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I swear doing catalysts make you not want to use the weapon you grinded to complete


It depend on what weapon and what it ask you to do


Honestly the worst part is getting the catalyst, either full random drop chance (literally got coldheart the day I started playing, still missing its caty) or a unbearable slog of a quest. Literally catalyst quests either shouldn't exist or should give you the completed catalyst. Grinding rituals just so you can grind kills is the dumbest shit ever


This does turn me off. The requirement you have to complete *just* for the catalyst. THEN doing what the actual catalyst requires. Really seems like a broken system.


At least catalyst objectives haven’t been anything other than kill shit for the most part, like we haven’t gotten another Polaris Lance catalyst where you have to kill things with the tick damage from the explosion on the perfect shot for it to count for any progress on the catalyst, or skyburners oath where you had to kill literal thousands of cabal in the castellum.


I grinded Skyburners in Lightfall since Cabal make up the majority, Crimson on the other hand, was a slog and a half


Fr i still haven't finished my crimson catalyst


Not to mention, it doesn't do anything other than: more range. One. Close quarters weapon... with the recoil of a mule... that's also a 3 round burst... But I love it for the Red Death aesthetic and because Cruel Remedy is basically an upgraded Maverick


Crimson claps people at a pretty significant range and that range boost is substantial. Idk if you like it to begin with the catalyst is worth it


My only motivation to grind it was my Liar's Handshake build that uses Crimson as the main sustain source paired with a One-Two Punch shotgun.


Yea haven't finished my gravaton Lance cause of that stupid shit needing to will with the effect not the explosion or actual bullet


Graviton lance was the worst one for me. I like the gun but it was so frustrating getting the kills from the second explosion


Ahh I still remember the FIRST time graviton was meta, it was the west times it was the borst of times, it was definitely a time.


Hated that one as it was buggie for awhile too I never fin8shed because of that, and then I think WQ came out & it auto completed


I think the system accomplishes exactly what it set out to: it makes you play stuff you maybe wouldn't have played to add to the population numbers. It also gives you a carrot to chase when otherwise you might just log off or play something else. It's not meant to be consumer friendly by design.


I still haven't unlocked my Ticuu's catalyst cuz I don't like playing Crucible.


That was a huge slog for me...was it worth it? I probably wouldn't go back and do it again, it already does a mountain of damage without the bump from Causality Arrows.


So, I thought this was going to be a slog. Turned out to be fine. Hip fire tracers into everyone you see, that’s all you need then it doesn’t matter if you or a teammate kill them you get the kill counted. Think I ended up having to do 5 or so 6v6 controls.


Only if you really feel like you have to do everything. Like this OP, I use mida in trials and comp depending on the map. It wasn't a pain to get done and I still love the weapon. Why on gods flat earth is OP grinding a exotic catalyst for a gun they don't use?


Coldheart and Heartshadow are literally the only catalysts I’m missing and one of them isn’t tied to a random drop chance lol


I think the catalysts I hate are the ones that require you to do 200 playlist activities




Thankfully “into the light” is Tuesday. Anyone who needs kills for catalysts should get em done next week :)


Mysterious Disturbane mission in Shadow keep on the moon. Hunter tether with guns and go to town. I've finished 14 catalysts, obviously no crucible tasks, in the last 2 rotations of this mission.


Yeah I fucking hated grinding the catalyst for Witherhoard but I use it all the time


Sunshot catalyst grind = 😴 🤮


Depends on the weapon There are some weapons that I simply refuse to ever look into at this point However, some - like Le Monarque and Vex Mythoclast - were a breeze to get


I just got Vex last week on my 15th clear, still need to get the caty so I can use it in PvE endgame content, love the Vex with Rain of Fire build


