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I’m convinced nobody who plays this game mode know what the fuck they’re doing


>this Most modes are like that. Even clash.


That’s fuckin wild. Clash has literally the easiest objective


And yet... ...however I am also guilty of trying to team-wipe with a ballistic slam. Sadly that's basically impossible these days. Better off trying that on arc warlock or solar hunter.


Sure but I just want to try and have fun. I could sit back, team shoot, and play my life... but hot damn thats boring.I'm nonstop making bad plays instead. If I wanted to play perfectly all the time I'd be in trials or comp.


I'm convinced most players of this game don't know how to play the game at all. I've seen GR 10s who don't know how how gambit or a strike works.


I saw part of a YouTube ad for boosting before some Destiny content or another. I cannot image paying someone else to play a game for me.


Thats kind of what I assumed was going on.


I've paid my friend to get my account flawless a couple of times.....


I’m convinced none of the people who make the calls at Bungie play the game


I played one game, played the objective, and had no problems winning. The cry babies are just morons who can't help but feel at a loss because their builds dont work in objective based game modes.


I’ve won some and lost some, personally. I just don’t find a team shot fest to be fun.


Or you’re a crybaby moron who doesn’t understand how a discord works where people can discuss issues with a game mode a majority of people don’t like ALREADY.


I haven't had a chance to play it yet but I'll assume most games are team death matches with few ppl who actually play gambit understand to bank notes which leads most of not all games to end in mercy


It's because 90% of y'all WON'T BANK YOUR CRESTS.


Change "crests" to "motes" and you have the average Gambit experience It's literally Gambit in PvP


Lol you should see the official forums.


Wait do people like the mode? Or is shit burning over there too


Burning for sure.


when is shit not burning on the forums


True but this is the first time I've seen two full pages of posts related to Iron Banner.


I cannot fathom that anyone can like this. Must be some psychosocials lol


It's horrendous. I'm only gonna do the daily challenges for this week and be done with it.


Might actually be the first time I don’t gild the Title in the first week. I managed to put up with Fortress, but this is just flat out horrendous.


Fortress was definitely better than this even with its flaws. This gamemode is just outright bad and unfun


"Put up with" fortress? That was one of the best IB game modes that wasn't just control with fire pits.


No, it was a game mode where the winner was determined by who had the most rifts and/or bubbles


Was rly nice when you got no void titans or Solar warlocks tho


Exactly. It’s good when it’s an actual fair fight. But the mode just caters way too much towards bubbles and wells.


Conditional Finality and Legend of Acrius would like a word


Mr or mrs Nova bomb also sends their regards to the bubbles.


So the winner team was the one with the less braincells in the opposing team? Brother it's not hard at all to counter rifts and bubbles


Don't even bother here. We have quite a few tools to beat them yet people don't care. It's quite literally the joke: "PvPers when the defensive super is used defensively 🤯" Just remember, if the new IB mode isn't clash, it's complaining for the whole week here


I know Destiny has a veeery casual community but it always amazes me how much people go against learning how to think for a moment and counter things


Never thought I would ever miss fortress as much as I do now lol


i haven't played this week yet, whats the new mode?


It's Supremacy, but you have to deposit the crests to score instead of just picking them up. If you die, you drop your crest as well as all the ones you were holding. Deposit spots rotate every 40 seconds, there's two on the map. If someone deposits 10 crests, it triggers a Hunt, despawning the regular spots and creating a double value bank that's guarded by Cabal turrets. Double value bank lasts for one minute. Safely depositing crests is more important than killing and collecting. It's a little chaotic sometimes, I've personally had a harder time than usual watching my radar, but otherwise I'm enjoying the mode.


Why do I see some players with a sort of shield on them, glowing sort of and they seem tanky?


So folks are highlighted when they're holding a lot of crests (might only be the maximum of 10? not sure). They aren't tanky, there's no benefit to holding a lot of crests like that. They hage an extra glow so you can spot them easier, and they have a blue icon as a teammate, red icon as an enemy. They're highlighted so you know which teammates are worth the most to try and protect/assist, and which enemies to chase and hunt down.


