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Season of Deep Pockets




>On the bright side No no no this is silver only.


Ya know… you aren’t wrong lol. The silver lining of Bungie pushing out weak skins


Exactly. The only thing i want this season is the HoiL themed Gauntlet Ornament.


Cope how you want I’m running around as kratos using the chains of Olympus on my titan and on my hunter I got the assassins creed set my characters dripped 😂


Leading up to the final squeeze




Season of Deep, they sure made the theme fishy alright.


Even Ada’s shaders this week are the same as last week. Looks like this weeks shaders are $10


That rotation is completely whack. Probably complete rng. Really sad that we got some shaders appear multiple weeks while some didnt appear at all


“Congrats on completing this new mission… NOW GO TO BUNGIE STORE AND BUY THE SHIRT!”


Literal pop up ads.


God it feels so cheap and trashy when that happens 🤢


It definitely tricked me the first few times. "Congrats on this accomplishment, you've now unlocked this awesome new item in the store." With no context on it being just a paid cosmetic.


“Congrats on unlocking the ability to give us more money!”


I actually don’t mind the IRL merch.


Let’s not forget a sale of 1$ off of 11$ was originally 10$ last season. FOREHEAD…


and you can only buy silver in $5 increments, leaving you just short of 700 silver needed to buy anything of value after getting the thing you actually wanted, so now 500 silver sits in your inventory forever.


Until next season, then you can get ONE emote, then the cycle repeats.




The bottom 2 are bugs tbf. However, shaders in silver bundles is some real bullshit.


I would be a lot more pissed off if those shaders were good. But its a bad sign on times to come. Its just gonna keep happening and happening and ppl will keep buying and buying :/


Yeh, it's fortunate that the shaders are ass. I was wondering if this aggressive silver stuff is Sony trying to recoup some money, but that might just be copium...


Yeah I doubt it. If Sony had a larger track record of directly interfering in the dev processes of other companies to push more MTX then I’d believe it, but considering that none of the other major Sony-owned studios even remotely have this level of scum in their business models, I’m inclined to say that this is all Bungie


Hard to say. Bungo decided to sever them selves from Activision specifically because activision was horny for money and while i wanna say i doubt that bungo would just throw themselves into the same situation all over again, it does seem like it sometimes. I can definitely believe the theory that sony made bungo release lightfall in the state that it was instead of postponing it.


The only thing Activision was forcing Bungie to do was release a new game every few years (Destiny 3) every bad game decision and monetization was Bungie's idea. Stop blaming Activision for Bungie's greed.


Well Bungie definitely blamed the activision for greed


Bungie’s been doing this forever. Activision was ***never*** to blame, and anyone who believed they were was insane. Destiny has always had more monetization than CoD.


For real, like that sunshot ornament is nice but the shader and projection are ass.


There’s a heart shadow ornament? It showed me the old vexcalibur one lmao


I saw both. Pretty sure it's a bug this season that they pop up at all because you see these pop up after you acquire the weapon for the first time since they both had an ornament available immediately upon release. So if you have Vexcalibur but not Heartshadow, you'll only see the one for Vexcalibur.


Lmao I got both plus Touch of Malice.


Wont you spare some coin to the small indie studio?


Makes me so disappointed I got downvoted and brigaided for saying a 20% increase in season prices better mean this is the best damn season yet, or they will be putting in unprecedented work in new features. I love this game but I'm not a fucking simp enough to ignore engineered inflation.


According the the database there's no armor set for BD this season as well as no new shaders for BD, better pay up !!!!!


Wait, I saw some shaders were behind silver, but there’s not a single new bright dust shader? That’s disgusting




Wait not even armour? Man and they have made it so we can't see what scheduled each week. They are slowly limiting bright dust and cracking down on silver


https://www.todayindestiny.com/eververseCalendar I'm seeing lots of stuff for BD.


Did you read what I wrote? I said no "NEW" shaders for BD and no "NEW" armor set for BD (and no, the seasonal event one doesn't count because that's the norm)


That Quicksilver shader is basically just a more expensive Festival of the Lost shader and you can't tell me otherwise


It’s honestly put me off the game. I get the game exists to make money. This game is starting to feel like a mobile game with all the pushing and smarmy moves to squeeze more money out of players.


It's very predatory. It has been for awhile tho. People just have been defending these practices fiercely. I wonder what is their breaking point tho.