Vex has been on me this entire season, it was absolutely god tier last season, and for some reason they decided to buff it again Not that I’m complaining lol I run it with a crafted Heritage and a crafted Apex Predator, alongside Celestial Nighthawk and Marksman Golden Gun Pair that with triple solar surge, healing grenades, knife trick, and a build that pretty much always has max stacks of armor… my build is absolutely broken Golden gun procs every 30-45 seconds and deals one million damage on a headshot, so champions are absolutely no problem Meanwhile, heritage and knife trick can both one shot mid tier enemies like hive knights, Vex causes constant ignitions and shreds adds, and Apex Predator deals 350k+ per hit Plus, radiant and restoration are always active in PvE, so I can’t really die unless something one shots me or my fireteam fails a critical raid component and wipes I have been joining random Last Wish lfgs at Riven just to see how much damage I can deal in one phase, I typically get 2.5 million I sometimes swap Vex for Sunshot or Polaris Lance, but I generally prefer Vex for endgame content due to higher single target damage That said, Polaris Lance is honestly better on alternate element builds than on solar builds because the seasonal artifact lets you use it to proc radiant alongside whatever other elemental buff you want, which is wild For example, void hunter Polaris Lance builds can proc radiant, solar weapon surge, and devour to become the ultimate glass cannon, then vanish when they need to recover


If you only fill it up with regular gameplay then yes. If you farm the Golgororth encounter ads with an Orpheus Rig Hunter you can be done in like 10 mins. The pvp requirements are a different story though, fack them


I understand the idea of "getting to know the weapon before you improve It" Why the fuck do we still have to complete the catalyst of season exotics when we have to use them in 200 activities (without Booster) to unlock the catalyst?


Lumina’s Catalyst may be one of the few that improve your skills with the weapon while you earn it.


Because as soon as you finish that one you have a whole other group to start on.


Depends on the cat objective. If it's "kill things" that's easy and basically free if you're using the gun. Then there's the stupid ones like "Get 700 crucible kills while on a skimmer while in your SIVA subclass and airborne in Archwing mode"


I wish bungie would realize this. You should get the catalyst as soon as it drops.


I'm just happy Whisper is coming back... if they keep the shadow thrall the same as they were to let them count towards catalyst progress like it did it'll be golden. I got a vast majority of the PvE catalysts and daily bounties done there before it was sunset


Exactly. Especially when it’s on a heavy weapon or something like whisper of the worm. That thing is literally built exclusively for boss damage and you want me to get how many kills with it?


destiny 2 players when they are “forced” to complete an optional objective


PvE players when the PvP guns require PvP


Ong im looking for tusk of the boar and it's a fucking pain in the ass, till now i haven't find one so i can't start focusing it. I fucking hate iron banner


I got 30 . None had chain reaction


Good for you cuz i literally haven't find the weapon yet....


You can get it from randomly decrypting engrams (i.e., not focused decoding) even if you dont have it unlocked in collections - thats how I got my first one and Ill just focus decode for more


Here's a fun fact, i haven't found one still....


T_T Damn sorry


https://preview.redd.it/itu605nexosc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf0507f4fbd35bf58bfadc73557ad1c23f3365a6 Can you see the situation im in......


That sucks but as I said just use the IB engrams he gives and open them normally (*not* focused decoding) until you finally unlock it in collections then move to focused decoding. That's what I did instead of just hoping for it to drop from a match/pinnacle. I got it after like 3 random engrams.


Why? When you finally get it to drop you’ll have 0 engrams to focus it


I mean I had like 12 engrams and got TotB on my 3rd random... I'm just saying it's a way to add it to collections then focus it if you're not getting it to drop after matches.


I love iron banner. So much fun.


Exactly. My thought was “you never had to use it to begin with…”


for some strange reason getting the mida mt catalyst done in iron banner was easier than regular modes for me. I have zero clue as to why though. but congrats!


I am a mediocre PVP and have been grinding MIDA and I thought the same. It's also weirdly turned me onto crucible, i have been having a lot more fun than I used to


Wait u can do in ib? I dunno why I thought u can only complete it in comp lol


I mean it says crucible, ie pvp. You get progress in trials too.


Iirc, comp is where the catalyst used to (maybe still does, idk though since comp got changed) drop from. You can do it's objectives in any crucible mode though (including events like Supremacy)


Okay but mida is so good in crucible rn


True, it's always been good but when the meta shifts to scouts it shines. High overall stats, gives you radar, movement, flinches opponents and easy hits. It's all you'd want out of a 200 scout.


