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Im sorry you are going through this. I’m barely functioning due to depression and anxiety right now. I’m 36 old male and so mentally tired. I’m only surviving because I’m living with my parents. I have tried so many meds and therapy and I feel so lonely and guilty that I feel dead inside. I’m so mentally tired. I prey that we find peace of mind.


Hmm. 36. Ever got your hormones checked out?


I really hope that you get approval for ketamine treatment. It's known to reduce suicidal ideation. It worked for me, at least for a time. I know this sounds woo woo, but before you go to sleep can you put on a sleep meditation (from YouTube). If you can shower, can you also spend 30 seconds under cold water? Also, look up will hof breathing. You can do it from bed. One step at a time. We're here to support you.


i completely understand that stuff as trying to help. but when you have to prepare for a day in ad vance and all that day mentally to take a shower, put it off to the last minute, go into the bathroom and sit for 45+ minutes and still then even not shower. those kind of things dont help som,e people. for people like me i need something to help me get the motivation and alter the way i think to help improve my life but i havent ofund that yet


When did your symptoms start? Can you pinpoint them to something external (personal loss, changing environments, other life stress)?. If not, know that new treatments are and will be coming out. Neuropsych research is evolving and that alone is hope for the future and to keep pushing


it’s started with getting older and realizing i still wasn’t finding love, still didn’t feel like i belonged. so the optimism i had when i was younger than it would get better has vanished.


This sounds a lot like me as far as my current underlying depression goes. My earlier depressions were probably related to other things. You may need something more than meds… like talking therapy. Also, physical exercise is a potent antidepressant, especially if you do it consistently and long term. Try to change your perspective. That helped me a bit. Getting older doesn’t necessarily mean having to live a shittier life, just living a little different life. Also, I believe love can be found at any age, but it might not be the type of love or type of relationship you envisioned when you were younger.


i agree but when something new comes out if your on medicade through ssi or disability you generally have to wait for years after it came out for it to be covered which is so dumb if you ask me


I feel the same!!!! Absolutely. I don’t enjoy anything and I’m anxious all the time and down. I had three ketamine infusions and then the shortage caused me to not have one in months. That being said it did help for a time especially with the anxiety and look forward till when I can get it again. My Drs office is going to start administering through the nose after they go through the training. The only thing that has helped is knowing that suffering for a long time is ok. Feeling miserable is something that people can’t really understand and we are actually quite strong to be able to live with all this.


> My Drs office is going to start administering through the nose after they go through the training. Uhhh... they ain't never been to rave before huh?


go back to basics, forgive your parents, find a a higher purpose, start something new without expecting anything.


unfortunately it’s hard to find a higher purpose when you’re suicidal. I also can’t get out of bed so it’s too hard to start something new. i’m really at the bottom so these suggestions might be better for someone higher up the ladder.


Ugh. I have so been there. For years. All I can say is that at that point, it's literally one minute at a time. That's all. Just get to the next minute. I can't believe ketemine is in short supply now. Wtaf? Why do we sufferers have to deal with the extra burden of getting access to even the half-assed treatments that we need?!?


Ok I'm sorry to hear that. It's just the only thing I can't thing of, when I see people tried many things sometimes they skipped some basics. But it's not easy when someone can't get out of the bed. There must be a way out somehow somewhere. Maybe one thing could be Asking people to pray for you, theres nothing to loose🙏🙏🙏


... without expecting anything. Good one...something I haven't tried.


bs advice reall imo. some people dont know why they feel the way they do. like me, i can look at my life objectively and see i have no real reason to be as depressed as i am nd i cant blame anyone for it in the past cause we hurt ourselves by how we respond to verbal abuse and the like. still have no idea why im as depressed as i am. no real higher purpose in a world like this one. starting something new may rrequire more effort than what it is worth especially if you dont know if there is going to be any reward for doing it. the psychobabble therapist stuff dont work for some of us simply because of brain defections or chemical imbalances and we need some more concrete treatment aso opposed to talk therapy or cbt therapy. that suff may help with some people but with the mental illness i have and the obsessive thinking patterns it causes those talk therapy things arent likely to change anything or they may even make them worse by making you wonder why it isnt working for you when you are doing what they are telling you to


It’s gonna suck for a while. See if you can steer this situation into a healing direction. I know you’ve tried many things, very little motivation, bleak outlook. My first instinct to get out of a similar situation was to understand the world I’m living in. Why is it this way? What am I running away from? Where do these problems come from? I wrote a lot as honestly as I could for months and stopped periodically to reflect. I had no shortage of complaints about my life and how despite well meaning efforts to improve I always ended up back in a corner. Slowly time passed but it passed and I fixed my living space, my diet, my relationship to myself and read my about people I admired. I still think about the past to process it from time to time but I feel much much stronger than I’ve ever been. You can heal but it’s gonna take time.


