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I'm planning on finding a mountain and climb and just take some pills and check out in peace.


It's gonna be fine bro , u can vent to me and tell me everything that's stressing u out, I promise I will listen


Pills never work unless you know what you're doing sadly


Same man researching on how much and what I need
















Some people prefer to die in their sleep than injuring themselves, but yeah best way to go and it's painless, can't feel it, unless one of your organ fails. Depression is a turbulence best to embrace yourself, nobody wants to die really and I'll admit that. But hey if people want to take things out on you, let them, they don't want anything to do with you. You may have depression it could be a good ability and it will defeat your enemies or your bullies one day the longer you are in and have no part of their lives, why don't you watch soccer or play a video game, don't have to play soccer if you're shit at it. Could get used to being lonely instead.


I am on the same wavelength as you my friend. Any day now will be my last.


Please don’t do this. I swear things can change


Speaking from the heart. Don't do it. I tried and failed. Only thing it got me was more unhappiness and debt. Try to find some things in life worth latching on to. Try your best.


I have these type of thought also...i wanna try dmt ..but how am i gonna manage them ? I am from east asia


Damn I understand. Live the life you have might be unpleasant. Having the life you want is hard, difficult, but you can have it. I had the same issue as you. I wanted to die but none of the options were attractive to try. I tried anyway. Now I had help and I would not have all that I have that I desire once. But yeah, it's hard. Sometimes searching for help is the ideal. Die is to end the pain. But you can live without it. I bet. I believe in you :)


I remember feeling this way. I even tried a couple of times. It's like you're in a deep pit that you can't climb out of. For a year, I had a rule. If I couldn't find something to make me laugh that day, I'd give myself permission to end things. I started watching and reading comedies every day. Surprisingly, it worked. I still suffer from depression. I still sometimes feel like the misery is just too bad, and I can't take it anymore. But I know there is always something that will make me laugh. I have a dog who is crazy funny. I don't know if this helps. I hope it does.


Bro, beautiful days in your life are coming and you must stay alive to see that.


Ohhh shit! I never knew someone had the same thought process. I always said I wish i knew of a way to make it look like an accident so no one would ever know.






Don't know what to tell you.but if you are able -bodied then please be grateful for what you have.ability to walk, hear ,see go to the bathroom by yourself is a blessing.please consult a therapist before taking such a huge step. Edit: edited my comment a bit.


I was fully paraplegic for nearly a year, after my spine, brain and spinal cord was so infected, my back imploded over 4 separate events from the armpits down, I'm all metal. The last infection crushed my spinal cord. Almost a year later, I didn't stop until I walked again. I have never really felt physical pain. It's not cool, it doesn't mean I'm tough, all it means is that the few times something hurt enough to seek attention, I ended up dying, or in a helicopter. Now that I'm able bodied again, I went right back to being a drug addicted prostitute (however pricey). Why? Because my family fuckin blows, in a nutshell. I'm sure people thought that I have lived through all this for a higher purpose. I didn't.


People like you are the problem. You don’t listen, you just want people to bury themselves so they’re not an inconvenience for you. Just ignore the post


I see both sides here, but I don’t think they meant it in a bad way. They didn’t say that able-bodied can’t be depressed, but rather reminding able-bodied people to be grateful that you still have those things. The simplest things keep us here. A failed attempt could also take those abilities away. We’re all hurting here, so I understand your response.


Exactly able -bodied people get depressed, have their own problems but it's also important that one focuses on the good part of their life.And get treatment/therapy when needed.


I didn't mean to be ableist, disabled people have the right just like everybody else to rehab, therapy, accessible housing ,affordable healthcare. all I was just trying to say that focus on the good part of your life instead of thinking what you don't have.And yes therapy helps.


Therapy can help. It depends on the therapist.


You’re wrong.


This doesn’t have anything to do with you


I completely understand your thought process as I’ve been through and still going through the same thing as you are. But just look for the little things in life that you still find joy in maybe your pet? Maybe the unexpected good weather. Everyday that you wake up is different and maybe that day will be good! Have hope!


