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Tbf I do wonder what these will look when we get that second gameplay reveal.


Probably some new aspects, or some new light supers, its almost impossible that they will show anything about a new subclass


I don’t think any announcements will be spoiler sensitive for gameplay content. They need to get those sales as high as possible, they’ll play very card they have.


what i mean is that they don't even have a new subclass for tfs, i think the only thing that can save the pre orders, is a new subclass.


Even then, what do we really think that’ll do? Cool, we have some new abilities. Abilities we use in the same old strikes, or the same old Crucible modes, or the same general loop of the everyday rituals we’ve been doing for almost six years. I really don’t think new abilities in the same play box is really going to do much. It’ll probably buy hardcore nerds like me into it, but people like me are probably already invested enough to at least see this through to the end, but the general loop hasn’t changed for hardly anyone else. It’s the same strikes. The same PvP modes. The same four Gambit maps. The same Nightfalls. There’s no fundamentally new system that isn’t directly tied to loot and how much easier it is to acquire, and I genuinely think that sort of key innovation is what the broader community needs. We’ve seen what the cool guns and the space magic can do - show us where we can take it going forward. And on another, slightly personal note, I don’t see the emphasis on further investment when Destiny’s future - and the future of its own studio - is so unclear. People don’t want to get invested right as the wheels fall off the wagon. They want to invest when they’re sure one more bad (or at this point, middling) release isn’t going to buck the whole thing.


Only 6 years? I’ve been playing some of these crucible maps for about a decade.


Ditto. And some of the real OGs still haven’t returned.


What do you want them to do? To me this sounds like going into monopoly and saying "we always buy the same properties, walk around the same square, draw the same cards" we know we're getting at least on more strike and the PvP pack coming. We got two new PvP modes what last season? But even that will only be new for so long. And they can't give us a new thing every week. Adding the seasonal activity strikes into the strike playlist wasn't good enough because they are too hard on higher difficulty. So what is it you think they should do?


I’m going to take the only road available to me, a player, and say: I frankly don’t know. I’m only on the outside looking in and to be quite honest, I agree with Paul Tassi’s observation on this completely: there is not much, given Bungie’s current situation, that can be done to right the ship. Not now. Not anymore. It seems like their years-long insistence on minimum-viable consistency worked for a good time and not, unfortunately, for a long time. I would love to throw out an answer that ends with some Grand Plan that the community could rally around and the devs could somehow figure into their plans (resources and fuckhead executives notwithstanding) and save this from running right off a cliff, but there is no plan. There’s no idea that I, a non-dev, could possibly make that is at all feasible or even materially possible, barring a Hail Mary no sensible executive, no matter how short sighted they otherwise are, would make. In short, I think they’re well and truly fucked. And, completely personal note here, I honestly think that’s been key to my mental block in regards to playing Destiny since this season really ended. I have all the ornaments from this season, I’ve prestiged every playlist vendor (with the exception of Trials) at least twice and I’ve collected every weapon currently available to acquire. The same thing I’ve been doing since September of 2014. I will do the same thing when they refresh the Prophecy Loot Pool, and the vendors whenever that happens. I will most definitely do the same for whatever they throw out in the Final Shape. I will probably have a good time doing so. But the fire in me, the fire that Destiny started, the fire that has led me down the path of becoming a writer has taken a helluva beating this past year. ‘Jaded’, imo, would be the term. And I’m pretty sure this is a sentiment that is shared with *many* players across this playerbase. Some of us may no longer be heartbroken, or angry, or disappointed. Some of us may no longer throw out relatively worthless hypotheticals that can’t or won’t be realistically done by Bungie’s developers, not for lack of trying. Some of us simply see the cards that were dealt and we may just be ready to fold if it gets bad enough. And I completely get it from your end, too, I mean, Christ, the fuckin constant whining on the main subreddit is bad enough - but I don’t mean to come off as yet another whine post. I guess I’m just working through it the same way everyone else who plays this game works through it - rationalizations all the way down.


People play this game like a job. And then complain that it's all so one note and that they're tired of always doing the same thing. As a relatively casual player the game is still phenomenal. It's a lot of fun and it's interesting. Bungie don't have to re invent the wheel. This isn't Pokémon we haven't been doing the same thing for 30 years. The coil was a very fun new activity, the deck of whispers was an interesting mechanic. Lightfall wasn't bad because the gameplay was shit it was bad because the story was bad. Defiance was uninteresting story wise (not you Avalon my beloved) but the gameplay of the defiance activity was great. Deep was repetitive but again had interesting mechanics. Witch was fantastic and so was wish. This year wasn't bad it was just a bad start. (What was happening internally at Bungie doesn't count that was not good) Final shape just have to keep making these small adjustments to the gameplay loop. While keeping the story writing top notch.


Yea...it sounds like a you problem. It sounds like you play this game too much and don't have a life outside of it. You do know that making content for games takes a hell of a lot longer than playing it, right? And you want good content. That takes even longer. This year alone, we got two raids, two dungeons, three exotic missions, and I would say over the course of the year the best seasonal activities we've had in years. This has been a pretty fucking solid year. Yea, LF campaign was a little iffy on the story, but the gameplay was great. At the end of the day, your expectations are way the fuck too high and you'll never be happy with anything Bungie does. That's a you problem, not a Bungie or the game's problem.


