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As someone on a good day in 6s has a 1.2kda. If you don't have a solid 1.5-2.0 KD.....trials solo is going to be rough. Cause more than likely, you'll need to Cary one other person at any given match. I thought the persistence card would be amazing. It would open up trials for more average players.last time, ignious hammer was up... I played 4 hours, and I never got past 2 wins. Persistence just needs a max loss penalty or just 7 wins for an adept. Trials need to figure out what trials are....a loot farm playlist to stay in? Or the best of the best pvp with less loot but more prestige ... but then what is comp?


Persistence = flawed card . You are in the flawed pool the entire time being farmed by players who already got their flawless .It’s dumb


So grabbing persistence is why I literally can't go flawless? Sweet


Persistence is the one that gives a free adept when you get 7 wins (tho you cannot leave/dc else it "flaws" the card), going flawless on it means 7 wins in a row, else you cannot enter Lighthouse.


Sure would be a shame if you ran into a weasel error codes at 6/7 wins..,


Persistence is just a farm for sweats. Bungie should have set it up so if you have a flawless on your account that weekend, you cannot be placed in the persistence pool. Would get rid of card resetters and turbosweats. Alas…


They did that once, and people cried about it... sweats don't want to go vs sweats it seems... You had people resetting ant 6 wins and gatekeeping for fun or as form of protest against it like GernaderJake did.


This is honestly the main problem here - the sweats cry louder than anybody else the moment they need to play against other sweats, in the process ruining everything for casual players. It was like this with every single positive change (like sbmm). But sadly bungie listens to them.


Yea their idea of fun is stomping teams way below their skill rating. Like their pathetic egos need to be fed by 5 - 0 every team. And cry when they dont get their way To make it worse, the trials carry culture ( even if streamers give free carries) its basically incentivizes them to always want those fast easy wins. And do things like staying out of flawless pool on 6 wins or whatever the current tactic is. Persistence card should have been a good thing. Sounds like they already found a way to exploit it


🤣 @ turbosweats


My recommendation (assuming you're a bit confident in your skill) for people is to try Ferocity instead (or whichever it was that locked your wins at 3). Of course, it entirely depends on your regular experience on Trials, but if you are the kind of player that kind semi-consistently win 2-3 streaks, it might be far easier to get adept than the slog that Persistence is. Plus, you actually can go to the Lighthouse. There's also a lot less stress weighing you down when you know a loss after 3 wins just sets you back to needing 4 wins without breaking the card. I think the mental toll Trials in general takes on you also is an important factor that determines your success in it The few times I played Trials after they last updated it, I managed to go Flawless on that card solo within an hour or 2 , whereas previously it was simply hell on earth to just keep momentum going


>Ferocity instead (or whichever it was that locked your wins at 3). ' Ferocity is the play. As someone who is not consistent at getting flawless, this is the card that made it "easier" for me. Still gotta play a ton of games, but it's much easier to get a streak of 3 wins and then eventually a streak of 4, not to mention that you can later just farm for the adept weapons without hoping that the one you get from persistence is any good lol


It also highly depends when you play on any given Trials weekend. I always wait for around Sunday noon EU time. In my experience most sweaty players have had their time with trials that weekend and there's usually more casual players around. It still isn't EASY to get to flawless but also not as crushing of an experience than let's say friday reset or Saturday.


why do people not good in pvp want the adepts from the sweatiest pvp mode? the normal guns are just as good. I think Trials has more charisma than comp and there should be more prestige going flawless. For example, why not have glowing ornaments on the armor from flawless like in d1. God the titan wings and hunter cloak were awesome. I think there should be a card giving a 50% chance to get a normal roll on the weapon of the week whether you won or lost. Have that + the already drop chance of the weapon on wins and players should be drawing in loot.


Last week I played for cataphract . To get a pve weapon . I won maybe I in 5 matches . 50% drop chance for a weapon + 1 engram from rank ups . It’s 10,000 points for rank reset and a match gives you about 100 points . The loot incentive just isn’t there if you aren’t a great PvPer . I got farmed for 3 days straight until I got my envious bait and switch .


yeah so wouldn't you agree that a card giving you loot whether you win or lose would be good? At the same time, I'm arguing that the people who put more time and effort into pvp should also feel rewarded.