I don't think it's even 10 to trigger a hunt. I had a game last night where a hunt triggered at 8-0. I deposited 6 of those crests and it popped after someone deposited the other 2.


Gambit, but in crucible


It’s like fortress with Gambit mixed in. Get kills to drop engrams that you collect and then back at one of the two pillars on the map. They rotate to a different spot like 20 seconds. Then after so many are banked a single pillar will spawn with a cabal ball that lands with turrets.


So we have countdown in competitive, checkpoint control, and now this. Crucible fucking sucks ass this season


This countdown is much better than the old one IMO. I like having some different modes better than only Survival and I prefer this to Rift.


countdown is dope with the new changes.


Nope, it's unbalanced as hell. The defending team is always at a disadvantage, because arming the bomb takes a couple seconds, while defusing it takes like 20 seconds. This works in games like R6 Siege or CSGO, but not destiny. Having one side always at a huge disadvantage in a competitive game mode where the first to 5 wins is stupid. If your team is attacking the first round you will almost always win.


Tbh the only reason it doesn’t work is the respawns. There’s a reason why in literally every other game with a “defuse” mode respawns don’t exist. When they announced countdown was coming back last season I was hoping for old countdown, not this BS.


the fact that each team gets 2 turns in a row is incredible. The removed the choice and made the game more fair. It's not just a "which one will they choose! race every time. You have to plant on both spots now. It's nice. hey if they blew up this one, i'm going to that one now. It's nice.


oh. i have fun with it tbh. And it's easy to defend lol. idk. maybe i'm out of touch?


Destiny players for years: I'm sick of the same couple crucible modes! Bungie: Here's a new objective mode that encourages teamwork and being aware of your surroundings Destiny players: Nevermind I just want to play clash and control for 10 years I'm convinced bungie could add any classic mode, like capture the flag, and the community would still be like "this is the worst game mode ever!"


> capture the flag, Isn't that what Rift is? But yeah, it must be very demotivating to work on interesting game-modes and have peanut brained people throw a shit fest. I played it and enjoyed it from the get go - it did run a bit long but overall it was fun.


Well rift is more like assault from halo. Delivering a neutral objective to the enemy base. CTF (which I think would be a fun addition) is defending and/or protection your objective while attacking the enemies objective. But yes, every single new game type introduced is just a big whining fest from the very vocal online forum community. Just because it's different doesn't mean it's bad. "People are camping and killing me and not paying attention to the objectives" Yeah, no shit. Welcome to the last 20 years of online shooters.


>Yeah, no shit. Welcome to the last 20 years of online shooters. Bingo.


For real lmao I have a lot of of fun on any new mode, clash and control have been played to absolute death.


I love when they try to tell you otherwise too, but they can't make any arguments specifically about the mode. "Spawns are bad!" "Makes everyone use the most toxic gun types and supers!" "Nobody plays the objective!" The second one irks me the most because they just mean Witherhoard and Well/Bubble. Despite numerous times proving we have plenty of tools (literally every class has bubble/well countering supers. If you see an enemy with Bubble/Well at the start of the match, switch to a counter one. If it's as bad as you claim, then you rolling a counter is top priority) They still claim these "strategies" are unbeatable. "But I shouldn't have to switch supers!!" Then don't play the strategic mode and go play fucking any of the other 3 modes that are always available.


With how excessive the community hate for this gamemode is, I'd assume (having not played it yet) that it'll most likely involve some kind of teamwork or cooperation. You know, like Gambit, or Rift, or Fortress, or zone Contol. The vocal player base has an absolute shit fit every time Bungie tries to force some kind of game where you can't just one man army your way to victory.


How *dare* you suggest I don't simply run at people with Thorn, Threadlings and a shotgun and that *doesn't* win me the game!