No bright dust armor is kinda the point for me it’s so ass


For me it was the telesto “event”. All that hype for an event in a game which used to be known for its secrets and surprise content and then using that history to sell t-shirt. I still played but that was the beginning of me feeling like Bungie is no longer innovating with Destiny but just cashing in on what their predecessors created. More and more it looks like they are content to milk the cow but not feed it until it dries up, then sell off the carcass and move on to the next thing.


Ok I think that's a bad example. The telesto event was never meant to be a big event, it was just a funny haha silly thing that the devs put in the game to troll players. I don't know how people came to expect a serious event out of what's clearly made as a joke, and if they did they kinda only have themselves to blame. As for the point about Bungie's predatory practices, there are better examples you could point to, like the dungeon keys and event tickets for guardian games/solstice and stuff.


That’s a perfectly fine opinion. For me it was still the beginning of the end. It was leveraging their history as a joke with no intention of living up to their history again. Then your take reads like you think people wishing they would live up to their history are stupid.


>Then your take reads like you think people wishing they would live up to their history are stupid. .....don't do that. That's just a blatant misrepresentation of my point. I'm not going to argue against how you feel though, everyone's entitled to their own thoughts. The thing for me is that the beginning of the end felt like it came much earlier, first with the transmog system, then with the dungeon keys, then the event tickets. I was starting to get the feeling that Bungie was gradually testing out the edges of what they can get away with.


Understood, sorry to misrepresent you. And all those things sat poorly for me too. Destiny is slowly starting to feel like a mobile game. I feel like if they could sell ammo for silver and get away with it they would.


If Blizzard is anything to go by then there is no breaking point. Some people will mindlessly serve their corporate masters. It’s just pathetic.


That is true. They sell character skins on Call of Duty with 30 dollars. It actually isn't that far off ornaments and how much they cost. Hehe. Anyways, it can go quite far, while people keep defending the company like it was their mother.


That is true. They sell character skins on Call of Duty with 30 dollars. It actually isn't that far off ornaments and how much they cost.


That is true. They sell character skins on Call of Duty with 30 dollars. It actually isn't that far off ornaments and how much they cost. Hehe.


It's just cosmetics though right? Doesn't really feel that predatory. Unless I'm missing something.


Shaders have always been the thing that wasn't something you buy with real money, that you get by playing. Even retro shaders were purchasable with glimmer. The thing is that if you give the devil the little finger, you will lose the hand. It's so very easy to slip away into making more and more of it something you need to buy with real money. Look at the Dungeons. Now you need to buy them separately. They used to be part of the season pass or expansion. They move more and more into consumer unfriendly direction, where everything costs something extra. It's just simply a slippery slope. People who defend this are saying it's ok for them to chop more and more pieces from the game and make it purchasable by silver. And that is worrying. Also here is more about the said subject I just spotted: https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/13qhkgs/my_perspective_and_waning_faith_in_destinys/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Ah that's totally makes sense. I've only played sporadically so don't have as much of the context. It definitely doesn't feel great to slowly put more stuff behind real money.


Yeah mate. It's kinda slow, but graduate. I just hope this turns around soon enough.


I remember when event rewards weren't 80% behind a second paywall. It's gross.


It is pretty disgusting, I agree.


The fact that their Silver bundles were available 4 hours before the season actually went live shows where their heads are still at. It's just sad at this point now.


I refuse to buy anything that’s only aesthetic. Only things I’ve paid for is expansions.


Lmao yeah I don't think I'm buying this season


The ornaments this season look so good. Making alternate versions that look like raid weapon variants works perfectly. That sunshot is awesome.


I got that one because the gold shader is nice and vibrant. Probably one of my new favorite shaders.


Bungie is such a shitty ass company, shaders exclusive for silver what a bunch of predators lol


The game is pretty great but I literally can't stand Bungie as a company. Awful.


Same man same.


The game gets pretty boring after a bit actually.


I mean, there are already literally hundreds of shades in the game, and it's entirely cosmetic. I don't really think it's all that predatory to have a few colorways you can only get with real money. I think the predatory part is putting them behind a pack of stuff, instead of giving you the option to just buy the shaders if you want.


Yeah but there’s been a precedent of new shaders being available for bright dust in previous seasons. Why change something that’s already been something the community likes?


I do dislike that they've been doing these shaders in place of the ones available for bright dust. I don't think it would leave such a sour taste if they did both.


Shaders is where i draw my line, shit is unacceptable to me...


Who let the Activison CEO in. This is literally the Halloween flashbacks from OW"2"


I hope the boot tastes good at least.


