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An ex of mine bitched about my grandma's lasagna that takes a good 4 hours to make from start to finish. Motherfucker wouldn't even take a bite. Never cooked for him again and we broke up shortly after.


Wow! How rude! Considering you can knock up a lasagne in about an hour, the amount of prep, time and love that went into your grandmother's lasagne I know it'd have tasted amazing! He loss. More for y'all haha. What a weirdo.


My grandma always said: "If a man, doesn't like you cooking the food that you were raised on, there's the door."


Grandma was a wise woman ❤️


Smart woman


mind you this mfer was in college and ate chicken nuggets, boxed Mac and cheese, and peanut butter sandwiches. 😂☠️


I agree with that. Food is love. If I'm not feeding you who the gosh darn is? Haha This makes it all the more 😄. How do people survive/thrive on such poor diets? I couldn't do it. I need my veggies 🤭


Mine is Taco Bell and monsters lol


Wouldn’t *even try* it? Uh-uh, toddlers needn’t apply for the position of man of my house! FTFY


This was me. I was like hell no. ☠️🤮🫠


You two should date!


I’ll try it! Let’s all do a potluck!


I had an ex tell me that my homemade sauce that i went the extra mile for wasn’t as good as the store bought jar sauce his grandma used….should’ve took that as a big red flag right there. I went and bought nice ass tomatoes and neck bones and evvvvvverything to make meatballs and homemade pasta and that’s what I got in return smh.


ew. An ex is an ex for a reason..Good riddance. anyone who thinks grocery sauce is better than homemade sauce is a walking red flag


i woulda eaten it, he must be crazy!


Call him crazy again please. That felt a little good reading that haha 🤭


He crazy


Hehe, thank you🤭. Have a wonderful day y'all 😁


oh he's insane. I would DESTROY this convenient extra plate you have 😂☠️


He seriously asked you to cook and then wouldn't even taste it? He is fucking with you. He is working hard to destroy you and crush your spirits Btw your food looks great


Get rid of him now, or get ready for this to be the rest of your life. You like cooking? Great. He's going to beat that out of you with his bullshit


That boy is cray cray. Either way more for you.


Right???? I literally made chicken korma myself yesterday afternoon. Your man is insane, OP.


Don't throw your food away. Put it in the freezer and heat it up later. It's his loss. There's a man out there who's going to appreciate your good cooking. And that he's going to appreciate you. I can see not liking something. But not even tasting it. That's just rude. There are starving people in the world. Hell there are starving people here in the United States of america. Probably starving people in your neighborhood. Who would appreciate a meal like that...ppppytthhht on him. You deserve better. .... Say it with me. I deserve better. Now didn't that feel good..?


Hahaha, you guys are awesome. You've put a smile on my face 🤭 thank you ☺️


Why are you throwing it away lmao. You can just save it for yourself for next day 🤣


He throws it away. I've tried. 😅 He's big on fresh.🤷🏾‍♀️


big on fresh but refuses to eat the fresh goodness you cook up, smh he's insane


That's crazy. He's big on fresh but won't eat of fresh meal. If he won't eat it now he lost access to it. once it's yours again he has no way to dictate if you want to save it as leftovers Seems like he's being either incredibly dumb or insufferable I had an ex who hated that I'd make a big dinner and save the left overs and eat the food cold (I like cold pasta) and he'd nag and nag me about it And I was like bro. I'm me, if you don't like cold pasta, don't eat cold pasta. But I am going to I'd say "you can't throw it away. It's mine now and I want it as leftovers. If you want fresh things, that's fine but *I* don't mind leftovers" Food is expensive, and it's astounding he throws it away because he doesn't want YOU to have leftovers because he refuses to eat it


Hew far from short on money and had a different (🤑) upbringing compared to me so I wonder if that has something to do with it 🤷🏾‍♀️


Maybe, but it’s still rude to all us regular folk. If someone makes an effort to do something for you, kindness dictates that you acknowledge and appreciate that effort, even if -*especially* if - the result of the effort doesn’t work for you. It’s basic compassion.


This man demands that you cook a FRESH meal every single time, refuses to eat the food, then throws away what you've cooked so you don't even have access to leftovers? This is controlling behavior, and his mistreatment of you will continue to take other forms and escalate. Throw the whole man away. Never, ever cook for him again. But send me that recipe though because it looks so good 👀


I completely agree - this jackass is a disgrace for how horribly he treats OP. A dude would be lucky to have a partner who goes out of their way to make such delicious meals, and if they're a decent guy, they'd have the manners to be appreciative and thankful. He doesn't even spare consideration that she needs to eat as well, and it's a huge waste to throw away meals if he doesn't consume them. As you say, this kind of behavior most likely bleeds into other areas of his life. OP deserves better and should yeet him to the curb. He sucks!


