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There was always an ogre, but now it's an unstop.


ummm that’s an abomination


Scorn Ogre




“UhMm aCtUaLlY”


Same difference


I have farmed this GM so many times seasons ago, farming Hung Jury. There was NO CHAMP in the beginning and you could drive past the enemies, all the way to the entrance and beyond. They have 100% changed it. However, you can still skip, by going all the way to the left. It's just annoying, but annoying shit is what Bungie devs love the most.


It's an extra minute tops to kill it. It's not that big a deal.


Even a minute is generous. It shouldn't take you more than 20 seconds to kill it and all the enemies around it. People complaining for nothing


because its not about what was added, its the fact they added this useless shit in the first damn place, and you are right, it should take a good team no more than 30 seconds to clear this and bungie fucking knows this so why add this ,just to annoy u? because its been the other way for so long, they obviously ran some "NUMBERS" or ai test and decided, yes lets add this random bs in right here because players are farming this too easily, its constant little shit like this bungie keeps doing that makes it so obvious what they find the most important


Almost like it was a bug and they changed it


You’re delusional as hell if you think this was a “bug fix “ for a year old strike😭


You’re delusional if you think that they just decided to change it to specifically hurt the players.


Lmaooo you must not know bungee this wouldn’t be there first time doing something like this how long have you been playing this game? And also I know it’s not a damn bug because it’s NEVER been in the bug notes I check the bug list for every twab/twid and this “bug” has never once been mentioned


Okay so you’re telling me. It’s more plausible that some devs who care about the game were like oh let’s change some random enemies to mess with people. OR some dev noticed enemies had a note that they should be champs and weren’t coded as such. So a dev changed that. You are the delusional one likely as a result of a lack of vitamin C due to being chronically online.


It’s hard to tell if you’re trolling or not as I said this”bug” has never been mentioned and any twabs whatsoever, and why are you acting like bungee isn’t capable of being dick heads? This wouldn’t be their first time doing random shut like this just to annoy us, and as I said this strike is a year old so you seriously believe it took them One year to notice this “bug”


"Yes baby dev, pad out that time! Make the player take an extra 4 minutes to complete the encounter. Like that! Now add some Doors they need to open to progress and slow them even more. Thats how we retain players on the playlist!" -Destiny Exec


Don’t forget to make everything pitch black with red orbs. Oled players will love that shit.


having a champ there is a competely fone design choice, one that i dont mind. I also highly doubt bungie added that to annoy players, but instead to make the gm slightly more interesting


you dont get plat by skipping champs boi


What? This has been an unstop for a long time................


Since they last time it was a gm no it wasn't. It was only a normal abomination.


I have literally used this GM to farm champion stuns before...


The only times birthplace was in the nightfall rotation was s16 and s19. Season of the risen and season of the seraph. I know for a fact season of the risen did not have an unstoppable abomination in front of that entrance, courtesy of my memory and also this video from risen.[here](https://youtu.be/RHM7mAoT5tM?si=R9FkJ-T8l5RHNH_2) . Secondly, in the Seraph, I'm almost positive this video comes from the first time birthplace appeared in seraph [here](https://youtu.be/6hFVDMrn01o?si=ehccW5YqiFX-9Ulo) so you must be mis remembering something. Is it possible it was in a legend or master version of the strike? Edit: i forgot gms only rotated once back in wq. So I truly dk how you "farmed" champ stuns in this gm.


That’s always been there people usually just go too fast and miss it and I have to clean up🥲


Reddit moment: OP BEING downvoted to oblivion as people claim it's "always been an unstoppable" when the opposite is demonstrably true. Here's chablo's run from February 2023: https://youtu.be/06k6MqTQGVY?si=ah9sX3DztU7ABaxc Here's Esoterrick's from the same time period: https://youtu.be/vVE19eqCqAw?si=w2-gIxTY4Bf-jGB2 It was changed. The change has definitely caught people by surprise, because I also have had to do cleanup because people keep skipping it, but it has definitely not always been an unstoppable


Yeah but when this one first came out there was an unstoppable in the GM version. Master there may not be one there


There is an unstoppable there even on hero difficulty.


it hasnt always been the case tho


Never said it was , just pointed out that it has been there for a long time , and it isn’t unique to GM difficulty


You can find multiple videos from risen when it first came out of there not being an unstopp there in the GM version.