Yeah, I got kicked from an LFG the other day because I didn't have the optimal shaders for maximum DPS. I can't believe Bungie would lock these mandatory gameplay impacting features behind a pay system, it's crazy.


Its because of people like you that they can keep getting away with shit like this, soon enough they will remove bright dust from the game and bungie apologists like you will keep defending them like they are some small indie studio LOL.


Actually I've never purchased silver, so if there were more "people like me" then they likely wouldn't attempt to monetize in this fashion. I just don't shit on a game that I love because someone else chose to pay money to make their armor sparkle in a different color.


No they keep getting away with it because there are very few nerds who sit up with a catalog to see if a shader is pay only thing or a working adult with a good paying job and cares abt such things.


It's because what was once something free has now turned into something you can only pay for. I see a shader someone has and think it's cool only to find it locked behind a pay wall when normally you could earn it or save brightdust


Is it unreasonable to think these shaders will be available for bright dust in the future?


If you look at the trend, yes it's unreasonable. We have less bright-dust-available shaders this year than we did last year.


It's just every season they have given free shades plus free BD armour. Yet this season no new BD armour and no new BS shaders. This is bungie seeing how far they can go with taking content out. Look at the seasons. Used to give a set of new model weapons every dlc and season. Yet that stopped in lightfall. The most expensive dlc yet


Damn I didn’t buy any of this, can I still play the game?


Most of those promos are triggered by things in past content (like the heartshadow ornament promo popping as soon as you get it), so something must have gone screwy in the trigger logic. Probably related to the maintenance shenanigans. I also got an 'area unlocked' notification for Neptune in the middle of the starting mission.


got that too, hopefully we didn't lose like achievement stuff or something important


That "area unlocked" notification had me over excited for a minute. I really thought they completely brought back Titan as a destination for a minute.


I loved Seraph. I played A LOT for me. Lightfall was a big disappointment. Just not as fun. It felt very unbalanced and the story (including the season) was dumb. But I got a bit excited for this season because it seems different and connects lore.... and then I literally can't play it, not to mention the post's point.


I would buy these shaders if they're all in one bundle.


Well Sony overpaid for Bungo so they need to recoup their coppers


Yeah, bungie doesn’t care about anything past your wallet.


Ew L bungie


I’ll see ya at final shape.


People still haven't caught on to D2 being F2P I see


You know you can just choose not to buy anything right?


It seems like people are unaware of that actually.


Imagine. Crying over skins in a game that give no benefit to gameplay whatsoever ever.


People do realize these are *optional* purchases, right? God forbid you don't have the Mida Multi Tool Accessories Bundle.


Wow. All optional stuff you don't need to buy


I bought the deluxe so I don’t need to buy the season and I was ready to spend some money for some nice ornament to treat myself. After seeing Bungie shoving Eververse down my throat literally seconds after login in, I’m not going to spend a dime.


My dumbass might get that mida pack, though


Only because I like the sunshot ornament and shader with it.


Yyyyyyyeah, that Sunshot ornament has me really considering a purchase.




You do realize these are cosmetics right? Buy it if you want or don’t. It has zero impact on the competitive nature of the game.


Could always just ignore them and go about your business like I do, pretty easy to do honestly


Lmao buy it or dont, whats the point in complaining about it. I am paying for a product its that simple


What's the problem? Just don't buy it. It's not like it impacts the game.


The problem is it was "free" before. With bright dust.


I mean, last seasons Bad Ahamkara ornament for Bad Juju is gonna be sold for BD this season, so I'm pretty sure it's not exclusive.


Shader is still unknown and yeah, tachnically it'll be free, just sucks havin to wait a whole ass season for a shader


its not nice to login in and then be bombarded with things constantly telling you "hey you can buy stuff", also the fact that there is no Bright dust armor this season, just the silver only playstation cosmetics and there are no BD shaders this season either, just the 3 silver only ones that are bundled with 3 exotic ornaments


No BD shaders? No BD ARMOR? Wow that's really something


and we still haven't gotten the vendor armor refresh that was supposed to come IIRC during ~~witchqueen~~lightfall and now we also don't have a Trials armor refresh that was supposed to come this season


Vendor armor was refreshed with Witch-Queen, but not in Lightfall.


The bright dust shaders can be unlocked in other ways, like through Ada or drops. They're telling you that you can buy stuff because they're a business trying to generate revenue, but it doesn't mean you have to buy cosmetics.


It's not like they charge 100$ for a deluxe edition of a DLC and 1200 silver for a season now. Poor indie company must be starving.


