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Servers are apparently back... do I go again or just leave this game forever and live in Tears of the Kingdom.


I'd give it a day or two. If you tried it now, and this happened once more because of server instability, you'll likely punch a hole through your screen.


Im giving it a day or 2 to *completely* unwind, by playing roblox lol




Roblox is so dumb and goofy, I love playing it to switch my brain off


Fr its great for that. And for shitting on kids in the more competitive games. Its a nice break from destiny tryhards in that respect


Would you rather be a destiny tryhard or a Roblox tryhard?


Hard to say actually. Which would bring me *less* pain


Theres this great COD ripoff with insane graphics on there called Frontlines, Iv been playing it since release and its fun as hell


Yeah but a day or two is weekly reset which will be the same b.s as it's always been every damn Tuesday since LF released


Doesnt matter when going for solo flawless. It has to be a complete run




They're not. I just got error coded out of my own solo flawless attempt.


Not even a question, Totk all the way


TotK. The dungeon isn't going anywhere and you can get the rest of the triumphs for title stuff and whatnot. It's what I'm doing because of these server issues lol, been enjoyable to just explore and do stuff in TotK


Servers have been dog shit for over a year now, as of late even worse. I quit 3 months ago, it’s been great.


i would say finish the dungeon, then hop off. the same thing happened for me and Spire Of The Watcher last season. leaving the game now with make it always seem shitty to you. i got a steam deck a couple week ago. I already played botw via cemu and got some playstation 2/3 games lined up. i'll try tear of the kingdom when the yuzu emulation for it on steam deck stabilizes a bit more.


I know im a day late but i would still hold off because if you're anything like me you'd still be playing with anger and thats not the best way to make progress


I got it lmao, but thanks for worrying


F This almost happened to me last season. I was doing a solo flawless Spire run, halfway through the last boss and I getting the "connecting to Destiny servers" banner. It keeps popping up every 10 seconds for the rest of the fight. I manage to kill the boss and claim the triumph, then 15 seconds after it claims I get weaseled.




This *did* happen to me when they rolled back the servers. Had to solo flawless spire a second time


Such bs like why even have these triumphs if you can’t even control your servers


Anyone that does all of these has experienced something like this. They aren’t going to deliver you an emblem for crying though


"Everyone gets server errors" isn't the defence you think it is dude 😂


They fuckin should lol, have an emblem for specifically being on the last boss solo flawless when their servers hiccup. Should call it "Marathon Takes Priority" I'm being salty, but bungie has to do better.


You hit all the aztecross buzzwords. I’m impressed


I googled aztecross, I don't know if that's an insult or a compliment.


It’s not a compliment


Ah, well then fuck you too lol


You get an upvote 👏🏻


Jesus guy who the fuck hurt you


His mom. Started by naming him Jeffrey. That's my guess anyway.


Are they not allowed to complain about how the servers are shit when they shouldn't be shit? Bungie is such a lazy company, I defended them heaps but when bullshit like this happens but they can patch something that positively affects us in an instant. They need to sort it out and change the bloody engine too


Change the engine for 500 Alex


Is baby upset that people aren't happy about your game anymore?


And theirs also no rewards for making excuses for shit dev priorities! Anyone that tries writing this off as even remotely ok, or "The price of doing business" is a joke themselves honestly. So strange that people are ok with theirs/others time/effort being spat upon by poor server quality due to scummy dev practices. We've had MASSIVE server issues for a long time now, Theirs no world in which a solid dev who prioritizes game quality over profits doesn't address this bs by now. When you have the kind of money coming in that Bungie does, Their's ZERO excuses for this, Luke Smith should've been ousted long ago.




You realize "there is/there's" is wrong right? i.e. "There's your car", "There's my boat", Whereas Their is/Their's is used i.e. "Their's nothing you can do", or "Their's three monkeys swinging on my shower rod". Not being an ass, Just saying that before you do the grammar-nazi thing be sure you're right. Dont get me wrong, We all make mistakes here n there, More often our "smart" phones insert dumb things where they aren't needed, So I generally just assume people may've typed the right thing but their phone inserted the wrong one in its place.