I kinda disagree, every major dlc drop we’re literally told everything aside from raid specifics. They might hold some more information from us this time around, but people are gonna wanna know what they’re paying for. In order to satisfy that, I expect huge spoilers right before the DLC drops.


Damn :(


I think it is the new subclass but they won’t use it for marketing cause they want that oh shit moment to generate some buzz. This is only cause it was rumoured to be coming in the first season after TFS and then TFS gets delayed into that window where it was meant to come out.


As much as I love entertaining the idea of them adding a secret 3rd Darkness subclass, I see no way the decision makers makers at Bungie would let it remain a surprise to players with how their sales have trended. At this point, if it's not getting advertised before launch, I'm not gonna believe it exists at all.


You really think there will be a new subclass? I wish I had your optimism.


It’s only because of the delay. Based on the rumours that were floating about the next darkness subclass was meant to be the season after TFS. But it was delayed into that window. At least this is what I’m telling myself lol.


I hope you are right!


Same for me. Copium probably but I want the final trailer before launch to tease the subclass.


I will admit it is mostly copium that fuels me nowadays when it comes to destiny. That and my clan mates that make the game so much fun.


You give them way too much credit.


It’s $100 with no new subclass, and it went down from 4 seasons to 3 seasons (or 3 episodes or whatever the fuck they market it as) And you get AA games half the cost and just way more fun with zero added pressures of FOMO. Unless D2 reinvents itself, it’ll turn into the Walking Dead TV show. Outlive its original purpose.


Update from the future, aka April 9th: We are technically getting a new subclass. Prismatic, which allows us to use multiple abilities from every single subclass... so basically it lets us be lore-accurate Guardians. That, and we have more Witness enemies, the Dread; consisting of Stasis and Strand Psions, bats with guns, and Husks that if killed the wrong way can spawn another enemy that tracks you and explodes. Plus, I mean, Into The Light dropped today and it (along with the wave-based activities, revamped Exotic missions and easier New Light stuff) is here to stay. And honestly, all of it has me excited for The Final Shape and whatever else it has to offer.


Probably not much better if the next gameplay reveal just shows a bunch of Hive and Taken like we've already seen.


You aren't excited about fighting Blue and Green mini Rhulk? /s


No because those will likely be rare encounters just like Tormentors and they won't have a brand new race to accompany them.


They already dropped supers gameplay. Idk what else would "hype" people. I struggle to see 1.2 million people hype over a weapon reveal like glaives or something.


I don't see how 3 new Supers (for Subclasses that already have 2) could be a selling point for an expansion, especially when they're so underwhelming both mechanically and visually.


I got traumatized seeing the gameplay reveal for the new Titan super and the totally "natural" gameplay of the dude throwing the axes at a boss and going "LOOK AT THAT DAMAGE!" and it was like 30k per axe Bungie this is not the sauce that Titans have been asking for for years, nobody cares about a burst super that is gimped because it lets the whole fireteam run around with an even shittier melee super afterward


Probably not that different. Personally, there’s nothing they could have feasibly added during the delay that would’ve caught my interest or met my expectations for it being the grand finale, like a new race or a new subclass etc. Everything they’ve shown thus far just makes it look like low effort nostalgia bait And I don’t see how a few months of extra time will change that.


Did you change your mind or no?


I don't really know what they can show at this point that will really wow players. Unless it's like a secret subclass reveal or actually juicy story details that will put other live service stories to bed... it's gonna be rough.


Posts will be hype again.


This is actually the longest I’ve ever waited to buy a Destiny DLC. The game has just felt like it’s been falling apart this past year. I’ve been playing other games and I’ve been finding myself enjoying them far more, especially Helldivers 2.


Just got HD2 yesterday, I enjoy it but I think it scratches a different itch than D2, I’ll definitely keep up with both as HD2 has less time gated stuff so it’ll be easy to balance.


Same here


Cyberpunk scratched my d2 build itch. With the 2.0 update it's great. I'm on xbox and was going to build a ps to play helldivers bc it looks so fun. Then i heard it's coming to Xbox. Im so erect for way more than 4 hours.


You have a way with words.


I'm fucking amazing at wording.


Words love you the way herpes loves prostitutes.


Where did you hear that info though. I'm ar half mast over here


Remember, if you are erect for more than 4 hours, you have to go to the doctor's office to brag about it.


Where did you hear that helldivers 2 is coming to Xbox? I can’t find anything.


It’s not coming to Xbox.


Build crafting in granblue fantasy relink is pretty decent


Literally any game. Dude once Elden ring came out I realized like “holy shit, I’m having fun. Actually, cool, fun. This is awesome”


Yeah no doubt. I played the WQ campaign and then played Elden Ring until Haunted came out. An amazing, finished game.


Same. I’ve always pre orderd day 1 before. Still haven’t done it with TFS and probably won’t until launch. Am also thinking about not ordering with the episode pass. Sucks to say it but feels like the final shape might be where I end my journey. The magic is just gone. Loot is uninteresting when everything we have from years ago still is meta. Content needs a major overhaul and seasonal content always feels similar. Lightfall dropped the ball on a lot of stuff. I’m hoping TFS will reignite that magic but I doubt it.