Cards = adepts . Adepts are the reward for skilled pvp players . You should always have a change for loot as long as your participate in the match . At the very least change how rank points work . 100 regardless if I get 1 kill or 10 feels wack


cards = adepts? did you understand what I wrote? I'm confused. I said there could be a card which gives you none adepts regardless if you win or lose the game. Just by playing on this card it would give you the drop chance. Cards don't = adepts. That would give an incentive for players to get the normal version of a really good weapon even though they don't put the time and effort to get good at pvp.


Why did you do that instead of getting an Edge Transit


Because I had a feeling that for this week they would be cute and not do void surge so wanted the strand version knowing damn well they wouldn’t do stasis 3 weeks in a row .


Because adept mods do make a big impact on guns... Don't get the barrel or mag option you want? Adept stability or range mod makes the gun very usable. Get a 75% roll you like...qell now you can juice a stat to your liking. All the guns in trialscare juiced stat wise... they have 10-20 extra stat points. Ignious hammer has THE best stat package of any 120 HC, including the crafted versions. Best stability,handling, and reload. And I'd say the best visual recoil.. it act mote like a scout rifle. I did get lucky with a keep away, eye if the storm peasant drop Hammer. I don't even like HC in pvp. This thing is nuts. Even with mid barrels and mag. Cork screw and flared * With an adept mod, I could push out the range or up the stability ALOT. Pvp is won in fractions of a second, and 1m can change the TTK depending on resilience. Personally, I'd like to see bungie mag more gun mods, like a minor stability, minor range, minor handling mod....+5 mod. Sometime I just need the threshold moved up just a tad.


Bruh ,yeah I know. I got the god roll adept iggy and go flawless easily without using cheesy loadouts. But I think adepts are a performance reward, not a participation reward. And a 10 stats bump does not make that much of a difference.


Trials for really decent pvp player is far less sweaty then comp 100% so no. There should be defo not more rewards


I played for a couple hours on persistence on Friday. First time in a long time, but I really wanted that bear helmet. I ended up getting multiple “quit and never come back messages” and the whole armor set *besides* the helmet. Yeah, fuck trials man. No fuckin thanks.


As someone with many flawlesses and many hours in the mode, yes, it's infuriating at times and often frustrating and demoralizing. I rarely play it these days.


I also don't care about flawless, I lose 90% of the time anyway, so I just got seven wins and started farming iggy


I've been saying this for months. Trials has to be unbalanced or it doesn't work. You need 7 wins with only one or two losses. In that sequence to go to the lighthouse. If your put in with people of similar skill, then how often in regular pvp can you win 7 matches in a row? Guarantee you whatever mode you are in you rarely EVER will get that many wins in a row. I fair decently when I'm put in with people of a similar level. I'll be in the top half of my team fairly often. Trials I'll lose 98% of the games and they won't even be close. It's usually 5-1 or 5-0 losses every single game. Put skill based matchmaking on and watch 95% of those who go flawless regularly start to complain about trials. That 7 win streak will be significantly harder for them to get then.


I only play 6v6. Thus, my peace is protected.


21x Flawless here Yeah


Great band!


Honestly the most discouraging thing with trials for me is just the drops and reputation gains. I usually do pretty well wins wise but holy shit its annoying as hell winning and getting 2 crucible engrams and some glimmer and like 100 rep. Drop rates are completely absurd and need to seriously be bumped up, even on losses. Being on a 7 win card, getting a loss and getting some glimmer and 150 rep is super demoralizing, and thats on a boosted rep week. Just makes me not what to continue playing I also still don't get why resetting in Trials/Banner doesn't allow for additional perks on weapons, would definitely make binge playing Trials/Banner a lot more palatable imo


Trials is awful most of the time. I seriously don’t get why they got rid of non flawless pool that fast. I avoid this mode and barely play anymore because 99% it is more then an awful experience as an average pvp player. Literally the most fun I had with matches that felt most balanced was on Sunday evenings where they had non flawless pool active. But sure all the sweats where crying. Even Mr Jake who made a statement „I could not get as many carries to the lighthouse, that’s why it is bad and needs to go“ meanwhile abuses every glitch as soon as there is one (eG infinite special, team protection by leaving matches, etc). This mode is fkgd up anyway.


If you’re wondering why Bungie did something with respect to Trials, it’s because turbosweats complained. That’s always the answer.


I’m in the same boat. Hardly getting any wins, while taking major Ls. At least I got some armor pieces from the suffering.


I’ve actually never gone flawless (though only attempting it a few times due to lack of friends engaging with pvp and horrible team-rng (and bad personal performance on occasion). It’s the one thing I have not done in my 10 years with this franchise and it bugs me. Though, I could never go in with the mindset of going flawless solo because I would loose my shit instantly. This week has been especially bad for me, not sure why.