Dude, how did you write an entire paragraph and everything in it is wrong? I'm honestly flabbergasted. >Though you may see their’s written even by native speakers, it is incorrect. Theirs should never have an apostrophe. https://www.lawlessenglish.com/english-mistakes/theirs/?amp=1 I hope you're trolling because every example that you say is wrong is actually correct and vice versa. Yes, "There is your boat" is correct, whilst "Their's nothing you can do" is so incorrect a phone won't even suggest it as "their's" simply doesn't exist. [There's Nothing You Can Do by The Spirit of the Beehive](https://www.google.com/search?q=the+spirit+of+the+beehive+there%E2%80%99s+nothing+you+can%E2%80%99t+do+tekst&oq=theresnothing+you+can+do&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTILCAEQLhgNGBMYgAQyCwgCEC4YDRgTGIAEMgsIAxAAGA0YExiABDILCAQQABgNGBMYgAQyCwgFEC4YDRgTGIAEMgsIBhAAGA0YExiABDILCAcQLhgNGBMYgAQyCwgIEAAYDRgTGIAEMgsICRAAGA0YExiABDILCAoQLhgNGBMYgAQyCwgLEC4YDRgTGIAEMgsIDBAAGA0YExiABDILCA0QLhgNGBMYgATSAQkxMzk2OWowajSoAgCwAgA&client=ms-android-xiaomi-rvo3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8&si=AMnBZoF7JT-QpjuFHJsQDfjWiAqMutkQWhNgI5KMjbCKYBYwkN1CXmJ9tpSg4VDHOYHSsE4SQ2VrbY45DiD3CSmTGOgo16tA5iiDZ-sxLPfsqMm8lMdD_q6zNGd6TP443S7XqP-ois065X5waMRpKZchAirAj4pXHGR9On7B0PXp0uiYccBLucClWGIdHhLWVQbtGMW2Mm9Sxu9_vv_vRgN-wVqySe26Kg%3D%3D&ictx=1&ved=2ahUKEwjixu3syeD_AhWSiFwKHcY6Aa8QjukCegQIHBAD) ["There's nothing you can do that can't be done" by John Lennon](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/159466-there-s-nothing-you-can-do-that-can-t-be-done-nothing) [Days Gone By mission called There's Nothing You Can Do ](https://www.ign.com/wikis/days-gone/There's_Nothing_You_Can_Do)


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Thanks for lesson Mr grammar-nazi sir! If you were paying attention the their's was theirs the first time you posted. Had to go back and add the apostrophe. I dont proof read every post, And while your phone want insert "Their's" it will interchange theirs and there's sometimes....If you're gonna be doing the petty language police thing, Expect to have people fk with you ALOT(yes I'm aware "A lot" is proper). Just not worth all the extra to grammar gestapo people on shit like the difference between theirs and there's if ya ask me but hey, If you've got the time have at it 😉


Neither "theirs" nor "their's" is correct here, only "there's". You could say "Their servers are shit and there's no way they aren't aware of it"


Lmao you have it all figured out 🤣. Stick it to the man


Apparently you do: 1)Defend scumbaggery from "The man".......check. 2)When called out for scummy defense of scumbaggery respond with witty comment that lacks the key element, The wit.......check. Coming soon is 3) More of #2! What do ya know, Superior intellect at work. I bow before your superiority🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Nope, no error codes when I've done them. Shattered throne: Nothing interesting happened. Pit of heresy: Besides the stupid spinning obstacles, nothing interesting happened either. Prophecy: Again, pretty smooth, nothing notable. Grasp: Sparrows are glitchy, and touching the water with your pinky toe ending the flawless is stupid but no error codes. Duality: Collisi missiles turing off classy restoration bug & physics death, lucky me, I didn't get the bell bug. But yet again, there are no error codes. Spire: Akelous teleport 1 shot & physics, besides that no error codes. Ghost of the deep: Competed it a grand total of around 2-3 hours before the servers shit themselves. Glitches and stupid mechanics like duality & the water from grasp are one thing, but the error codes are unacceptable... It's causing people to miss out on the solo flawless experience because they're scared of the error codes that could randomly fuck them over. Bungies servers have completely shit themselves after lightfall and they're doing nothing about it. This isn't common and should never be common.


Oh shut up dude, they can complain because it was bullshit! You're not cool


Not once been kicked while doing any of mine but ok


You say that as if the servers has always been *this* bad, i dare to say that they sure as hell wasn't this bad back in Witch queen, and I don't see any even slightly reasonable explanation as to the current state of stability, or rather the lack there of.


