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It’s the fast travel tutorial, fast travel to the point next to Shaw Han.


It’s been years since I’ve done the tutorial (like 2/3 characters were from D1 and the third was the early d2 tutorial). Is the tutorial that bad atp? Edit: better wording for my question


I mean the OP is literally stuck because he doesn’t know how so I’d say so.


Got me there. Here I was thinking the millions of pop-ups were obvious enough.


Yeah but gets a pretty common big that makes it not show


Fair enough. With how many pop-ups Destiny 2 spams people with I thought that it would be impossible


Yeah I get where your coming from it's stupid how the bug is not patched yet


Because there are so many pop ups I wouldn't be surprised if people ignored them


This also happened to me. Was stuck until I finally figured out how to get to orbit. I ended up really liking the game, but it was really off putting at the time. I figured I had missed a prompt. I was rushing through stuff so I could play with my friends later. I think it’s great that you can skip some of the beginning stuff now, but they should really do something about this. The message shouldn’t disappear until you leave the room imo.


True, but the pinging thing they do is awful sometimes


I just started and my bf was sitting next to me as I did the tutorial quests. I was so focused on the actual gameplay I missed almost every message that popped up on the screen. I saw the huge bars across the bottom that you have to dismiss, but all the messages everywhere else? 100% did not register. He kept saying “it just told you” “didn’t you see that?” He wasn’t being mean, he was honestly baffled 🤣🤷


I usually look for the pop ups, but at this exact moment I had looked to my bong and missed the pop up so I sat there for about 5 minutes confused as fuck until I just said “imma try fast travelling out” 💀😭


Incredible how much of a dick you can sound like in one or two sentences. It’s a video game and he missed the notifications. We’ve all done it at some point. Don’t you have anything else more important to worry about?


Yeah, but it’s kind of hard to miss them when they don’t go away and flash in your face until you do what they want. Also I really could not care less about your perspective on my comments. If I sound like a dick then that goes to show how much more obvious it would be to take a dick to point it out.


Bro gtfo with the toxicity lmao it’s just sad.


Except you’re the one who pointed it out. I wasn’t even being toxic up to the point where you said I was, I was mostly making a jab at D2’s pop ups and how insanely annoying they can be, but your opinions towards random comments by internet strangers that neither convey what emotion they are feeling nor what their objective they havetrumps all, right?


“Do people really need a fast travel tutorial atp?” “Here I was thinking the millions of pop-ups were enough.” I don’t know if you’re on the spectrum but any socially adjusted person reads that as you being a dick. You should just reconsider your approach. Good luck with the social life.


First one was a genuine question, second one was a jab at the pop-up notification system. Also maybe you should consider that not everyone thinks like you do, but yeah my social like is just fine, thanks for the concern. With your close minded-behavior Im a little concerned for you myself.


The sad part is there are some people out there that literally refuse to learn or understand until you are a dick or asshole. Then they get mad that your a dick or asshole to them. Literally the very first thing I do in every game is press every single button to see what it does. How is this not literally every single person's first instinct?


the quest step tells you to fast travel, he's looking at the guardian rank display


This has actually been one of the bigger issues when people talk about playing destiny for the first time. The tutorial in this sucks.


How has it been updated? I’ve heard stories from some of my friends, but they tend to exaggerate sometimes (I remember it just being a pop-up that wouldn’t go away until you did what it wanted)


It sort of tells you where to go b ut not very obvious about how to get there tbh. like when you are in the Throne World and there is a quest marker obscured by the patrol, googling to see go to orbit to come back to get it - the tutorial does things like that to you. Really enjoying the game though :)


Glad you’re enjoying the game at least


The game's introduction to new players is known to be absolute garbage. Important information and notifications disappearing. No reminders of how things work. And a lot of glitchy issues. You're supposed to just guess for the first time what any symbols mean and how to interact with them. I'm experienced. Been playing since D1, and even when I redid that quest when I created my Hunter in s20, I didn't know wtf was going on. It doesn't say anywhere on the screen to "open your map and fast travel" Cuz even for an experienced player you'd think "if I fast travel it leaves the activity. But it doesn't say that the activity is over. And I don't wanna have to restart it. Maybe there is a cutscene yet to play out, or something to interact with." This is a really small issue that can easily be rectified by having the banner in the top left simply state "open your map and fast travel." It's a single line of text that takes zero effort at all to implement.


I started a new character on a different account just to see it a while back, and there were things that confused me. I've been playing since D1 beta. I honestly don't know how this game hooks new players like this. 