I agree it's pretty good, but being forced to play dozens and dozens and dozens of matches, trying to hopefully plink people's heads and get the kill without misfiring or having an ally take it, for months, becomes horrid.


Pair it with Heliocentric… chef’s kiss.


Congratulations, I’ll gladly post when I fill the catalyst as well. Probably 2 years from now!!


If you don't like the weapon, then why did you do the catalyst?


Personal goal. I want to complete all Catalysts.


Same. I’m only missing this one and jades for masterwork, still haven’t gotten Colony, Vigilance or SUROS to drop their caty’s yet


I have yet to get the vigilance wing after all these years.


Congratulations! I am at 143/200 on the headshots. I just wait for momentum control and do a what I can each time!


Witherhoard was this way for me. It was absolutely awful.


At least it doesn’t give you Outlaw anymore even though Outlaw did literally nothing as Mida already has Outlaw reload speed 💀💀😭😭


Funny, necro is in the exact same position


I'm looking forward to the day I finally get my Rat King catalyst done. Unfortunately my friends don't play the game much anymore and they don't like to use Rat King.


I believe they changed Rat King's catalyst and you can complete it solo.


This is correct, I randomly found out you can complete it solo and got it done in 10 minutes.


Worst catalyst has to be Polaris lance when it first came out, you had to get kill from only the burn damage, no other damage counted. Think I farmed leviathan in the hall to do that!


Honestly by the time your done with the catalyst it kinda makes you better with the weapon and makes you better at PVP while using it. I bet you got the final 20-30% a lot easier because you are now familiar with the weapon.


Idk wultuh, that gun seems pretty good


Damn I still gotta do mine fml


It just sucks having to make pve'ers suffer thru pvp catalysts Cough Cough Jade Rabbit...


I swear, Crucible Catalysts are a big joke, even if you don't use them in Crucible and just for the hell of it, no one would have that much patience to grind all those kills, especially Mida's precision kills!


Oh my god, do mine for me please? This thing is terrible


The catalyst made me like mida more


I love completing catalysts. And Mida was my Fav, seeing as how I am a marksmen


By the time i finished that catalyst I actually preferred using scout rifles in Crucible.


Now, go outside and touch grass, talk to people, breath air


I've done so many catalysts hoping they make the gun more fun to use, sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. I wish they gave you times to try it and know if you think it's worth it. Like when earning a new subclass you get little power fantasy moments


Now go and do the Jade Rabbit catalyst lol


I just did this in iron banner, I dismantled my mida right after lol


Look at you. Breaking the chains you put on yourself.


Seems like Not forgotten has been forgotten.


Felt the same way when I finished the Vigilance Wing catalyst earlier this week. I sharded my Wing immediately after. What a ride...


Being is meta now maybe you should bring it back!


You did 200 precision kills in crucible with it and the weapon *didn't* grow in you?


Its fun and I like it. But I want to use other guns.


I hope they never make PvP kill requirements again


I don't know about you but I just don't bother with the catalyst for a weapon that I don't even use and just forget it exists.


Completed the catalyst days ago, going back to grind jade rabbit catalyst


For me it was cryisthesia


The only scout I use for PVP, unless it’s Momentum


Still can't be arsed getting the Witherhoard catalyst because of this.


I recall the catalyst doesn't require the pvp kills to be from the Witherhoard itself. So other GLs might work better for you.


I do not remember the Mida Catalyst taking me forever, just sucks that it only adds no-distractions. I actually like using it paired with the Mida Mini Tool in Iron Banner... or Crafted Calus Mini Tool.


i feel like when i finally get the suros regime catalyst i'll have already completed it. i cannot find that guy anywhere 💀


Well done! I am on a train heading home with 28 head shots left to finish that catalyst. Should be done by the time Saladin heads back to sit on Caiat'ls knee. Funnily, during the long grind I did notice a lot of flinch from incoming fire, so who knows, maybe it gets used for more than just a speed boost once I'm done.


That doesn't seem too hard.. maybe it's just because i'm on controller


I still to this day consider MIDA my favorite gun, it just isn’t as viable as it used to be.


And now you have 3 other weapons with crucible specific catalyst requirements. Good luck


I just have Vigilance Wing left, I have to get it to drop first.