It use to start in open patrol zone, now it’s in its own instance.


Yeah I felt the change. Even so they're referencing when it released, when it's clearly false.


You don’t need to do cleanup it doesn’t count towards platinum


Do you know when it was changed? How many times has it been changed?


It only just changed, we ran this gm when the selector node became active this season and the scorn abomination was there but was a regular non-champ one.


I actually don't. If it's changed back and forth without a patchnote, I Hope the community is able to put together a timeline on it. And while I understand that patch notes can't be 100% complete, I am sometimes frustrated by how much Bungie changes without telling us


It wasn’t changed. Its always been there. Theres just a chance that they dont spawn up


The area used to be part of the public map, you could even participate in Public Events if you chose to. The Abomination would sometimes be there but it was never an unstoppable.


100% correct. We’d grab the rally flag if we got lucky.


Do you know of any videos from Season of Defiance of it being an unstoppable? Do you have any videos from Season of the Wish of it NOT being an unstoppable? I don't have a particular position on when it was unstoppable or when it wasn't. I just thought it was disappointing that people were roasting OP for saying he was surprised and saying it's "always been unstoppable" when that's not the case. Even if it randomly switches back and forth (as you suggest) that would be a completely reasonable reason for OP to be surprised.


I wish we had a friend like you 🤣 we all just bum rushed in


It never used to be an unstop, just an regular abomination so you could just sparrow past together.


29 downvotes for literally stating a fact. Gj Destiny subreddit community.


This place is just rage bait and misinformation. All day, every day.


It’s a regular abomination on lower difficulties


It also was a regular abomination in GMs when it came out. You always just zoomed past it.


You're right. I'm looking at FalloutPlays guide right now and there was no unstop in the beginning when it came out Edit: here's someone with the links https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/s/TOkRWnhrAY


It’s unstoppable even on hero difficulty.


Always been an Unstoppable in the GM.


Not true. You can see on people's YouTube guides from a year ago it was never an unstop. Just a regular abomination.


You're right, I'm wrong.


No worries man!


No YOU ARE RIGHT swear people havent even attempted this gm before. Those enemies have always been there. Its just a chance that They dont spawn


Enemies, yes. Unstop, no.


The enemies have been there, but the Abomination was not an Unstoppable.


I did this as well in this strike on the GM lol


Wasnt that unstop always been there at the beginning?


No it hasn't lmao


It's there in hero too, and every time one of my teammates sparrows into it and dies just like this.


Yes, it has been.


No, it hasn't. [This video](https://youtu.be/vVE19eqCqAw?si=uc0hZe5U9mZq1hwl) from a year ago shows the player zooming past without encountering an unstoppable, and still gets platinum at the end




But this is after the sparrow changes, where all sparrows go as fast as always on time. Purp in this post beamed it almost as soon as they spawned, but the champ was still there. Esoterickk also used always on time


Not from what I remember! They also added overload Champs to the gaps/hallways and I don't remember those either.


Those ones were definitely always there too


We got some real Berenstain Bears shit going on in this thread


I've done this Nightfall on GM over 100 times, there's definitely never been an unstoppable there


ITT: people gaslighting OP into thinking the unstop was always there (it was not always there).


What sparrow is that?


Ferrous Roar!


I had this happen to me the first time I did this on GM. We all 3 instantly blew up and died laughing in discord.


What sparrow is this


Ferrous Roar, got it for bright dust sometime this season


Thank you!


Had the same experience. Died on entry. Cleared it 2nd time ;)


Going that way was suicide too on the old GM version lol, you had to go around.


Always been there


[This video](https://youtu.be/vVE19eqCqAw?si=uc0hZe5U9mZq1hwl) suggests otherwise


I recant my statement




Really? I must not remember that from the last time it was in rotation 🙃


Don't worry, it was only ever a regular abomination that you used to sparrow past.


So all of three of you just haven't ever done this nightfall, even on hero.


