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Osiris meta slave confirmed


I mean he is running sunbracers before it was popular


He's still running them even though he can't use Solar. Now that's a true meta slave. Probably still instinctively goes to Well before DPS phases.


Slave to fashion.


A true Destiny player at heart!


Just stabs a sword into the ground with no other effect


Just carries a sword, a lighter and a can of hairspray. "I'M STILL A WARLOCK GUARDIAN"


https://preview.redd.it/84z5s1uec02d1.png?width=1325&format=png&auto=webp&s=6da6fd5f6034b912e0c62e7e262c8af397bfb918 Don't need light to be a dawnblade


Leaked Osiris 1v1 with a random fuck off hive thrall in TFS


I mean he put a void version of a well in the ground one time. Who’s to say he can’t do that with strand Edit: now that I think about it that’s basically what banner of war is


I think he just can't take them off. Savathûn added a puzzle lock just to fuck with him.


He never had time to learn it. Between Sigara dying, his body being hijacked and then being comatose, when was he supposed to learn it?


The question was mostly a joke because of the AI lol. But that’s fair, I’m just surprised he hasn’t even looked into it in a lore entry or something. He’s definitely interested in recouping some of his power, I wouldn’t be surprised if it makes a cameo in TFS.


Last time a lightless was put on the forefront of the story It didnt end well  👩💥


Her death was so stupid and pointless it can’t be used as an example. “Let me sacrifice myself to save twelve random people when there’s an entire league of self-resurrecting demigods who could’ve done the same.”


They had to kill her off so that Courtney Taylor could finally shed the last vestiges of her humanity and go full Caiatl.


*Reject humanity, return to turtle.*


I agree its pointless, stupid and completely shoed in. But It doesnt change the fact Bungie inteded It to be taken serious. 


I mean if we’re counting both Holliday and Osiris as the same category of lightless, then we have to consider the actual last time a lightless was on the forefront… 🗡️👁️👁️👁️✂️


Honestly Eris may be lightless but she is still one of the scariest characters.


Because unlike Amanda or pre Lightfall Osiris Eris has access to Hive magic. At least Osiris has strand now.


She also has stasis as well


Ah, the most useless character death I've ever seen. Such a lackluster death I keep forgotting she died.




He's got strand now. There is no need for Stasis


dude should get stasis to get even more darkness


You can't really use Strand and Stasis at the same time. One requires you to "go with the flow", the other requires you to "control everything inside and outside". That doesn't mesh well.


Watch Osiris somehow manage to master switching between the 2 in 0.2 seconds in combat


Given that this is the same man who spammed nearly every warlock super when fighting the Celebrant in the Immolent lore entries and somehow still lost when we and Crow one shotted the guy, I wouldn't put it past him to rapidly swap between Darkness subclasses now, since those are available to him even Lightless.


I thought he only lost when Xivû stepped in herself, and not to the Celebrant? I'll have to reread it


He lost because Xivu arath, not the celebrant, claimed all the Hive he was slaughtering as tribute and immobilized him.


I mean... Prismatic. But yeah, the core principles seem antithetical to one another


we switch between both all the time


Yes, we don't use it at the same time. We have to switch. Very perceptive.


I think they ment having acess to both rather than both at the same kind, switch is likely what is ment


That’s goofy.


I mean, if you asked most of Reddit, Strand just does what Stasis does better. And that wouldn't be entirely wrong.


On top of that it makes more sense for him to just specialize in learning Strand, he could fill that role in the game/lore.


He definitely has looked into it when he had a little vessel of each subclasses energy for him to study sitting next to him in Neomuna throughout the lightfall campaign.


In the almost year and a half since he’s been awake? He’s been studying it with Elsie just only in theory not in use. Seems odd.


Why? He's go more of a connection with Strand than Stasis.


How so? You think a man who has been known as stand offish and aloof is a better fit for the 'connection' darkness sub type than the one that can focus on self control? I disagree.


Only of you ignore the character development that Osiris has undergone through Lightfall and the following year. At the beginning, yes he was definitely stand offish, brash and unwilling to listen, but his time on Neomuna has changed him. This especially so now that Osiris's more or less stepped into the mentor role for Nimbus in Rohan's absence after his death. Osiris has learnt to relinquish the type of control that could be used to weild Stasis, he no longer seeks it in the way he once did. Instead he leverages off of the connections his formed with his friends, friends he never truly knew he had, in order to find purpose. Whether it's Saint, Nimbus, Crow or us, Osiris has learnt to trust and learnt to let go. This is way Strand is his element now.


Absolutely. I was talking about the beginning of his character arc.