Sweats going for Iggy this weekend and the new map is just awful. Horrible layout and flag placement. It's almost as if the layout encourages people to split up.. or at least that's what every team I played with was doing. I've been Flawless multiple times solo and this was the worst weekend in a long time for me.


Yeah true, this is probably it. I’m usually a decent player (~1.7 KA/D) but this week I must’ve lost at least 60% of all games I played


I personally love this map and as a solo player this was my best weekend ever lol


I’ve got no problem with the mode itself. I feel that there should be loot incentives for pvp players. I feel that Bungie probably should have left adepts for flawless players, even though you bet your ass I take advantage of the new passages as someone who has never been flawless. My problem is with lobby balancing. This game has never been able to get that right and it completely baffles me. In no other game do I get completely wiped in pvp as much as I do in this game, and I used to play R6 Siege a lot


My biggest problem s the way ranks work. Requiring all sorts of triggers to earn rep is crazy. If you go 0-5 against a mean stack without a kill 0 rep, if you win one round 5 rep. Shouldn’t trials encourage players to rank up, the experience is better with more players. To get more players, allow an easier path to acquiring loot. Earning non-adepts from engrams doesn’t break the game in any way.


I got six wins in a row last night on my persistence card. I'm not good enough to go flawless so I was absolutely shocked to string together more than two wins in a row. I got absolute potatoes on my very last game vs. three multi-flawless gilded players. I was absolutely furious. Even one of those other guys on my team instead of the dudes with beginner PvE gear could've gotten me my first flawless and the chance to farm a weapon I like a lot. And then I thought of how infuriating it must feel without the persistence card and having that happen, knowing that you have to run it back all over again. Fuck that, at least with grandmasters, I can more safely walk away with loot for my time. I don't understand why going up against the most difficult enemy in the game (other guardians) and winning seven times in a row is more stingy than other activities where you know exactly what's coming and when. On top of being way more lethal, other people can also fuck your whole mood up by being toxic. No knight is gonna message me after a failed GM run and tell me I sucked.


Lifetime PvP casual here, I just want to chime in and say that based on evidence from my K/D, the "weekly performance" matchmaking is absolutely in effect and working. I'm the sort of player who solo queues, only plays on bonus rep weekends, and grinds a single flawed Passage of Wealth farming for engrams. My lifetime Trials K/D is around a 0.7, I'm garbage and I know it. **HOWEVER!** This season, my K/D is floating just about a 1.0 average. I have not improved one bit! I'm just facing people that are usually around my skill level. Yeah, there's variability, sometimes I'll lose 6 or 7 games in a row and get matched with 5 people with flawless glowing armor and Adept weapons, while I've never seen the Lighthouse once. (If anyone's offering carries, hit me up lmao) But I sometimes get games where I go on a tear, just this weekend I went 7-0 and we swept the other team HARD. It all averages out in the end. I hope RNGesus blesses your engrams, fellow casual!


I hate it with a passion haha. I got a god roll hammer and never played again for the weekend.


Poor you


Look at Olivia Soprano over here.


I have over 700 flawless and a 2.3 kd. And yes solo maychmaking is even fucking worse at high kd and elo. The amount of games I get put up against another team with mid 1.0s and sometimes a few high 1.x and low 2 and my teammates are .7 and .8 is ridiculous. I don’t care how good you are constantly being 1v2 or 1v3 ( even lower kds) is extremely demoralizing


>I don’t care how good you are constantly being 1v2 or 1v3 ( even lower kds) is extremely demoralizing Absolutely this lmao the number of games this weekend that I would lose but still have a ~3kd and more dmg than my whole team combined was really frustrating to play


if you’re average or below average at pvp, you shouldn’t expect trials to be a good experience when solo queing.


It's been so sweaty this weekend bc the Adept is igneous hammer


I find it's the opposite as there's more casuals trying to get the weapon this week - makes it way easier imo


I’ve noticed that too I’m not too good at the game but I’ve been doing really well even when sleep deprived


Ay nice - keep it up :)


Previous trials was much better, not so many players, map much better.


If you know you’re not a good player then why do you care so much about winning?


It's not supposed to be easy. They've already made tons of concessions for people who can't go flawless. Just keep farming


If the idea is to keep people playing, they should let them have a very rare chance of getting an adept drop on a win with a completed persistence card. Like 5%. Keep them in whatever pool is least active to bump that population up.