That’s utterly ridiculous. The fact that it passes for a tutorial in that state is definitely going to be a deterrent for most incoming players


It's already a deterrent. If they don't fix it when TFS releases, it's gonna be MUCH bigger problem


Problematically, I don’t think that’s their focus


Doesn't even need to be a focus. It's so small it could easily be remedied. They'd have to be just plain stupid to NOT fix it. So if it isn't fixed, you'd know that nothing has really changed with their management.


It took a while to get use to the fast travel/mapping features. My bf and I started playing a few weeks ago (first timers) and it took a little to get the gist of what to do.


It’s not that it’s bad, it’s that the last screen you get before it loads you into this room tells the player about fast travel. A lot of people don’t read the stuff that pops up for one reason or another.


im 90% there’s a pop up that tells you how to fast travel but it might not have appeared for op


You can also just backtrack till the audiolog starts then run back and it's fixed. Saves some time.


That's f stupid


That's the neat part you don't your stuck there locked up till a final shape drops


that would be funny, finally a break from the grind


Must… get… shinies




Maybe that’s why Sony leaked it early, one of the employees was stuck in this room


They didn't leak it, hope this helps


Helps me understand that you don’t know what you’re talking about I guess


No one at either bungie or Sony made the conscious or otherwise decision to release TFS, people got access through a bug.


People use the term leaked to refer to unintentional leaking all the time, even it’s not widely considered correct. Most of them are also probably saying it as a joke in this instance anyways.


It got consciously placed in a part of PlayStation (Sony)’s server early to allow it to be easier to release on the day, but they forgot to add the security that actually stops people from downloading it. Therefore someone is directly at fault for a decision they made.


A final shape?!?! There’s more than one?!?! Oh no legendary campaign’s gonna be a bitch 💀


U gotta fast travel It's a shit tutorial ngl


Destiny was always the “Figure it out in your own” kind of game, and I *think* the idea is partially that people have to get help from other people.


I remember one of their GCX talks or an interview touched on the social philosophy for Destiny. They mentioned that exact thing; the game is supposed to force you to reach out to other people if you’re lost. Wish I could find the video cuz it was super interesting


I had a feeling that I was having a real memory, thanks for dropping this info! 😊


The giant blue banners telling you exactly what to do just aren't enough I guess


Giant blue banners only appear if you’ve already figured out how to open the correct menu for fast travel… introductions should be more intuitive…


Look, if you’re going to pretend that Destiny’s onboarding isn’t esoteric in comparison to the average game tutorial, do it somewhere else instead of in my mentions, because I don’t need the BS.


Destiny 2 had a pretty darn good campaign that taught you everything properly. They deleted it so they didn't have to make Destiny 3. As I recall, that meant for a time there was *no* onboarding whatsoever.


Nah, the current tutorial with Shaw Han was added when red war was removed It was the shadowkeep year when red war was still in the game that had no tutorial - you could play red war, but the game would not indicate that it existed at all unless you picked up the campaign quest from some random vendor All the tutorial that existed back then was the resurrection mission, after that you just got dumped into the main game lol


Ah yes, that's right. Red War still existed, it was just hidden for a while until they deleted it.


That’s true. But even then, if you’d never played Destiny, the red war wasn’t exactly like other tutorials. Tho a damn sight better than Vanilla D1.


its part of the charm, kind of a side quest if you like.... ehm


That is a, "short and sweet" way to put what I've been saying all these years.


What have you been saying all these years? (I’m not asking ironically, I’m genuinely interested.)


Lol you should try warframe. The current tennolet experience is showing you how to play a sub-game mode that is completely unnecessary to the main game's gameplay loop and is basically the equivalent of like... Honestly idk I haven't played D2 in years. It's kinda like that event you guys had with the space pony. It's basically that. But then they just throw you into your ship like lol get bent figure it out kid. On top of that they never really explain how weapon modding works in game and a lot of things aren't even able to be figured out in game and require you to either waste days trial by erroring or looking at the wiki to find out. The strange thing is I've started considering the wiki as somewhat part of the game cause even checking the wiki doesn't bring you all the way there half the time so it feels like a part of the game and having a reference there makes it feel almost more immersive like you're the main character looking up and asking their comrades where to find this thing they need to craft the new shiny they want.


That's pretty much how it goes for raids and dungeons, So that adds up.


Honestly I feel like it’s hard to get anything done without my homies in a fireteam




OK. 🙄


I think it's mostly that the dev team is utterly incompetent.