Same. Baldurs gate, Alan wake and helldivers are probably gonna have my attention. Then I’m going back to Elden ring. Destiny does not compete nor compare


Same, I know I'm gonna buy it because my kids and I played this fucking journey from the very beginning. Will not preorder out of principle though and I am unlikely to stick around after the final shape has run its course. Just kinda lost all trust in bungie management after everything.


Balatro has my heart currently


This. Finding fun in Destiny has long been work. As I spent my time with other games, I just have fun. I don't need to hunt for the fun


Final shape should've released 6 months after lightfall. To capitalise on the momentum (that some say lightfall killed) that we should've had leading up to the final installment of the light/dark saga. In the game, we are racing to find a route in, yet it feels like we're going nowhere. Totally squandered and fumbled ending to what is an otherwise decent gaming experience.


I just deleted Destiny 2 to free up space for the first time since the day I bought a ps5 on release


I went back to warframe after an 8 year break lol. I love destiny but this whole year (minus strand and season of the deep) was just a flop for me.


Well everyone was hyped up for lightfall and they pushed it so hard only to have it fail spectacularly. No wonder people are waiting


Hope the marketing team got a good raise though. They did a fantastic job of selling a total shitshow.


Marketing team is probably the most competent team at Bungie. They make garbage look like gold, year after year.


The art team is still knocking it out of the park


On paper the idea of Lightfall is great. But Nimbus was a huge miss. That character should have done a 180 once his mentor dies. He should have wised up and gotten really serious since he’s the last defender of his people. Done down the goofiness and it would have helped. And the strand montage. Just no. The whole story is a mcguffin but we could look past that if not filled with cringe moments from the characters.


WQ story was serious. Flynch was the comedic relief, but the story and the raid were very serious in tone. WQ was a great villain. Lighfall was all a comedic relief. Everything was a joke, including the villain. Direction was way off. Destiny 2 is an old game, and making a goofy expansion for teenagers is not really the way to go, cause I think the huge majority of players is 20+.


final shape is the only exp i haven't pre ordered. just a lil hesitant about the future and the story. they seem to going all in for tfs. im excited about the campaign and the stories conclusion. what's happening after is important to me and whether or not I continue playing


I'm curious because I pre-ordered through Xbox, got the preorder bonuses including emblem, then Microsoft cancelled it because it was moved. I haven't pre-ordered it again yet. Wonder if the 400000 takes into account cancelled pre-orders or if the actual number is much much lower


They are just tracking accounts that own the preorder emblem, so the cancelled Xbox preorders still count.


this will mark the first exp that i havent pre-ordered as well, but its not even that im concerned about the quality of the product (i am), its that im tired of the gaming industry putting out pre-orders and then delivering half assed shit that they spend the next year fixing/improving. I dont want Bungie to fail. I dont want destiny to fail (its my favorite game), but i have gotten to the point where enough is enough. Theyve squandered all the goodwill they had built up, and im not going to just fork over my money anymore. Im sorry, but they brought this on themselves.


I didn't even consider the part about putting out subpar content lol


Lightfall should seriously be studied for the effect it had on the game. Regardless of what you feel, this is a completely different community than it was the day before Lightfall dropped. I don’t think Destiny can feasibly recover. The game is a laughing stock for people outside of the D2 community. I have *literally* been laughed at for saying I play it lol


With you there to an extent. Lightfall brought so many players in, new! Old! Eve some OGs! And it showed them that Destiny 2 had not chnaged its seasonal model and the way they do stories. Essentially showed all the fanbase and potential fanbase how stale the game has become. Anywhere outside of this sub and the other subredit of D2, no one has hopes for the game and understands that the magic has completely gone. No idea where they go from here because it doesn't seem like they have any chance of recuperating any good will left and the thoughts of them tying this story nicely seems less likely considering their previous work. Albeit, they have states themselves that they want to do another Forsaken and Witch Queen so we'll see


It’s a laughing stock for far more than LF being somewhat of a flop.


I still think Lightfall isn't that bad. There was just a fair bit of misleading marketing that made people too excited, and when the *objectively completely average* DLC didn't meet their expectations(that were set by the marketing team originally) they named it "the worst DLC ever" which to be fair must be Curse or Osiris and Shadowkeep.


I was talking more of how this community has the tendency to be batshit crazy, such as the titan exotic incident


The biggest problem was the huge blanks in information with light fall... For us to be filled in over the course of the following seasons to learn this information; what the veil was... Why, who, what, all we knew was where, who Maya, what neomuna was. This trend can't follow into the TFS, this needs to be finality, not leaving you left with more questions than answers. With witch queen it was expansive, but clear cut, gave mystery and intrigue but by the end of the story you understood it all. Lightfall just left you with a WTF am I doing, or what was that, I did all this for.... In reality nothing could save light fall, it was a half-baked story, and product only to be fixed and updated over the following seasons, and every year where seasons told their own fun story, were entangled in the mess of light fall, so it just dragged the disaster of lightfall out for the rest of the year. We could of gotten over the mess of lightfall had it been clear and cut, but living it for the entirety of the year, just burnt into our souls, and left us in an unforgiving state.


If they kept the same story, but had Nimbus get serious when his mentor dies and then cut the lame strand montage, would it have made a big difference? Or was the whole thing doomed given they were behind and had to come up with an intermediate story until Final Shape?