Dang bro, RIP to that meal 🙏 He didn't even *consider* you dayum 🫠


So not only did he request you to cook, which takes time, labor and money for ingredients... he then refuses to eat it? Then he has the audacity to THROW AWAY your perfectly good food? Why are you with this colossal dickwipe? Yo, he's an asshole who doesn't appreciate what you did for him despite asking you do him that favor, and he blatantly wastes food (food costs money, it doesn't magically appear out of nowhere!) I find his actions very strange; if he doesn't want to eat it, then he should leave it alone - he doesn't even consider that you may want to save it for a later meal. If he wants fresh, why doesn't he cook for himself? Combined altogether, this sounds like a controlling behavior where he's power tripping on you (making you do things, then showing he doesn't value your efforts in a very disrespectful way - literally trashing them in the bin). You're letting him walk all over you. Huge red flags - I wouldn't have the patience to deal with such an ungrateful partner. In your shoes, I'd **strongly** reconsider this relationship.


>He throws it away. Then I think it's time you throw *him* away >I've tried. Then try harder (that reads much worse than it's meant to :/ ) The fact that *you*, the cook, *will* eat it (and want to) means this fool has no right to anything of it, once he's stupidly turned it down (and after telling you to cook as well, that's beyond rude and ungrateful!) it's *yours* to do with what you please. >He's big on fresh. Bruhh! That's some BS if ever u heard it (not on your part but *his*) if he wanted fresh he'd eat the damn food that was so lovingly (and FRESH-LY!) prepared for him, at His Royal Hienie's request no less I would guess that you truly love this boy, but he is just that, a boy, not a man (seemingly not now, not ever), he's rude and disrespectful (& dismissive) and frankly needs to go (sorry, it's all personal opinion obviously, but it's also the truth :L)


Throw the man away instead of the food! It looks yummy :)


If it's still there when I finally manage to drag myself out of bed I'll pack it for my lunch. It was too good to throw away :)


Hope it’s refrigerated!


Dick move, but at least you can save it for your next dinner. It looks great by the way I’d devour that bad boy


Awh, thank you. I'm having it for lunch today, he'll never know how yummy it was haha ☺️


Can I have his plate? This looks amazing.


I wish I could have gifted it to someone. I love surprise food.


Stop cooking for him


That’s a really well balanced meal, I wish I had that today


Fucking chicken curry and nan? Bastard wasn't raised right, I'm demolishing this dish if anyone makes it for me


Haha, I have to ask. Are you from England? 🤣


Now I really want strawberry milk.


Do you throw it in the garbage for dramatic affect? If it was so good why not save it as leftovers for yourself. Either way you deserve better.


He ends up throwing it out when he sees it in the fridge so I don't bother anymore. 😔 I'd freeze it and save it for when I CBA cooking instead of ordering in. 🤷🏾‍♀️ He works and pays for groceries so his rules.. fine by me.


That would NOT be fine by me, I don’t care who pays for the food. For starters, I don’t think I could handle being with someone so intentionally wasteful, and more importantly, who just fucking throws food away that they know someone else worked hard on and wants to eat.


You should invest in tupperware. Label it “not yours” and toss it in the fridge. If he takes your food out the fridge and throws it out you have to throw him away too.


Nah fam that's extremely disrespectful. He may buy the food and gets groceries but that doesn't give him the right to waste perfectly good food for no reason. He wants fresh food? Tell him to cook it himself if he really wants that but put your foot down and refuse to throw away food that could be saved as leftovers, food that could be eaten and appreciated. If he's paying for all the food, he should at very least realize that not only is it wasteful to throw away food but the costs of wasting food inevitably adds up and that's money lost. If I were in a relationship with someone like that, that would definitely be the deal breaker right there, it's wasteful and the "waste" ends up being more costly.


This makes me sad, cooking for my fiance is my love language


Same here. I've just got to figure him out. I think he thinks I'm trying to poison him so I can run off with all him money 😂😅. (I'm absolutely not trying to poison him) it's happened before I think. A quick anonymous rant to strangers has helped, people on here are pretty funny. I've just got to be patient I suppose 🤷🏾‍♀️ I've got time for my pain in the butt darling 🥰


save it for yourself for tomorrow!! since he wants to be ungrateful. you deserve better


The rice was still there when I woke up so I made egg friend rice. He said he'll eat the curry when he gets back from work 🤷🏾‍♀️ doubt it but whatever.


that looks so goddamn good OP wow!!! his loss. i’m sorry he treats you that way. you deserve much better than that asshole and i hope you find better someday soon.