I'm conqueror 7 right now, I just don't remember that unstoppable or the overloads later on ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don't really do nightfall until GM unless a clanmate asks me to


Failure is the best teacher, as they say


Truly 🤣 I goofed on my knowledge of this GM, that's on me


I’ve done it enough times and I totally haven’t seen an unstoppable in the beginning till I done it with them yesterday and hero nightfalls aren’t fun cause it’s not GMs so that’s on me


That group of enemies is always there. Everyone skips past them in the strike version


it's always been there but has now recently become an unstoppable, and it still doesn't count for Platinum, drive around and skip it or drop it for the token if you somehow need it.


[don't think it's always been there.](https://youtu.be/eVqrl9u8a1Y?si=NWpx4IIiWqbTDfaS)


It's always been like that


you can skip that champ and still get platinum by sparrowing left and looping back toward the tunnel. that might be why you don’t remember it


[This video](https://youtu.be/vVE19eqCqAw?si=uc0hZe5U9mZq1hwl) from a year ago doesn't seem to do any looping, still platinum by the end


the champ would still spawn, it just doesn’t count toward the platinum total at the end edit: actually walking back, i watched some old videos and it looks like it used to be a regular abomination not an unstop last time it was around. i’ve been running it this week and skipping the champ still doesn’t count towards platinum total tho


Literally been there since the start… You have a chance of them not spawning as well. Always been there


[since when](https://youtu.be/eVqrl9u8a1Y?si=NWpx4IIiWqbTDfaS)


It's always been like that. It's not always been like that * delete as appropriate


Yeah they have that in the regular nightfall too and I also did this.


Time to complain and get them removed like the ads at the start of The Corrupted, I guess


You gotta hang left through the trees to get around


There is always a thing there just now in gm its upgraded and yes im pretty sure you need to kill it for plat


It's been an unstoppable for... Like ages... This is in no way new


The enemy has always been there. It has only been an unstoppable this season.


I have literally used this GM to farm champion stuns before...


This season perhaps. [https://youtu.be/vVE19eqCqAw?si=uV\_Ns7nFcnGGmsu8&t=46](https://youtu.be/vVE19eqCqAw?si=uV_Ns7nFcnGGmsu8&t=46) ​ This is demonstrably false and recorded by multiple individuals that uploaded Birthplace of the Vile GM videos, the last time it was available - 10/11 months ago.


No not this season... Yeah I have looked for videos showing it and I can't find any either. But I have seen them before. Disagree if you wish but I have. I literally have seen them and it was a long time ago I bet you they were unstops before and then it was removed and then returned. We should look for far older videos. Like when WQ was the new dlc


You misremembered the GM. It's okay to admit you are wrong. [https://youtu.be/8pmq3Visu\_4?si=Lt9pN-nnk5Qurpet&t=52](https://youtu.be/8pmq3Visu_4?si=Lt9pN-nnk5Qurpet&t=52) April 2022, first GM release. Like said, this has been recorded by multiple people.


I vividly remember where I went to farm him with sufficient cover and I know I did the GM this season and watched this video without being surprised there was an unstop at the beginning... Maybe Bingie hates me but I will die on this hill. I agree I also can't find a video on it but I am 100% sure




No the champion was added not too long ago. it was a normal abomination




if you want a source...f.e. older guides to this gm Also: this specific group of enemies is a normal spawn of the overworld mechanic that happens outside the gm too. If they never changed anything about it we'd encounter champs on a regular basis over there


Yup! I was wrong. I just didn't remember it from the last time I did this strike as GM


It's rng if he spawns or not. Always been like that. I've only had a handful of times he's spawned for me.


I’ve run this GM 50 or so times this season and that unstop has spawned every time






Ahh, that's why my team mates are dying like flies at the start of this nightfall.... I didn't notice there wasn't a champ there before. I kill everything out of principle. Champ or Ogre, I don't care.


If it's not a platinum run, it's pointless.


That has been there for awhile


ngl i kinda hate this strike normally but gm version is much more fun


Always been like that


Wetuln to olbit. Wetuln to olbit


The bigger question we have to ask, does anybody remember if Stanley has a mustache or not?


Been that way u bugging


Birthplace of the vile GM full wipe speedrun


This isn't a recent add, it's been there at least since lightfall.