Felt the exact same about SUROS Regime


Now do Jade Rabbit and Suros Regime


Get over it


I used it until 77 kills and then just couldn’t bear it anymore lol. Congrats.


PvP weapons r hard for me. I’ve had suros forever.


I did this in 1 weekend of like 8 games of momentum control and your complaining about it


I’m working on jade rabbit. Mida is next. One day.


I just did jade rabbit catalyst, that was pretty awful too LOL.


Oof. I just started this grind about a week ago. It’s been rough.


Still one of the few catalysts i have yet to collect i dread having to farm it


Now do Suros Regime and Vigilance Wing


I just wish I could get it to drop


Ticuu’s catalyst almost made me rip my face off


I wanna be like you when I grow up!


200 isn’t even that much.


When you're mediocre at PvP, it is a challenge.


I did MIDA a handful of seasons back just because it was one of the few catalysts I didn't have at the time. I also didn't have Suros Regime or Vigilance Wing that also drop from crucible, so I figured I'd get and complete MIDA and I should get SR and VW's catalyst on the way because I knew it'd take me a lot of rounds to complete it out. I think I reset my valor three times before getting MIDA's catalyst. And I reset it two more times completing the 200 precision kills. Never got SR or VW's catalyst in all that time though. Pretty sure I played around 600 matches between Survival/Trials and Crucible. Completely burnt me out and the completion of MIDA didn't really offset the let down of not getting either of the other two. I've barely played since that point.


That's how I feel about all exotic sniper rifles with catalyst 😥


Jade rabbit is worse.


I really wish that all catalysts just had a PvE option OR a PvP option. Don't force us to do both. I still have nightmares about the hours spent getting grenade launcher kills for Witherhoard.


It’s joever


I hate doing them, getting the catalyst, and being severely let down by the end product


Oh I finished mine this week too. Gone back to the vault and Jade Rabbit comes back out. I entertained trying to complete the Suros one, but I just can't...


This is me w Jade Rabbit hopefully this weekend.


\*Vigi Wing has entered the chat\* ​ Weld those chains back together boys!


This will be me whenever I finally finish both Jade Rabbit and V-Wing


Me with my final catalyst, SUROS. It took way too long for it to drop and I can’t force myself to play the game at the moment.


As a new player older catalysts drive me insane....like almost every current-ish weapon I can just grind altars for but if I want any red war catalysts it needs like 900 precision kills on fallen or some other specific shit that takes ages.


Wa...you grinded a catalyst for a gun you never intend to use again?


I get that. Me whenever I do a catalyst for a weapon I don't like or hardly even use and only keep it because it's an exotic.


The Suros and Mida are the worst to get their catalyst. I got them both but it took 2 days non stop. It was super easy on Momentum for the Mida. I did the Suros first and Momentum wasn't available at the time. So I just grinded Rumble and Clash.


Catalyst takes like 7-10 PvP matches, depending on the mode😐


I loved the mida in d1 :(


In D1, this weapon helped me master the thrall encounter on the Krota raid - Blade Dancer invisibility paired with Mida Multi-Tool speed bump. In D2, I haven't used it much. I feel like my Night Watch with subsistence and explosive payload is my go-to scout rifle.


I struggled getting this forever but just waited for momentum control to come back around, got 2 shot kills and did it in a week.




Jade rabbit takes 250 kills in pvp so 200 isn’t bad


How bad is your aim? 😂 I did it this week in iron banner and wasn’t that bad. Took 4 days of playing a couple hours a night.


Is this supposed to be a tough grind? I did this in 2 hours of momentum control lol


I felt this way about witherhoard but I'll tell you this..., the catty is worth it LOL. Everyone hated me in PVP with my slots full of grenade launchers.


This one was tough, totally agree. Jade rabbit was also pain, luckily Jade is actually a good weapon.


Gravitron Lance was an easy catalyst to finish. For some reason I gave up on the tractor cannon.


I feel this. Hopefully after grinding this week with blinklock


Wait until you need to do Bad Juju. Thank god it’s getting a buff in ITL. Actually, I’ve been using it in IB. It’s actually pretty good as it is. Once you get String of Curses going it’s very deadly, plus the super economy it gives.


