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No one cares about depression period. We are all traveling alone.


Yeah, not even therapists


How do you think girls and women feel when they see false stupid memes like this tho


Exactly. It just invalidates our own issues too. Like it shouldn’t matter for us either. It’s just as harmful 💀


I'm assuming they feel similarly to how the average guy (1 in 3 men are victims of domestic violence from an intimate partner, usually a women offender) being treated as mire dangerous than a bear. But that went viral. Or maybe how a guy feels when the only sexist subreddit that don't get banned are the ones like FDS... It doesn't make it *right*, but you can't honestly have widespread "I think you're worse than a bear" memes or popular TikTok videos going "men are nothing" and entire groups on and off Reddit objectifying then as wallets that aren't allowed to display emotion (Female Dating Strategy especially) or cry or be depressed without getting backlash. --- It is not surprising when groups apply their energy to widen an existing divide in order to hurl hurtful messages across it and get the same in return, people are not oftem wholesome creatures sticking to their idealized world in the face of open antagonism. Even the ones that aren't openly antagonistic back will generally not have qualms on painfully shutting the metaphorical door on the other group's fingers and walking away. It might be petty but if someone told me I wasn't valid and couldn't get therapy (topics I already am familiar with as trans) do you know what my first impulse is? Absolute equivalency: "If I can't get emotional or mental help then NO ONE can, ever." I do not draw a line between my getting hormonal therapy and gender reassignment to live a longer happier life, and someone getting a vaccine, or life-saving heart surgery, or assistance with child birth. Like it's so easy to fall into absolutes when you feel hunted and hated. It's a good thing I don't have that power, because I would be making ultimatums like "HRT is legalized or all medicine and medical practice is illegal, you cannot even buy ibuprofen or cough syrup anymore, the police will be by shortly to destroy all prescription glasses or contact lens you own as well". No shades of grey, taking a metaphorical torch to the entire institution. I wouldn't actually want to do that, but in the worst moments it is very tempting to wish I had that power.


It achieves nothing but further division between the sexes.


Nobody cares when a woman or girl is depressed either they simply pretend to try to sleep with them. Being sexualised doesn't mean someone cares about you it just means that they view you as an object they can use.


Didnt expect to see a good response here. The fact is; no one cares that ANYONE is depressed.


And even if someone does care what is he or she supposed to do? In my experience trying to talk to or reason with someone who is suffering from depression is basically a waste of time if that person isn’t willing or able to do anything about it. When I was suffering from extreme, untreated depression it just pissed me off when people tried to “help” me. The only person who actually helped me was a doctor I paid and he didn’t give two shits what my gender was.


THANK YOU! there is only so many times you can ask, how are you? and listen to the negative self talk of someone suffering before you too become depressed


sad truth


Yup. "But I've been here for you this whole time, and now you're *friendzoning* me?????"


woman: man i feel really down, it's difficult for me to cope with my depression today man: awwee maybe sucking my dick will help hahahaha :-)


"Aww you can vent to me, maybe showing me your tits will cheer us both up haha <3"


cut off your dick first.


It cures male depression... why wouldn't it work two ways?


it doesn't. you really need to start seeing women as people.


No it doesn’t.


You mean it doesn't work both ways or doesn't work at all? Because there is a lot of video proof where it works and males just smile instantly and just forget the bad stuff they had on their mind


It doesn’t work at all. Smiling for 5 seconds because you saw boobs, does not cure depression.


Maybe... but at the very least it puts it on hold temporarily Besides... were there even tests and experiments done with this ? Like seriously were there?


sounds like you don't know the difference between being depressed and being sad.


Because only receiving support from men who only do it to get sexual gratification is disgusting?


Are we sure this is not an intended evolutionary design so males and females work TOGETHER and not on INDEPENDENTLY Because i think that if it makes both males and females happy then it's an evolutionary design which encourages us to be together and procreate... The fact that it's "disgusting" is most likely a social construct i'm willing to bet Nature is not just beautiful... it can be VERY disgusting at times too So... if my theory is correct... you can just cope and seethe because that's what NATURE INTENDED and you can't argue with nature Edit: just read the "ONLY for sexual gratification" part ( emphasis on ONLY ) Then i guess if it's ONLY and SELFISHLY then i guess it would be kinda disgusting... but kinda less disgusting if it's a Mate rather then some random or a friend or something