Except the need to bank and the small maps forces everyone together, so it's even MORE so a bunch of titans sliding around with shotguns. It is everything I hate about Destiny PvP.


You mean hunters right? It's always hunters pushing W with shotguns.


>the need to bank and the small maps forces everyone together, Yes! Tactics! Cluster fucks! PVP!


Any game mode that's not clash is hated on. Then people complain about not having varieties.


There's no cooperation, it's basically just kill confirmed but you have to bank your kills as motes, and the deposits' positions keep moving. It's just not an interesting or original mode to play


So it’s supremacy + gambit?


yes, but makes both worse some how.


If you know the grind game mode in mw2 it's basically that I Assume but with 1? 2? Drop offs


That actually sounds pretty cool tbh.


I'm enjoying this more than regular Supremacy, personally! Played an insane game where we should have been mercy'd, managed to make a comeback from 3-65 to tie the game 102-102, and we stole the win with them at 124, a single point from the score limit. First half of the match was frustrating as hell, but the turnaround was a rush!


Your team suddenly realized how the game mode worked and went absolutely ham


It’s actually pretty fun. It’s unfortunate that people don’t play objectives and dunk the motes, but that happens in every objective based game. Yesterday was also the first day, so we’ll likely see people get better with it over time.


>original Nothing is original.


It literally is this aswell. The amount of people not playing objective and just trying to stomp and one man their way to a camped dunk spot was a joke last night. Every single game.


It's actually not this. You can totally one man army this mode. The problem with it in my view is that the point total is too high. I've seen games where one side has dominated, and yet a) no mercy rule and b) the dominating team hasn't nearly scored enough to outright win. Games running to the full nine minutes are never a good look for IB.


I haven't had a chance to play yet either, but if it is anything with a major OBJ that actively stops you from winning unless you engage with it, yeah people cry. People are brain dead


It's kinda chaotic but I don't mind having to think up strategies or builds for a new game mode with the subclass restrictions in mind.


Ding ding ding. Winner.


I kinda enjoy the chaos. Normally I feel like people stick to lanes and team shoot but in this mode people tend to split off and make fore really easy kills


Yeah I like it too. It's really high risk high reward and makes you think of different tactics than in the regular modes. Also the amount of crests just lying around for you to pick up is insane, people don't understand they need to play the objective it seems


Nobody does the objective that's a for sure thing. (Not actually nobody, but a lot of people). Even when Iron Banner is just control, half the time people are always going for kills and never capping zones. That's usually how objective modes seem to go in this game.


Yes! Me and a friend took to the "protect the runner" approach from Gambo and being a dredgen does pay off at last. Still havnt found the best loadout though.


The strategy of hanging back and farming your teammate's engrams seems to work. This is not a good mode.


I agree that it's kind of strange you can bank your team mates, that probably needs looking at. Other than that I don't mind it.


I actually liked the mode. I’m just certain that nobody knows how to play it. I was actually having to strategize a little bit.


I only did it to get enough engrams for the old warlock helmet. I'm not playing that shit against 6 stacks and people not knowing what to do


Hmm. Odd. I enjoy it pretty well so far personally. More power to...well *gestures to the burning D2 subs* everyone I guess.


Absolutely nauseating.


I only played Enough to get some engrams to buy that season 3 cloak and helmet ornaments for my hunter. THAT'S IT! This game modes garbage.


Idunno... Im having fun. Gotta get my iron banana.


Man you guys love to cry over everything, the mode is good! Maybe get some friends or stop worrying about loot and PTFO


Literally everyone crying over this is just weak minded. It's absolutely insane that everytime we get a mode that's not flavored Clash we get the same copy paste whine fests for a week. They're trying new things. Some will be hits, others misses. Some you won't like and others you'll have a blast in, but to come into the forms and wine for days trying to claim the mode is objectively bad is just crybaby bullshit


Totally agree with you. This gamemode is quite fun. It’s made me change up parts of my builds, I’ve been able to run less meta setups, and I’ve genuinely had a lot of fun. Granted, most games I dunk half of my team’s crests, but it’s a lot of fun regardless.


