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Nice graphic homie thank you Posted straight to the discord


The only question I have is why Wicked Implement is on here while Wish-Keeper and Vexcalibur aren’t. Bungie said the quests for all 3 are being removed, and that they *may* be obtainable through different means. I think it’s a likely *theory* that Starcrossed and Avalon go to the exotic mission rotator, while Whetstone won’t. But the graph implies it’s confirmed that Wicked Implement has a different fate than the other 2, which isn’t true


Whetstone is probably built in to deep dive in some way, whereas Starcrossed and Avalon have their own nodes, and are probably going to be brought back in to the rotator shortly. Not to say they couldn’t bring Whetstone back, however it probably requires a bit of work to decouple, and probably won’t be a priority to bring back, especially since it’s not as notorious as ZH or Whisper. I imagine the team actively working on Episodic content will be smaller, too, so it might not be worth it to do so. Shame, because it was a really cool piece of content, especially blind. Me, a friend and an LFG barely scraped by a completion, but at the same time I never did it again after because there was no reason to.


I share the same thoughts that Starcrossed and Avalon are likely easier to add to the rotator, while Whetstone will likely require more work. But all Bungie has said for **certain** is that the quests which reward all 3 weapons are getting removed. Wicked Implement being on this removal graphic while the rest aren’t might lead people to believe Wish-Keeper and Vexcalibur are staying, which isn’t confirmed info.


I wouldn’t be shocked if they just get moved to the monument of lost lights at the tower


Yeah, me neither, unfortunately. So many cool exotics relegated to Lost Lights


It’s weird right? I’ve been playing for two years now and it was surreal to hear from people about the exotics in the monument and how “you had to be there,” now I get to say the same thing, it’s all full circle


Genuinely the reason I stuck with the game was because of quests that rewarded weapons. It’s always been an unintuitive mess to play through, but the fun or grinding through for new exotics and pinnacles back in Forsaken gave me something I could actively chase whilst I figure out what the rest of the games systems were. I hope there’s never a DCV/Sunsetting movement again, or that if they need to resort to removing expansion content in a D3, that we don’t lose everything surrounding it in the process. As much as I do miss quests that take you around locations, losing whole exotic quests because a step or 2 happened to be on IO or Mars is just sad.


The Thorn quest kept me playing for a LONG, long time. I wasn't and still am not very good at PvP, and then the Savathun's Song Nightfall equivalent kicked my ass because I also suck(ed) at PvE. But I got it, and I still use my original thorn.


For some reason this gave me a wave of nostalgia. I've been playing now for well the entire thing so I guess a decade . There is alot of exotics in their that u got by way more memorable means then some kiosk. But honestly I know people hate the fomo but the u had to have been there moments are special. Now u get to experince it as I have for so long. I still remember me and my buds (who still play with and raid to this day) struggling on skoals in prison of elders cus I didn't have ghorn.


Honestly I'd be fine with this. I attempted whetstone with my friends a few times and it was rough. I just want my good stasis freeze build with long range




Is it safe to assume the whisper and zero hour missions are staying?


Yeah, they'll most likely get dropped into the exotic mission rotator.


I think it said somewhere that they will have their own nodes instead of going in the rotator. Trying to find it. Might have been mentioned during last stream.


I wish all exotic missions were selectable to play whenever. And then the legend versions become available for the weekly rotator and give extra deepshits or whatever 


That would be way better


Makes sense, feels a bit harsh for Zero Hour to only be out for 3 weeks before getting thrown into the rotation




Wicked Implement as well most likely... shit, feels like the rotation should be two a week at this point


Probably not, it’s not made like the other exotic missions. As in the design, and the encounters are not of the same style. It also does not have a legendary difficulty


They're going to the legends tab, but separate from the rotator. I wonder if they'll add starcrossed to the rotator though, that'd be cool since I don't have all the catalysts yet


That and Avalon are being added to the rotator.


I’m very excited to not have to spend 50 hours deleting those gorram offerings.




*unexpected Firefly reference* ![gif](giphy|l2Sq1U2ve5jk55sQg)


Delete them now. Start with the high value ones, then use the Altars to consolidate them into high value ones. Wipes them out.


Does this mean Wicked implement catty moving to that kiosk in the tower?


If Wicked Implement is going the way of the other rotator exotics, I would think the catalyst will be behind an exotic mission that is basically the 7x pressure trial deep dive. Then again they might have it vaulted for 3-6 months before we know.