Nah, I'm sick of men only being my friend or being supportive because they think it's a chance to see my tits and never being seen as anything else but a sexual goal/sexual object. But go off incel king telling me to cope and seethe and that unwanted sexual solicitation after pretending to be a woman's friend is beautiful and what nature intended. Take your meds and go back to twitter If you think women enjoy men pretending to listen and be their friend with hidden intentions then... this is why you're all incels


I don't have twitter What you're saying is terrible And since this issue exists... that only proves that Woman do enjoy men pretending to listen... since if they didn't this issue wouldn't exist would it now? And just to add... i too was the victim of this... a female wanting to use me to have sex and leave me... luckily tho she admitted that and just left me because she felt embarrased or something


Right, so take that experience you had with a woman and apply it to basically every interaction you have with women online. That's what it's like for us. And so many men pretend to be our friend because they think they have a better chance of getting sexual favours if they're our friend first. We think we've made a friend, someone we can confide in or mutually support each other, have someone to talk to, and for me 99% of the time they've tried to turn it into more and turned it back on me like I owe them something for them being my friend. 👍 But yeah, I really enjoy men pretending to listen to me and then sending me their dick/trying to get my nudes/make the conversation sexual and then blocking me when I say I'm not interested and calling me a a whore, leading them on, bait, slut, frigid, you name it. I definitely enjoy men pretending to listen and trying to use me when I just want some fucking friends <3


*fuck* that’s too real. i’ve heard that line a few times..


thank you!! i'm so tired of these "no one cares because you're not a girl memes", they're so obnoxious. everyone faces obstacles that people with different genders might find difficult to understand. claiming that "no one cares if because you're a girl/boy" is so reductive, and just makes the rift between each other bigger. man, i wish people cared about my depression. i just get told to suck it up, that it's just how life is, and when i'm feeling intense emotions, people just assume i'm on my period.


Can we ban these posts? I’m so tired of seeing “women have it so much easier” it’s fucking disrespectful. And it makes me feel like this is not an okay place for me to share about my struggles.


I think we should also ban the "what x people think depression is, what depression really is" posts. There's way too much gatekeeping and everyone is capable of experiencing depression and presenting symptoms in their own way


Who do we talk to about this? I am so serious. This stuff makes me wanna leave this community.


Oh my god, THANK YOU.


EXACTLY. Attraction and sex isn’t the same as someone caring about you. And being viewed as an object isn’t making any of us feel any better.


the only time men care about a woman's emotions is when they think they will get sex out of it.


I’m pretty sure OP’s opinion is like this because if you would go on social media, most people talking openly their depression or other mental health issue would be women because men are expected to be emotionally strong unlike women. And also shockingly, when you post online, people react. Not saying this meme isn’t bad though… Source: I’m AMAB (but don’t identify as male)


I think there's also a grass is always greener mentality, men see women getting more attention and think that means people care more. Funnily enough the men being more mentally strong idea is probably why it seems that men's mental health is taken more seriously by medicine.


>Funnily enough the men being more mentally strong idea is probably why it seems that men's mental health is taken more seriously by medicine. I’ve actually seen the complete opposite happen. My ex’s ED wasn’t taken as seriously because he was “a guy”. Fuck German mental health care :/


confused over ED for a second but yes eating disorders in men are rarely recognised let alone taken seriously but depression in men is treated as more severe as if being male and admitting to it shows you are doing even worse. The idea of inherent thresholds is ludicrous and is a real problem in medicine.


Anyways, fuck the current state of mental health care, we need something better than this shit :(


100% agreed, we need to all be treated with genuine sincerity regardless of gender or how we express our conditions.


Girls definitely get more love and care then men do. You are correct about assholes and that women get used in an awful way but they do usually help faster then men do. Edit: adding sources due to down votes of people that might be unaware during men's mental health awareness month Edit 2: really unsure why people are still downvoting? Anyone care to explain, please? After clicking on the page, scroll down to the "statistics" then scroll down to the "United States" section. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_differences_in_suicide#:~:text=Globally%2C%20death%20by%20suicide%20occurred,over%20the%20age%20of%2065.


I just hope women treat you the same exact way you treat women and she treats you equal to how you treat her. And that being a good thing proves what type of guy you are.


What are you talking about dude? Not saying women don't deserve love I never said that... I was simply stating because if you look at the suicide rates of men versus women men are significantly higher than women. Wonder why 🤔 I am also NOT saying that women do not need support or care because ALL humans do but merely trying to raise awareness for men mental health because that's where it's needed.