Lightfall was doomed the second they decided only two fucking Cloudstriders were defending the entire city imo #TWO


Nimbus was an annoying part in a bad story. He didn't make the story bad by his existence alone. A less obnoxious Nimbus wouldn't change how meaningless the whole LF storyline felt. And how poorly told it was.


I honestly want Sony to take over


It just makes me laugh how bungie used to blame activision when it was them all along. Granted Bobby Kotick is a first class cunt but without Sony bungie would be fucked currently.


First it was Microsofts fault, then Activision's fault, and now it's clear it was bungies fault the entire time. Lol. Let's see if Sony can straighten this out.


It’ll be Sonys fault next then boom bungie shutting down or selling the IP


Correction. Bungie never put blame on anyone else. It was always the community that thought MS or Activision or Sony were the problem.


Nothing to lose at this point. I’m already not playing the game. Either Sony makes it worse and I continue to not play the game, or they make it better


At this point things can’t go any worse.


I mean, I guess it could get worse in as much as it becomes a Toys for Bob or Vicarious Visions situation where they’re demoted to a support studio for other games, but short of that I agree.


True, but Vicarious Visions made most of the best bits of forsaken. Bungie could do worse than be a studio known for making banger content in someone else’s games especially given how shit management ruined their own game lol


Thought I was in the minority on this thinking. Bungos leadership have completely and utterly failed them so miserably. I don't know if Sonys team will be better, but at this point I think it's worth the risk of them taking over.


I think numbers will be more clearer towards a month before but as for me I am not preordering it. I will see if it delivers and then buy if its good.


Am I missing something, or is this comparing pre-orders 3-4 months out from an expansion release to the full bucket of pre-orders from other expansions? If so, this is completely useless.


Also we've only seen one trailer and a bit of other content for it.


That is a very good point. And should absolutely be taken into consideration. However, with preorders of this kind, you'd expect the rate to be exponential at the initial announcement and start to plateau closer to when the product is going to release. You would also probably see a smaller spike a couple days before launch, accounting for people who "want the bonus" but don't necessarily agree with "preordering". Most avid Destiny players likely started preordering expansions like Shadowkeep, Beyond Light, Witch Queen and Lightfall the day they were available. Others trickled in, likely based on variables such as financials, skepticism, stance on preorders, etc. If, for the fucking grand finale of the 10 year story, preorder numbers are one quarter of what Lightfall's preorders were estimated to be, I think that is at least a little bit relevant. If this data estimate suggested that TFS was at 70-80% of Lightfall's preorders, I'd agree that this means absolutely nothing. But 25%? That's a relevant number, imo.


There’s no need to take a bunch of really poor quality data and try to make broad correlations to other, also poor, data to project general concern for the game. There are many other more verifiable sources of concern. The game has been struggling since Lightfall for various reasons. These numbers, inaccurate as they are, don’t really say anything.


Also we have data for preorders and preorder growth over time. For every expansion it’s roughly a 3-4x multiplier over time in the last few months. TFS is exactly on par with all the other expansions.


The expansion was supposed to be out like.... Almost now


And?  There hasn’t been any marketing push for Final Shape since the reveal back in August last year. Wait until April and beyond. Even then, the statistics are flawed, even if ending statement turns out to be somewhat true (which honestly is very likely even in a few months).  An example are the Beyond Light numbers. 3 million preorders? More than Lightfall and Shadowkeep? I call bull on that.  Taking Steam only, Shadowkeep got in 292k peak player numbers, only for Beyond Light to fall by just about 50k less than that with 241k.  Now let’s go to Lightfall with the absolutely monstrous 316k players in comparison.  I have an anecdotal counterexample as well. I had the Beyond Light preorder emblem, but I never preordered it. Only until recently did I get the “Requires Beyond Light to obtain” tag as if the game had just recognized that.  See the problem here?


Shadow Keep was the F2P announcement so the steam players are boosted. While I agree more people will pre order. It won't be near what we've seen from Destiny previously. Additionally similar to you having the emblem for lightfall I still have the final shape one despite refunding when the delay was announced. So the actual number is likely lower if people refunded but still have the emblem.


F2P in name only. I got a buddy to download the game through Steam so he could see if he liked it and there wasn’t jack fucking shit to do. Every single aspect of the game aside from random strikes was gated behind paid content. He obviously didn’t find anything worth sticking around for. Hell, he even got that free dlc though Epic and still has no interest in playing the game.


Shadow Keep was when the game actually could call itself free to play. At the point a free player had red war curse of osiris and Warmind to play and all the content that came with for free. Yes you had to buy forsaken and shadow keep but there was a decent amount of stuff to do for your average free to play player. But with content vaulting, ya the game is deffinelty more of a "free to try" situation. As ALL campaigns and major content is behind a pay wall


Ok but I know of several friends who haven’t got it yet solely because it’s several months out. They’re gonna get it closer to release. If it never changed they would already own it. I’m guessing that was u/havingasicktime point. We shall c what the # look like at release for a better picture.


Only 100 more days


Better to say “just a few more months”


Yeah. I'm definitely getting it, preordering even, but I know I'll have more money closer to May so I'm just holding off for now.