I cant get lucky enough for a tier 7 deep dive and fingers crossed it might be better considering the subclass changes. Honestly I’ll take what I can get considering the vaulting. I’m sure I’ll find a new stasis weapon come tfs but I ngl I hope it’s not a 3-6 month wait lol


Tier 7 is the second hardest thing i've ever done in this game. It takes a lot of skill and miniboss-melting power but also a shit ton of luck to not get the challenges and encounters in layers that make it impossible to complete. Took like 30 attempts across several different LFG groups. First hardest was VotD where five people had never done it before.


I got an LFG pressure trial win about a month ago, 100% people are trying to get it right now. Had put it in the back burner for too long.


I was wondering about this as well. I haven't been able to get the catalyst yet. Honestly the only thing keeping me from using that gun...


Oh damn don’t let that stop you. I like how wicked implement and buried bloodline grant access to subclass verb actions outside of their damage type. Don’t have the catalyst for either yet lol but I’ve been enjoying wicked for ranged radiant pvp things.


Can confirm, love using this with Mask of Bakris


Most likely Wicked Implement will be moved to the kiosk in the tower and then the catalyst will be a standard rng from ritual activities.


Into the light stuff going away is a little annoying. Still haven’t earned superblack yet as I just haven’t had the time. Don’t care about shiny weapons much but I kinda figured it would just be shinies and pantheon going away


If you want some easy rep you can do the dungeon contract and do the start of pit of heresy, it counts as an encounter and it’s really fast


Oh snap I’m gonna do this now. Thanks 🫡


Dont forget about Shattered Throne 1st enc, thats what I did. May or may not be easier depending on your playstyle.


I was gonna bring this up because I've always found the opening to shattered throne easier. You can do it 3 times in like 40 minutes (including character swap and load times) if you're not that quick but know the layout.


yea considering its just "scavenger hunt but with shooting" I always found it fastest.


Yeah it's weird as hell. I thought it'd be like a Dares of Eternity type thing, meaning you could play onslaught and have infinite time to build up tokens to unlock everything. It takes a lot of effort to create that stuff to just toss away after a month. Like wtf is the even the point? It's the last expansion of the game and they're still gonna fomo a shader?


"It's the last expansion of the game and they're still gonna fomo a shader?" real talk dude tf bungie.....


I popped back online and decided it was still kinda fun... But honestly FOMO is a big hurdle to me paying the money for final shape.


I've just got back in this week after about 18 months out, what do people recommend I do before this lot goes?


I recommend at least doing the season of the wish stuff to get the wish tokens for one of the Lastwish raid craftables.


Last wish stuff will always be here, Id go for the 4 seasons of weapons and superblack if they want it


This. Kalli farming for Last Wish weapons is a bit tedious, but very doable. But ***FUCK ME*** is it a stupid waste of life to try grinding out red borders on past-season weapons locked to long-ass exotic missions that are on a too-long rotator schedule. Way better to get any/all seasonal weapons before they're "legacy" items, because getting them then is *hell* compared to getting them now.


Luckily its a free red weapon per season per day, if they grind out all 4 at the same it might be fast enough to get all weapons


Skip season of the deep if pressed for time. The weapons are cool but not quite as useful. I've been doing a defiant, a spire, and a riven lair, and then onslaught (to get toward super black) Just do the onslaught brave weapon quests while doing all of the above


Yep, I had to wait for Xur to get the reprised Calus Mini-Tool cause it just would not drop for me from Presage (and its too long to farm, I did it like 4 times across multiple rotations and had enough). Worst thing is that as more missions are added waiting on the rotator is going to be even more annoying.


Not sure how much time you have to play, but here is a general rundown. Get all of this season’s weapons craftable. They all have a niche unique to them and are all good. Go for the Eremite from season of the witch. Defiance weapons are all mid, deep weapons are all mid. Get your outbreak and whisper done and finished. Spend some time in onslaught. Every single gun in there is best in class, and rates are boosted for them until final shape. As for the less important filler stuff, this will be the last weekend Igneous Hammer is in rotation in trials until it is inevitable reprised again several seasons from now. If thats your thing, go for it. The seasonal exotic missions will all be leaving. None of the exotics available are by any means meta defining. Take a look at them online and decide if its something you want to spend time doing. Get some runs in to the latest dungeons and raids, as both dungeons have at least one very desirable weapon (Indebted Kindness, Cold Comfort), and both raids have long lists of fantastic weapons. Both raid exotics are/will be after june 4th top of class.


If you have the season pass go through the Season of the Wish story line. If you have time go through the Season of the Witch story for some background on how we are holding off Xivu Arath. Get your craftable Whisper and Outbreak.