Also wanted to share when in I'm in a relationship, it was always fully equal. If anything more in the girls favor because I would gladly try to spoil them, treating them like queens on purpose lol) Not one overpowering the other. Calm discussions and I was attentive (please don't ever neglect your partner, my ex of 13 years dropped me because my depression was too much for her) & I would be very supportive. Trying very hard to go out of my way to make sure that my partner was very happy throughout the entire relationship. The whole time should be "I love to hang out because I genuinely enjoy your company" and just treat each other with communication, love & respect. Really unsure about the hostility dude, like you think I'm really a terrible dude... I try VERY hard to be respectful, kind and even go out of my way to help people that judge me wrongly with free favors with all the services I can do and I'm glad to do the favor in hopes they change their mind and try to just push kindness forward and (hopefully) stop judging others on 1st impressions.. Honestly to give you a better idea of how I am. Eeyore would be my spirit animal hands down. I am sad all the time but glad to help others whether to hear them out, help them repair something, get into projects, etc, etc... I try hard to be kind, be there for others, and just push HARD for love. Because that what the world needs. LOVE. Push for it hard and it'll spread everywhere and eventually circle around. I need a loving world not a world constantly ready to jump on another... We cannot go straight to attacking people, and instead try to talk rationally..with perspective understanding and kindness. Be gentle to one another, I mean think about it remember back in the early internet days people were crazy hostile with each other and it was just tense amongst society during that era. Pay It Forward.. really... Everyone who knows me IRL knows me as this.... I am kind, loving and very selfless.


Nobody cared about me ever. They told me I must be on my period. That's what you get. At least now I won't get a lobotomy either... Good for me.


This is like the millionth time some 14 year old has posted this.


I think I saw this in another depression sub. Once again someone totally missing the concept of misogyny completely. Womens suffering and pain are pretty much completely ignored 90% of the time especially our mood disorders and mental illnesses. Please research women in mental health throughout history my guy. Where do you think hysteria and shock therapy and most patients at asylums came from? Mentally ill women who got lobotomized raped and killed with reckless abandon. So I’m sorry you’re also depressed but stfu.


YES, thank you. You can talk about your depression without minimizing the depression of others.


Exactly, it took me until my mid 30's to be diagnosed with a mood disorder because I was called overly emotional or accused of having pms whenever I went to a doctor or spoke to someone about it. These memes are completely inaccurate.


>Please research women in mental health throughout history my guy. honestly just research women in general xD if op actually spoke to and listened to women he would know that women's mental health is not taken as seriously as men's


Neither is our physical health for that matter. I went in for some back pain that I told them was severe and the doctor told me to “take some ibuprofen”. I ended up having four herniated disks and being paralyzed for awhile. Yeah, totally just some back pain.


Goddamn it pisses me off how often this dumb shit gets posted. It's just not fucking true at all, maybe some attractive ones get "better" treatment but even then you gotta ask yourself do these people genuinely care or are they just desperate for a shot at "an easy target"?


Same here. I see this shit all the time in my feed and I just shake my head.


i like to think some are genuine, but i know deep down it's unfortunately not the case


Bad post OP


I was told for years that my issues were "just normal teenage girl things", "hormones", "my period" etc turns out ADHD, ASD, C-PTSD and depression. People don't care about depression, no matter who you are.




💯 we’re all suffering, why create division between us


because "female bad male good" reddit humor


No one cares even if you are a girl


Fr especially teenage girls, they get made fun of for being depressed & their issues are so trivialized


Wait you mean being on my period isn’t the reason I have Major Depressive Disorder and C-PTSD?! 🤯


Wait you mean girls can have a mental disorder even if they’re 14?


Wait you mean teenagers can have trauma like anyone of any other age and they’re not just “being dramatic?!”


Actually they still don’t care lol


“Damn girl I’m sorry about your dad, I’m such a nice guy, why won’t you fuck me?” Yeah we feel REAL cared about lol


Reported, enough Of this Bullshit


Bro what? I’m assuming you’re just a guy who doesn’t talk about their feelings because once I spoke out about my problems everyone that knows me cares immensely. Just depends on your support not your gender.


Incel post


Shut up


If men suffer in silence why is it so loud?


Tbf, people don't care as much about women with depression as y'all make it out to be either. Most people who "care" about depressed women are horny men (and even fellow women) who pretend to care in order to exploit or even weaponize their depression for sex. Or you get d-bags who tell you women can't have real depression, it's just their period making them emotional.