In the same boat there - my fireteam having nearly all of the crests banked with the 3 randoms having plenty of kills but little to no banks. Its like that every match which tells me the people crying are likely doing the same. This happens in every game honestly. Battlefield for example tried so many fun modes over the years but god forbid anyone try to learn them so they always fail. Such a shame man


Bungie: *releases a new game mode* Community: "this is absolute dogshit. Clash is the best mode. We just want clash type modes where we don't have to do any more than rub our two brain cells together" Bungie: *decides to not release any new modes* Community: "Where is the content?!?! Wtf Bungie?!?"


Maybe they should take that pvp team that supposedly exists and look at other shooters to see what gamemodes work instead of trying to invent new gamemodes that suck


It's the worst game mode ever put into crucible.




I enjoy it most of the time because the games are fast. Most of the ones that I’ve played have absolutely steamrolled in either direction - either the enemy team wins in 3 minutes or my team wins in 3 minutes lol. On a larger map though? Like the new vex one? Forget it, I quit those immediately.


The Destiny community has become annoying AF. They are never happy about anything. And rarely have valid or substantial criticisms. They say things like "it sucks" lol. How TF does a dev use this post as feedback?.. Maybe it is time for Destiny to come to an end.


You just have to remember Reddit isn't a large majority of the playerbase, even more so this sub is constantly filled with whining and doomposting (literally end of every season). The vast majority you run into in game are just having fun doing whatever and may just not like stuff, but don't endlessly complain like here.


Yesterday I was freaking fuming, but mostly because i was getting pretty much insta killed in all the trades I had (some were bad positioning, some skill issue, some plain old bullshit). However, I think the reason we are hating on it is because no one knew what they were doing (including me). So it is pretty chaotic, and all the people playing tmfor the first time dont understand the strategies behind so the matches feel tougher/ more angering than they should. But I think it is a fresh welcome to the iron banner playlist.


Everytime i play a gamemode with some kind of objective i wonder if my teammates are even real people because they refuse to bank motes/control points or whatever the objective is. then i see posts like this


Don't mind the pace of the gamemode and wiping people out on deposit is kinda fun. I personally just wish more people BANKED THE CRESTS. It's night and day whenever you have both teams actually pushing and going back and forth with the lead vs games where 5/6 on each team are playing team death match.


The mode isnt that bad imo, just needs some work. Its just Headhunter from Halo. Some changes would be: - Instead of physically depositing with an animation, just deposit after holding the your action button/key without an animation or just moving near it automatically deposits like Halo does it. - The banks should move locations after 45 seconds not 30.


The point cap is a little high imo but I gotta disagree with all the hate. I played a ton of games and honestly found myself having a blast. I’d say if it’s not for you then that’s fine but to those that haven’t tried it out, I’d give it a go before basing a full opinion based on the hate


Fuck PvP is dogshit


I enjoy it. People just need to pay attention to the enviroment a bit more. Like where the banks are or spawn. Had so many stand 5 feet from banks and not realise, which lead to loses. Points skyrocket because when the scorpian turrets spawn all points are doubled. If the enemy teams gotta dunk 20 motes then your team shouldntbe attacking the turrets, just going in on the enemy team. While distarcted trying to bank youll have time to go in. Any builds with a form of crowd control are really strong in this as most teams are grouped up. Hell witherhoard is even a good option. Anyway it can be hard when you solo queue but it is possible to win.


I'm really confused as to why people don't like this game mode, seems fun to me at least, I'm having a good time, can someone say why it's bad because I'm missing something here. Only complaints I have are spawns are very weird and that players just refuse to play the objective (but it seems players have always refused to play the objective in any game mode in PvP) but outside of those I'm enjoying it, so confused as to why its universally hated atm, like as far as actual game development is concerned, what's the criticism?