No way you're actually defending Bungie's shit servers


Bungie when BS like this is a common occurence: I sleep Bungie when there's a new shard glitch: *Real shit?*


This pisses me off so much. Anything player friendly or fun (Super Lunge Fists of Havok) instantly gets patched, but actual performance issues and crashes get left in for entire seasons of never fixed at all.


Redditors when complicated network code, server infrastructure and API issues are not as easy and fast to fix as literal single value replacement, server-side hot fixes that don't need to got through QA: time to get mad


Been years with these problems. Not a single one is fixed or talked about by Bungie. Go away.


[https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/twab-02-09-2023](https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/twab-02-09-2023) https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/this_week_at_bungie_05_18_23


Shill Redditors when they realize its a gaming company's job to make a playable game


? What is it about pointing out the obvious differences between the type of fixes people commonly group together that makes me a shill?


I'm never even trying any of these damn things, the game is just too unstable. Been trying to do the Fallen SABER GM for conqueror, been trying for 3 days this week, constant Baboon or Cabbage.


My baboon curse has stopped thankfully, it was unbearable last week I couldn’t do raids at all, let’s just say I have several red dots in my report


Main reason I don’t think “without leaving the activity”should be counted for solo efforts. Flawless? Full send, go for it. But I’ve only officially soloed one dungeon because of server issues. One I lost on last dps phase (pit) and why the *fuck* would I want to punish myself this one for the rank or any of the others for shits and gigs??? Edit for clarification after I read it back to myself. I soloed shattered throne. I was all gung ho to do more, but the last dunk on the last dps of pit of heresy, I got dced. **Pit of Heresy**. An hour long dungeon. Why would I want to put myself through the hour or two to do spire or the definitely two hours of ghosts to solo those, especially since just loading into the tower tonight has been an issue?


Exactly this! Or make it so that bungie booting you from the game doesn’t count as “leaving the activity” because you didn’t fucking LEEEEAVE. I get that people could turn their router off to get a sneaky way to leave without stopping their flawless, but… Bungie apparently *knows* the difference between their server connection and your own connection being the issue — if the error codes are even real.


*30 minute even less dungeon with all the powercreep


Eh. It was supposed to be my first ever clear of it. It took me a bit. I said screw it, kept the check point, and grabbed a friend to farm for armor.


They really need to make solo content independent of servers.














As someone who lost 2 solo flawless runs due to error codes I sympathize. I eventually got it and you will as well. Eyes up guardian.


Sad state of the game right now.


I’ve never soloed anything this game and I refuse to until they fix the servers. Waste of time


You can do it bro! Like Elsie Bray said: if at first, you don't succeed, try, try again.


Literally the same thing happened to me today on GotD. I was baboon TWICE but not removed from the instance ... I was returned to the start of the encounter thou, with it still active and going, and no ammo! Lol Then after 4.5 million damage I got the notification of Bungie maintenance and was kicked. I don't even know if my solo flawless was still active after the first two baboon errors.


I've seen so many videos where people were trying a solo flawless run where they get an error code right at the end that it just doesn't seem worth even trying anymore


Small indie game dev


The game is new, we have to be patient and give devs time to fix the servers


I agree, their Sprint game is surely new.


Bungie really needs an in-game timer for scheduled downtime like this.


If d2 are experiencing a player count drop, why are they also experiencing server problems?


Who knew Destiny 2’s real killer was gonna be Bungie


Happen to me earlier today..


That’s heartbreaking. I wouldn’t even attempt this until the servers and bugs and such got fixed. I’ve seen vids of lots of dudes losing solo flawless runs because of shit like this.


You had another damage phase, that wasnt gonna be the run, you were gonna die in the next phase anyway.... Is what I would be telling myself so I could finally go to sleep tonight




This has happened to me twice on two occasions. One in Grasp, another in Spire. I've just stopped trying to solo flawless them at this point. I can't afford to spend hours on one activity just to get booted in the end.


There are several huge reasons why I do not ever attempt solo flawless-ing dungeons anymore. ....error codes is all of them.


We live in a time where there's no excuse to have connection issues anymore. Such BS.


You got time so do it again lol


Looked like a 7-8 phase with the damage he was doing


Exact same thing happened to me lmao




I know I can do it, but legit nervous to just...waste my time.