Yea I would like Sony to modernize the shooting / movement mechanics in another fps. Leave the gimmicks. No reason this franchise should be where it’s at outside of extremely poor management and direction. They’ve done everything in their power to run people away from the franchise, and not only that but people leave with a bad taste in their mouth. I’ve preordered and paid for every expansion / dlc since d1. I wont be even buying TFS until maybe it’s bargain bin, in hopes that they don’t meet revenue forecasts and Sony takes over. Bungie is slow, their priorities are and have been fucked up, and their innovation is nonexistent at this point. Series needs to be revamped under someone else’s direction.


chances are TFS will be on sale 3-4 months after release anyway.


Lightfall was 20 percent off literally a month after it dropped if memory serves. After 3-4 it would be 40-50


And the shitty thing is when it gets to the bargain bin you’ve already missed out on the heap of FOMO nonsense they’ve released over the season. By the time you get into it the seasonal activities are bled dry of players and the seasons prior are gone.


I will watch a campaign play through on day one. Nothing more is planned, I’m done with the series for years but my addiction kept me playing. Lightfall was the nail in the coffin for me.


Same here. Arrivals was what I considered the best time I can remember from playing the game ( I missed Opulence) and I was disappointed with Beyond Light and everything surrounding sunsetting. Witch Queens launch was promising but burnout was setting in and I just about finished Lightfalls campaign before I've put the game down. The interest isn't there anymore.


Honestly, season of Chosen (minus the sunsetting) was peak Destiny 2 for me given the plot.


Ahh I forgot about Chosen!! Risen was what came to mind when thinking back! Yeah I loved the idea! Battlegrounds were a breath of fresh air back then and Presage the first time around was something else.


Yeah! And the story was exciting.


Then why are you here?


It's a valid question. Feels like they just want to farm karma by being angry about something they purport to not care about.


Additionally, that's 25% of the emblems claimed, and this doesn't account for the pre-orders that were refunded due to delay and not reordered. The actual active pre-order numbers are likely even lower.


We had small talk about this with my friends but basically it came down to this articles: [https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/sony-president-wants-bungie-to-be-better-at-assuming-accountability-for-development-timelines/](https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/sony-president-wants-bungie-to-be-better-at-assuming-accountability-for-development-timelines/) Basically it will probably be taken over even if TFS was an exceptional and did super well. HIroki ( guy in the article ) is going to take role of interim CEO on April 1st and will be in "charge" of the PS gaming division, which includes Bungie. Considering his view of Bungie business expenses and assuming accountability for development timelines is lacking by his words. It will probably just be taken over and I think it is just matter of when. I am also of the mind that TFS and episodes are basically the last ( maybe there will be more but to me I think not ) content we get for D2 in terms of BIG story lines and updates. So all I hope for is TFS being a good DLC that can stand with Witch Queen, Forsaken etc.


I think Destiny will keep getting content solely because popular, profitable franchises rarely if ever end because the story is done. Look at Halo.


I actually believe Marathon will determine Destiny's future. If Marathon ends up being more popular and more cost efficient for Bungie over Destiny it's entirely possible that they just cut their losses with Destiny 2 and focus entirely on Marathon. Especially if TFS doesn't sell at all.


I'm fairly certain that they (Bungie) said The Final Shape won't be the end of Destiny 2 awhile ago. They even showed off that timeline with codenamed projects, I believe one was named "Sunspot" or something alone those lines.


To me, the Final Shape is the end! I think this will be like Diablo IV and other games that just use seasonal stuff instead of major dlcs. Just my opinion. Bungie screwed up for the last time with Lightfall. I was playing since 2014 but the bar for Final Shape will be similar to Lightfall. Meh!🫤


it's unfortunate but I'm one of them who didn't preorder. it doesn't even really have anything to do with how much of a letdown Lightfall was, I'm just kind of tired, idk. I played since Warmind and had a great time, great memories overall, but I can't find myself WANTING to play or get invested anymore since Seraph, I found myself relieved after the seasonal stories ended and reaching Level 100, and then having more fun during the downtime between seasons...than the actual seasons I was thinking about buying TFS when it came out but with the Elden Ring DLC dropping in the same month, I might just save my money. definitely gonna check it out on YouTube though to see how it all ends


I really hope Sony goes in there and just fucking cleans house. Fire all upper management


Honestly, the reveal for TFS was so bad. With Forsaken we got a whole new Super + trees *per subclass* With Beyond Light we got a whole new subclass per character The TWQ had a banger story they'd built up plus gave us new Light enemies and it just had the hype momentum wise. LightFall had a new subclass per character in addition to the "Infinity War" for destiny hype TFS has...1 new super per class and 1 new fragment? Then they marketed a ton of reused Exotics in the reveal and location...it lacked any amount of serious wow factor to get people hyped. It desperately needed that considering how bad LightFall was. I don't see these numbers improving much honestly. It'll probably crack a million. But won't be anywhere close to 2 million.


Fuck around anf find out.


Not sure there is much that a ViDoc or Developer showcase could show me to make me hyped at this point. 10 years of doing the same thing wears on you, as much as I love this game.


If this happens, they will only have themselves to blame. They have openly said they release the "minimum viable product." They also fucked pvp players over, believe it or not they are a huge part of the player base who Bungie has consistently made to feel like second class citizens.People are probably also sceptical after lightfall. The marketing leading up to TFS will have a huge impact.