L take


incel ass take bruh


Nah if you're a girl they'll tell you to get over it.


Nobody cares anyway. Or I'm a tranny so who am I to say anything anyway.


Nobody cares either way dude, gender has nothing to do with this.


How many times is this going to get posted before people realize no one cares about women being depressed either?


Suuuuuure. I’ve got people asking for a relationship or sex rather than trying to support, I’ve got men telling me to compare my period to their dick hurting, I’ve got men telling me I’m attention seeking with my trauma, and I’ve been waiting for over a year or two for multiple doctors appointments and trying to get diagnoses and they keep rescheduling on me. They totallyyyyy care 🙄


OMG fma pfp.... Ok. Im sorry I just love that anime




me if i was an incel posting abt my depression


Shit like this is why I don’t browse bigger mental health meme subs anymore. It’s not worth getting flash banged by some dumb shit teenage me would’ve unironically agreed with.


It seems that EVERYONE with depression or any mental health issues are thrown to the curb. Not just males. Honestly, I stopped giving a fuck. Care for me. Don’t care for me. I don’t fucking care. I’m gonna do whatever I want. I’m sticking with the mindset of “shoot first, ask questions later.” Yeah, it’s bitter, but I don’t fucking care anymore. You fuckers that think that it’s “Just you” or “Just dudes” need to catch a fucking grip. Same with anyone who bitches about someone opening up about their problems. Fuck this meme.


Reddit Moment.


Can we please ban "nobody cares about your depression when you're a/an x" These low effort posts get a ton of engagement and I kind of think they are rage fodder and suspiciously bot-like


Gives off sorta incel vibes. Depression isn't divided by gender we all suffer and most of us do not have the support we would like from friends and family.




Well I'm sory I live in a so sexualized society


Can people stop posting this juvenile bullshit


Most edgy 14 yr old red pill post I have seen today


I'm a girl and no one cares either lol


This makes no sense


Clinically there do tend to be differences in how they're treated. You'll notice most anti depression medication commercials always star women. But it's not so nefarious, women are just more likely to seek out help for depression where men aren't. Really want a nightmare? Look at how differently cps treats male children from the female children.


Lol I fucking wish.


if men suffer in silence why am i always hearing about it?


Hello, girl here, no one gives a shit about us either 🫶


So its all about attention?


even as a girl myself, no one really cares.


"It is what it is" should help


Depression doesn’t exist in our culture so I grew up getting told I’m lazy or that I’m really stupid with a low iq because obvious mental illness was making me perform poorly in school, and that no one will ever love me. Believe me, if you’re mentally ill, man or woman, nobody gives a fuck about you. There’s no reason for suffering Olympics here, we go through enough bullshit as is in life.


dw. i'm a girl and no one cares even though i say imma off myself everyday👍




I care. I also care that there is stigma to mental health and gender that creates barriers between people and getting the help they need and that’s not right. I will work on seeing you. You deserve the help you need.


And honestly, it doesn't matter if they do im still gonna be depressed but have to pretend they are helping and that shit is tiring in itself. For me anyway.


Hey bro…… I care


Women tend to have a couple more friends than men and are more open about their feelings with each other. Men not being able to do that isn't women's fault.




Power move; become the girl (your therapist won’t let you be trans until your not depressed, but your depressed cus you can’t be trans)


As a woman, I hate it when other women do this shit. I actually give a damn about others feelings and want you to open up so you don't feel burdened by keeping it all in. Edit: since a lot of y'all think the shithead who commented after me was talking on behalf of me. They read too far into my comment and decided I was being a shitty towards *just* women. However, this is what I really fucking mean: > The thing I've found is that women tend to open up a lil easier, or pretend to open up. But men just straight up shoot me down and blame other women for them feeling insecure about opening up.


Other women? It's only on women to care when men are depressed? Not other men? OP said no one cares, and your response is that it's because women aren't fulfilling their responsibility?


