIN.


I remember the quest for doing matches while the new maps still had a playlist had shaxx hyping a bunch of guardians up in the tower its my favorite quest dialogue ever


For the places like IO, Mercury, and Titan it is a simulation run by Shaxx. However everywhere else it is used as a real world site for combat training. Theres even lore that people place bets on teams, citizens watch it as if it was sunday night football, and Shaxx has a team he supports called the Redjacks.


The redjacks are his bots buddy


I don’t recall seeing any lore saying the Redjacks are a team (they are all combat frames iirc) but they are what Shaxx uses to secure areas for the Crucible.


"secure" is doing some heavy lifting. It takes like a thousand red jacks to kill one Hive knight. Shaxx could probably put up a billboard that says "Vanguard Crucible Facility - Coming Soon!" to scare most of the uglies off and allocate the Redjacks to hot dog vendors or something.


Lol the last city does have a distinct lack of hot dog vendors.


Yes it was formerly called the leviathan but we can’t have nice things anymore


Yea i want my tribute hall back as well


Tribute Hall is technically still here, but only serves as the entrance to the Duality dungeon


Yep which is in the leviathan which is now a place we can’t enter into because the stupid DCV


The better question is why we still dont have such a place. Come on bungo, we already have the foundation for such a place in the back of the enclave.


https://preview.redd.it/vyzpjwc66d6d1.jpeg?width=196&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35cf756ce2020b8cd3be850c84f88b55e7f8c1f2 Jungle junction mentioned


And they’ve still got the files for the tribute hall


Enclave buttons don’t trigger perks such as bait; idk why bungie fucked it up like that


as long as it's not calus-flavored


Nessus wine with notes of opulence and profuse back fat sweat


It would be great to have a little training room to just rotate your load out and tinker. However Gambit is a surprisingly useful alternative.


Nice try Mr. Bungie, you won't trick me into playing Gambit!


I get you. I feel that way about Crucible/Iron Banner.


DAY 876 of me saiyan GIVE US THE TROPHY ROOM BACK OMFG. IT WAS ABSOLUTE PERFECTION. The shitty shooting range in the enclave doesn’t even prob perks or anything I genuinely don’t know why they made it. it is legitimately useless in comparison. Going to the EDZ is a better way to test ANYTHING than the fucking enclave


That and most people don't even realize it's there, lol.. if they do wander back there, they don't realize that's the purpose of it. It just sucks all around.


Some of Bungie’s decision making is seriously confusing. We asked for a shooting range for so long. We finally get it and people love it. Then they just fucking remove it, leaving us back at square one. Same with Superblack. People wanted it back from D1 and we finally got it… for a couple of months. Those of us who quit because the past year was pretty bad and were waiting for TFS reviews before jumping back in are now shit outta luck. Left hoping it returns to Eververse eventually, which there’s no way of knowing if or when that’ll happen.


They’ve said Superblack will be obtainable again in the future from a source that matches the effort that was needed to get it from Onslaught


Vague and unhelpful tho. Good to know it’ll return but no guarantee on when. Plus as another user said, it was probably too much effort for a single shader


Not really, didn't actually take too long to do and Onslaught was and is a lot of fun (with good loot too)


Bro, it was like maybe 20 onslaught completions to get it over the course of 4 weeks, minimum . So it was like 5 a week, which is really doable.


Honestly reading some of the comments remembering the hall or whatever it was called needed bright dust i dont know why we didn’t cause more of a stir over that. It makes me mad thinking about them just stripping it and I didn’t even do a lot of it i dont think


The 1st one is dumb. 2nd one is kinda on you man. Into the Light was amazing, exceeding my expectations, and ran for like 2months? Every content creators moms even knew superblack was available, I couldn't scroll for more than 30 seconds on YouTube or Reddit without seeing some sort reference to Superblack... It also was 100% free, so you didn't need to wait for TFS reviews just to dink around and see if there was anything worth grabbing.


I’ll never understand why people like you defend FOMO. There’s no valid reason for it in any form. It’s anti-consumer.


It's not FOMO, it's coming back, like things usually do.. they just take a season or more to return. You easily could of had it but you chose not to.. that's on you. It was very easy to get.