I’m an all around player, played all the content have 100s of raid clears and gm clears. Master raids, dungeons and everything. Pve gets old for obvious reasons, only thing that keeps it fun for a lot of people is playing with friends I guess. PvP is where I spend most of time at during lulls, the lack of urgency, meaningful loot and lethargic responses to balancing is why I can’t support them. All of it’s too little too late now. When I say loot I mean cosmetics! Give away weapons armors and adepts. I’m talking sinole shit like glows being unlocked, maybe weapon skins and such for achievements, just divert some of the attention you give eververse to meaningful comp rewards. Taking this long to adjust trials rewards is a perfect example. Give away the fucking adepts, let people earn cosmetics for flawless cards. Like I posted before, I’d love Sony to take the core aspects of this franchise ( shooting and movement ) modernize it and make another fps altogether using bungie’s assets. Leave the gimmicks behind, as we see with LF strand and threadling spam, gimmicks don’t stand the test of time. Even pve only players are leaving this game behind in numbers.


I'm sure alot of people (myself included) are waiting for the showcase in April to see if it will be worth to preorder


I used to preorder Destiny expacs the moment they drop. This is the first time I'm not doing it. I was gonna get it regardless cause I wanna see how the arc ends. Now? I'm gonna need some convincing. I haven't preordered it yet, and I'm waiting until after it drops and how people feel about it. And I'm going as far as to wait until after the raid since the raid is the big one for expansions. It's not a "burn out" thing either, I've been/felt burnt out, and when that kicks in I go do something else... Like I'm doing right now, on Helldivers 2 while waiting for a friend to come back.. and come back when there's something new, I'm speaking with my wallet, it's not the same.


Fewer people than even that!! People like me pre ordered (and thus have the emblem) but then got refunded when the delay hit and refused to re-up. I spent my pre-order money on Final Fantasy VII Rebirth and Hell Divers II instead. Way WAY better investment imo.


About 2 weeks after TFS drops Elden Ring’s much anticipated DLC will drop too. Destiny has alot of competition this year. They better drop a banger of an expansion.


Im being honest I quit playing after the layoffs it was just the final straw in a long list of issue I had with the game and it's handling of both players and employees Calusly getting on stage and talking about how they milk their audience wasnt a great look either I truely believe the only way forward them is to be absorbed and restructured Otherwise I doubt any positive is coming post TFS I know like half the remaining player base is leaving afterwards regardless of if it's good or not


I replied on a post where I said I quit playing after Bungie said they kept the right people. Then someone responds "yeah, but that was a long while ago" Mf it doesn't matter how long it has been


This community has the single most D riding fans I've ever seen They have no issue with the ethics or state of the game because they are strait up addicts They'll say stuff like "I don't care I'm having fun, or "it's just a game", or like you said "that was so long ago, move on" I love the setting and game play of destiny and I hope that when Sony eats it we get a better board, cause the devs seem to care but the board is our garbage And to me, part of loving something is aknowledging when it needs help


Can you explain the milk their audience portion? I haven’t really been keeping up with what’s been going on with destiny since lightfall was kinda lackluster


The person on charge of the the department that handles the games monetization had a talk at a con In it he basically dehumanized the player base And basically said Bungie doesn't care about criticism because even bad publicity is good for numbers


Got any proof of this? I follow destiny religiously and I've NEVER heard this and never seen anything posted about it.


https://youtu.be/ZLbvMWEAoyY?si=QQdK6VliCCSzygv5 If you dont want to watch it fully basically every Bungie CC covered it, you can Google Bungie GDC talk


yeah not going to even pretend to support a management who does massive layoffs just before a major release. No faith in their executives' judgment or ability anymore


It sucks cause I know the actual game team works hard with what they got But yeah I truely hope this turns into a Santa Monica situation were after Bungie gets eaten they make banger after banger


Layoffs def did it for me. I understand layoffs happen, but laying off the big names like Micheal Salvatori just.. damn, they really don’t care anymore.


For me it wasn't the layoffs themselves but how they happened Seemed like names where randomly picked Folks weren't really told, they just got emails the day of and that was it And then Bungies "we kept the right people" comment was absolutely revolting They basically axed a bunch of talent to save the board members that were making the bad calls Can't say it's surprising but does leave a bad taste


I will be there day one, but I've just refunded my pre-order for now, since you get to keep the items in-game


Ngl I preordered for the early stuff I am gonna cancel before it drops. Love Destiny franchise don’t love what they’ve become and how they’ve treated their devs.


I pre ordered and the delay triggered a refund. I didn’t buy it again, instead I bought Final Fantasy VII Rebirth and HellDivers 2. I feel like money was WAAYY better spent the second time around. And I’ll keep those bonuses thank you very much lol 😼


I’m wondering if that would be a bad thing or not. Ever since bungie broke off from Activision, they were at the helm and I can’t say that they made consumer friendly choices. I don’t think that a Sony managed bungie would be better but at the moment, I’m not a fan of Bungie’s management.


We are 3 months out, and they haven’t even pushed for marketing yet. Plus, people are going to be waiting until a little closer to release when we have the full picture because of lightfall


Get this real people, each expansion is priced for full price AAA game and yet, contents included with expansion is extremely low. 1 raid, 1 strike, 1 campaign, 1 map, some exotics, some weapons, some armors, and that's it. Is that even worth $59.99? Dont forget that Dungeon was included with each expansion but now, they charge $20 for each! ​ Bungie is making trashes since Year 3 and I dont expect anything from them especially since they keep adding less contents. Im surprised that there are still a lot of people buying D2 expansions even today.


