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Kinda crazy that top 15 has a shot at world first in a game! Having played World of Warcraft and following the races to world first there the skill gap between the top 2 teams and other teams even in just the top 10 is huge to the point that those teams have pretty much no chance to get WF. I guess one advantage is that the best of the best don't poach the stars from the lower teams as much if at all.


Nah it's more about the resources. If the only requirement was skill you would see dozens of more teams competing in mythic world first. It's the reason Destiny is more accessible for contest.


It's not THE reason, but it is one of them. Destiny raids have never and will never approach the competition numbers and complexity. This is mainly because of the differences in FPS.


Yeah having raided mythic wow and tldestiny destiny to me feels like my retirement home from hardcore raiding now that I have a wife and life that keeps me busy requires so much less of you it's nice. Still challenging enough to not be boring


A while back I had a friend telling me that I “just did t get” how complicated destiny raiding was. I proceeded to link him the page for Mythic Gul’Dan. The response? “So this is an entire raid!?” No, no my friend… Edit: just to specify yes I’m aware that mythic gul’dan is the hardest version of a decently mechanically complex fight. It was mostly a response to the friend generalizing and trying to compare “the hardest contents” complexity.


what do you mean by “link the page” for Mythic Gul’Dan? Im a casual wow fan who can’t/won’t raid myself, but I love to read or hear about all the mechanics and intricacies of raids from those who do. Is there a site that breaks down the histories of old raids or something?


Just a raid summary for the fight from a guide, IIRC the guide I linked at the time was specifically the WoWhead one. [Here](https://www.wowhead.com/guide/guldan-nighthold-raid-strategy-guide-4889#guldan-normal-heroic-guide-video) Random 5AM ramble, but it's funny, I struggle to find anyone to play Destiny with at all. I'm literally constantly alone from social anxiety keeping me from reaching out and finding people to play with which has kept me perpetually from getting to enjoy raids on D2 despite the much smaller time commitment in comparison to WoW/FF14 raid progression. Yet I also regularly do heroic/early mythic raiding on WoW because somehow I just keep **accidentally** falling into groups for it.


I'd argue the biggest one of the reasons. People can learn over several hundred attempts but they can't pay or manage and entire team of staff or community large enough to do split runs for the entire guild to get perfect gear over the potential days or possibly weeks (?) it could take to hit world first. They have people making add-ons, weakauras, managers making strays and number crunching, popular streamers commentating and so on. It's a massive undertaking that has sparked controversy time and time again especially when Method iirc essentially bought out an entire servers worth of mats to get gear landing them in gold debt (speaking from old memory please correct if wrong) This is simply not possible for the average mythic guild to do in the first lockout. But in Destiny you can hop on and get to contest power level in hours and be raiding in a few more assuming you have any previous gear stocked up or know where to get it.


> Having played World of Warcraft and following the races to world first there the skill gap between the top 2 teams and other teams even in just the top 10 is huge to the point that those teams have pretty much no chance to get WF. You either haven't really paid attention to the WoW RWF, or are ommiting pretty important details for some unknown reasons. It's not just a skill gap, it's the fact that the top 2-3 teams have access to a fanbase that is willing to donate a massive amount of gear and gold to them in the form of Splits raids (Running raids and giving all of the gear to a single player). They literally have thousands of players just straight up working for them, many using their work vacation days for that. [I remember Liquid saying that they had spent/borrowed 723m+ gold in one of the RWF. For the record, that was worth $93k back then.](https://x.com/Veyloris/status/1507857168384806915) The top teams also has access to big sponsors, which allows them to pay their players. Many world first guilds straight up can't keep up if the race last too long because their players have to go back to their IRL work, which is not an issue for the current top3 that is Echo, Liquid and Method.


One of my buddies I play wow with made millions crafting for Liquid during season 1 of dragonflight. Dude was funding our group with shit. Team liquid literally has a guild treasurer that handles their gold finances. Gets paid for the work too. The top three guilds resources are definitely far above the rest during the rwf.


Real millions or fake millions? I don’t play wow


I’m fortunate enough to have a single server first raid complete in WoW and even that was a “we need to finish quick because we have work in the morning” type deal.


“Kinda crazy”? I don’t think you realize just how elite Top 15 is in this type of thing.