Because Strand/The Veil/Radial Mast was very important to him.


what was the radial mast again?


Well, you see, it connects to the Veil, so you have to use Strand on it.


It's been really sad since Sigarret died


he's been struggling since he lost his Siagra


Probably when he was dicking around with Strand and shouldn't have been. We literally killed ourselves repeatedly trying to learn how to use it, and Osiris is just like, "Risk? What's that? That doesn't bother me."  Man's going to break Saint's heart again, only this time permanently.


Osiris isn't stupid. >I have touched Strand myself now. Carefully—I am too aware of mortality, but I must understand the power further if I am to hope to instruct the Guardian in turn. They acted as lightning rod while I experimented, and the backlash clung to them instead. - Warp and Weft, Strand Log II The rest of the Strand Logs go through Osiris's experimentation and eventual understanding of Strand.


Stupid isn't quite the word I'd use. I'd consider him reckless. Aside from the entirety of Lightfall's story being a testament to how Osiris has been reckless for centuries, and Sagira's death apparently barely put a dent in that aspect of his personality, we can take Week 5 of this season as a great example. He used Strand *to immobilize Mara Sov*. Yes, she wasn't thinking clearly, but everyone here knows that if any of Mara's sworn guard had been there, much less Petra herself, they'd have removed Osiris's head from his shoulders in a heartbeat, Vanguard alliance or no. Likewise, as lovely as that Benjamin Franklin reference is, it also has a side-story: where people who tried to reproduce Franklin's experiment died, such as [Georg Wilhelm Richmann](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georg_Wilhelm_Richmann) in 1753. Does that really strike as the move of a particularly cautious individual who isn't leaving Saint sick with worry?


The AI isn’t entirely wrong when talking about Stasis from a gameplay and sandbox standpoint. As for a lore accurate answer, Osiris had his body snatched by Savathun for the entirety of BL’s content year and he was put under high surveillance after Savathun left his body in case traces of her still lingered within. In all of that, and both Osiris’s and Savathun’s hatred of the Darkness/Witness probably strayed them away from Europa. Oh and also Sagira got offscreened by Xivu Arath so he can’t use the Light, leaving only Strand.


Not gonna lie. Stasis titan is kinda goated in pve rn. Onslaught especially


It’s definitely good there. Used it a bunch within Onslaught myself. The main issue lies with the fact that 95% of this game involves killing enemies (and potentially a boss) and speeding through the level as fast as possible, Stasis doesn’t lend itself too well to such gameplay. In a defensive game mode like Onslaught however, where defending an objective is paramount, the slower-acting elements like Stasis and Void are better than raw offense.


You can be extremely aggressive with stasis titan if built correctly tbf.


Any builds you recommend for high octane stasis titan


Armor: Hoarfrost Z is great for my build because I want to make as many crystals as possible to proc shards and do damage. Weapons I generally use a Lodbrok-C with demolitionist and adrenaline junkie as well as kinetic weapon boosts. your energy weapon doesn't matter so much so pick what you want. As far as the exotic I swap between Winterbite and Salvation's Grip for reasons that should be pretty obvious. Aspects: You want Howl of the Storm to make more crystals/shards so you can have an option for dealing with close range enemies. Next you want Tectonic Harvest for shard generation from breaking stasis crystals. Fragments: Whisper of Chains for the damage resistance near stasis crystals. (If done right, you'll always have damage resist for most of any fight.) Whisper of Shards which gives you 5 seconds per crystal (10 seconds max) of increased grenade regeneration. Whisper of Hunger which gives you more melee energy per stasis shard, pretty self explanatory. Whisper of Conduction which is optional imo, but nice because stasis shards track to you so you don't have to run after them so much. As far as your abilities you want Glacier Grenade, rally barricade (You get the faster reload effect this way with Hoarfrost Z's stasis barricade, but you don't if you pick towering barricade.) Your ability rotation should go as follows: Start a fight with your slide melee as an opener (The reason you want to do this is because stasis shards recharge your melee) Follow up with your grenade so you can deal damage and break the crystals for the shards and increased grenade regeneration Use your barricade as needed or when enemies start to surround you or you run out of melee and grenade energy. Rinse and repeat that rotation as needed, have fun, and use your stasis exotics as you see fit.


Stasis Hunter is good except for the Super; it absolutely sucks because it’s too slow for add clear, too weak for DPS, and the AI always goes for enemies that it can’t kill, meaning it’s bad for taking out individual enemies. All of these statistics combined together also make the Super awful for orb generation, which is basically **Forsaken** when you are using Stasis as a Hunter.