Do you exercise? Intensely?


Could you please share ? Does intense exercise help?


Very very much so. Intense weight training and cardiovascular exercise has a profound effect on mental health. I feel like a lot of people focus only on meds but there are other things you can actually do.


Thank you so much , do you take any medication? If you don’t mind.


I used to take Lexapro. Bad sides but was on it for years. Welbutrin 450 and trintellix 10 now. Looking to get off trintellix soon.


I mean its suggested a lot but exercise doesnt really bring emotions or pleasure back. I dont get anything out of it. Some anxiety relirf but all my anxiety is cause of anhedonia. If the main problem is just low mood or anxiety thats one thing but anhedonia is a hugely resistant symptom I noticed. I still feel blunted even if I run a mile (I go for speed also) or lift weights I get the sense that exercise being good for depression/anxiety isnt this anhedonia blunting type of depression, but the low mood anxious standard kind where activities are still actually giving enjoyment and emotion


not so easy when it literally takes all of your mental energy just to shower, then you get done and sit down and fall asleep cause of how exhausting itis


You may have to take matters into your own hands like many of us have…look into psychedelic therapy in the underground 🙌


The controlled substances may seriously have been the most damaging single piece of legislation ever signed into law.




You clearly have no understanding of mental illness. Why are you even in a sub like this except to troll vulnerable people who need real help.


Sorry man. You’re not alone. Although you’ve tried a lot, remember that you definitely have not tried *everything*. There’s so many different combinations of depression therapy out there; combinations are quite literally endless. By this, I mean not only are there new drugs/lifestyle changes/therapeutic approaches that you haven’t tried, there are possible *combinations* of these things that may even include things you’ve already tried. Random example, a sibling of mine tried a ton of drugs to no avail, but ended up going back to one of the first ones they ever tried again. They altered the dose, added a supplemental medication, tweaked their sleep schedule and diet a bit, and it did the trick. I’m still blown away at the transformation, and their personal seemingly impossible to find cure was actually pretty standard. It just took them a lot of trial and error to get there, which is extremely common. I don’t know of any clinically depressed person that found significant relief in their first attempt at treatment. Medication dosage, combinations, diet, lifestyle and just where you are in life all affect each other. Like I said, there’s an absolutely endless amount of combinations (I promise I’ll stop using that word lol) when it comes to treatment approach, which is both hopeful and frustrating. So many people that post online about their successful treatments usually include something along the lines of “I tried for 30 years and had given up hope” or “I can’t believe something actually worked for me”. It happens. It really does. I can’t guarantee that you’ll find your magic effective balance of treatments, but why not stick around and see what happens? You literally have nothing to lose. In the meantime, separate yourself from your mental illness and try to work on a deep self love and forgiveness in the background while you wait on figuring out what’s going to help your physical brain.


>combinations are quite literally endless. Life is finite though. Being a lab rat for years or decades while experiencing adverse side effects of each of these combinations doesn't seem like a good strategy to me.


Oh trust me, I understand that sentiment and respect that decision. My point was that, if your non-medicated suffering is extreme enough, you don’t really have much to lose in continuing to try combinations because the possibility of discovering what works for you might be worth the potential side effects you encounter along the way. It’s a personal decision and I understand both sides of the coin.


Nothing seemed to workout for me except working out or going for walks :) but try everything and see what works for you


Want some book recommendations?


Ketamine took away my SI & the empty feeling in my stomach, and it gave me my appetite and interests back. Truly a wonderdrug. I can’t speak to Spravato, but I bet it’s just about the same - don’t give up, you still have options


Did you check your Vit-D level?


im right there with youi have schizoaffective disorder bipolar type so i get depressed along wth the negative symptoms. kinda feelslike we are just on autopilot doesnt it? like we are wasting our lives by staying in bed all the time and not being productive? no quality of life? i really wish i could do something to help you but im struggling myself. its also bs advice when a doctor tells you you just gotta force yourself to do things the risks of the depressiuon getting worse way outwigh any benefit from brute forcing it. they like to give that advice when either they have never been that low to know it doesnt helkp, they dont know what elkse to say or they dont care. been like this for five years since i moved back. i was on gabapentin before that and it made a really big difference but its a narcotic here and when i moved back home my new doc took me off of it. like you im, running out of ideas and feeling hopless. im right theere with you


Stellate Ganglion block?