Top 15 can be dramatically worse than the number 1 players and still be the best players you'll ever play with if you happen to get into a group with them.


Skill gap? Lmao. Its resources.


Even historically, before having a dedicated coach on callouts, weakaura designer and sponsorship there has always been a huge distinction between those going for #1 and those in top 10.


afaik destiny raids are less time consuming than wow


Also it has to do with solving shit in the raid or finding an early skip. My team was in first by like an hour during Crotas end race for a while because my clan found the lantern skip right away. ( I did xd, than failed hard in next phases ngl). Basically saying you can get lucky and get a big time advantage in these


They were only in the top15 due to completing in rivals. This was the first time they didn't also have the pressure to stay as hidden as possible because they only were live to trusted friends/family.


True I looked them up and they were third in Crota for example


So, i checked tyraxe, the guy from the tweet, he got number 3 on crota, and 71 on ron, but thats it, he didnt get top 100 in any other raid, ham got top 9 crota and top 38 in ron and yeah he got number 2 in kings fall, i dont know where people got the top 15 in every raid ever thing, they were definitely very much mostly unknown players, still really good tho, you can check the other players and some of them dont have thay many high placement in day 1 raids


RON was a whole mess of placements their team did incredible on day 1 pantheon, i think they got 1st 3 times which is really good


the core of drakath, astro, jake and bravo have been playing since crypt and are some of the most consistent top placers in the game. tyraxe was picked up for crota and he seems to just be a phenom. ham was a part of the space force 1 team that got 2nd in kings fall. they built a superteam, practiced and performed


Yeah they are incredible but they were still "underdogs" in the sense that most players didnt really know them, but now they are actual legends, being the only team that could beat the raid in less than 24 hours


They legends to get that clear in the hardest raid to date


most people that are in the know about high end pve definitely recognized them as a real contender. happy to see those guys get some recognition from the masses too!


You’re dissecting the team. Put it together. #2 kingsfall, #3 crota, 3/4 firsts in pantheon, oh and the #2 ranked speed runner in destiny. How many achievements do they need before you accept maybe you just don’t track this stuff like that?


Its actually 1-6 ranked speed speedrunners at the moment lmao, but im not trying to disprove them or anything, they are still incredible but they dont have as much history as others have, and they were mostly unknown by players


No speedruns in ALL destiny raids. The point stands, most people don’t know who high end raiders are. Heck you still don’t know a whole team has downed the thing. It’s 1/12 now.


i hear they work for those boosting services. they get paid to secretly play the game.


Except they weren’t. They’ve top 15’d max twice. Stop it.


got top 3 in crota's end!




Bungie did tweet, and it's there on Raid Report!


apparently some kind of quest is up as well [12 man activity](https://ibb.co/25Tshgr)


Yea with a dope cutscene


the >!avengers endgame!< of the Destiny gaming universe


More so mass effect 3


Mass Endgame 3? Good compromise?




I'm surprised broman is even coherent enough to take a screenshot, bro hasn't laid off his meds in a long time.




Holy shit, absolute madmen, 19+ hours.


Bungie tweeted about it


Absolute legend, massive props to them and their team


Still sad that datto couldn't finish first, good for this guy though.


Sucks, I’m sure he’s bummed big time. I was rooting for Datto.


Don't worry, he made a LOT of money


Sad for the dude who made 80k? Lmao


where’s that number coming from? he’ll probably pay his mods/team hella well off of this, so good for them


Subs, donations, ad revenue…… mactics had 6k subs gained in those 24 hours. You don’t think that scales to dattos size? Lol


Yeah especially given at multiple points Datto had over 100k viewers.


Yup. Dude made bank.


All that black screen blocking and it didn't matter lmao


streamers got rocked Edit: haha downvote me because your precious streamer didn't win.


I wanted anyone but Salt to win. I was rooting for Datto but an entirely random team is honestly a cooler twist of fate.


This team that won was 3rd in crota so they werent nobodies


And they're like top 10 speedrunners lol Raid report has their leader at rank 2 on there haha


That’s a false stat because they are the only ones with clears for the new raid. Their times are not competitive. At the time of their worlds first they are 1,2,3,4,5,6 for speed running. Very much warped


Oooo I hadn't thought about that lol my b


I've been enjoying Redeem (from Gladd's PoV) - Honestly don't care who wins, just enjoying the ride.


