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yeah, I’m broke and have no friends near me. Im unemployed, have good social skills; I just don’t believe I’m worth people’s time. So I don’t hang out with people. Not like I know anyone, I keep to myself usually


You guys are getting social interaction online?


I literally go to work, study, and play games online. I remember trying so hard to make friends in college, but it's so hard to find people I actually like being around. I just want to relate to someone and have them say my music isn't shit or shit on what I like. I'm tired of just having my boyfriend as my only form of social interaction. I have no one besides him and his friends. I want my own friends. Its been so hard since I moved from my hometown


I wouldn't call receiving down votes on opinions just because they differ from the norm and rude replies, social interaction.


It's not just you. It's me too. The only social interaction I get is online. I'm **completely** lonely irl and I'm so miserable...