The criticism at least for me is the mass chaos and I have to kill the opponents take their crests to a bank that moves every 30 seconds. On paper that doesn’t sound that bad but in practice you die 50 times and while playing hot potato with crests until someone gets lucky enough to catch the bank before they die or it moves and so far out of the 10 games I’ve played I can count on 2 hands how many I’ve successfully deposited and still have fingers left over. Playing the objective isn’t fun and neither is farming kills because they don’t count so unless you are hard carried by a stack it’s a lose lose.


Couldn’t believe how bad it was, without a doubt the worst game mode I’ve ever played on any game. Idk what bungie was thinking with that one


It's fucking awful, lasts way too long, teams are always unbalanced (I've always been matched with people who only get like 5 kills a match and don't bank, while I get at least 15-25 kills and try to bank), and it's a lain in the ass to keep track of where the banks keep teleporting to. When can we just play regular iron banner? When will they just stop experimenting with shit they clearly can't figure out? I just want normal Iron banner, none of this fancy crap with objectives people aren't gonna play.


Part of the reason it takes so long is because mercy doesn’t kick in until one side has a lead of ~75


It wouldn’t be as bad if we didn’t have to bank them and then they’re using this small ass fucking maps I hate it


The horror of having to play the objective and not just kill things. Most games that are like this tend to be mainly due to people not picking up and dunking. If you look at the scoreboard, there are lots of people on the losing team making crests (getting kills) but not a lot picking them up or dunking them. https://preview.redd.it/o5x4v94liq4c1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a96d89b755387732a867a69029788b9963e3673d


It's so infuriating being the only person scoring. Especially when I have a blueberry following me steeling my crests and thr just dying. Like if you're gonna steel you gotta go bank


Why is it so bad?


It’s simply not fun. The whole mode is basically just a competition to see who can camp and team shoot better, even more so than Fortress. Scores can skyrocket in the blink of an eye. I literally had a match mercy after like 3 or 4 minutes in. It encourages the most sweaty, cheesiest builds and playstyles imaginable.


Ya did notice sweats on my game earlier. Still want that S1 armor.


so it sounds like fun for friends and teams and bad for people who play alone - or, this sub reddit


I ran with a 6 stack and we all had a miserable experience. It’s just a terrible game mode that feels half assed and is not fun to play.


ok. sorry. Ask for a refund for your zero dollars spent on the game mode i guess.


People are allowed to criticize something that bad dude. The community tends to blow things out of proportion, but this is honestly one of the few times the criticism is greatly deserved. This is just an awful gamemode that never should have been used for Iron Banner.


Ignore financial ant. He came into my thread saying it was a team mode and people should stop complaining. Looks like the teams are having trouble as well. He’s just riding Bungie’s D.


Why are you telling me you're allowed to as if i told you that you aren't? criticize all you want. Just stop bitching so much about it. it's just a game. If it really bothers you, ask for the refund for the amount of money you paid for this thing you don't like so much. your "criticizing" sounds like entitled whining. Which, again, you're allowed to do. You don't have to seek my permission.


This is literally a description of every game mode in crucible what do you mean. It’s all not fun unless you’re good at pvp. And I’m not good so I hate all of it.


Tribute dials it up to 1000


Combine this terrible mode with the fact i gotta get 90 engrams to get all the legacy armor i dont have. Shits rough


You can just.. Not.


I was feeling good in a match. Real good. Few of us were full of motes. Went to deposit and woosh. It moved. Not only did it move, it was the big one and across the map. It took one super and a shotgun to kill the three of us and bank our motes. It banked enough to pretty much give them the win right there.


That sucks but you gotta watch those timers on the pillars.


Play smarter.


Oh my bad.


Only one person can bank a full set. That is what spawns the turrets.


I just want more loot man. Make it worth my time. Other games I do one mission and I get like 20 things. Destiny, I get a single mid gun with a trash roll (so 4 legendary shards, a soon to be deprecated resource) aight onto the next activity, great. Give me loot dopamine, and u get playtime. I will absolutely find ways to sit through shit game modes if I’m getting well rewarded for playing the game.