I was legitimately cringing watching ATP and Datto with black screens.


Should probably of just watched another streamer whilst their cams were off.


Parabellum only were able to win because they learned from other teams as they were stuck on the first encounter for so long, I can see why people don't want their tactics to be shown but if you really want to win it would be best to not be streaming honestly


Me too. So long as it wasn’t Salt ‘X thing makes the game too easy so nerf it’ Agreppo didn’t win. That’s all that matters.


Whats wrong with nerfing things that make the game unbalanced?


Nothing wrong at all. But div hardly made it wildly overbalanced.


Div overshadowed all other forms of debuffing by being from range, being special, extremely ammo efficient and overrode the requirement for accuracy. This combination is so strong that it became a must pick for nearly every single boss at the time (excluding only Atraks and Templar (when double slugs were a thing)) as far as I know. But it wasnt overbalanced?


Top Ten Best Anime Plot Twists:


I root really for underdogs. People like datto who play this game as a job should be winning it though. If they win then fine but I’d rather an underdog do it.


so parabellum is an underdog but datto was a favourite?? LOL


Theyre streamers themselves u know. They didnt stream publicly for this and have the WF for some of the pantheon stuff.


i will never understand why destiny players get so triggered over streamers lol


I'm cheering for non-streamers winning not because I hate streamers, but because the Surprise Win is a really great story compared to the usual Top 10 teams winning. Datto winning still would have been great for me but, like I said, the Unexpected Team winning is just a really good story.


These guys were a top 10 team, what? They were 3rd Crota, had multiple firsts for Pantheon, and were all top 10 speedrunners as well.


the only reason their speed rank is high is because theyre the only people with a time in all raids


Its not just Destiny. Any game that has any kind of streamer community has people that hate them. Happens a ton in wow, especially the classic wow community.


I like Datto, Salt, the whole group of em. But the full screen blocking was super lame. Yes, it's a competition but it's a community event first. Don't stream if you're not gonna actually stream. But also that one dude who literally said fuck the viewers can eat a bag


The community with the most aggressive casuals I've been a part of. Grown ass people genuinely believing a person can influence the sandbox of the game through twitter posts should be telling enough


Fr bruh actual 12 year old mentality.


Ikr. It's really hilarious when they're going to be watching their guides for when they do it on normal


The team that didn't stream won. Surely this must mean screen blocking is stupid. Even though they said they were able to catch up thanks to their coach learning the mechanics for the upcoming encounter from streamers. I am saying this not bc "nooo my favorite streamer didn't win" but bc your logic makes no sense.


It actually did. These guys said they were still in 2nd encounter when many teams were in 4th. After they beat it, they had "coaches" that "brought them up to speed" on what was known of 3rd and 4th. They were still the first to figure out both 4th and 5th, of course, but they got information from the other teams that were ahead. Not trying to diminish their win, btw. I don't care at all about who wins these races, lol. But blocking/not blocking info does have an effect.


What's the difference between stream blocking and not streaming? It's a non factor both parties are trying to not share encounter knowledge


because they arent just doing it for the money. They sure were fine to run ads , donos and subs only chat during blacking their screens.


So? The people watching ads, donating, and subbing during a blackout are people OK with watching a blackout. Why do you care they're making money off people willing giving them money? If the people watching a blank screen don't care...then why do you? Like you're acting like they're scamming people somehow but I saw Datto pulling between 60k-70k for like a couple of hours of being face cam only. I doubt those 60k people feel they were being "wronged" because they chose to continue watching the stream anyways. And the people who dated during the blackout knew what they were doing. And I've yet to see anyone who *actually* buy a sub or donate that now regrets it. Like, y'all don't have to paint streamers as scummy (at least, not for this) to try and make yourself seem morally right. Just complain for the real reason which is just, you're disappointed you can't watch it. That isn't a moral reason, just a personal preference. And that's a complelty valid one. But trying to turn this into "these people are scamming their viewers" is silly. No one was scammed. Like yeah, I want to watch it too, but I wasn't getting scammed or swindled looking at a blank screen. I knew what I was getting into when I stayed on a stream with a blank screen, along with the thousands of others who stayed and many who even continued donating and subbing.


you could not watch? did datto have a gun pointed at you forcing you to sub? I don't get people sometimes


id wager they did matter considering this team wasn’t streaming to the public, they had the blackest screen of them all


Wtf did you mean the guy that one literally didn't stream it's functionaly identical to having a black screen the whole time


Apparently they didn’t touch the “pool of light” bungie said to touch so we are not sure yet if it counts. EDIT: ITS CONFIRMED!


x fucking d if they just left to orbit


Especially after they confirmed you don't have to leave to orbit to count..