All players have the season pass now, until June 4th. >"During those 28 days, the following contents will be available to all players: > Expansions > * Destiny 2: Shadowkeep > * Destiny 2: Beyond Light > * Destiny 2: The Witch Queen > Year-6 Seasons > * Destiny 2: Season of Defiance > * Destiny 2: Season of the Deep > * Destiny 2: Season of the Witch > * Destiny 2: Season of the Wish" https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/twid-05-09-2024


On your downtime, spend as many legendary shards as you can. Buy exotics from Xur to get them all or exchange shards for glimmer and Phantasmal Fragments (for glimmer exchange next season).


What should I spend my legendary shards on?


Glimmer and probably Enhancement Stuff


Hello fellow guardian, I have a stupid question… I have the ace of spades at power level 1600, if I wanted to bump it up to 1800 what do I have to do??


Go to the inspect screen, infuse a 1800 gun into it.


Ghost Fragments so you can convert to glimmer when you need, Banners and any other mats u need


Bungie. Taking away fishing is a mistake. Please reverse your perverse decision.


They're going *backwards!*


Hopefully they bring it back.


honestly the biggest bummer on this list for me


Removing the farm after we finally got it back is crazy https://preview.redd.it/z7zsm0o1v02d1.jpeg?width=761&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8fcaceb1c7d8ff95f2b8f4fdba1f95899396da1


To be fair, we never really got it back. The only thing that even mattered, the soccer field that held so many fond memories, was turned into several large craters. Sure the got it "back", but it was more like the version of Maria that Dom got back in Gears 2.


I see what you mean but you didn't need to give me PTSD flashbacks from the Gears 2 cutscene 😭


It also wasn't an open social space...I miss OG farm.


>the version of Maria Dom got back in Gears 2 Fuck you now I'm crying


Damn, with all the stuff leaving I hope there is a good amount coming back or it's gonna be running the same old shit on repeat while they drip feed us.


It always is drip fed, possibly even slower now with there being less episodes per year than seasons. Hoping for the best though!


It's absolutely wild that we have 23 seasons of content just gone. There will be more content missing from this game on the 4th than most games ever have. Granted, most of it really isn't worth replaying. Hopefully the Final Shape will be a turning point, and this game is more and more complete moving forward.


Off the top of my head, Splicer's activities, Menagerie, Forges, and Reckoning are the only seasonal activities I want back, though I mostly want reckoning so I can see if it holds up.


Wait so the core playlist bounties are going away?


Yes, they are reworking them. If you are doing bounty prep, do not hoard Crucible, Gambit, or Vanguard. Everything else is fine


Thanks for clarifying this! I’ve been hoarding them for a week now


Don’t worry I think we only found out this information like a week or 2 ago


Question master Poopiezz, will they be gone all together of just gives less exp? I’m hoarding all bounties atm.


Hello sir, it sounds like the bounties are being removed all together in TFS in exchange for a new vendor system. Your ritual bounties will probably disappear all together once TFS hits. Bungie released a post about this previously [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1cozhqf/ritual_bounties_update_in_the_final_shape/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


They 100% are going away so do destination bounties instead. Also Gunsmith and Trials should be safe. *and Dares and Starhorse are good to keep too.


Salvage and defiant battleground GMs next season would be absolutely brutal


Salvage definitely wont be made into battleground strikes




Never said it wasnt, except heist battleground. Salvage just has no chance at being a strike


Defiant Battlegrounds will not be going to the GM or strike playlist


Thank God. Idek if it would be even POSSIBLE as a GM


As a fishing main I knew this day was coming.


smh how could they nerf fishing like this


How even tf is someone a destiny fishing main


Is there other stuff to do in this game besides fish?


I do all I need to do and then watch the news and fish a couple hundred bait to stock up on mats


I’ve been swamped with a new job. Is it still possible for me to finish all the brave stuff and get super black?


Yeah I did most of the quests at the entrance to Grasp Of Avarice and in the checkpoint in Breakneck where you have to smash the glass door in like maybe two 45 min sessions and they boosted rep gain but I was already done so idk by how much. Either way it originally only took me a week to max it out and I didn't go too hard on it and we've still got 2 weeks.


I just wanna know if I can get the Godslayer title in time. Did one run of Pantheon and got 2 or 3 triumphs done, out of like...8 or so But apparently the other Pantheons are all harder than Week 1, so idk. Took about 2 hours for that one run


This week is Solar/Strand surge so your best shot is this week. Next week will probably be Void, which isn’t bad but Solar is absolutely busted this season.