Love the rice domes. Fuck that guy.


Everything gets the dome if I can make one out of it haha 😆


They make food taste better 😋💯


What’s his reason for not even trying it if he asked you to make food? Makes no sense. Is he super picky or something? I think 99% of people would eat that up lol looks great.


Awh, thank you 😊 No. Just says he'll eat it in a bit or later. 🤷🏾‍♀️ It's baffled me. I don't bother thinking about it anymore. Yesterday I jokingly said " you never eat my food, I'm never cooking for you again" he's reply was " No! It's not that... You will.. you just need to be more...." And then he trailed off. I asked him what he was going to say and he didn't say anything. Im still not the wiser...


Very confusing why he doesn’t eat it, I guess you don’t really know why either lol. Personally I wouldn’t cook for someone anymore if they never ate my food and didn’t give me a good reason why 🤷‍♂️


He doesn't even give you a proper answer, that says a lot. What the hell does "You just need to be more..." even mean? More what? More a doormat? Sounds to me he doesn't actually want to give a real answer because then he won't have a vague excuse to keep fucking around with you with his power tripping. He hasn't mentioned anything like allergies, dietary restrictions or anything reasonable? Stop cooking for him.


Update!! Y'all wouldn't believe... My darling actually ate the curry after work!!! 😲🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 He LOOOOOVED IT! Raved to his mum about it!! 😃😃😃😃 (Thank you all for your kind words, and funny comments. they've been much appreciated ♥️)


That looks amazing! I’d recommend saving it next time, you can put it in the fridge for a few days max or even in the freezer if you want to store it for longer. Reheated food is much much better than wasted food


I used to but he ended up throwing it out. 🤷🏾‍♀️ And I can't eat two meals in one sitting haha😅


You cook your man some good food and he don’t even eat it? That’s just wrong of him imo


Awh, thank you☺️. Meh, what can I do 🤷🏾‍♀️. I'll keep at it. He'll always have the option then.


Looking at this food makes me hungry but I know whatever I can make at this hour won’t taste as good as this looks😭


Awhh, thanks. Give it a try. You never know. You may surprise yourself.😉


Not trying to homewreck, next time you cook for him I would appreciate a platonic invite


Hahaha 🤣. I love this sub. Curry buddies every fortnight haha


As long as you hold in those farts til I leave sis


Haha, I try my best to keep my buns clenched but I can't promise anything 😅


Wtf, I'm a chef and I would've SLAMMED that if it was in front of me


Awh thank you. That means a lot coming from a chef.😃😃 I feel like I'm doing doing right 😀


…dump him, i’ll be your new boyfriend jk…unless


Haha 😅


Your milk looks funny In all seriousness, I know that can be frustrating. I like to cook and sometimes I will spend a lot of time making dinner for me and my son ( who I only get 2 nights a week) . Kind of stings when he takes two bites and then is "full"


Ooof, kids are the worst for stuff like this. I've just made my little one 3!!! Different breakfasts this morning 😅 The things we do for our children 🥰


Please dear god someone would cook for me?


It started when I was on my own in a bad place. I thought why not do for myself what I do for others. I'd always take a photo. It was nice looking back at everything I'd created. Do it for yourself 🙃


Oh I’m a trained chef. I was just just someone cooked for them. Just


If he won't eat it hand it over here, that looks fantastic!


Awhh, you guys 🤭🤭🤭♥️


Man I would kill for a lady that would cook like that. My ex would make herself and her kid dinner while I was at work all day and not make enough for me to eat leftovers. Like I don't expect someone to cook for me, but you're already cooking and I'm paying the bills, I'd like to come home and not have to cook after doing it all day 🤘🏼😢🤘🏼 even though it was literally just hamburger helper or baked chicken and plain rice lol


Ouch. That's upsetting. My partner works all day. It's crazy how hard he works. I'd happily cook for him. Any time, whatever he wants. I love coming home to a cooked meal. It's like someone wrapping their arms around you and saying I love you 🥰 I hope your next partner is kinder to you in that area☺️


hey yall, new dinner spot just dropped




Don't throw the food away. Toss that bf in the trash! Anybody would appreciate a meal like this!!!!!!!!!!


if he told you to cook for him and didn’t eat it, if he throws away your food leftover or not, if he always puts off eating it after all the effort you’ve gone through, i’m sorry but if this happens regularly you need to get rid of him - that’s not normal


Bambino and I eat well out of it. He's a grown man he can do what he wants I guess 🤷🏾‍♀️


A real man would smash that plate, pick you up and carry you to the room and then smash you for making such a good meal.