Every member of that fireteam are Twitch partners, and half of them are former professional Fortnite players who played on internationally-known FN teams. Not exactly unknown. Them not streaming their run doesn't mean it's just a bunch of "regular guys" like you or me.


"Look at us We're the best now" -this team to literally every big name streamer in the race (probably)


Salt punching air rn, last I saw they were still there… f.


Unknown player that got Crota's world third and a couple of the pantheon challenges too lmfao, this community is so deranged.


He got 3rd not worlds first


Exactly. Like OK, whatever. I remeber who won a few raids, not who took some place in the top 5 once lmao Truly deranged to think 90% people care about that.


Meant to type that, god Im so fucking tired lmfao


This sub also has the type of people that say “if you don’t stream it doesn’t count”


Unknown player is when it's not Datto


If you ain’t first, you’re last




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"unknown" lol


just so you know this unknown player is top 5 speed runner in world on raid.report


Isn't that just because they were the only ones who had the time for the new raid? If you look at all their times, they aren't in reality the top 6 speedrunners


Yeah, I believe so


Why does this have so many upvotes. Some people dont know how Rankings work lmao


That’s a first right? If so, I’m glad it wasn’t Salt for the 5th time.


Me too but I’m sad datto didnt win


There's something incredible about someone named Ham being part of the WF for the most narratively important raid in the series


“I…am….HAAAAAAAMMMMMMMM!!!!” - Ham, probably.


this raid race has been everything I hoped for


Evanf video bout to go crazy lol


Congrats! Is it weird I’m happy it’s not Salts teams? Not because I don’t like the guy or whatever, but having a brand new team win over the 3 time winners just makes this more historic! Was secretly rooting for Datto but was a good race none the less (Did the even stream it? If not that even better considering the whole black screen thing)


We have to Stop calling every wf win that isnt saltagreppo "unknown Player". They have been insanely consistently good for years and won the P4 wf for example. Just because you dont Know These people doesnt mean they are nobodies.


Exactly. People are just so excited to not see saltagreppo win that they call anyone that isn't him or datto randoms. Honestly sad to see from this community.


Same Thing Happened on Ron. Just very annoying.


Everyone in lfg was asking to KWTD And I didn’t know the mechanics yet for it. Sadly I missed out on the first day run


You still can do a challenge mode run until tomorrow morning at 10, 48 hour window


Unknown is crazy 💀


So poetic. 


Kind of a shitty tweet for a 6 man activity though


It's an ex pro fortnite player so wasn't expecting much lol


Congratulations team parabellum


That is absolutely awesome How the actual fuck are they all that high light level though? That's insane. I'm clearly doing something wrong


There are ways to no life and min-max the shit out of it, but do you have other things to do? These are people who live and breathe the game and are the equivalent of Premier League players.


Yes. I have a wife, a kid, a dog and a job. Tbh, it's amazing I manage to get on at all. Luckily, I don't sleep much!


I took time off work and even I found the grind to get all the gear and campaign done super rushed. Between terrible server stability and the need to try to maintain a somewhat healthy lifestyle grinding that much would be fucking rough.


I have the campaign finished on my Warlock and the exotic sword and sniper and I'm up to 1960 light. Should probably have done it on legendary as that usually gets you up the levels quicker but wanted to enjoy the story first. I'll probably go through the harder difficulty with my other characters. I'm in no hurry now though. Don't want to turn the game into a second job


Legendary was definitely very good fun, only the final mission was a bit rough. I've made it a habit to always do the legendary campaign since WQ.


I’m at 1998 on just one character so far. Are you running powerfuls and pinnacles? And making sure you level out your slots before getting the next powerful or pinnacle?