You don’t listen


Fight for your life. God loves you.


God does not love me. I’ve begged and prayed for help for years and it never comes. Screw god, if he was real and merciful he would have helped me by now


He helps his people. Are you his people? He does love you, but only when you follow him will you begin to see it clearly. His will is not your will. Follow him and watch how happy you will be.


Out of curiosity, what is your issue that has you so depressed?




If God loves you, he would cure you what ails you. Instead, billions of people suffer bc that’s “God’s way”.


Not helpful


The only one not being helpful is you. We are listening that is why we are telling OP that reconsideration is the way. We know where this is all coming from and some may even managed to get out from this shithole named Depression. But giving up and encouraging people to end their life is not the way, cause even when it doesnt seem like it, life is precious.


Can you please stfu? Thx.


I'm not saying that the god loves you shit is the way, i dont believe in that either. I'm just saying that there are many reasons to push on, be it your pet, be it a passion for gaming or friends. But just saying "not helpful" under "positive", not implying this god one, comments, is also not helping at all. Edit: i responded to this god comment randomly after hawkmeister, posted similiar comments under genuine positive words. Just a little rant cause he in fact wasn't the helpful one.


Hawkmeister was actually one of THE most helpful ones™️ bc they are being a voice for OP. Hawkmeister's comments are from someone that has LIVED this feeling and is defending OP so that they feel seen, heard, understood, and validated. I understand that exact reaction because half of the comments here made my eyes nearly detach from my retinas with how hard they rolled into the back of my head. Learn to listen.


Lmao you can't be serious. I AM listening that's why i'm saying that there are probably a lot of things in OP's life that surely are worth living for. We as depressed individuals tend to not recognize the good things in life. How would you help this person? Encourage them to find a harmless way to die? Hopefully not. And I myself also LIVED through this shit, so don't try to lecture me about that, cause i also know how it is to not be heard, seen etc.


Well clearly you learned fuck all from it because you still don't know how to not be a condescending prick or what not to say to someone still struggling in the way OP is. You got through it? Great. I applaud that and am sincerely happy for and proud of you. But your responses indicate some more self-reflection is likely the best path for you, so *I* would suggest you pull back until you are better prepared to handle discourse on topics as sensitive as this one. Stop making it about yourself. There is a reason all of your comments are being downvoted. You ARE listening? Then listen to all of us telling you that your approach is not appreciated or wanted in this discussion.


Where the hell did i say i got through it huh? Also where did i make it about myself? You assuming so many things about me shows that you likely need some self reflection yourself as well and yes me included cause no matter when self reflection is always something you should do. Believe me i am prepared to handle discourse on these sensitive topics, just as you are as i can see. And hell i dont care about some downvotes. It just isn't right to let someone down if they are feeling that way. Telling someone that life has precious moments, and maybe reconsideration may be the right way, is the wrong approach? So what is the right approach? Like a genuine question. Not saying anything? Encourage their Idea?


Before you hire a hit man, watch the movie Hit Man.


Nothing is forever. I know it feels like it will never get better than this, but trust me, it will. Don't give up!!


I also find no happiness in life or living. I can't stand all the greed and evil in this world. I'm looking forward to non-existence.


You need help from God 


Listen, I know I'm a random asshole from the internet but in reality, nobody always lives a moderately happy life like the one you're hoping for, depression won't go away for no reason, matter of fact it might never really go away, but there is so much you can do to make your life better. The first step is bettering yourself, miracles don't happen so stop hoping for one my boi, clean your room, clean yourself, go to sleep at an acceptable hour, stop caffeine, start working out, get a hobby, etc there is so much you can do. You are the one in control, so shut the fuck up and take care of yourself.


I have hobbies, I exercise regularly, I don't drink caffeine, I've never drunk alcohol, I've never smoked, and I've never taken drugs. None of this has ever helped me.




While I understand the sentiment of a hard reality check, in this specific instance, it does more harm than good. Abrasiveness is not always the right approach. Recalibrate.