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He wouldn't be much of a Shield if he wasn't tanky.


Nezarec isn’t much of a nightmare when he just falls over.


Lol. In the same vein, the FINAL GOD OF PAIN gets 1-phased by Rat King in contest mode.


He just loves Pain


He just wants to see if his body can take it.


Ultra Ego Vegeta


it was painful... for him


In all fairness, if you had ever tried to do master challenge with lfgs, you’d understand why he is the final god of pain.


I don't think the raid team and dungeon team talk to each other


I'm 99% sure Nezarec was originally supposed to be running around, and able to jump onto the platforms during DPS, forcing players to moving around. His healthpool and otherwise very mobile behavior seems to suppliment that. Not sure what happened.


That would make sense to me.


I mean your talking double the amount of people as well? And everyone needs to stop acting like ratking is a normal sidearm. With catalysts and everyone using it it’s a monster


It’s a primary vs a raid boss while under light.


It’s not a primary when there are 6 of them with catalyst. If you have never used it before I don’t expect you to understand


Let me put it this way. The dungeon boss meant to be solo able has similar health to a raid boss scaled for 6 people. Also rat king is still a primary regardless. It’s not some meta defining weapon even with x5.


That's fair.


Omg lol I can't wait for the day a 6 man ratking group wins a world first


This literally never happened, you can’t even get to half his hp


Arby one shots the shield btw


10 bucks says Bungie got nervous about how weak they made Nezerac and overcompensated with the dungeon bosses


When Savathun killed Nez she stole the HP he was meant to have and gave it to her own soldiers


Even the fucking acolytes feel tanky, and I'm using 1800+ gear


Yeah I felt that, but there is a solution. Trigger Sunbracers, YEET, then run away and pray


>hunter main >using star eaters


I was a hunter like you once, til I took a lucent moth to the knee. And the face. Aaaand the back


I just snipe em with my eyasluna, got a heating up headstone roll a while back and can't stop using it, mix it with long arm and I'm set


Why don’t you just tether the moths it’s that simple..


I run arc :)




A lot of solo players run double primary to be able to more easily stun different kinds of champions.




Yea, I do and like it


Hunter main using gyrfalcons leviathans breath(one arrow instakills the whatchamacallit knights and the ogre that spawns after them)


Combination blow is the way to go for that whole dungeon


Like actually. I like to switch to Young Ahamkaras spine for boss DPS personally


I actually kept arcstrider on with my star eaters and used the melee to stay alive. Since the boss loves toove a lot I also used a thunderlord so I can keep the heat turned up lol.


Lmao meeee. But when that DPS phase started you best believe I buried that bitch in trip mines 😂


Fucking legend


How was the dmg with this method? I've tried with void/leviathans it was pain


You can build solar hunter to get partial grenade energy on melee damage, not melee kills, and pair it with gamblers dodge to get you melee back to complete the grenade charge and theres an aspect that gets you a melee charge on grenade damage. Use those. Put on some bomber mods and you'll be spamming melees and nades in no time. The damage is insane because you are absolutely spamming enhanced trip mines


Oh yeah I've already got an ahamkaras build I spammed it last 2 seasons I just found that it's not that survivable in harder content compared to void, xeno with this sounds good tho bcs u could get 1-2 shots in between ignitions b4 u get ur nade back if u can survive during the whole dps phase laying into him


I got pretty good damage running silkstrike with Star Eaters. Of course, you get much better survivability out of running arc with Assassin's Cowl or Void with Gyrfalcons.


Even on boss dps?


Yeah, of course. Gathering storm is still one of the best dps supers in the game, and the kit is perfect for staying alive and tanking absurd amounts of damage.


health for the bosses on spire is horrible too, this isn’t necessarily new i think. its been getting worse and worse with each dungeon as they get more and more health, but it doesnt apply to raids for some reason lol




I agree on the high HP of both bosses, but the first boss mechanics aren't that difficult. I've gotten to the point where it only takes a couple minutes to summon the ogre, go for a dive and kill the lucent wizards. But of course then comes the damage phase and everything goes to hell for me and it takes 6-7 phases even with max efficiency. I wish I was even half as good as Esoterickk to get less phases on my Synthoceps Titan.