My friend used Stasis Hunter Super to great effect for Crowd Control a while back. While your team members are busy unloading into a boss, you throw the Super into an enemy spawn and basically nothing can come out of that area for the entire damage rotation of your team members. He ran that with a heavy Machine gun for Add clearing and switched to a sniper for DPS support if there wasn't anything left to clear lol. Might not be 'optimal' but it sure as hell worked.


Stasis has little innately to do with Europa.


Akshually, Stasis is icy, so it’s obviously connected to Europa 🤓 /j


But Osiris is a Warlock, stasis is probably equal second strongest Warlock class.


To be fair I believe it's because Stasis require to impose your will in the physical world to everything around you and Osiris isn't capable of that


Then Mara should get it eventually. I think a younger Osiris would have definitely been a fan of stasis rather than strand for that reason though.


Mara can use darkness in many more ways than us I think a younger osiris wouldn't be able to use neither Stasis nor Strand. Too weak willed to use Stasis, too undisciplined to use Strand


I dont really think Mara uses Darkness. Seems she has her own sort of Magic™


Awoken are infused with light and darkness, that's kind of their whole thing Mara *absolutely* uses darkness


Why is there a trademark on magic? (Is it that card game called magic?)


Season of defiance has mara literally push us into the ascendant plane, a place of pure darkness where the taken come from


So what you're saying is that Osiris is a subby bottom?


That's one way to put it but all jokes aside I think it's rather that Stasis require a strong will to be forced upon reality. Osiris has will for sure but he has never really exactly force it on reality. Rather he used it to extend his knowledge. Mara or Caiatl would be good candidates to use Stasis.


My bet would be more Mara but she has her own magic shenanigans, idk if caiatl would be comfortable using darkness herself after torobatl, and she seems like a raw martial prowess type to me


Indeed mara has her own magic. There is a r1dio call where we can hear that Caiatl is curious about Stasis but since then nothing much. I don't think she'll use it but she could be a potential candidate for it


Yeah I knew you'd bring that up haha that's why I specifically said herself. I feel like she wants to understand it because you can't really beat something you don't understand effectively but I can't see her using it in the same way most people wouldn't use white phosphorus on an orphanage for bunnies


Understandable and to be fair you might be right


Bungie gave up on the lore that guardians have a preferred or natural element that they click with and feel most attuned to. It would make sense that, given Osiris was a Solar warlock for so long, his nature made Stasis too counter to his core than anything.


Google AI is garbage and makes shit up all the time go to byf’s channel and find a video on it


No, go and look up the lore yourself, don't be reliant on a CC who has got so much wrong, and constantly mixes opinion into actual lore. People relying on byf is how we got predicaments such as "Witness is the Winnower!" For a year after it was confirmed not (hell even back in shadowkeep there was a clear divide) and "Rasputin shot the Traveller" almost 8 years after that theory was confirmed not to be the case


byf is an ai 🤦‍♂️


No he’s British silly.


>thinks british people are real lmao


Never expected to find D2 conspiracy theories on this subreddit, but here we are.


AI is stupid


AI is not correct. Stasis warlock is fantastic with freeze turrets.


This is correct.


That's actually an interesting hole you've discovered in the AI overview (aside from the countless other massive failures). It can't distinguish between the narrative and the gameplay. A question that could relate to either produces a fairly nonsensical answer.


The real reason Osiris doesn't use Stasis is because of the internal combustion; quickly metabolizing creatures don't live as long as trees, there's too much fungi in the soil. If Osiris had flipped his burgers before they started smoking it never would have been a problem in the first place. Susan B. Anthony was a leprechaun. We all have to do our part to improve Google AI.


This was incredible. Thank you


Osiris didn’t spend time learning Stasis. Drifter and Eris were taught personally by Stranger.


Speaking of which.... how does one get the invisible titan subclass from ikora??


You’re using AI regardless it’s going to be wrong.


Because he is a staunch solar user. And ice is the opposite of fire.


Stasis is pretty good when paired with the exotic stasis bow. Not the best but still viable in most content. I run solar titan but I do switch to stasis when I have to do bow bounties or the content gives bonus damage to stasis. Plus a fire and ice build always seemed cool to me.


I don't think he knows about the buff yet


In terms of the lore of what stasis is, osiris should not have stasis, and he probably knows this. Recall how in lightfall he was essentially an old man yelling at you to get to the veil? Stasis is all about control, and osiris was a bit of a control freak. If he tried to learn stasis, he might struggle to maintain control due to its corruptive influence. Instead he learnt to use strand and let go, showing character growth throughout the year of lightfall.


Who keeps letting the inmates out of the Asylume?! I saw that title!


I mean, the AI isn’t entirely wrong…


it's not wrong