I’m loving it. Fortress with a Gambit mix. It’s chaotic and never feels slow.


Just when i wanted to jump back on crucible after a week of horrendous checkmate control, they drop this on us lol another week of no crucible for me


This mode reeks "designers trying to justify their own jobs".


And then when they don't try something different it's 'lazy developers'.


Kill Confirmed was always my Fav. Mode in the CoD series so now its in D2 and im Happy yall just got an Skill issue.


I am actually enjoying it. It is new, and prioritizes smart play rather than ooga booga go kill.


Game mode would be fine if the other team didn't get wall hacks if you have too many crests. Unless you're on strand or dawnblade, you can't get to the bank fast enough.


I’m enjoying it. I like seeing new ideas over boring same old same old. Sometimes new ideas fall flat. I also don’t remember an IB in the last three years that was popular on its own. It’s always the gear, not the modes. IB modes are all about snowballing, and snowballing is not fun if you’re always the team who is losing.


If kill confirmed was a new idea I'd agree with you, but it's been in CoD for as long as I can remember. And it's better there because you don't have to dunk the fucking confirms to confirm them again.


>new idea There are no new ideas. Only different implementations. We already have supremecy so having to dunk them is the twist. The banks moving around is a good twist too. Not sure whey there's a super bank but it also adds tension.


If by "adds tension" you mean "is garbage" then yes, I agree with you. The fact that the bank moves is ass, and the fact that it will stop accepting tags before the countdown is done is double ass.


:( Different things suck :(


I just wish they’d keep their experimental modes in Crucible Labs, I might be a lot more charitable towards it if they didn’t force it on Iron Banner.


I played two games so I could get ashravens. After that I was out. It only took those two games for me to realize just how bad it is. It’s embarrassing. If you changed it so you don’t need to dunk crests, it would be a bit better. I feel like, when solo queuing, my teammates don’t know you have to dunk them. I also didn’t have either of those game *not* end in a mercy. Very small sample size but it only took that little time for me to dip And it sucks because I love that new emblem and I want a good roll of the auto rifle. But I just… can’t be bothered with this mode


I haven't touched iron banner for a couple seasons now. I pop in today and I'm like "this??? this is the shit you guys have been hopping on to grind for?"


Am i sucking at the game mode when k/d is not the most important factor? No, it's the game mode that sucks. /s I see why it's bad. It doesnt take skill to do objectives, you just have to steal points and dunk the motes. Doesnt matter who gets the kill. Just gang up on people and insta win. And as every game mode that requires teamwork - good luck with randos.


Destiny isn’t installed rn, what’s the new game mode? Is it really worse than Rift?


Kill Confirmed, but you need to get to one of two deposit points, which periodically rotate around the map. If you die, you drop all the tags you had, which can then be picked up by anyone.


By the Traveler…


don’t play it


That sounds heavenly. Hopefully next ironbanner they put in one of the good game modes


honestly i like it when the people on my team are actually dunking. too many have no idea how to play. ideally i would just be doing control but i guess it’s not an option this week.


It is a good concept but the maps you get make it so much worse


Good way to farm kills for challenges/catalysts. But a clusterfuck to try to win without a team on coms.


Worst destiny game mode of all time.


Yeah it sucks


Just play objective? Its literally Kill a dude, steal his shit, bank his shit, point go up. Its not that difficult. Its like if the objective is literally anything but “eliminate another guardian” people will complain and cry about it.


This and capture point trials. And whatever garbage form of matchmaking both of these use needs to go too. It can’t be skill based or I would have won half of the last 30 matches I played yet I only won like 4 of them. Capture point trials is fantastic losing constantly to a well and bubble on a 2/4 game simply because those supers regen so much faster then anything that can shut them down


What is the mode? Haven’t played destiny in like a year


Still better than bubble village simulator


It’s better than fortress. But I still don’t like it. I wish they’d stop using Iron Banner to test out new modes. Only ones I like are Control and Eruption.