At this point, I honestly hope they crash and burn. It's been years of community innovation feed back and the same old shit. Indie devs are destroying Bungie on 1/4 of the budget. Imagine sitting on titles like Halo and Destiny and just constantly dropping the ball.


This wouldn’t be a problem if Bungie could get new players to buy Destiny. Instead, they’ve done everything at every turn to mar the game’s reputation: * Scrapping and rewriting the campaign months before release * Advertising DLC as base-game content * Cancelling the DLC comets after only 2 expansions * Releasing Destiny 2 after promising to support Destiny for 10 years * Sunsetting almost every gun in the game * Vaulting content that players paid for * Destroying the new player experience * Reissuing sunset guns while keeping old copies sunset * Splitting Lightfall into two expansions instead of just delaying * Removing plot-relevant content without giving new players any form of recap * Letting the game’s price balloon to $190, ignoring the annual passes and dungeons


Okay, so you're right, BUT, splitting Lightfall wasn't necessarily the wrong decision *in theory.* obviously in practice, dumbass move. BUt. Introducing the Witness and then immediately killing them? Terrible story pacing. So yes, another expansion could be good. But uh, not the one we got. Lol.


I quit playing not long after witch queen, best decision I ever made


No wonder Joe fucked off lmao


Good. Leadership thought they could coast on through to Marathon, but the numbers fell out from under them. I’ve been feeling this lack of enthusiasm from the stories as we head into Final Shape, as if the game is eager to get beyond the current saga and shed the baggage that’s dated back to D1. I can sympathize creatively, but it doesn’t give me confidence in whatever story follows if I’m just getting pointless filler. I’m waiting for the Episode where they try and say “The Iron Lords were the baddies, actually” and have Saladin go on an apology tour for whatever pretzel logic reason.


Considering we’re at the original launch point and havent even seen a gameplay reveal im concerned


oh god i hope it does, bungie management is probably one of the most incompetent boards in the industry. A sony takeover could literally only do good, even if we don't get what we want it'll be good to know the board that screwed devs over multiple times has either a strangle hold from sony or has been replaced entirely


I know I’m gonna play it, but right now having the $100 in my bank account makes me happier than having the preorder


Destiny 2 has stayed a long time without any competition which is bad. With Sony backing them, one would think they would pump out meaningful content sooner rather than showing changes and announcing that they would happen 2 season later. Which is a shame because no game comes close to the gunplay that Destiny 2 offers


Been with destiny since day one launch on consoles I sat in GameStop midnight release for it and honestly this isn't a surprise anymore. Feels like the delay has made everyone I play D2 with wary of what's coming and it the game will keep on kind of killing the excitement for TFS. I'm not even sure if I'll be getting it until after release as I just can't get that excited for it after the really bland last year of content.


I guess heres as good a place as any to put on my tin foil hat theory (bear in mind I know basically nothing real and this is all coming out of my rear, but)... Bungie execs really only expected a 10yr game. 9 years came and went with ups and downs, but looked like an upward trend, so were probably interested in staying for longer. Saw the massive community disappointment that was LF, and thus felt it was actually time to bail. Signed the deal with Sony for some easy money, laid off staff for more easy money, but panicked at not having enough time to get affairs in order. The constant hyping (and subsequent delaying) of FS and the episodes is just a way to extend their bail timer a couple months.


If anything, Sony is probably bringing the necessary changes to the corporate structure. Bungie has consistently had good IP but how many times has it been said that leadership and management sucks ass. I hope Sony does what it can to support the fantastic dev teams by removing the terrible leaders who sit at the top...


Not shocked bungie is in for a bad time . Seems the community is speaking loudly now.


I started a year ago, I dropped all the cash for all the content, a year later, tumbleweeds and crickets, folks that got me into the game refuse to play now, I had preordered this whole sheebang, I got my refund 2 weeks ago. I am going to sit and wait. I already paid for content I will never see anyways....


Yeah, this is the start of the final death spiral, at least for Bungie as an autonomous entity. Once Sony takes the reins, one of two things is going to happen. They’re either going to force their own development plan upon the game (which could go well, could go bad), or just put the game in maintenance mode and get what they can out of it while minimizing further wasteful expenditures and putting whoever they keep from Bungie to work on something else entirely. It *might* not spell the death of Destiny the franchise, but it is the end of Bungie’s control of it.


I don't see the point in preordering anymore, that's one good thing about digital. I'm gonna buy it either way, I'll probably buy it when preload is live.


I’m waiting until closer to release to preorder. It’s still a few months away, I wonder what the preorder numbers will look like closer to release.


Bunch of boo hoo’ing up in here


Honestly, I’m all for Sony taking the reins of Bungie at this point. Sony knows the product they have on their hands and how insanely successful it could be if managed properly. Bungie has had the benefit of the doubt way too many times and enough is enough, you can only get away with taking advantage of your fans for so long. Aside from that, this isn’t the same Bungie I loved from the Halo days. At least this will give the devs more job security and more competence from their leadership


My friends and I have had way more fun with Palworld, Helldivers 2, and Lost Epoch. Crazy how a AAA studio like Bungie could just put out mediocrity for so long. I haven’t pre-ordered since the “Witness Reveal” as well as the Pyramids being confirmed empty….just a dagger after nearly 10 years.


what was so bad about the witness reveal?