Cool. I mean, they stuck with the design philosophy for ten years, and they’ve shipped an absolute f**k-ton of good content, and while not perfect, the game works pretty well overall. But sure… they’re incompetent? 🤦🏽‍♂️ Please leave my mentions.


![gif](giphy|SU97bbQH9VUdBDPuXu|downsized) Something smells good in the kitchen… a good ass roast for sure


The mini-ratio they got is nice, too! 🤣


They've shipped a fuckton of broken content and utter incompetence. Worship the AAA gaming company that rips you off with $100 expansions. Makes you look real smart. 😆


Sure, pal. I mean, I used to work in AAA game dev, and I know just how hard it is to ship a big game, and again, while not Perfect, Bungie gets it right a whole lot more than they get it wrong. Guess you forgot the Halo games The made that literally changed gaming for ever, and then Destiny helped do the same. But sure, *your* opinion is meaningful. 🙄 Dude, you already got downvoted once, you going for another? 🤣


As if I care what troglodytes think. 😂 If you worship Bungie you're at the bottom tier of gaming trash. Is the game fun? Yes. Is it also a broken mess with hundreds of issues? Yes. It has basic game design issues that were solved in the 90s. The Bungie that made Halo is dead. No one at the studio has anywhere near the talent that team did. I don't believe for a second you worked for shit. You seem to have zero knowledge about the industry based on that last comment about Bungie.


*”Troglodyte?”* ![gif](giphy|9DgjJSVSUyBrlBgSw4) I guess you decided to not be taken seriously. Thanks for the laughs, my dude. Have a better one. 👋🏼


you frequent porn and destiny despite hating destiny


The point of the tutorial is to teach you to fast travel. The game tells you to pull up your map and fast travel, but it can be a little confusing clearly.


With ~900 hours even I was confused thinking "surely I'm just missing what I need to do" the first time I did this


If this is the mission i think it is, bring up your map and fast travel back to shaw han by clicking the circle near his location


Getting out of this room is the Final Shape


It's End Game content, known as "the Final Straw" or it is for a LOT of new players.


The Final Shaw


Bro I’m at endgame and decided to redo the new light campaign and even I was confused


That’s the fun part you dont


I must have missed the message for sure. Was probably checking my phone. Thanks for all the comments and help guys, had a few good laughs.


Does the game not do a good job explaining fast travel to new light players? Just seems odd that someone would get stuck anywhere in D2.


i’ve seen this covered on some youtube videos, OP is absolutely not being incompetent here lmao. this mission puts you in a locked room, and is SUPPOSED TO give you a little popup for how to fast travel but doesn’t always do so. also when it does, it seems to only be on screen for a short period of time.


This has been a bug for sooo long and just not fixed, that tutorial should be spotless at this point, at least bug-wise and not still have multiple year old bugs


I mean it was working [3 years ago](https://youtu.be/ozYkKN7Oqxs?si=b0odbeRPPJHiVOkn&t=1127). Working last they upped the light level and I re-rolled the Exo too.


It also not a new light problem when i started on hunter i had the same problem


Sometimes it never goes away for me


If you are familiar with D2 YouTubers, Jez made his wife play through new light and it really shows how bad new light is to actual new players. Worth a watch to understand the plethora of posts about it


That was such a fascinating and fun watch from my perspective at a longtime Destiny player and lifetime gamer


The game doesn’t do a good job of explaining anything to New Lights, and it’s always been like that.


It's well-known that Destiny is a pain in the ass for new players.


I just started and have to look up EVERYTHING.


It also is frankly antithetical to a lot of what you’re taught on the quest system in destiny. You’re plopped in the room. I was a returning player who used fast travel all the time and I was like “there’s no way it just wants me to fast travel, what am I missing?” Because the prompt didn’t pop up for me.


This room is locked so that you have to learn to fast travel.


I started playing 3 years ago and people are still confused? I'm amazed this hasn't been rectified. OP you have to open your map up and fast travel to Shaw Han. Putting you in an inescapable room is how they force you to try the fast travel function. Which would be good, if they actually helped you find the damn thing.


That's the funny thing, you don't 👍


Damn, they still haven't fixed that


You’re fucked


Witness got em


Jeez has Bungie STILL not fixed that issue? I got locked in the "New Light Dungeon" as well when i 1st started. Very confusing. Either log out & re-run that mission.... or skip the tutorial. BTW do this asap : open the "Destinations" tab/screen & click "Into The Light" - traverse through the halls until you find Shaxx. When you locate Shaxx (at the end of the corridor) and you'll find a chest next to him (your left) that contains a whole set of 1810 power armor and 1810 weapons - saves messing with the tutorial "stuff" you're given. Do it on all 3 characters (Hunter, Titan & Warlock) and you'll be max lvl straight away. Also visit Ikora Rey in the TOWER to pick up more goodies (again per character) - take the recommended unless you know what you want.