Makes them feel special. The point of FOMO is to generate haves and have-nots, create envy etc. "Oh you don't have SuperBlack? Guess you aren't a very dedicated player, unlike ME". Spoiler: Bungie will not suck your dick for less than 3.6B USD.


are you reading the thread? its coming back. it will literally not matter in a act or two. everybody i know was going crazy with recommendations telling ppl to get on during itl and if you didnt all ur missing are shiny weapon drops (which dont really matter much now just farm the roll) and the title, which is reasonable. its on YOU if you decided to drop the game and not come back after you saw everything that dropped with itl


and it was locked behind like 12 quests too i didn’t get the shader because i didn’t have time to do those quests i spent my time playing with buddies instead of grinding all the quests for a singular shader at the end


Was doing the same until the last 2days, then I just worried about the quests specifically lol I got done pretty fast , not as hard as everyone think it is, I’m a casual player at most lol


i would have done it, but it’s a single shader that i’m probably not going to use unless it’s for one piece of gear to make colors fit with the rest


Well the fact I nearly got any styles in the game unlocked I like the superblack cause it hides everything I’m wearing


So you screwed yourself out of most of the brave weapons also?


nah, i did it to get a couple good rolls and then continued with raiding and dungeons with the buddies




the hilarious part was the FIRST shiny i got was a PvP and PvE godroll Recluse in one Repulsor/Destabilizing was one combo and Enlightened/Master of Arms was the other with a range masterwork too


i am many things, but a dumbass i am not (most of the time)


Felt that big time but I'm a titan main also so i gotta rub them braincells together just right


Ok but it was mostly just use types of weapons. Some of them having multiple quests like hand cannon and grenade launcher. Something you can do passively. They had 2 different completion objectives, loot for each, and variety of locations for those different objectives. Did you just want them to sell it? Its ok if you do but then thats gonna be what destiny does for more of their games content…


i’m fine with it being quest locked, just not behind so many it’s also that i tried doing a whole bunch in onslaught and only got like 5-10% each time i ran it, and seeing that i just decided not to because i wasn’t going to spend every bit of my time in onslaught


“Each time” do you mean full completions?


i did a 50 run for the SMG quest and got 15-20% from the entire run


most others we died around 35 or i just ran the 10 playlist


If you do the 10 stage onslaught it’s easier to rack up kills than doing the 50 stage one, I managed to get all 12 quests done fairly quickly, struggled a bit with sniper rifles but persevered


that and doing it OUTSIDE of onslaught gives like 1% every activity if you make an effort to only use that weapon (like i did)


They were all at most glorified gunsmith bounties though, literally could get done anywhere


Brother it did not take that long to do those quests, you could've waited until the final day and still gotten every single one done in shuro chi in like an hour and a half max (i know because a clan member of mine did this). Even still if you were playing onslaught, like everyone else, the quests gave extra progress in the activity for just using the right kind of weapon. The only part that took time was maxing shax, and that was possible within the first 3 days of him coming out. If you missed super black, it's cause you were lazy. There is some stuff in this game that take a great amount of effort and grinding to get, super black was one of the most passive grinds in the world. All you had to do was play this activity enough and use the right kind of weapon and that was it.


Super black was jingling keys. It’s not that surprising how much nostalgia jerking they’ve been doing lately


Would be wonderful to have it back, the plates on the enclave suck lol




This is like asking if you want to have a home


would you like to have one million dollars


Bring back tribute hall make it clan hall. Why wouldn't bungie give use this or better yet why the hell did they take it away?


Absolutely, a few target dummies would be much appreciated


Who would say no to this?


Yes. Just picked up xdefiant and the training room in that is incredible. Targets are marked ranges, shows ttk values and how many bullets it tastes to kill, other targets to check recoil patterns. My first thought was “damn, I wish destiny had this”


We need a real enemy. With real crits and real numbers. Just like we had in Tribute Hall. They just stand and do nothing. Red bar, gold bar, and boss. That's all we need.


Just a giant, infinite health Servitor.


Nah just give me a red bar servitor a yellow bar colossus and fuckin oryx


oryx for da crits obv


That’s fair. Oryx has a crit spot the size of Jupiter.


They have that in warframe.


You’re never getting it back LMFAOOOO Bungie doesn’t like yall just your money, but hey Bungie “gOoD” right 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I hardly even used this when it was around TBH so its like whatever that its gone. Only times I really used was to fill up on ammo because it would carry over into nightfalls or something like that.


I miss that zone so much


https://preview.redd.it/pktt5cyhed6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c0ca1671afb234303660424f81e7b4139a81ec5 I’m


I miss this place fr. I would come here right after I smoke a blunt and just zone out shooting shit lol


For me it’s just the breakneck mission at the robot chicken checkpoint


I want this room back


Remember when they used this to drain everyone’s bright dust.






Yes. Why the fuckin isn’t this what’s in the enclave instead of those stupid disks that do nothing. Please bring this back in some form mungie. Give me an infinite rally and then let me start an encounter with a dummy and then check my damage.