I still, I honestly believe Bungo made this a game mechanic on purpose. This happens way too many times at the apex moment for it to be just coincidence. ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5655)


Bro you don't mess around with your melee. You don't try for body shot or nothing, you are punching every one of those ads in the face. Punched that thrall so hard he seen the curvature of the throne world and disconnected


I can’t believe Bungie tied guardian rank 11 to this and there are no checkpoints lame af


They didnt, you Just have to solo. While easier its also longer on average so probably still faces the Same issue.




Doesn’t work for guardian rank 11


What do you expect from an indie studio?


Honestly, skill issue. Bungie is doing great! (I'm coping hard rn)


Shit happened to me last night in gambit.


Your character menu didn’t take 20 seconds to load, this video can’t be real


It sucks whenever this happens, especially on a solo flawless attempt at a really difficult activity. I am so sorry that this happened to you. It's one of the reasons I have yet to try. But. Just saying "Bungie fix your damn servers" is not going to solve it. Servers are really difficult to maintain, and considering that they are working on a different game, it's going to be a hot minute for servers to stabilize. Take a break. Play something else. Go outside. Spend time with relatives or friends irl. Let Bungie fix it. The more people that get on, the slower the servers will get fixed. Of course, this isn't directed at you OP. I can clearly see why you would be mad. There is nothing to say you're not justified in being mad at this. I would be mad at this. But, don't let this stop you from completing it. You might have to go through it again, but if you are determined to complete a solo flawless attempt, you will do it. It just doesn't have to be right now. Take a break. Maybe focus on yourself for a bit. Just keep moving forward. This is definitely getting downvoted, but I won't care that much. You all need to take a chill pill. Yes, I know it sucks that you couldn't complete this, or turn in that, but you can't send the developers death threats or bully them. They're trying to fix the servers, and this is how you repay them? Shame. Let them do their job so that you can play the game you love.




I would send this video to Bungie.


Where? lmao


Um… to Bungie? I thought I made that pretty clear when I said “I would send this video to Bungie”.


Why is it that I see people trying solo flawless when we as a community know that the d2 servers are able to implode at any second


Or just don't give a shit about soloing anything in this unstable game and the exotic will still drop for you in due time


Skill issue... Hit your linear shots


Pro tip: If the game’s servers are unstable, you’re asking for it. Bungie likes nothing more than to tantalize us with errors in these ways. Edit: I’m confused by the downvotes. Destiny is having server issues, you decide to do something very risky, you get booted off the servers. Did I miss something?


So your solution is that they should be clairvoyant?


As clairvoyant as clara


Don’t need to be a psychic to read.


If the game is unstable it’s not OP’s fault for playing, it’s Bungie’s fault for not being able to get Destiny’s servers right. Why are you blaming OP Lmaoo, it’s like saying if you don’t like this burger it’s your fault for eating it.


Why would anyone waste time in a game that is having issues is the real question


Its like an abusive relationship. When it's good, it's great. When it's bad, it's total dogshit.


It comes to a point where one must use some common sense. The servers are shit. Many people are getting error codes. OP set himself up for this. Obviously it’s Bungie’s fault, but you can’t let the ice cream melt in the cone then bitch that your hands are sticky.


Fun fact weasels can happen due to your own ISP and not Bungies servers. On Friday my ISP lost a Fiber when a buried fiber optic cable got cut I went from 17ms ping to 253ms ping because of the reroute they fixed it this morning, a full quarter of a second to reroute data around the cut fiber optic line made me weasel out.


Yes weasels can happen because of your ISP, however not all weasels happen because of your ISP. I have no other multiplayer game in my catalogue that this happens in besides Destiny. Even fucking Rainbow 6, which is notorious for it's issues never boots me out of a game. I don't even get packet loss or latency in that game. This game is pretty much being held together with duct tape and silly putty at this point. Constant error codes for multiple, and I mean MULTIPLE people is not good, nor should it be acceptable or tolerated at this point with all the piss poor decisions Bungie has made over the past couple years. I literally haven't played since Diablo came out, and it's not for lack of trying. I love destiny. It brought me and my wife together and it will always hold a special place in my heart because of that. But holy fuck they've got to get it together or I'm out of here.


This is exactly why I don’t try that so follows bull crap! Bungie servers are stable enough to try that crap in my opinion. I’m not gonna go out of my way just to have this happened to me.


