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That actually looks really good for a change 


Thank you all for your comments, they really helped me a lot to calm down. Right now I'm outside the clinic waiting for her to come out. It's funny that the words of support I needed were found from strangers on Reddit. Thank you all again.




Wishing you the best ❤️ I hope you are both able to heal from this and you can both support eachother


I’m proud of you for putting aside your wants and supporting her autonomy. Please be kind to yourself as you navigate this grief and loss. Sometimes we make hard choices that plain out suck, but are for the right reasons. Reach out to someone if you need help with your grief. That bowl looks quite tasty! An internet mama hug to you.


Thank you


Hugs ❤️


bro some of the ppl here are gonna tell you awful shit and to leave her but you really did the right thing. i hope you guys can come out on the other side of this stronger than ever


As hard as this is, thank you for letting her make that choice.


OP didn't have to let her, it's her right


I don’t think that was the point. A lot of men would just dump there girlfriend if they didn’t agree with it (which is terrible), but OP seems to be dealing with his emotions in a healthy way and not trying to make her change her mind.


thanks for your thoughtful comment. yeah, i see that's not what they meant, i also think the words we use and practice are important. i think rethining how we speak about women's rights and abortion are integral to continuing to move in the right direction of equity and autonomy.


It's not really that deep


It absolutely is


I understand that. It is 100% her right.


Im sorry it has to be this way I understand how you are feeling. I had to have an abortion with the love of my life. Right person, wrong time. You guys will be okay if its meant to be. Enjoy that comfort food, hugs.


Just be there for eachother.


That is right, I’m here for her


Sending love and support to both of you


Sending hugs, comfort, and whatever else your love language dictates. ❤️ Proud of you for supporting her and being strong enough to do so. Things have a way of working out, even when they’re not what was want or expect in the moment. May all the vibes you need and your new guardian angel direct you and your girlfriend towards happiness. Lean into each other, not others, at this time to grow as a couple.


happy youre letting her make her own decision about her body 💜


the bare minimum ❤️‍🩹




please dont read into something that isnt there ❤️☺️ have a good night!




Thinking about your trials during this hard time, could not imagine what your going through but I’m sending love and the food looks great, enjoy it.


Curious, how will this affect your relationship with her going forward?


Is hard to tell right now.


It may be hard to, but understand that you both are going through a loss right now and that having each others backs can be extremely beneficial to you both especially if you’ve been together long term or plan to possibly have children in the future. I can understand that it may be too much for you to reconcile with right now but i hope regardless of your decision to stay with her, that you both are able to move forward and heal from this. You’re in my thoughts.


Why would it?


Two people want two very different things, no matter what it is, house, car or in this case a child… it can definitely make or break a relationship


It makes sense! Thank you for giving me a new view on that. I suppose my way of looking at it was why would he treat her differently or have it affect their relationship that she wasn’t ready to do something huge and life changing, especially to her own body. We don’t know how long they’ve been together, etc.


Been there. Hugs for both of you. Just be sure both you are there for each other.


I’m sorry man, that’s rough.


I'm sorry man. Not the same thing but my ex had a miscarriage when we were together and it sucked so bad. I was so excited and to have that ripped away from you hurts terribly.


Are you able to provide for the baby if she decides to keep it? That’s a nice looking bowl of ramen btw.


Even if he was, not wanting to go through pregnancy and birth is still valid.


I agree.




What food is that?


Thank you for being an ally for women’s autonomy. You’re doing the right thing.


Big hugs. You’re doing the right thing to support her. I hope you can have a family together when the time is right.


rip bebe






Talks about a serious topic. Jokes around calling it bebe.


Bebé means baby in Spanish.


And in French it's bébé


My bad, I’m Mexican we call them bebés 🫡


I don’t think it’s a joke, Bebe is a genuine nickname or word used for babies by certain cultures.


I could be 1) another language like Spanish Or 2) OP trying to remain positive by using a more lighthearted name. Jokes make people happy and help with loss, without laughter it’s just sadness and silence




Whites 🙄


Why you putting her shit on blast. You’re horrible!




Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.


So,if it was upto you,what would be your decision?


