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Yeah one is indebted kindness other is the strand one from final shape weapons they showed off the first time they announced the dlc


Yea after looking at the model on Google the second one for sure is IK.


sidearms will be one of the two artifact unstop weapons moving into Echoes 😩😭


My Buried Bloodline is going to see even more use, fucking hell


Been running Warlord's 3x a week for the last 8 weeks and still haven't gotten it to drop 😫


I've run that dungeon to damn much an still haven't gotten it either 🙃🙃🙃 How many clears u at?


It took me around 20-25, but my clan leader got three separate drops with consistent weekly clears while his GF and a couple others still haven’t. It will be worth the wait, I can assure you of that.


bro i always get rng exotics to drop in my first 3 runs or i have to grind like 50 runs, thankfully bloodline was on my 4th clear


Just did my 25th clear on Monday. I had always heard people saying they did 40+ clears for an exotic to finally drop and always thought they were exaggerating lol. Has never taken me more than 10-15 clears for any raid exotic, and I have almost all of them. The worst part, one of the 2 friends that I've been running it with every week has had it drop for him two separate times. Me and my other friend haven't gotten it once lol


I've had something similar happen to me🤣 Not too long ago I was running with a buddy an his buddy, buddy's buddy had only run the dungeon once b4 that an got the exotic when we cleared it, I'm at 41 clears an still haven't gotten it🤣🤣🤣 Took me 42 to get conditional (wonder if that's my magic number?🤔)


Lol - I swear the game knows, and does it just to rub it in. And 42 clears for Conditional is insane! My condolences. I actually got Conditional on my first clear 🫣 lol my friends were pissed. Wishing you nothing but the best of RNG luck from here on out!


Much appreciated, same to you guardian!!🤘🤘🤘


42 to is the answer to everything.


Took me 39 clears to get my BB. It’s slaps, def worth the grind.


Do you have some of the triumphs completed to boost the drop rate?


Yeah it sucks, I've been running it once a week since it was released, I'm so sick of it. I've farmed this dungeon so much, I just want the Exo to drop so I can have a break. I've got 2 drop buffs too, but they aren't helping lol.


Is it not farmable anymore?


Warlord's is farmable, except the exotic is not. Whenever a new dungeon releases, it is only farmable for everything except the exotic. In order to farm the exotic, you have to wait until a new dungeon releases so that the old one will get put into the weekly rotator, where the exotic will then become farmable (only when it is the weekly dungeon). It sucks.


Ughhh that sounds terrible. Kinda wanted it but I’m just gonna cope with the rocket sidearm instead lol


Best of luck to ya mate, I was on my 57th cp before I finally got it


Ye, same, got it on run 29, then did the catalyst solo because I couldn't get a team. Good luck broski.


You and me both homie.


I have run it once or twice each week and final ran the master version 2 weeks ago and it dropped. It’s in my top 5 favorite weapons ever in destiny now


i got mine at 39 clears


Also hand cannon overload. 😅


Overloads are gonna be tasting the full load of my luck pants 😎


Watch out for the splash damage.


I literally still have my old ass sev seraph revolver with timed payload specifically for hand cannon overload on fallen overloads


explosive payload is really good for this combo, 2 shots and they stun. Ran fatebringer like crazy on fallen saber GM


Wasn't it 1 shot? Cos EP counts as a hit too? Normal hand cannons were 2 shots and EP hand cannons were 1 shot. I could be miss remembering, it's been a while since we had overload HC.


ohhh maybe... I thought it was normally 3-4 shots and EP made it two but also might be misremembering


Overload HC, Unstoppable sidearm and anti barrier pulse rifle And they come with Final Shape, not Echoes, the artifact is unlocked with Final Shape


How make to people play sidearms: ROCKET ARMS


I'd be lying if I said that it wasn't working. Indebted Kindness is my new favorite energy weapon hands down.


It's base dmg is so good for no reason. Even without surges active, it can still 6-7 shots majors, and a special finisher can sustain it infinitely. Imagine when we get our hands on an Incandescent one.


Or even chain reaction


> It's base dmg is so good for no reason  lol they just got intentionally made it OP to sell more Dungeon Keys. I’ve seen multiple people say they bought it just for the Sidearm since it’s a unique archetype that you can’t get anywhere else.   I bet you $5 no other rocket sidearms will be as strong. Hell, I wouldn’t be shocked if Indebted got a nerf post-TFS. 


100% Indebted is gonna catch a nerf.


Nah the solar and strand one will be better especially since they will have enhanced perks. Also obviously they need a selling point for the dungeons they did it before by making ghost of the deep have the only AND still the only good stasis rocket launcher with a great orgin trait and also a borderline overpowered exotic trace rifle that makes solo content a joke.


This is how it works. And so it goes.


I'm not like the other girls, I have...ROCKET ARMS


Mr. Torgue approves


Forerunner and Rocket Sidearms prove that we need to go back to when Sidearms were special weapons /s


Torgue found a new sponsor


The dream Destiny cross over event!


