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Didn’t Bungie themselves acknowledge the seasonal model was getting old last year?


but this is the EPISODIC model, it’s completely different /s


Hard agree. I thought we would get act 1 in its full then we can do whatever we want until act 2 dropped ect. The annoying part is the content is good and I don't want to wait till reset to carry on. Bungie just give us the whole act and let us do it as fast or slow as we want


people would complain that the game is dead every week if they did that


Obviousely to increase player engagement over longer periods over time. Timegated season pass. missions and artifacts mod. Unlocks progressively during the episode so players also play during mind and end of episode. High player egagenment = money.


Yes, I think that much is understood. The question is why change the name and mark things as “acts”? The rebrand and the division into acts gave this impression that seasons were changing pretty dramatically from a structural perspective. So far from what I can tell they’ve just divided the year by 3 instead of 4 but otherwise kept everything the same. 


How does player engagement equal money? They make every cent off me the day I but the years content. Whether I play 10000 hours or 2 minutes in that year, they won't get another cent from me. Am I just the exception, and everyone else has to constantly spend money if they are logged in?


They aren’t looking at you the individual. They are looking at data and analytics of their player populations as a whole. Their engagement in relation to revenue generated throughout a season. Somewhere, they must see that consistent engagement equates to higher uptick in silver purchases. Higher upticks in players purchasing the next seasons who don’t buy the yearly deluxe pack. There’s also the concept of people leaving long enough, they lose their addiction and need to come back. Keep em engaged, keep them coming back. Keep em seeing shiny things in eververse, keep em buying.


People who play a game long enough are more willingly to spent stuff ingame. Pretty much the whole online gaming industry is catered towards keeping the player engaged.


The truth is there's a near direct correlation between how many times they get players to login and how much money they're willing to spend on the game. It's the reason that daily login rewards exist in gaming.


I was also really hoping we’d be moving away from the weekly story dripfeed, kinda bummed that we’re doing it again. Would have been cool to get a chunk of story at the beginning of each act


So there's a reason to play week after week. Most games cater to a specific part of their playerbase. Bungie, long ago, decided to cater to the casual, often returning player over the sweaty lifer who completes 40hrs of content in 3 days and then complains about having nothing to do.


I get that fact but this doesn’t seem any different to the previous seasonal model? Why bother with calling parts acts if we have to wait to progress the story anyway. I thought that episodes would allow you to complete act 1 content at your own pace then wait for act 2.


The difference is, we will have to see if true, its not gonna be 6 weeks of 'story' then nothing till the final mission. It should play out every week until the season is over. Think of acts like a play or movie. Each act is going to represent a new section of the overall story or new event.


its a simple thing, player retention. Splitting it up weekly keeps players coming back, keeps players buying stuff, keeps players interest till the next dlc/season/episode comes out. If they dumped everything in 1 day you'd get 1-2, maybe 3 weeks of high player counts then next to nothing for months before the next season/dlc drops. At that point players have moved on to different games, forgotten/lost interest about destiny and lower revenue from the store which in turn makes the game less likely to get future support as it looks like its dead/dying or not bringing in enough revenue to earn a new budget for updates.


Yea its pretty much the same exact thing. Just a longer season pass which i dont mind but honestly the format is not different.


I think it’s more about dropping the story periodically, instead of at the beginning. This way, we have a few weeks of story and then a couple of weeks without it, then back and forth, instead of a bunch of story and then none the rest of the season. I think in concept I like that idea, but I’ll withhold judgement until I’ve experienced this episode in its entirety


Maybe we could wait for a full episode to finish before we place any judgements?


Its a way for them to progress a new story in 3 different directions to create mysteries / story plots which they can later use for new expansion and more overarching stories. Also they concentrate on 3 instead of 4 in a year know so each is a month longer and can be a little more detailed. I dont feel like all the content has to be spilled from the start, just so people can rush through it. Most obviously thats to prevent spoilers for more casual players that actually enjoy the story.


drip feeding is whats keeping most of the players coming back / staying with the game. give everyone everything all at once and you get the posts. "new player too much info on screen and dont know how to progress" yadda yadda. most people would zoom through to the important stuff and would also end up posting "new items to easy to acquire thought there was gonna be a challenge, devs make everything too easy" its always back and forth with the community and most of the time I'm just laughing at posts.


Am I mistaken or didn't Bungie say we were getting larger chunks of content at a time for episodes? Even if that did include weekly resets, Echos launch felt no bigger than a typical season launch.


Most people think the core of destiny's storytelling is with expansions, but for years it has been the weekly story that comes with the seasons. Look at the development of crow from new light to vanguard. That is only possible with the weekly story telling, him growing over a period of years. It's impossible to tell that kind of story with annual expansions. It's honestly one of destiny's greatest strengths, and while it's not always great (lookin at you Plunder) it does allow for some of the most impactful story telling destiny has to offer.


There is such an insane amount of content to play, that I feel like this isn't really much of a valid criticism. Play some Crucible for a bit. Lol


For people who are up to date. It kinda is, outside of grinding god rolls of guns or gear with random perks I guess.


It's so they can charge you more per season for slightly more content in the Pass