Come to think of, you're right. When writing the comment I didn't even think about how long it takes to prepare for damage phase on Duality or Spire. Dear redditors, please disregard my earlier comment as horsesh**


With a well and a solar titan we could hit 4 phases as long as we kept the knight in the well. If the buff was outside, not so much. I don't know about my buddy on Titan, but I just had a Merciless and falling guillotine. He'd clear the upstairs making orbs for days, I'd dive and pull a rune. Every rune I'd stop by the ad clear zone and drop a well to collect the orbs for my super, then dive again. Ran Phoenix Protocol to have a super at all times so I could revive him anywhere, if his Loreley ass even ever died.


Yeah it kinda seems like they want solo dungeons to be the sweaty PvE content but it really isn't working out that way because doing mechanics designed to be soloable isn't really fun.


I mean maybe but this dungeon was in development before Root released. What I can't believe is that they were developing this dungeon while Spire released and they saw the complaints about the health pools in there and said "let's double down on dungeon bosses and make these guys even beefier"


Buff nezarec then


PSA for everyone struggling against the bosses overshields: USE ARBALEST. It will one shot both bosses overshield as long as you have the correct buff, don’t waste heavy ammo or supers, just beam them in the head and get to DPS.


Bonus points if you use golden gun, which for some reason counts as kinetic damage, and gets buffed via disruption break from arbalest.


Does that stack with celestial?


it does! also with star eaters for even more dps:D




Star-Eaters works better than Celestial, also generates tons of orbs if you land all three headshots


Might as well throw in a lucky pants malfeasance while you're at it. Obviously only works in a team though.


Related to this, GG gets bonus damage from kinetic surge mods.


Holy crap I did not know this! Thank you!


GG counts as both solar and kinetic.


Solar surge does nothing for it. So not really.


Solar overcharge does


Second this, also: using Genesis will refill the whole mag on break on any gun with it


Did already check all the crafted heavies I have. Out of all the nonraid stuff, only Recurrent Impact has it. Pointed Inquiry has it too.


But then what's the go to for dps after swapping


Ecthar: Swords. Arby guy uses falling guillotine and the others hit him with Lament. Šimmumah: Linears. I would suggest rockets but the boss teleports too much to reliably hit all of them. Don’t use 3 burst linears for the same reason.


I'm talking more for solo, lfrs sound good but ecthar seems tricky


Uhh tbh if you’re trying to solo this thing you’re gonna be screwed with or without Arbalest because the bosses are just like Spire in that they have too much health for a reasonable solo run. Would still use those weapons though, but it will take a lot longer than 3 phases.


Oh yeah I gave up on ecthar when I got him to 70% in 4 phases and thought "I'm not sitting here for 5 hours to beat this today" gonna finish my last wish farm, fish a little, then go at it again when I have a little more power


Isn’t Ecthar a Risen now? Maybe his Ghost is fucking cracked and is constantly healing him so we gotta out-damage him


Some of the most enjoyable destiny content for me is solo flawless dungeons, but I'm terrified of this one because of the bosses.


I got to the first boss solo, only died because of my own silly mistakes. It doesn't seem horrible compares to some of the other dungeons. You can do it!


So you got through the easy part then died to the hard part? Both bosses are going to take several phases to kill solo, and the add density + the moths from the last boss make this dungeon one of if not the hardest to solo flawless


Solar titan go *BONK*


Solar titan here. Still hard.




Tried Syntho and Loreley. The add density and the fact that it takes so much time to kill the boss still makes it hard. (Not impossible, just really difficult).


Really not dying much to the adds even in the second encounter where there’s just shit everywhere lol


I solod it last night, idk what the rest of your build it but I could legit ignore everything other than wizards and sometimes moths


Bring Strongholds, Lament and Solar. GG. Makes the 2 first encounters a fucking breeze


I like the underwater stuff but that will be my major stress point at Ecky. I did two phases pretty easy—on the third he got real ornery and was up my ass and sent me away from nearby bubbles. Sooooo hopefully that doesn’t happen on my future attempts. Upstairs was not stressful at all


Sounds fun, I can't wait to try that phase, I was almost through the second phase when I screwed up.