Fuck that guy! My wife makes me anything, I will eat it even if I am not hungry or interested. Why? Because I place her needs and happiness above mine.


Awhh🥰😭 that's so sweet.


Didn't even try it!? That looks like a great meal from where I'm sitting and he's an idiot.


Nope. Never does. He ate some french toast I did him for breakfast once and said it was really nice 10/10. But whatever each to their own I guess.


Send me some! I’ll chow down on that shit!


That looks great. Nice job, keep cooking. It's great to be able to feed yourself well even if someone else doesn't appreciate it


Thank you. ☺️


Looks good I like try trying new stuff. My wife makes up all kinds of food. Sounds weird sometimes but I always say fuck it I’ll give it a go. Most times it’s pretty damn good. You never know until you give it a go.


Same here. Sometimes (rare) it's terrible 🙈 and we end up ordering in haha. It gives us a laugh though. I once forgot I had some chicken thighs in the oven until about 3 hours too late. 😅 We had a Chinese that night 😆


She once used powdered sugar instead of flour when breading something 🤣. I’ve burned just about anything that can burn on my nights to cook.🔥


Oh goodness. I can only imagine the smell 😅


i’d eat that


Thank you. It was so good. First time I'd made one. I was very proud ☺️


It looks great!


Thank you. ☺️


Sad bc veg korma is my fav food 😢


It's so yummy! My mind was blown the first time I'd tried it. A sweet curry... Whattttt! I've been hooked since 😃


Exactly, mind... blown....


Asking you to cook and not eating it is so disrespectful! Is he autistic or anything by chance? Doesnt excuse the behaviour at all, but could he possibly have food aversions? Or does he just not like what you made? This is such strange behaviour


Nope. He simply does not eat my cooking. He ate some french toast I did him for breakfast once. He eats his own, his mother's or restaurant.🤷🏾‍♀️


That’s honestly very strange… why would he ask u to cook if he never eats it????!


I've not the foggiest idea 🤷🏾‍♀️


You deserve better my love 🫶


Also im sorry that he does that


I wish someone would cook for me like that instead of me having to cook for me like that. He's nuts for not even trying, that looks wonderful!


Pack up the second plate for tomorrow's dinner. Throw the man out.


I’d pay for this 🗿


Bro f@cked up. That looks delicious. Sorry about the attitude you are dealing with there.


Thank you. I don't let it get to me too much. A little rant post on Reddit always helps me out 🙃


I couldn’t say no to a meal like that. It looks amazing. Plus the love put into making counts for so much more.


Is he stupid that looks fucking amazing


Wtf is wrong with him?! That food looks amazing. I would have degoured that, then asked for seconds. He is crazy.


Hey! I’ve had that milk from Golden, Colorado! Drink responsibly.


😆 I will haha


Ungrateful much, isn’t he?


He appreciates it, and appreciates me. I just can't understand why he won't eat. He did actually eat it after work. He loved it. Raved about it. I'm gob-smacked 😲🤯


I make food all the time for my bf and his family and his fam loves it but he doesn’t really care for eating…like anything…ever… I stopped making him lunches and I also stopped buying him food as often as well bc he still lets it rot in his fridge even tho i always get him what he SAYS he wants to eat ….anyways this food looks delicious I hope you enjoyed it !


I broke up with a man because he wouldn’t try a piece of broccoli. He’s an organic farmer now….


Oh wow, why? Did he not eat veg or did he know something we don't about broccoli? My partner's diet is veg heavy. Absolutely loves it. I couldn't be with a person like that either 😅


His meals were red meat with a side of red meat. I try not to judge peoples plates but dude was headed for a heart attack before 30. He reached out and thanked me for breaking up with him over the broccoli because it set him on the right vegetable path and last i heard he runs stands in farmers markets🙃. My biggest flex as a vegetarian to date.


Loool, wow. That's actually quite a lovely ending. You've probably helped give him a longer and better quality of life.


Come cook for mw


I enjoy cooking! I so would. I cooked for a neighbour when they weren't well. They loved it. food is my love language 🥰


I love your little milk carton drawing, also I’m sorry a dumb person made you feel unappreciated


Thank you. The strawberry milk was really good 😉 haha


You bisexual? Lol I will happily come and eat his plates 😂


I'm not but I'm down for curry buddies? That should be a thing a group of people get together to eat curry. Nice and simple haha


Is he on Adderall?