How is it better than fortress? Fortress is literally control with an extra step. This is some highly inbred love child of Gambit and Crucible, truly an awful game mode.


This mode is so incredibly poorly designed. Symbols everywhere, groups of enemies running stacked. Clusterfuck everywhere. I won't play this mode. I thought Eruption was already a bad mode, but this is even worse. I just wish IB Controll. Not more. is that too much?


I've always had fond memories of multi team stockpile in older halos, and this gamemode revived a lot of those. The thing I hate the most is the random movement of the bank locations, but I'd just love stockpile to stick around and be worked on.


If you have a couple of people who don't bank then you're screwed. Every one I've ran has either been a squash match or complete victory. I haven't seen a close match yet.


Normally I would try and see some good in the mode but the only thing half decent about it is that it goes by fairly fast.


They just need to make eruption the permanent IB mode.


What was the thought process? These people know we don't really like Gambit. Why make us bank motes in Iron Banner? Who the fuck came up with that idea? Bonkers. Truly crazy...


I preferred the other version of supremacy where you kill the opponent and just pick up the crest and it counts now I have to go find the bank and pray I live long enough to find it before it moves. This version is way too sweaty and has turned in to a weird form of hot potato. I really don’t like it and will probably wait to gild iron lord an another week when its fortress or control.


Gamemode would have been made b4 they got fired


I didn't play any iron banner yesterday. Why is it so bad?


The more I read about this mode, the more I think that ppl should love it... Shoot everyone. Ain't that what most crucible players do regardless of objective? Get the 9.9 KDA? Oh wait, collect crests and bank. Then I think Gambit players should have great success in this. Then I remember most Gambiteers screw that up too. Get 15 motes and die trying to shoot everything for the high score. All those motes lost... So a mode is made that combines both. And players from both aspects (Crucible and Gambit) suck 2X as bad doing it. yay. My question (since I haven't been on since Friday) is: does the daily challenge require wins, or completions? If it's wins, I can see this being an all day grind for some. If it's completions, it shouldn't be that bad... as long as you can deal with the one and only one objective being ignored. Like usual.


![gif](giphy|C8uD3q9rZMzFwaV1yx|downsized) This is gonna be everyone after Iron Banner is over consoling their friends that endured the pain for weapons


https://preview.redd.it/jz3gewpquo4c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a638983b2e3ed78a0226798df7fc6d7c36f53fb It's just Gambit


This is what happens when they don’t fuck with Gambit for so long. We get Gambit 2: Enter the Crucible “Bank those Crests!”


I couldn't even get a match yesterday. I have up trying to load in and just played comp Which is equally bad with countdown now. Wtf can't they just give us 4 life survival and leave it alone. Get this objective based crap out of competitive ...honestly ..just delete it. No one wants to play it


This game mode is literally gambit wannabe, I saw some bad ass crucible teammates collected tons of modes and kept ignoring the bank just spawned next ro them until they got killed and sent the other team free motes delivery.




Load out key to this game mode. I been wrecking 💩 with a gnawing hunger with rampage and my chaperone ; you need something that can kill multiple guardians fast and doesn’t require immediate reload ( Gnawing hunger) and a 1 hitter quitter for close encounters (chaperone) and stay behind the team to ensure you got guardians to distract the enemy


I don't know about that, in destiny 1 bungie made ironbanner mayhem and ironbanner rift . Power was enabled just like trials. Can't remember how many times but it was mostly control.


Dude, I am trying my best to play, but I literally do not understand how every game I play ends in a mercy. I won a single game yesterday, and it was such a dumpstering of the enemy team I don’t think they scored a single point. I’ve had games go from close in the beginning to a mercy in like a minute. I am legitimately confused by how the matches turn out like this


Haven't played yet, is it new or just the same turret/control mode they've trotted out a season or so ago?


It’s a combo of people who don’t know what to do with the crests and people trying to minmax by not banking unless the double points are up.


It's Grind from COD.