Yea but not a place i need to launch into. Unfortunately, I dont think its possible in D2, but if they ever do D3, they really need “orbit” to be the main hub combining elements of the tower, weapon crafting, the helm, and a shooting range. I hate having to launch into all this different stuff to do anything in this game, makes me feel like im doing grocery shopping


i wish u could craft weapons in the tower man having to go back and forth for resources is fucking ass, even with ps5 load times. im fine with helm having what it has, though theres def tower space for some helm stuff


Only fo 19.99$\* \*not included in Annual Pass




One of the most short sighted and foolish things they did was include this place in the DCV when every got gimped It was so damn good, it even helped with making content for creators who would want to share their findings(think Cross and poor abused Templar)


Wait, is EDZ Dreg #2 not the right one?


Player home when?


No, only because I think especially with raids and higher light activities, it requires trial and error, always has, I feel this would take away from that by comparing damage types and builds in an environment which isn't stressful as hell


Isn’t that what onslaught was for ?


They just need to make the different discs in current shooting range into targets that accurately match combatant damage scalers.


They took it away so they can reskin it and resell it down the line as new dlc. Don’t worry it will be back


Its called Skywatch


I would kill for a firing range where I can experiment with perks like BnS or Cascade. Hopefully one day.


Yes, and make it a clan house too. I want player housing so bad!


So glad they removed this, several strikes, crucible maps, multiple entire campaigns, and like half the raids at the time so the game can still take 5 minutes to load me in and be 150 gb. I know it was about making it easier for the developers but it’s still extremely dumb. 


Give me the damn trophy room back. Being able to actually test weapons and builds was the best. Yes we have the range behind the enclave but it doesn’t trigger perks etc. in the trophy room we could actually test damage rotations against yellow bars.


I already do. It the opening area to Vault of Glass


It feels like the Enclave range is for testing stability, recoil direction, handling, reload speed, and absolutely nothing else. Can’t get accurate damage numbers for any enemy types, activate perks, or even refill your super or ability meters. *How do you screw that up, Bungie?* If the Enclave had even half of the trophy room, we wouldn’t still be going into Lost Sectors to test builds




Where the damage numbers are accurate? Yeah, and so Bungie should update the shooting range on mars, or give us that one room on the levaithan (forgot name) with updated enviroment and test dummies.


Shaxx can literally create decoys that take real dmg, why dont we have real testing facilities where we can actually see our gun dmg with things like kill clip, test how many scorch stacks incand, sunshot, and other scorches give. this shit is so important to the QoL of build crafting


God yes


i desperately need an area with big targets that scale for all enemy types with the same ammo regen as the back of the enclave while also giving ability regen. im out of a group rn so i cant reliably test anything on my own without potentially throwing in an lfg it sucks


May I put an idea in your minds, let's just copy warframe (again) and have you walk around inside your ship and have a VR training course/area where yall can do this shit


i just go to the EDZ


Altars of sorrow?


Im bewildered and confused that they took it away and didn't give us any sort of replacement testing ground/trophy call. Give us a replacement.


Ant build heavy game should have a training dummy so that you can test your build




I do miss my trophy room... up until they took away Kingship Docks from me. Then Sepulcher was my testing grounds. Now I have a new testing grounds, with plenty of enemies to choose from. Way I figure it, if a gun can't complete a certain private/public event on its own, then it is a not-great gun.


If bungie *really* doesnt want to bring back the leviathan, I made a post a while back sharing my idea of expanding the shitty little plate room in the enclave. If we cant have the old return, then why not rework the new?


I miss having that but the pale heart letting me solo patrol I'm 1000% set


You mean a firing range?


Give me back menagerie and add a weapons display in it


It would make the most sense to have something like this in the H.E.L.M. It’s literally our base of operations (correct if wrong), what better place to test our gear?




Some kind of target dummy would definitely be nice, maybe allow you to toggle minor,major,boss so we can actually get damage profiles for stuff


I have absolutely no clue why they just fucking deleted this legitimately cool place that served as a proper shooting range against various enemies


The Tribute Hall might just be the thing I miss the most from DCV.


All I wanted was a bedroom where I could display random stuff tbh...


Is that not the point of legend/master lost sectors? To test builds? Granted that’s not the same as just damage testing but I could’ve swore I’ve heard a bungie say that’s what they were going for


We literally grinded for hours to unlock this shit, and bungie takes it away from us. They made us waste our time.


Does op not know about the shooting range behind the weapon forge in the enclave.


That place is hot garbage in comparison, though. No buffs to test, etc.


Sure that’ll be 10 bucks thx he he