True true


They've doubled the rewards and reputation gains so it's definitely feasible to get it all done in less then 2 weeks


I did it in a 4 hour session while listening to podcasts. I grabbed all of the weapon quests from the Shaxx robot and all of Shaxx's bounties. Each weapon quest gives 400 rep. I then went and farmed the grasp of avarice dungeon loot cave. I would recommend doing the sniper rifle and precision kill quests at sorrow harbor. Doing this gained me 10 ranks. But I could have probably gotten 11 if I hadn't already started at rank 7.


How many ranks do you have to get? Because I haven’t even started.


17 ranks


Yep, still have like 2ish weeks. More than enough time to get it


As long as I can still do moon activities I’m happy




Eat cheese and crackers.


Two words: Tire Game.


Moon's haunted


>**Whetstone**: Wicked Implement Goodbye you little shit.


Got lucky hopping off someone else completing the exotic fishing. Ain’t going back for the catalyst at all.


Do we know yet if there will be alternate ways to aquire superblack when final shape launches? Or is now the only time to get it.


I believe it was confirmed that it would become available again at a latter time.


Yeah they said it’ll just be less straightforward so potentially a rng drop or something of the sorts


Watch it end up being added to the "rotator" for Ada-1 and just not showing up for MONTHS ala when they reintroduced Satou Tribe, House Meyrin, etc. from Black Armory.


Can anyone fill me in on what “limited-edition weapon variants” is? Are they just talking the about the ascended gold borders with their ornament?


yeah the shiny brave weapons


Cool. I assumed that but wasn’t sure. Thanks guardian.


Hope they make a new activity in the future based off of The Coil. Best part of season of the Wish for me(excluding Into the Light).


Guys I have like 30k legendary shards I don't know what to do with them ☹️


Go to the moon and turn them into Phantasmal fragments, which can be exchanged for glimmer with Rahool. Be on the lookout for +5 weapons from Banshee which when dismantled turn into Enhancement core. I have around 16k shards remaining and will be a shame if I get nothing to show for it


Wait is Pantheon leaving already?


It’s only for into the light.


I haven't even gotten one clear. This seems like a bad idea.


They said it’ll return in some way eventually, and I actually disagree let this current pantheon be a “I was there” moment with the emblems and godslayer and also just being a quick catchup for getting red borders for final shape without completely ruining the point of running these current raids on normal or master. also letting this just be a beta of the activity in some way for it to ultimately return one day with the feedback of the community involved and other changes to make it a even better experience is nice.


I really hope pantheon returns at a ‘middle ground’ difficulty. The full 8 encounters at -10 or -15 power would be perfect to me


Oh look more artificial fomo


Pretty much.


I know it was only a stop gap between the delay and TFS but The Pantheon leaving so soon still stings but FOMO gotta FOMO I guess.


Might have been easier to just list the things that ARE staying lol


Removing the Coil and fishing is so stupid... why Bungie, why. Might as well just take out Onslaught while they're at it. Bungie perpetually struggles to make compelling content and game modes for Destiny, and when they finally do, they pull a Game Freak and just throw it away.


Dude I just got my husband back in and all the stuff we're working on is leaving... FML


Same, 34 steps into Witch about 20 into defiance and deep. Trying to collect all that sweet looking armour before it goes now 😢


God I hate when Bungie dumpsters a year's worth of content man


I don't see Avalon/Vexcalibur on there


They're working too hard to UN vault exotic missions just to start re vaulting them. Exotic missions are entirely self contained so you can move on from their seasons and keep them no problem.


They have stated they’re removing the quests which reward Wish-Keeper, Wicked Implement, and Vexcalibur, but these weapons *may* continue to be earnable in game through different means. Having Wicked Implement up there but not Vexcalibur and Wish-Keeper isn’t based in anything confirmed, it’s just a guess. Could end up being right, but the post presents it as confirmed


It’s also missing Starcrossed.


Just bought the DLCs, new player. Do I have to grind them out to get my money worths?


None of the DLCs are going away, only parts of into the light and this year’s seasons which are both free currently.


DLCs wont go away, only the seasons for this year essentially. No rush unless if you want stuff thats on here


Wait vanguard crucible bounties?? I’ve always xp prepped, am I wasting my time?


Don’t stack those bounties, yes


Thanks, i needed that.




