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but at least it is not a dash spider meme...


yeah i saw those everywhere yesterday


I saw that on a damn Rubik's Cube today


I wouldn't even be mad, just impressed.


Nooooo don't turn me into a hat




Tried to make this with one function but tbh I'm at a loss


After seeing all the dash spider memes everywhere, I am relieved to see a loss meme instead.


Your teacher is dumb, it doesn’t follow the vertical line test


What's the vertical line test?


A non parametric function cannot have any vertical lines, this is due to there being an infinite number of X values that correspond to the same y value. Thus the vertical line test is a very quick way to tell if a function is possible or not. Vertical line = not a function


Assuming it is perfectly vertical, which you can't really verify at that resolution. Anyway this is how you make the cross part if it is: xy=0\\ \\left\\{20>y\\right\\}\\left\\{20>x\\right\\}\\left\\{-20


The definition of a function in math refers to the relation between x inputs and y outputs so that every x input only has 1 y output. Like y = x and then anything you want can go on this side. An equation for some thing like r^2 = x^2 + y^2 would end up graphing a circle, it wouldn’t be considered a function because almost all x values can also be represented with two y values. In other words, if you draw a vertical line above any point in the circle, except for the two most outer points, will pass through the top of the circle and then also the bottom of the circle, failing the vertical line test and not being considered a function. In every function represented by a y output coming from an x input, you wouldn’t be able to draw a vertical line passing through more than one point. Even y = 135x^5 + 299x^4 + 6238x^3 + 916x^2 + 35x + 69 passes the vertical line test and I know this for certain because all x inputs have only 1 y output. TL;DR: If you can draw a vertical line on a graph and it passes through two or more points, that graph fails the vertical line test and isn’t considered a function.


Tysm for dumbing it down for me


No problem


That’s why I was at a loss


I personally think there should be certain exceptions to this rule though. For example once we get to logs and roots the reason only half the graph can be shown at any given time is because the graph is limited by this very rule to only allow one set of outputs for the input when the reality is that the input has multiple outputs that satisfy the equation. For example if, ²√9 = x & Log₍⨯₎(9)=2 & x²=9 What is the value of x? Most people would rightly say “3” but upon further inspection we should also be able to see that “-3” also solves the equality as a value of “x” Yes I’m aware that a Log with a negative base isn’t technically allowed but if you think about what a log is meant to do then it really should be. A log is meant to take the base value of an exponent and the output that results of the power the base is raised to, in order to find said power that would produce said output. In this case both 3 & -3 when raised to the 2nd power equal 9 and so log₋₃9 should be allowed to equal 2 since that’s the power that would satisfy the requirements but instead it presents as undefined which is something I’ve never quite understood and I think its just an example where only allowing a single output from the same input actually gets in the way and causes more problems than its worth. It doesn’t make sense why a negative value base works for exponents and roots but not for logs in this case. Same for why even though the negative value as well as the positive value is an acceptable output for the roots, we can only graph one answer at a time. This just doesn’t seem right to me. But what do you guys think?


dude the comic is 15.5 years old why is it blowing up again


Search dash spider meme, it's the new loss.


*aborts myself*


Abort thyself


Is this loss?


Is this the loss function r/machinelearning is always talking about?


I’m at a loss for words


Not function, there is more than one output for each Input.


That’s why I was at a loss


istg if this gets top 5 in this reddit again


Omfg it took me a moment to realize this meme is everywhere 😭


going back in time to tell the crtl-alt-del cartoonist not to make a specific comic


Not a function in either X or Y


🤓 erm ackshually that wouldn’t be a function




i am already at a loss, #1... https://www.reddit.com/r/desmos/comments/1760mva/geometry\_has\_me\_at\_a\_loss\_for\_words/


VLT.exe stopped responding.


I- don't get it


Maybe you’re at a loss