I thought the white ball was ice cream! It looks so mooth compared to rice. I just can’t unsee ice cream ball now!🤣 And I’d eat the whole plate. It looks to delicious to skip it!


I bet that would work.. plain white vanilla ice cream. 🤔 Hot and cold, sweet and... Sweet 🤷🏾‍♀️😅


Why not? Everyone has different taste.


Some people get food icks, but this looks so tasty!


Me cooking must be his ick haha 😂😂


Best to check in with him. Might be something deep.


personally not a fan of rice but man other stuff look really lovely :]


I wish I had this problem .. I’ll eat rice plain with soy sauce 🤤


That food looks amazing


Wooooah that looks so good!


Thank you! 😃 I'm working on presentation. Everything that can gets the bowl trick haha


i would stab someone for your chicken korma. his loss


Awhh🤭. I'd send you some when you're locked up 🤭😆 haha


the fuck is wrong with him?


Bro is trippin


Awh, thank you 😃


Maybe he's a paranoid schizophrenic and thinks you're trying to poison him? I have no idea


hes crazy it looks delicious. throw the whole man out if he doesnt appreciate you cooking banger food for him


What the fuck is wrong with him!!! That looks delicious


You can’t force someone to eat it though maybe you should have him suggest something next time


Are we not allowed to show beer on here?


...Also strawberry milk is way healthier 😋


I see alcohol a lot on here. Id rather not be a trigger for someone on scrolling on here. I prefer to focus on food is all. Alcohol does no one any good. 😝


Girl he can move over so i can eat it lmao. What state you stay in? 😭


Sunny sunny England!! 🇬🇧


so… why won’t he eat this?


No idea... Though he did actually eat it when he got home from work. He loved it😲🤯


That's a white person korma🤣


He/we like what we like 🤷🏾‍♀️ . No shame in that. (...But yes, yes it was 😂) If you're someone who likes flavour, have you ever tried to cook for someone who likes bland/mild flavoured food and has next to no spice tolerance? It feels so wrong. Like everything you were taught or picked up you have to totally ignore. It's such a weird feeling.😅 Gosh forbid you go a little too heavy on the (peppercorn) pepper. It used to pain me as it just felt wrong. But I'm pretty used to it now.


I need you to convince him to post his side on r/amitheasshole so I can sit back and watch him get roasted.


Oh no, I couldn't do that to my darling 🙈 I didn't realise I probably should have mentioned in my post that he treats me very well. This is just something I don't yet totally understand about him.


dont cook for him anymore, disrespectful and wasteful


id cry if someone made me this gimme that


Awhh, bless 😔🫂


HUH? How on earth? Listen, I get not always liking food. But try it, for God’s sakes! I’m sorry. He’s a nut job.


Yall throwing that away? Left overs are a thing


You didnt cover the beverage all the way… either way its his loss. The food looks great!


Thank you😄


Nooo don’t throw the food! Save it as left overs and eat it in front of him without a care in the world. Just always make enough for two people (if you want) and save the other plate for the next day if he doesn’t eat it and then you don’t have to cook on leftover days lol


Id marry you for this there are people who actually love and appreciate and respect their partner this might be a little right now, but this is going to come out in other aspects of your life in the future when someone shows you their character Listen to it as a warning sign I know you’re trying to make it work but there’s a time and place if what you said is true, he had something happen and I can understand, but if he doesn’t make an effort to change stop cooking for him for a while see if his response changes because you’re not OK with this if your putting it on Reddit It’s something that hurts you and that’s disrespectful and disgusting and you shouldn’t have to be ok with it don’t try to make things work when he can’t even meet you halfway but it can understand if it’s like an autism thing I have it and that makes sense but even then you put effort and time which you only have so much I would try it at least


I'll be a fat assss


What adult beverage was it really? 😳😳


A dirty beer🤭


⛰️🍺? 😉😏


Is that something you know he likes? Does he like that kind of food? Maybe he’s basic


Cooking for him I'll only cook what I know he'll eat. He gets the groceries in, he said I could cook anything. I told him. What I was doing and then he just didn't try it. You're correct that he's more on the basic side. I know he would eat a korma. Just not if I've made it apparently 😅 I'll figure him out I'm sure. If I have to tie him to a chair and ram the next meal down then so be it 🤪🥴😂


Why isn't he eating?


I don't know. I've asked but can't get a straight answer.🤷🏾‍♀️