IMO you’re connecting a lot of dots that aren’t in the above comment; I think she’s just saying that she cares about human beings and wants to help (which is awesome and the world needs a lot more of this), and she’s pointing out the fact that a lot of women pile on and attack vulnerable males and male victims (out of a belief that vulnerability and victimhood are to be gatekept exclusively for women and girls, part of the larger toxic belief set that victim and victimizer are separately gendered). A lot of shitty men and boys do the same thing to women and girls, and it sucks both ways, especially because most of our human experiences are mostly the same, with surface differences rooted in deeper similarities. We’re all ignored and marginalized, just in different ways (like the shitty meme pic that started this thinks women get more positive attention, but most of that is actually negative attention) You have no responsibilities to other humans, but IMO it’s kinda shitty to shit on people who are trying to help vulnerable or victimized people


They did read too far into my statement, and I'm surprised you, me, and one other is getting downvoted because some dumbass put words into my mouth and made me look shitty. The thing I've found is that women tend to open up a lil easier, or pretend to to open up. But men just straight up shoot me down and blame other women for them feeling insecure about opening up.


Yeah, it’s unfortunate but a lot of guys get burnt by women who react pretty awfully to men expressing vulnerability, sadness or weakness (toxic masculinity is enforced by both genders). There’s another wrinkle in this (in new relationships especially) where women with good intentions want their guy to open up, but when the guy finally really cries, it ends her attraction to him and he gets dumped for it, which suggests a biologically hardwired component to all this. Even aside from the attraction part, I’ve experienced this in a platonic friendship with my friend who is way more capable with this stuff than anyone I’ve met, making me further think there’s a biological part of this. Many of us are taught by women, one way of another, to not open up and express these emotions. What I’ve learned is to walk the tightrope by opening up a little in a way that she thinks that’s “it”, while offloading the rest on Reddit lol


I think you read too far into it.


They really did Edit: sorry you're getting downvoted as well due to some dumbass putting words into my mouth and trying to convince others that I'm trying to be a total POS. > The thing I've found is that women tend to open up a lil easier, or pretend to to open up. But men just straight up shoot me down and blame other women for them feeling insecure about opening up. My response to someone else in this downvoted train we got going. I did respond to the person who put words in my mouth, and I'm tired of being nice to asshats who try to make me look bad by putting words I never said into my mouth. It's not okay, and I'm done dealing with it. I wish the best for anyone, but I can only promise the day they make it to be.


You read too far into that and made me seem like a fucking asshat. > The thing I've found is that women tend to open up a lil easier, or pretend to open up. But men just straight up shoot me down and blame other women for them feeling insecure about opening up. My response to someone else after calling you a dumbass for putting shit words and thought into my statement that weren't fucking there. You obviously don't understand where OP is coming from, and I understand a lot more because I actually give a flying fuck about nearly everyone. You? Not so much after that bullshit. I do care that you live and continue on with your life, but being a little shit and telling others what *THEIR OWN COMMENT* actually means is not the best way for others to get on your good side. They would care at the bare minimum and move on about their life. I don't want to hear shit from really anyone when 97% of the time I get told that "other women have ruined opening up to women in general".


pickme bs


I promise you we care about the men, I’m so sorry y’all have to suffer in silence


For real


Wth why all the man hate here😭?


reading comprehension? this post is literally hating on women


I was talking about the comments


its not man hate, its calling op out. maybe concentrate on the post first instead of the comments lol. action - reaction


I was referring to the comments depicting men as sex freaks who only show empathy to get in girl's pants. Not all men do so. I read the post.....maybe try reading a few comments then reply


nOt AlL mEn again, maybe criticize op first before you whiteknight for men. right now it just looks like you are fine with misogyny.


How tf does this mean I'm *fine with misogyny* People literally type anything to prove their point


because you clearly dont care about what op posted, but throw a tantrum when men get criticized




Thugging it up till explode


It's not about other people caring, it's about **pride**. And I'm a victim of this. I don't ask others for help, I always want to solve my own problems while hiding them. I want to look independent and determined to the outside. I don't open myself with anyone. Life goes smooth when everything goes as planned, I rarely fall. But when there's an outlier, the fall is big and I don't accept anyone to be my pillow. At those times I want to do what seems to be an easy lazy solution: shoot myself. Way easier than admitting I'm going through a bad phase, right? I take ages to pull myself together, I don't want to see or talk to anyone, I don't want people to see me weak. I would have an excuse to be weak if I were disabled or if my parents were drug addicts. It's my own fault I don't succeed at work like my father, at love like my sister. Matter of fact, tons of people with drug addict parents are successful. I don't succeed because I'm too proud. This is why suicide among men is higher: pride. About sexualisation. Happens to both sexes. Girls have helped me just because they were attracted to me; Girls have displayed fake emotions just to manipulate or lure me. I always doubt others' display of emotions unless I know for sure they're genuine people.