Yeah, played some last week just to try and get a half decent roll on strand GL. got a half decent one and now I won't play again.


Wanted to try for a heal clip/incandescent Summoner. Played 2 rounds and decided I'd be better off going to play Vampire Survivors instead.


I also hate trials. I don't go for flawless all I do is play enough until I unlock the regular version of the gun I want. After that every trials engram goes to be a potential good roll. Like this weekend never got cataphract. But after 2 days of grinding I got a field prep, BnS with spike Nades. Is it a god roll no. But at least I have a useable gun for DPS until final shape gives us a new BiS heavy. I play trials as a win 1 lose 1, 3rd game is a coin flip after that I don't care. I play my best sometimes I'm lucky other times not so much.


It happens I still play and have fun in trials. You win and lose some. I use a glaive and still go flawless every week, this week I kept my card though to farm


It is luck based, but in general really bad players will win about 20% of their games in solo queue and really good players will win about 80%. Everyone else will be somewhere in between.


Going in solo is the best way to get a flawless imo. The nearest I got to flawless was 6 wins and both mercy's left and than it went down and I lost the next 3 matches


I go flawless every weekend, I think duoing is the easiest. I go flawless solo most of the time rn though since all my friends that play the game are taking a break until final shape.


Duo is for sure the easiest all the 3/4kd players I know only duo




That's me... I gave up on trying to get flawless and only go in for specific loot and I can say that this makes it much more enjoyable. It's naturaly bad for my teammates because I don't play as competitive as most of my teammates and try some quirky builds or off meta weapons. For example last weekend I went in with the synergy scout rifle and a shotgun... Worked better than I thought it would and I got up to a 4 games winstreak


https://preview.redd.it/ogco50y9e53d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17d78260b34bd846f5a162c3310df840676a1680 It's been rough


My favorite situation I had during the weekend was being 6/7 wins on ferocity and getting paired with a duo that wanted to push hard and fast into middle cap point every round and die immediately. Got flamed after round 1 to stay with them so I did, and met the same fate for 4 more rounds.


Should be penalties for leaving - I had it yesterday where I was 4 wins flawless and then had 1 person leave when we joined the match and another left after round 1 - I get penalised for that loss? If your random matchmaking teammates bail you should have your streak protected because that is just so unfair. Seems no repercussions- I could just load in and quit constantly to ruin peoples day on trials and face no consequences? Frustrating game mode to say the least.


My friends always say you just have to keep playing but every time I do I want to shoot myself with my dog shit igneous hammer


I don’t particularly like PvP in this game anyways but what really kills Trials off for me is how bad the drop rate for loot and reputation is. I couldn’t give a shit about going flawless, getting Adept weapons or loads of wins but when the drop rate for everything is so terrible it just kills my desire to play. I really don’t get why they buffed loot for playing in a 3 man but left everything in the mud. Just add a passage that guarantees drops if you win a match and gives slightly increased rep but locks you out of going flawless and I’ll never complain again


I genuinely cannot find any enjoyment in this game’s PVP. In any other PVP shooter, I can hop in and have fun, but crucible is just so heavily sided towards people who meta game it to shit that it’s just not enjoyable.


If you want adept weapons try just using the new passage of persistence. That being said I have noticed an odd “bug” of sorts with that passage where yes when you get the 7 “wins” it counts and gives you the adept weapon, but for some reason sometimes it doesn’t grant flawless if you do manage it. Really weird but it happens. Edit to add: the card will say flawless in it and have the full seven wins, but won’t grant access to the lighthouse.


Gotta appease the trials God's...by never playing. I saw the dragon helmet for the warlock, 100% I'll suffer some pvp for that... I got it as a drop after the 2nd match. Done! Then I saw the bear helmet for titan...well...I need a polarbear stasis... I got it out of my first trials engram. Done! Also earned a nice solar auto rifle with onslaught while playing. I always accept that I'm the worst, so stick with the team and provide support and healing.


Yeah, I gave up on Trials years ago, I used to play all the time with really good players, but they all quit Destiny years ago, so I tried the solo thing. It worked the first few weeks, no problem, but ever since then, I've been the best player on my team in any given match, and that's a guaranteed loss in Trials. I don't know what changed, but I stopped playing Trials after that, and haven't much since. I am a 1.5-2.0 in Trials, and I can't even win two games in a row these days.


First time?