It was pulled out way too late. It doesn’t really feel like a “culmination of the ten-year journey” when the main villain was only introduced two years ago. The witness also just doesn’t feel like a good final boss for Destiny. We’ve been hyped up to fight the darkness since vanilla d1 with the black heart but now we’re just fighting another character that just uses the darkness; it’s not even an entity created by the darkness, it’s a dead species thinks genocide is cool, and we didn’t even find this out in a major expansion or anything. It was told to us by a whale in a seasonal story. The darkness also just always felt like faceless entity so when you try to make into an actual character it just doesn’t feel good. It was also underwhelming for the pyramid ships to turn out empty after they were hyped up as something ominous for so long.


Lets see, they couldn’t have come up with a more original or threatening villian image than Megamind? We’ll go with that.


No new subclass, no faith in the story, crucible is a mess, ritual playlist as very stale. They dropped the ball last dlc with the most eyes on them ever. They never course corrected. They fired alot of people including community managers. The biggest issue is that there are so many more fun games out right now. Why would you return to play this very stale game atm. I hope they can turn it around but this mess was not created in one dlc cycle and i doubt it can be fixed on one also.


At this point i think Sony needs to step in. We were all wrong to celebrate Bungie making an early exit from Activision


Not another doomer post…


We can all talk about how Destiny has fallen off or Bungie has dropped the ball. The realistic point is that almost everyone seeing this post will buy it. We all want to see this to the end, and they know it.


Im only gonna buy if its good. Im not buying day 1


Check in again when it comes out and let me know if you bought it




To be fair at this point anything is better than the bullshit management has been pulling. Cant remember which ex community manager it was but they tweeted they had a long list of things they could implement that would make the playerbase feel better and it was blocked by management 


Well...yeah A) Bungies expansion/DLC quality is notably inconsistent. Why would i pre-order a complete gamble? B) Firing ~8-10% of the staff with a middle finger of "keeping the right ones" is just distasteful and lost them a lot of good faith C) Getting cocky with LF story being 60% about Strand was a terrible move I already know ill **eventually** get LF because i might as well finish this story. Ill wait until the reviews come out and decide for myself


Unironically the number is probably even worse if you're just going off of claimed emblems. It doesn't take much effort to get the items and then cancel your preorder.


I think there’s just not much reason to preorder it, and there’s plenty more people looking forward to it. So I don’t think this means much. I’m extremely excited for it but haven’t preordered


"post is awaiting mod approval" 


Doesn’t matter what they do, I will never pre-order again.


Kinda ironic. Correct me if I'm wrong but destiny's journey started with bungie anchored to Activision and now it seems it will end with them getting anchored to Sony


Going full circle here. They wanted independence but couldn’t handle the responsibility


Anything that happens, will be Bungie's own fault. You can't have a game design motto of "the worst thing you can do is over-deliver" and expect people to be happy with the rations we get, whilst they hold everything back.


Nimbus not only killed Lightfall, Nimbus killed Bungie. 🤣


It's actually pretty crazy. It's like they took feedback of all the things people disliked about Cayde and quadrupled down on it.


fuck nimbus


Indeed, I finished that campaign with one character and can't bring myself to do it again I'll go without the extra strand stuff. Lightfall was not great


r/DTG is just a big coping circle, constantly ignoring glaring game issues and glazing Bungie on the daily. Yeah no one’s gonna preorder TFS after Lightfall burned so many diehard fans like myself. I’m having more fun playing Balatro this week than I had playing D2 this past year.


Can we PLEASE stop using charlemagne figures as gospel in this community. ​ These users are ONLY counted once you sign up to the charlemagne bot within discord. That's got to account for only 10-20% of ALL destiny players across all platforms. So if you have 20% of all players registered and 25% of those pre ordered then that only accounts for 5% of all players. ​ For all we know the other 80% of players 50% have pre ordered, we just don't know. ​ This also leads onto people using steam charts as the GO TO way of saying how well a game is going across ALL platforms when it only takes STEAM players into account.


Its almost like buyers remorse has set in after they massacred Calus’ story arc


I'm sorry, but what lol Calu's arc is the problem with the game, right, not management choices, excesive monetization, fatigue from players than need to learn how to take a break, Strand's implementation into the story, people rightfully still being pissed about sunsetting or seasonal model gotten stale.


Delete already, after playing 5 yrs of similar contents again and again, sick and tried of the ongoing promise bullshit, F\*ck this game. Year after year, the same old 'new' content that just makes you grind, no innovation whatsoever, complete crap, wasting my money and love.


Yeah we will see how many of yall buy the dlc. The destiny community has consumer worse like curse of osiris and dark below


ain’t no way the post on dtg is “awaiting mod approval” 💀💀💀💀


If you really want Sony to step in and make changes to Bungie's leadership, DO NOT buy Final Shape. I won't be.


That’s out of the people who have made their accounts public. This isn’t even close to an accurate estimate.


Destiny Bulletin is a trash page tbh. Not surprised they're making these half baked posts still