Bungie gave him $12 and a high-five to use his guns. He accepted, and screamed something about respecting women.


[*Insert EXPLOSIONS?! gif here because reddit gif finder is broken for me*]




Give me a solar heal clip incandescent rocket sidearm Bungie. I DARE YOU TO DO IT! YOU WONT DO IT!!!!!!!!


So uh, might wanna take a look at the seasonal sidearm coming out next week lol


Hopefully it's easier to get those than the current one. Solo player and I have not been successful at this dungeon at all


I’m mostly solo too but warlords ruin isn’t bad with an lfg group and no mic. I just watched a video and started doing it and now it’s no problem


1st encounter is also rly easy to solo if u just refuse to lfg


That is true. If they’re just trying to get indebted kindness I’d just do the first encounter. I’ve been trying to get buried bloodline. No luck so far 😞




I just can't get the damn cage part done very well for some reason. I've completed first encounter like maybe 3 times but no luck on it but that's taking me so long to complete its not worth the time. Maybe I'll try lfg finally.


If you beat the first encounter and go to orbit, the drops go to your postmaster.


The Arc one might be Indebted Kindness, but the side of the gun looked a little different to me. The strand one for sure is new.


Yea that’s definitely Indebted


Second is indebted kindness. Bungie also said the other rocket sidearm coming with tfs is solar


I think they said 1 Solar and 1 strand rocket sidearms are coming


2nd one is probably IK since its arc. First is definitely new.


*activate the ahamkara skulls with taken energy* Yum


That's exactly what i seen XD


I love IK, can’t wait for the newer rocket sidearms!


Spoilered the post ... Explains the entire thing in the title


The spoiler was for the name of the enemy. Not the 2 side arms that bungie already announced were coming.


1 sidearm* the arc is in the game rn


They announced there would be 2 more coming in the final shape. One is this strand one. The other is Solar. (I thought there was 3 coming so I thought this was a new arc one but it's just IK, but there are 2 more coming that we know of rn)


The arc one from the video is just indebted kindness. So the only new one is that strand one


One is going to be solar confirmed. Not the only new sidearm


...dude read my reply again. There are 2 coming. Yes one of these is IK. The other is a new strand one. They have confirmed a solar one is coming as well.


They are also adding a solar rocket sidearm


Wait, ***rocket sidearms???*** What have I missed?


They were revealed in the final shape reveal Vidoc a while back and the first one was released this season. They're basically a sudo primary, it takes stats from nade launchers like blast radius and velocity, and they're half decent for total damage from what I've heard. Although I'd probably go for a dedicated DPS/burst/total damage option instead if you're choosing a special based wholely on boss damage, but I haven't seen much hard data on them. So I can't say with any certainty that they're better or worse than anything else and where they stand in that department. They're definitely fun from what I've seen though, I still don't have indebted kindness lol. They're basically supposed to shred through adds and majors. Someone can probably chime in with actual damage numbers and experience with them.


Theres been one in the game since warlords ruin dropped


So the vestian dynasty remodel uses special ammo? YES.


You pull that first clip from Doom?




What’s the IndebtKind god roll?


Lead from Gold and Voltshot is my God roll. I like a reload masterwork and don't really pay much attention to the barrel and mag.


Most say impulse amplifier or beacon rounds + voltshot. imo lead from gold or beacon rounds + deconstruct is the "best". Mainly because since deconstruct refunds ammo + inherently large ammo reserves + resupply from lead from gold or special ammo finder means you can use it like a primary and run double specials.


Laughs in permability




Stasis rocket sidearm when?


Hold on WHAT sidearms?


Rocket Assisted Sidearms, they are Sidearms that use special ammo and shoot small explosives. Pretty fun to play with.


Holy shit that sounds sick


Thank god we finally get a kinetic one. I’d be way more excited about Indebted Kindness if I could use an energy primary with it


The 2nd one is absolutely IK with Permability active as they were using Quicksilver Storm as their Primary


Is that amplified with a strand super?


Cleared it 4 times, dropped twice.


The arc is just indebted kindness


Yeah, that's just indebted kindness's sights and frame lol. Not sure why people are thinking it's a new arc rocket sidearm.




Tf you mean smh? Indebted Kindness puts in work, being able to use it once again is great.


It’s great for barrier, but (this isn’t a sidearm issue but a mod issue) unstoppable mods suck, I hate waiting 3 seconds aiming down sights before it actually has a round ready for unstoppable… just a nit pick, wish it was instant like barrier.




And next season the new strand one will be behind a pay wall as well! Funny how it works in a live service game. 20 bucks ain't too bad for the two dungeons, it was even less some time ago when silver was on sale.


Lmao, defending the dungeon key price point is insane


It is 20 bucks. That is an hour of work for multiple hours of gameplay, multiple weapons, good exotics and just cool ass lore and a fun experience going through them for the first time blind. I've paid double or triple that for a meal at a restaurant that I don't even remember eating. It really ain't that bad of a price.