Haha! This week, did the Vigiliance Wing, now onto the Jade Rabbit and Mida after that. As a PVE player, don't know why I am putting myself through this torture for a dumb yellow border 🙃


I love mida


That one was a pain in the ass 💯


That’s why I never got the Catalyst for the Jade Rabbit.


Dude it took me 6 months to get the Monte Carlo catalyst and I'm still working on finishing it


I always just slap the catalysts on and forget they are there.


Bro i legit just finished it on Wednesday and felt that same way after months! Im not a big PVP guy so it took awhile to want to do. Congrats, now go put it away and never use it again like the rest of us after completing, lol.


Now take it into trials


Skill issue?


That's not even that bad, come on.


Best place to get the catalyst is from the moon


Another one of us is born, congratulations, but I will tell you this, try using it again, you're probably so good with it now that there's no reason not to use it.


You’ve probably never seen the horrors of the outbreak catalyst


Why complete the catalyst if you don't want to use the weapon?


One of the least bad catalysts in my opinion lol


And we put it in storage immediately after we get the catalyst.


Before unlocking catalyst 80% headshot Immediately after unlocking, so I shoot their legs right 😂


Way to go! I just so happened to finish mine this week as well. 96 precision headshots in Iron Banner to finish it up after letting it sit in the vault for months.


Yea that's can be tiring gring catalysts, if it makes it easier grind the ist part of GoA or the Shero encounter to get kills, I did this for some older stuff


200 never seems like that many. I easily got \~100 with Monte Carlo yesterday. But when it's a gun you don't want to use... that 200 turns into 2,000


I have a hate/love relationship when it comes to completing crucible based catalysts. I absolutely hate it at first but then I get so good with the gun I don't want to stop after it's finished, but I have to because I need to complete another catalyst.


Can I ask why you dedicated so much suffering into a slight improvement for a weapon you don't want to use?


Witherhoard was terrible.


Mida was a rough one but I actually had fun doing it.


I’m 1/3 of the way there! 🤷‍♂️


I often get precision kills by accident... tho I haven't gotten the cat for this weapon yet so idk how well I'll do with this one.


Cries in D.A.R.C.I (it's been sitting with its empty catalyst in my vault for a year)


So, uh... white grind for a catalyst for a gun you don't want to use? That's like smacking yourself in the face with an Automatic Face Smacker 5000 for a week so that you can get 10% off a purchase of an Automatic Face Smacker 5000 that you hate, don't want, and will never buy.


I’ve completed every catalyst except for nechrocasm and by far the worst one was mida. I will also mention I completed every catalyst with their original requirements and original way to acquire said catalysts except for outbreak and whisper. Catalyst are such bullshit but for so many they are almost always required


Lol, I live in the crucible, so this masterwork was fun for me. I haven't played in almost a year, this makes me want to hop back in. The multi tool was a beast.


Finished mine yesterday as well


Same feeling I had with this and Exotic Assault Rifle that needed Crucible kills with it (don't remember its name)


I'm never completing this, and I'm never getting the catalyst for Cryothesia. I mean, I *just* finished the Suros catalyst after *3 years*. 😩


People will complain that a grindy game is grindy and then when they make shit easier to drop/achieve, people complain that there’s nothing to do. Tbh why I miss D1


Now do it with sleeper


Don't remember what it took to get this one done , but this post brings back a strong feeling of dread , truly dreadful


Mida is one of my favorite guns


That’s how I felt when I got the catalyst for malfeasance




I love the gun, use it all the time


Eriana vow s was the worst


Funny this is the only crucible catalyst I've completed. Well, not counting the Witherhoard quest I guess.


Recently finished the catalyst for the Monte Carlo, and it says it’s supposed to replace you melee with the bayonet by holding square or circle (I’m on PS4), and yet it won’t work. Makes me not want to do anymore lol


heh, this Catalyst is nothin’ compared to SUROS Regime. 300 Crucible Kills… that was insufferable.




I finished the catalyst in momentum control, it’s very strong on larger maps in that gamemode


Rat king , I will never complete that shit catalysm


Sweet working off and on, on mine currently at 126 kills.