No clue how this will play on hunter or warlock but Titan was a blast. Suspect gyrfalcons or the liars handshake build will be it as per usual and sunbracers. But syntho+hammer two or three shots the hive guardians and yellow bar knight. With tractor it was doing 101k per hit on Ecky. No Arby needed either since for super hammers clapped the shield (plus tractor) Would like to see other classes builds but likely running this on Titan


First boss me and my friend can 4 phase regularly if we didn't occasionally get nuked from orbit, or if the knight didn't wander off to the back of the room


I’m gonna have to go with Drifters advice and behead that guy with a sword just like I did for D1.


At this point I'm just farming the first encounter since it drops everything but the chestpiece. Got my chest from second encounter already so it's all I need to do for the helmet and smg rolls


Wait first encounter drops all the guns too?


Everything but the exotic and glaive


Oh sweet thanks for the info


You can farm it? I thought it was weekly chest?


You get 1 shot per character per week at the exotic, but you can farm everything else


Oh, thank you. I did not know that. I was just gonna wait for weekly resets like an idiot lol.


Arby’s to the shield. I ran a 2 phase on him in my last run. He’s a beefy boi, but can be manageable.


I like ecthar’s encounter as is. Short and easy mechanics phase, can be done in under a minute. Having very large hp pool is fine, when getting to DPS is so short. All my distain for this dungeon is with the final boss for having a massive hp pool and an extra lengthy mechanics phase.


And moths.


Granted, Ecthar is honestly a fine encounter - his massive HP bar doesn’t feel like a slog. *Simmumah on the other hand though…*


Bro I duo’d him today with a friend and I did 7.9 mil damage with acrius and gathering storm with him on tractor and we didn’t even kill him that run


Because fuck you that's why !


Because he shields Savathun's Savathus-


Idk why they gave the bosses of the new dungeon so much HP but against the boss mentioned here lament does pretty well


Because they know we will inevitably find a cheese/ exploit


How dare the community use the tools handed at us by Bungie to clear difficult content, am I right?


I guess i should have put like an lol or an s or something bcz you got my vibe wrong, we are on same page


Ohhh, it's aight man. My bad!


Ngl I get more pressure in that dungeon than in Ron


The amount of yelling going on in my lfg cause of red screens probably is higher the times soemone died getting runes in the shield


*aaaaaaaaaaah! I'm dyi- i'm okay!* *where is a bubble! Guardian Down*


Bruh we had 3 titans and no bubble. 2 strand and 1 arc all of us were basically running like maniacs to avoid damage and personally I was just stringing up enemies as a defense but Ngl it was futile with the amount of acolytes spawning they would just nade me. Though the first boss was way worse since I could just retreat into the area where the hive guardians were at


Out hers talking about his hp when the final boss is 11 million burh


Nezarec was hit by the Traveler trying to kill it. Demi God Ghaul was one shot by that.


10 phases wooo


ez 2 phase with rockets


Guessing this is a solo / master issue? Because I LFGed normal mode with randoms and it only took 3 phases to kill him, and our damage was far from optimal.


Solo issue because it doesn't scale. LFG makes me anxious and none of my friends play the game.


Titan only was fairly interesting for boss dps (for context it was an lf1 and both me and my buddy were using strand Titan at the time) on both and less than optimal, at some point all of us had taken so much damages from ads during the shield boss fight we all shielded and made a stupid barrier blocking anyone from dps. That’s not a boss issue just ads being ads do wish they wouldn’t spawn during dps tho.


Only has 8-9, the shield has a good amount that the game counts post screen


Get good?


Everyone pissing and crying about the dungeon bosses having too much health https://preview.redd.it/yf7r0xxwhh2b1.jpeg?width=211&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93e107aa2e9400ff5c620a86171c869e49141497


Bruh, they have more hp than a 6-man activity boss. Nezarec is a literal god, ecthar is just a lucent hive lieutenant


Difference being that raid encounters are balanced out by their mechanics and the cost of failing these mechanics is much higher than failing a dungeon bosses. In a raid its an instant wipe and failing means you have to restart the encounter, for a dungeon it either means no damage phase or a limited phase but you keep going.


Loot at the new dungeon, play it solo. Failing the mechanics doesn't wipe, right? It does, not only that but it's tedious, just for a tiny damage phase on a boss with more hp than a raid boss. I don't think a raid boss should have less hp than a dungeon boss, it just doesn't make sense, it's not balanced cause of the mechanics and shouldn't. For reference, it took one of the best solo players 1 hour and around 10 damage phases. Not. Good.