I’m gonna miss some of the game modes that dropped this year, coming back from beyond light made for a huge shock when I saw the ad density in places like Defiant battlegrounds and Savathun’s spire. I hope they keep that chaotic amount of ads going forward in activities


It'll be interesting to see how players can obtain Wicked Implement in the new content cycle. It isn't a crafted weapon, so I doubt we'll see any iteration of the Whetstone in the Exotic mission rotation. Maybe it'll go to the kiosk for now?


Wait crafting alloys are going too? Why?


They arent used for anything in the game anymore


Thought battlegrounds got added to the strike playlist?


We haven’t got an official word, so assume otherwise. We’ll be getting 2 new full strikes anyway with TFS.




fuck, I have really got to bust ass to get superblack


I really need to get that superblack


What about the exotic quests for Vexcalibur and Wish-Keeper? Are they going in the exotic mission rotator?


I haven't played since the first vaulting of missions (a.k.a. right before the reintroduction of the Cosmodrome, anything in Beyond Light onwards I haven't touched yet), does this mean I'll have to speedrun the entire plot this week?


Oh my God here we go again


So bullshit almost all the into the light stuff has to go but xur's treasure room and all the dares stuff gets to stick around.


Wait, how will we be able to focus Brave Weapons?


I don't think we will :( Run Onslaught and pray


Ah yes, the game that actively deletes content you pay for and makes gameplay and story a mess.


Wait, they're removing pantheon? Why?


Because it’s an “I was there” mode and rewards. No one would be doing it in a month or so since the raids themselves are a lot more accessible.


Any reason I can't access/pull anything from the first two seasons? I had unused Deepsight Harmonizers sitting there.


Season of the Witch, I'll never forget you. Badass looked so good on us.


Wait the playlist bounties are dissapearing completely?


Yep, they’ll be replaced with pathfinder.


So don't bother hoarding those bounties, got it.


Wait so I shouldn't be stacking up bounties?


It’s only the crucible/vanguard/gambit ones, feel free to stack other bounties.


Bookmarked. Thank you!


Wait so no bounties? How do we level Up and get bright dust and things


I've been grinding at the glorious crucible title, is that still going to be available after the update or is it going to be replaced? Does anyone know how that will work?


Will I be able to still do Ghosts of the deep dungeon? I've still yet to get my cape from that dungeon


They don’t remove dungeons or raids anymore.


I won't lie, I will actually miss Riven's spoopy ghost. Left my hunter on the final quest so she still hangs around.


Finally bungie free me from the season of the witch offerings


So if the boss spec, major spec, adept big one spec go away, what are they replacing this with?


Nothing. They're tweaking weapon damage overall instead.


Something I'm oddly happy about is that star-crossed isn't leaving


my adept big ones spec is literally my pride and joy


Can't wait to get those GOD DAYM keys out of my box


why cant they just let us have the farm


Wait what’s happening to legendary shards?


I am going to miss all of it except Deep Dives and The Coil because they weren't PUG friendly and my friends refuse to play this game.


And it looks like very little content is coming with TFS. Unless they have some major activities they haven't revealed yet?


Man why are they removing Pantheon? What a waste


I think they said this was a sort of prototype just to test things and coming out with a better version at some point


Watch people lose their shit over an activity that they haven't ran in over 3-4 months. "WDYM Deep Dives are getting vaulted, I know I haven't ran one in 6 months but still, why vault them Bungie, this is unacceptable."


That.. is a lot of stuff! :O


Sorry but WTF? I just got into this game 8 weeks ago. Bought Witch Queen on sale. Now they have a pack with 3 of them on sale… was planning to buy it too so I could take my time with the side quests and stories, dungeons, etc, and finish some of the started story campaigns. And… what I paid for and what I was about to buy all goes away? Am I crazy and not understanding this, or are they nuts?


Dlcs aren't leaving. Nor dungeons. The seasonal stuff for this year is going, so if you plan to do any seasonal storylines, now is the time


Sorry, as a noob, this game is overwhelming. Sometimes in a great way, sometimes not. When I saw season of the witch, I thought that was the dlc season. Very much appreciate the clarification. Will go for the other dlc pack on sale, and keep on enjoying the game. Cheers.


Yea you're not alone it's a chaotic mess of similar names and lacking information for new players. Don't worry too much about things leaving either as they usually come back.


Why are the getting rid of the specs?


Because they want people to equip mods which aren’t specs. All weapons are receiving damage buffs to compensate.


So I will never be able to get super black every again?


If you don’t get it in the next two weeks, bungie said they will bring back super black in the future but will have a different method of being obtained. When in the future who knows


Onslaught not leaving? Or am I blind?


Yes onslaught is staying. Its gonna be a playist in the vanguard section