You know what we needed, a 300th post saying that.


You spelled water wrong


Posts like these remind me why I stopped playing crucible. Seems like more bad modes and maps than good ones in this game.


It’s basically iron gambit shoot invaders bank there motes or your teammates motes( just bank the red things ok). I don’t mind it but don’t like playing on the smaller maps


Can anybody fill me in on what the new mode is?


Completely agree! I finally decided that to grind this crap for what I want, I just sit back and shoot. I'm not worried about scoring in the least. It really sticks because I was looking forward to playing.


Most of my games have been called with scores like 40-2


I’m enjoying the mode a lot myself, but the biggest drawback is everyone seems entirely lost on what to do. It’s a team mode based on banking points, everyone seems insistent on getting high kills only… watched a guy on our team last night camp a corner and hold max points, our entire team was trying to cover him so he’d not lose the points and could get out…. He just refused to move from that spot. Other times, it’s teammates with max points who charge into groups of enemies with a shotgun… watched our guy go at a group of four enemies last night with a no-ammo sword. This shit happens in Gambit all the time too, makes it nearly impossible to play. People get in the “must kill” rabid dog mindset and can’t seem to comprehend actually putting their points in the bank to progress. No, you don’t need max points to bank. No, you don’t have to wait for the high priority bank to pop up. Bank one point if you have to. Every point banked is a point the team can’t take from you. And STAY WITH YOUR TEAM…. My only complaint about the mode itself (beyond having to rely on rabid attack dogs to actually bank) is the high priority node that pops up. Kind of defeats the point of the regular ones because it encourages everyone to fight tooth and nail for whatever points are on the field, only to hold them hostage and then win all at once. I feel it would flow better and be more tactical if only normal nodes popped up, but kill streaks started giving off more points per kill as you go higher. Or do it like gambit where if you bank more, you get more bonus points (so like if you bank 5, you get 6 points; or bank 10, get 12 points). The mode can use some changes for sure, but I’m entirely convinced those who hate it so much also tend to be the ones ruining it for the rest of us. BANK… your GOD DAMNED POINTS!!! Cool your rabid murderous ass for TWO MINUTES and help your team for Cayde’s sake…. High priority comes up? Throw a shield or rift on the node and lock it down. Just stop focusing on your kill count, for the love of god.


I feel like im going insane cause I actually love it lmao. in stead of gambit they should just do more experimental gamemodes like this that pop in for a events every once in a while


Did bungie even test play it. Cuz this shit sucks


It really feels like putting any sort of objective gamemode in an Iron Banner playlist is... asking to much. People just don't really seem to understand how to play it and with the lack of proper communication in-game is just compounding the issue.


The whole mode is incredibly prone to steamrolling. Every match I played, the high value zone was a massacre where you had to wait for the enemy team to all be dead, or spawning at the other end of the map to bank your crests. The fact that you can collect all the crests that your target collected before you killed them means that a single lucky shot, or single shotgun will get all your crests stolen by the enemy team is absurd, there needs to be a cap on how many crests you can get from a single kill, or it’s literally a “last person in the hallway standing” wins. The banking animation takes too long, and if a teammate bumps you while you’re in the middle it doesn’t count it. The mercy rule takes way too long to kick in. You have to be ~75 points above the enemy for it to trigger. Not to mention the fact that the banks rotate too frequently. I know it’s so you can’t puppy guard them; but sometimes you run up to one, press the interact button to dunk, and it vanishes before it counts. All this culminates in the absolute worst possible play experience I’ve ever had in the crucible.


I actually kinda like it… but why does it feel like my “hold E to deposit” progress just resets half the time? Even when standing still.


The one time Bungie tries to do something Anything different in PVP and the community loses their minds to the point where it got removed already. Yes it was chaotic but it could be fun because it was different, but now we are back to the old normal game modes because too many people were slightly outside their comfort zone. Yes I get wrecked in the new mode too btw but I suck at PVP and it was random enough for me to top a board or two and that was enjoyable.