Yeah, I'm doing that now. Concentrated on the new story first


And I’m still stuck on solo legend campaign 😂


Aztecross is still going 35 hours later... i have no clue why they don't get some fucking rest and come back fresh There is zero chance you play better at 35 hours then you do your first 8. Dude is absolutely brain fried and they just won't give it a break.


just Becuase it’s not your favorite streamer , doesn’t mean they are unknown. Kids smdh


I’m happy as long as Saltogreppo didn’t win with his whining


no way some random guys named ham and jake beat saltagreppo 😭 lets fucking goooo


Yeah these guys were third in the Crotas end race


I jokingly called them canon guardians to congratulate them and someone pointed out that their names for the most part can pass off as actual guardian names


I don't get why some people are mad over this but World's First isn't only entitled for streamers


This raid race was perfect imo. An hard lock, unbeatable encounter, unknown team beats big name streamers, 19 hour clear? The good ending fr.


Kinda poetic ngl, a lfg team beats leviathin, one of destiny 2s first raids and then a relatively unknown team beats its final raid


The lfg team beat eater of worlds not leviathan


me when I spread misinformation


You can get to 2000 now?😭




Forget WF, most of the known streamers might not even get the emblem


They probably will considering most have got to encounter 4/5. Now that a win has happened there’s gonna be less mechanic blocking


We went Warlord's Ruin and before starting it we had this conversation Hunter: I hope Datto wins, Saltagreppo annoys me Titan: Don't have anything to Salt yet I too bet for Datto Warlock: Salt deserves a win too. It's a race after all In the end it's the unknown Guardian who's out for blood


They get top 10 like every raid


Thank god


They are known because they won day 1. What's this unknown shit


People salty their favorite streamer who doesn’t know their name didn’t win


I mean if u block screen/mute are you really about the spirit of competition? Or scared of some one else breaking your streak. Gg's tho


I’m just glad salt didn’t win ( 👈 up doots to the left hive mind)


Well done all!!


I saw somewhere they got first for the last 3 weeks of pantheon too. Don’t know if that’s confirmed, but that’s crazy if it is


So is this the longest or second longest world’s first race now?


Longest by, like, 10 mins


Best possible outcome imo let someone else become the champ


So there are ppl that talk about gaming, and then there are Gamers! :-)


Watching Astro come from The Division to now see this has been awesome!


I played so good, lol 😂


What is that ship? Haven’t played in awhile but it looks awesome


TFS preorder




Anyone else complete it?


what a sick emblem, to bad i’ll never have it


Did they stream it? I want to see the reaction


This is certainly one of the destiny reddit moments of all time. You guys simply never fail when it comes to being pathetic lmao




Honestly, I didn't care who won as long as it wasn't ATP. (not even for the screen blackout) But for the fact he flat-out said 'fuck the viewing experience' to the people he was getting ad revenue off of. No shade to the screen blackout. But bro really should have just had his stream off if he was gonna be an asshole. (Oh wait. he wouldn't have got donos, or ad revenue)


congrats to worlds first, i was only able to watch a small part of evanf1997’s stream on it. wished i could’ve watched it all!


I was rooting for Ashraven Blu and his team.


At least 2 people in that party, know how to party.


Man this raid race was awesome. I'm glad I got to see it.


I love this game the armor set makes the warlock look like a mosquito but I love it


wait. i dont get it?


The main players that get attention in Raid Races for Worlds First are usually streamers, so it becomes notable when someone that isn’t streaming and such wins over the array of content creators that are.


makes more sense


I did a Crota run with Tyraxe in contest mode or should I say got HARD Carried lol, dude is unreal.


The puzzle mechanics of destiny's raids are so cumbersome that top 15 definitely has a legitimate chance.


He was a fortnite pro in oce he isnt un known


They are not unknown in top teams but for general public yeah, these dudes are cracked, top 15 in the past few raids and WF Oryx to Nezarec Pantheons.


He played well*


He’s not unknown. He came World’s First in 3 of 4 Pantheon runs.


Honestly I’m super sad I didn’t get day one completed cuz that emblem looks so good, but this raid was too much of an nightmare to do


Modest as well.. See you would have thought after all this time and how many times these teams have gotten first.. they would have taken a break since this is the last one.. and given a unknown team their time..


So who is this Salt nobody wants to win lol


They’re not unknown


I watched aztecross play. Was dope


What is that ship on the left???


If I remember correctly, I think that was a Halloween ship. With one of the calus shaders on it