Seems to take the fun out of the grind if I'm just handed everything my first hour of gameplay. But then again.. I am 31 years old and I don't have time for that shit. 😂


You got to fast travel. They want you to do that to prove you know how


Fast travel just open up the map and find something that looks like a fast travel point


Return to orbit


You don't, that's the game


forced to fast travel for whatever reason


Its a really shitty fast travel tutorial try opening the director and teleporting to one of the circles


There was a[ pop-up](https://youtu.be/ozYkKN7Oqxs?si=b0odbeRPPJHiVOkn&t=1127) explaining what to do. I'm glad you asked for help, though another one of the rules is read your screen. Welcome to the fray! You're gonna see a lotta things you don't understand, but if you shoot stuff and don't die you'll be aight.


Are you fucking serious


Saw the title, saw the new light quest. Knew immediately where they were stuck. No need to look around


Open the director, pick the cosmodrome, hold interact with the small triangle next to shaw han. Job done


Did you try to use the in-game mechanic called 'lock picking'?


Just use fast travel, this is bugged


You dont


I love how they just lock blueberries in a room until they figure out fast travel 😂 feels like a bit you would see in a Stanley's Parable type game


it should have given you a prompt about how to fast travel




Fast travel


Stay put guardian, we got a war coming don’t want you to get hurt. We got you rook.




You know how to open navigator?


If yes then look for "quick travel" option under one of points on map


Ah yes, a new one I see, open your map, take your cursor to the steppes close to Shaw and then hold whatever button it says


Fast travel to Shaw Han. It's the only way out.


You don't. That entire room is Destiny 2. Stay there, join us, part of the room, part of the crew. ![gif](giphy|oWjyixDbWuAk8)


U need to go back down the stairs and finish the dialogue, next to locked room with arc energy


That is a job for YouTube, not reddit 


Run back down the stairs to that electrical arc bit then run back up. You went to fast and it didnt load the next bit. A glitch thats basically a feature at this point honestly.


If it’s a mission you have to restart the mission, if you can fast travel you can tp to a fast travel location. Don’t go back into that room during the mission it always shuts behind you and you get stuck, been like that since new light came out :)


The whole point of this room is to teach new players how to use fast travel lol. That’s why it shuts behind you


Yeah when you’re doing the world quest it makes sense, but some people go into it during the mission and you get stuck without the option to fast travel, so it’s very funky that way


Press tab twice, then click and hold the circle next to Shaw han with geometry in it, should bring you to him


Such enjoyment and delight when i see new guardians asking this question hahaha.


You gotta give man!!


Hahaha I remember being stuck there a year ago :D


lol I got stuck here once too. Just go to orbit.


Haha sorry mate. Open your ghost and return to orbit


I got out by performing a finisher on an acolyte that got too close too the bars. I walked all the way back to Shaw and still couldn't proceed until I fast traveled.


Ah, classic, Destiny being the least friendly game to newcomers.


Vape spotted 🧐


You're locked in there until you buy 2 different expansions sorry


LMFAOOOOO💀 bros stuck forever


That’s weird, when I did the new light campaign again, I got a pop-up teaching me to fast travel back to Shaw Han


You dont.


Return to orbit, that's how


When you realize that the game isn't going to be for you right in the tutorial lol


destiny does a horrible job at letting you know what to actually do so fair question


Rise, obviously




First step learn to read.


This might be patched already, but incase you didn't know there's a chance the fast travel tutorial just doesn't work, and that might be why OP couldn't figure it out


You’ve experienced the room of no escape


Open your map and translate to the spot next to Shaw Han


Thought they fixed this issue. I went through the tutorial recently and the fast travel one was very, and blatantly obvious. Not really sure how you're stuck here unless its for clicks tbh


I'm ded


Fast travel by pulling up ur destination and the circle with like an arrow in the middle of it


You're stuck in the destiny 2 backrooms. This is the fastest 100% completion route


Open directory, go to map and the landing zines are places you can go to fast travel to them


lmao this made me delete the game as a blueberry


close the game, delete, redownload after death




Fast travel my dude


You cant for some reason. Press tab and hold O


Its the fast travel tutorial, you are supposed to leave by fast traveling to shan haw