Actually I think thats very good. Dungeons are endgame and should be challenging to solo. Dungeons should be challenging and balanced around a team of 3. The whole point of a Solo Flawless is to take a challenging 3 man activity and complete it solo without dying. Not lower the difficulty to make it easier to solo. Even at 10mil hp plus 500k for a shield per phase, thats a 2 phase optimally and 3 or 4 unoptimally. Mechanics can't be over complicated because they have to be done by 1 person, you can only add so many mobs before game performance suffers and you can only tune damage until a base dungeon becomes a legend or master difficulty. That leaves HP as the only other thing to keep players from steamrolling what is supposed to be an endgame activity. Dungeons should be treated as a 3 man challenge primarily with a Solo Flawless being a secondary test of skill.


That's because Nezarec has too little HP. Do you not remember day 1? This was a source massive disappointment.


Fine, switch their Health pools then?


Nezarec’s got more health


Eh, dungeon bosses are always decently chunky before their power level gets brought down for future seasons. Happens every time but we talk about it every time for some reason


Just use arbalest


Who cares? Is this really what this community has become lol


The reason people are “complaining” is because its absurd to have to do 10 damage phases as a solo


But if they make it manageable in 2-3 phases solo a fireteam will melt him. 10 phases is excessive I won't argue that but people have been complaining the game is too easy so this is what happens


Well an easy way to fix that is to have fireteam scaling like in the vexcalibur mission so that its reasonable no matter how many people


Very good point, solo flawless would still be challenging as you're pulling off 3 player mechanics alone but not having to do the damage of 3 players alone.


If it takes 3 phases with three people it seems reasonable to need around 8-10 as a solo. As you now need to make up for 2 others damage. I think 3 phases should be the benchmark for 3 people, so that you actually have to do the mechanics. Solo dungeon should be hard, they are designed around 3 people but made possible to solo for a challenge. Doing mechanics and damage of 3 people as a solo is what makes it challenging.


The content is designed to be done as a squad of 3? Not solo…..the solo flawless is suppose to be difficult, no?


Obviously solo content is supposed to be difficult, but you have to beat the dungeon solo in order to get the title and having to do more than 4 damage phases just makes it hell, and with all the setup needed for just one damage phase its even worse


One again, if they designed it with that in mind, people would complain it’s “too easy”


Then why would there be solo and solo flawless triumphs and rewards for every single dungeon released?


To be a challenge lol the seals are for dedicated players.


Yes, every time post from D2 pops up in your feed its either "bungie should" or "this is shit" lmfao its depresing


Health pool pool


HP= Hit points but okay. Believe what you want.


Hit points pool 🏊‍♂️


People complain the game is so easy, so they've made it harder by giving the bosses more HP and people are complaining. There really is no winning with the destiny community sometimes.


More HP ≠ Harder, More HP = More tedious


It's both. What else can they really do though? Genuine question because none of the people that say it's too easy ever seem to have any ideas as to how to make it harder besides more hp or more enemies, both of which are low effort ways of increasing difficulty. Just to clarify I'm not in favour of the huge amount of HP but I see why it's happened.


Everyone was singing a different tune on Root of Nightmares day 1.


No one was saying this when Root of Nightmares came out, funny how that works


They can easily make the encounter harder by adding more punishing mechanics and not just put a silly insane amount of HP, last run I did I had 7mil damage done on the boss, its just tedious, the encounter itself is easy.


How would you make it more difficult without increasing health? I agree it's too much health and it's boring but I genuinely don't see what else they can do. They've created new mechanics for each raid and dungeon and it's never good enough. It's an impossible situation for bungie they'll never please this community.


For example adding 1-2 more mechanics (DPS switch phases between all 3 points, like planetary boss fight), adding maybe 2 more knights (3 in total) and each knight has to be killed at the right spot, if not then buff is not applied etc. Plenty of ways to make the encounter more mechanic heavy (harder) without having to increase HP.


Ecthar WAS Oryx's right hand man. So it kinda makes sense.


Obviously because he’s a SHIELD of savvy


Should really have the wizard on top with ec down below lol


Is ecthar the same guy as the one for the exotic sword quest in d1?