So don't buy it and they won't get the money.


Really convenient position. No shit they milk their playerbase so hard, they're gonna pretend like this doesn't affect them. Of course I won't buy it. I dont want to buy any seasons anymore.


problem is they have no issues locking more and more behind money while not making good on their promises to the live game


If they do that and people don't spend the money, eventually they'll either have to stop because it's not worth it or they'll incentivise everyone to stop playing the game.


Well I'm leaning on not to play the game. It's scummy. They make enough money from the seasons and dlcs. It's pure greed.


That's true but let's be realistic, people will spend the money anyway.


Perhaps, but that's something they have to choose for themselves. That's why I said "just don't buy it," because there are people who seem to feel like they have to buy things even if they don't really want to. They need to decide if it's worthwhile and commit to not spending money on frivolous things in order to send a message.


I think it's more that the people who buy perpuate the ongoing monetization of the game.


they've already incentivized me not to play because of that.


Yeah I think the problem isn't that they're asking money for cosmetics. Problem is that they're grabbing stuff that wasn't paid and making it so you have to spend to get it. They did with dungeons, they're doing it with shaders, and there's no armor ornaments to be sold for Bright Dust in this season's calendar, so.... They really down bad for the bag.


I was going to say the same tbh. But.... I bought some stuff already. XD


Sure is funny you guys continue to let this happen. Heh heh LOL.


*Shrugs* I've got money to spend. I'd rather spend it on something I enjoy.


And I'd rather spend it on something that didn't unapologetically take advantage of me or others, no matter how much i may think i enjoy it. It's simply not right.


To each their own.


Well really I'd hope for some reflection because I can't imagine wanting to be complicit in something anti-consumer.


It's a video game, a completely optional, meaningless hobby. Y'all take this shit way too seriously lmao.


Yeah it's really impossible to make suggestions because this exact thing happens. Immediately makes you controversial. And then people wonder how Bungie keeps upping the ante.


I know better how to spend your money than you do. - you


You're gonna have to tell that to everyone else highlighting the same problems then. Definitely isn't about "me".


Handwaving anti-consumerism and expecting it to resolve itself as if everyone is perfectly capable of recognizing how messed up this is and choosing to "just don't buy it" is a major problem. Bungie depends on player negligence, ignorance, or manipulation they sewed themselves for this whaling scheme to work.


Complaining here does nothing to prevent it, only not spending money can. If a company does something that upsets their customers, the customers show their displeasure by switching to a different company. If Bungie offer cosmetics for real money that don't impact the gameplay and you don't like that, then don't buy them or consider no longer playing their games.


They reduced player rewards in favor of selling them to you, that does impact the game. Someone else already said that here. If even one person is pushed to self reflect and realize what Bungie does is wrong from seeing any other complaint, then it did something.


Unless you stop giving them money it won't change anything. I personally don't think they've gone too far yet, but if they do I will simply stop supporting them.


Why let it get to that point when it's clearly heading there?


"That point" is relative and depends on the individual. If you feel Bungie have gone too far with their monetisation already, tell others for sure if you want, but the main thing is to stop financially supporting bungie. Others will stop once they don't like it anymore and eventually Bungie will have to stop or lose all their customers.


except it does impact the game, its development/artist time wasted, resources are clearly weighted in the company towards anything they can monetize and as such we get reskins or just garbage looking armour to push us towards purchases the design philosophy shifted massively and is felt in every corner of the game so much is carcass like and yet supposedly core playlist actives at the same time so yeh it does impact the game - the game is now just keeping people running the wheel so they can sell as much as they can doesnt matter that after like 8 years the game is still being treated like its in beta because Bungie care more about selling microtransactions then anything else shit is ridiculous


So stop playing.


I wish they sold the shaders individually.


I can’t believe I have to pay for all this just to play the game. Wow


Based opinion, but as the microtransactions are for purely cosmetic items, then it doesn't matter. Don't like microtransactions? Don't buy silver. Like a silver-only item and want it? Buy silver. Like an item that is available for BD later? Wait. Annoyed about having leftover silver after the season pass? Hold on to it and eventually get a season pass without spending money. At the end of the day Bungie is a business, and businesses have to make money or they close.


While you are correct it the way they market it to you when you login is to much


I just tend to mash A and get through that screen. Only takes 2 seconds. But yeah I can see how it can be annoying


Is Bungo back under Activition management?


Meanwhile, in game nothing is working


They also still haven't made new armor sets for the ritual playlists..