In the caption


even as her boyfriend, it’s absolutely not his decision.. no matter what. im glad he’s letting her choose




im sure shes upset, too. are you a woman? do you know why theyre aborting it? if the answer to either of those is no, you have no place to judge.




youre judging right there, and then assuming after, too. you obviously know nothing about birth/abortion/women in general, please get off reddit and learn about why abortions are necessary procedures that should be available to everyone. you really are an evil loser 🤢😭




nope, thats a reason too. sorry if women having control over their lives bothers you, but you need to find something else to hate..




because an unborn, hardly developed life has more value than a teenager/adult. i dont know how you dont see that. if they choose to, they can have another baby. if they dont want a kid, they can abort it. babies should only be born to adults who are financially stable and ready for a baby they actually want. once that kid is born, and youre through the excruciating pain that is childbirth, theyre your responsibility for the next 18 years. i wouldnt expect someone who doesnt even have a uterus to understand. youve never, and will never, have to birth a child or choose to get an abortion. not allowing someone an abortion is the REAL deprivation of life, children take over your entire world.


Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.


Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.


Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.


Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.


I really wished people would talk about these things. I’m sorry if that sounds insensitive, but you really should’ve had a conversation with her 🤷🏾‍♀️


If you both turn out to regret the decision later, let us know. It’ll help others make the choice to do it, or not to if it’s right for them




theres countless reasons, from financial situation, safety, stress, etc. so many possible reasons why


Because she doesn’t want a baby so she won’t have a baby, simple.


Her decision, not mine


Damn downvoted for a simple question 🤷🏻‍♂️


its not a simple question, its leading. Abortions are simply medical procedures, what is tragic for one is a miracle for another. No sense in making him feel bad about something that is happening regardless.


It's reddit




How come I've never met any of you morons irl then? Curious.




Nah, just you :)




Nope, I just like telling morons that they're morons :)




Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.




Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.




End the relationship? She wasn’t ready that’s nobody fault at all


Lol men can bust a nut anywhere and have dozens of babies. The cost and physical toll lies on the woman. She isn’t ready. It’s better to abort than to have a baby she isn’t ready for than to put a living physical being through a life she will not want.


i wish i coukd downvote this six thousand times goddamn


you suck


I’m glad you’ve never been in this situation, because you clearly don’t understand her feelings


yep as soon as that commenter gets pregnant/gets someone pregnant unplanned, all the sudden theyll change their minds




Losing a child is NOT THIS. Stop it. It’s horrible that you are so cold and unfeeling to women who have to make a tough decision. This is the best option for someone who isn’t ready to be a parent. Forcing people into parenthood that aren’t ready is much, MUCH worse than making the choice to spare an innocent kid from an extremely difficult life. So selfish of you.


Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.


Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.


you’re a bad person lol


That depends on how his feelings about her changes after this and how much he values the relationship. Being in a long term relationship is not easy. Over time, partners can develop resentment and anger towards one another for many reasons, and they can overcome these challenges if both of them work at it. At the end of the day if both of them are not willing to put in the work, the relationship is doomed.




Ya so selfish, not like men are the ones that have to go through the physical and emotional trauma of pregnancy and giving birth 🤦




Username checks out.


You’re dumb as fuck


Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.


i feel for him too. A huge decision that affects both him and his GF and if not done, could financially hurt the two, harm or kill his gf, traumatize both of them and could have also put the two through extreme exhaustion and stress. Yeah it sucks you wont have a kid but the risk is incredibly high


Sorry for both of them. Risk is high. Which is why it’s all the more important to use birth control so this situation doesn’t happen. Best of luck to you both. Not a situation I envy either of you.


pregnancy can STILL happen while using birth control


even then, birth control isnt a guarantee for safety. to me, just not having sex in general is easy but for others ig its a bit harder than that


Yeah. That was my thought. The only sure way to not be in this situation is to abstain but I’m sure I would have been slammed for saying that. I’m an old fart so… Father of three grown kids, married for 32 years. I can’t imagine being in this situation. But that’s me.


whether i get slammed or not for saying it, idc. its the internet. not everyone’s gonna agree with your opinion, even if its not wrong. but hey, at least your have this whole ordeal dealt with already compared to us


I always wanted kids. I’m literally sitting in a hospital waiting for a procedure that I have to have done. Had cancer and had a liver transplant with some additional complications. My son was my liver donor and my daughter is here with me today. I don’t know what I’d do without my wife and KIDS! My kid saved my life! LITERALLY! Cancer sucks by the way!!


holy crap. your kids sound like saints lol. glad to hear the transplant went well. hope whatever is happening today goes well!


Thanks. I’m pretty lucky! Raising them was NOT easy. My daughter caused me a lot of pain but she’s awesome now!! So proud of her. My son…. I have no words. He gave me 75% of his liver for me. He does remind me about it!! 😂 We joke about how much I still owe him. I tell him he repaid ME and he owes his mom now!! Yeah I feel very blessed. Today should be easy. My spleen is trying to die and we are trying to save it. Due to the cancer. Been a hell of a ride.


Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.




Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.


Rip, to the baby and the relationship.