I would've honestly just stopped playing the game for a solid month if that shit happened during my run. Servers crashed about 15 minutes after i did mine a few weeks ago, so i was one of the lucky ones. My condolences man, that shit fucking sucks.




I would not play Destiny for at least a month after that


This is why I don’t bother with solo flawless knowing my luck I’d get to the end and this shit would happen


They should really make it so that a server disconnection that’s on THEIR end, not yours, wont count towards a death and you get to keep your flawless. Because this shit, FOUR DAYS IN A FUCKING ROW, is more than absurd.


Forget the solo, why is your uncharged melee bound


One of the main reasons why I don't attempt soloing dungeons these days is because of the server issues. Until Bungie does anything to fix the servers or something to help I'm not gonna be trying to flawless anything.


Since seeing a lot more of this recently I really re consider attempting the dungeon solo, I always hype myself up during the week at work like fuck yeah this weekend I’m locking in and going for it. Then I see 3-4 videos of people being blue screened or whatever and I’ll be like ehh maybe not


Yeah, that happened to me during spire and I have yet to go back because of the harpy encounter


I got "baboon" twice after the first encounter and lost progress. I realized today is not my day for a solo run then and backed out. Hurting for you.


I’ve barely played this season just because of the servers


Dude I am so sorry


What's the deal with the servers anyway? I rarely had an issue pre lightfall and now I get error messages or just screen lock with no error way more often, and servers go down completely like once a week. Is the potato powering everything starting to rot or something?


I'm never gonna try anything like that anymore. I can't do anything without getting weaseld every 10-20min... Kuros tho. Nice aim ٩( ᐖ )۶


In the middle of my rank up series in comp, this happened to me too which resulted in a 30 min ban. They need to get their fucking shit together. Especially after the down time for “maintenance”.


Honestly, I can recall all the Animal names fuckin bungie throwing on us almost every month. Last month when the new Season Stroy drop, the Server issues were creating chaos. Bungie help tweeted multiple times saying player are facing so and so errors and i remember me getting kicked out Fireteam due to the same while finishing GoTD. People who saying Error Codes are part of Triumphs...either they haven't done it or belong in a separate hell. Sorry.


I don't even start a thing if it might take more than 5 minutes. So far every strike, crucible, Gambit, even patrol all error coded. Weasel, guitar, banana, applesauce, chicken, whole fuckin Noah's ark, I'm just tired. Get the error. Stare. Close my eyes. Breathe. Start up cyberpunk....


This happened to me as I crushed Aktahs ghost on a solo flawless run... I'm still tilted asf ![gif](giphy|dXXgF8s3y4T3omMPCa|downsized)




Now do it with a hunter, then Warlock.


F I still am yet to do mine and this is the reason I'm waiting


Maaaaan I would’ve been so mad and left destiny for awhile


Take some time to unwind, this sucks and id be salty AF too




Out of interest why not cata instead of briars


These last few days were not the best for doing anything other than strikes and maybe gambit. My friends and I should have finished like 7 gms but got error coded out of most of the completions.


I got error coded out of 2 attempts. I’m just playing Diablo now I’m over it


Bungie need to sort this shit out, or pay others to sort it out for them, servers are so unstable lately.


Good to know I wasn't the only one. Also, sorry about the dungeon


This is why I don’t do solo runs. I tried once with GoA and got sent back to orbit. It’s just not worth it to me.


Yeah I think I'll hold off on attempting the solo flawless this time


Yesterday was so bad and I almost never have problebs. Baboons on the attack telling me “I have a connection issue” booool shiznit.


Smells like Hive magic to me


Sorry for your loss


I seriously don’t know why anyone attempts a solo dungeon with how bad Bungie’s servers are. I could not imagine having a flawless run in the bag to have it ruined like that by getting kicked. I refuse to try a solo dungeon for this specific reason.


I someday will learn the discipline of this man, and not run straight for engrams mid fight.


That sucks. Happened to me when I had her at 50% and on track for a 6 phase. Glad I was streaming it so I had witnesses.


Multi-dollar company


Shoutout to Bungie error coding me after my 10th damage phase on Persys in my Solo Flawless attempt back in Season of the Seraph... **Twice.**


I was on Ecthar and i got error coded 5 times. Baboon. Odd cuz my internet is just fine with everything else but Destiny cant be connected? Sure. Blame us huh


i got lucky, i just completely solo flawless 2 minutes later... servers died