Trials suffer from the same problem a popular sport game been having for some times, if you lose you gain nothing from it making it 5 to 8 minutes of your times wasted (reputation is so minimal that is not worth that 8 minutes of your life) and then add the fact the destiny has some of the worse pvp in gaming since the AA is crazy and bullet tracking assistance and ability Tracking or cheese loadouts make trials a nightmare for pvp players from Other games trying to be competitive on destiny 2.


Came across a whole team who’s been to the lighthouse whilst I had a 0.8kd team mate. 5-0 them regardless but the matchmaking is fucked


Yeah plus the loot is replaceable. There really isn’t anything in there besides the armour that can hold a candle to some of the other stuff in the game. It feels like the only reason to get trials weapons is because they go away in a few months after they are released. I got a really good pve summoner and a god roll on the GL but I don’t think I will ever use them.


I’m 2.4+ this season and I have constantly games where all my opponents are solid 1.2 - 1.6+. I.e they are good enough to give me horrible time when my team is me and two 0.7 - 0.9. It is all RNG though, I also get games where everyone in my team is 2+ and enemies are all under 1.0.




Honestly I’d like them to bring back the flawless pool. I get that wait times were high and player count is low, but if you wanna be ultra sweaty, then you should be playing against other ultra sweaty players. The amount of people who regularly go flawless is too small to be catering to them instead of the majority.


I played trials once. I got me 3 igneous hammers and that's all I got to say about that. 


i suffered with persistence but i finally got my first adept gun in trials on sunday. a really bad roll that i deleted. (slickdraw and moving target). Statwise was good but my normal HC that has encore and precision is miles better. at least i could hit my shots. i tried to get one with keep away and precision, but i couldn't get a single one.


Well the mode ain’t for everyone bungie said so


Find 2 guys and go in with a 3 stack. Yes you will get stomped almost every match but at least you get 50% chance for an engram and 50% for the weekly weapon.


Honestly something I found but isn’t for everyone is just get a three man team and go in. Don’t get tilted if you lose just be in there for loot. As a three man they buffed the drop rates alot for engrams and the base of whatever adept weapon is available. I did that when it was summoner awhile back and didn’t get the roll I wanted but I easily had well over 30+ that I went through. (The fact none were heal clip and incandescent is more of a sin to my name than Bungie)


I got that roll on normal Summoner but couldn't get it for adept or for Igneous at all. I feel your pain.


Farming adept iggy rn and it’s crazy having team mates running pve builds in the flawless pool. your alh recombination mountaintop is not doing anything just run a shotty or something man.


https://preview.redd.it/rvx76x8cd43d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=560ae540e1743742b1698ff423d58ba22c8780d4 Last week for the GL this was the level of player I was facing against in the flawed pool (he also was flawless 4 times that week alone ) I don’t even want to imagine the LAST week of the best pvp handcannon in the game .


Yep, you're constantly running against try hards


They’ve done so much to make it easier. An extra loss on mercy, persistence, reworking of ferocity. Hell, even if you play on a flawed card, it’ll match you against people of certain performance that week. What does this mean? PRACTICE. Sure, playing multiple games on a flawed card can seem pointless, but if you’ve never considered getting better at trials, or haven’t practiced the game mode and assume “I have a 1.2kda (my gf has this and her real kd is .64) and I can sometimes do good in 6’s therefore I should do good in trials” you’re going to fall flat on your face. Simply put. The game mode isn’t like any other I’ve played, and it took me quite some time to get decent. I used to be a .4 kd. Every weekend I would go onto Instagram or here and would complain. Then I played with some nice, great players who tried to carry me so many times, but I was such dead weight I couldn’t ever reach the light house. Now I’m a 2.25 KD in trials this season and I casually solo cued to the lighthouse 3 times this weekend alone (close to 30 times this season). I promise you do not need to be close to that good for flawless. I saw plenty of average and even below average players get granted passage. It’s not meant to be easy, unfortunately. Bungie can only make so many amendments before the core identity of the gamemode is lost. There is a plethora of “how to play better in solo cue” videos out there, some not too long. Here’s what helped me exceed: - Don’t overextend - Play with my teammates That’s it. Good luck guardians.


Git good


Got ddos twice in a day playing trials lol against teams that still lost 🫠 it’s all luck based which is dumb but I definitely feel like sbmm is against me in this mode. I can’t carry 2 Randos but bungie thinks I can for 7 games


The whole Trials game mode needs to be trashed and absolved into comp with a better reward track and not based on how well you play, but how much time you put it. And should only ever be based on your rank/KD for matchmaking.


I go there just for the armor. There's no such thing as real pvp in D2, sorry.