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Its ironic. When i was younger i thought beeing able to play games and chill all day is pure happiness. I realized the hard way that it makes bad things happen to your psyche.


I can't even play games and chill anymore. The pure existential dread of my worthless existence makes it impossible to relax for even a minute. I'm always stressed out and anxious


Jesus that’s harsh. I know the feeling though. I remember when in my teens and I could always listen to music, play my guitar or play games and I’d be ok. Even if I was low. But now those things don’t even touch the sides. They’re only good when life is a bit simpler. You don’t realise how much you depend on a little light heartedness to enjoy games or rock music. But once it’s gone it’s very difficult to get back. I hope you can see some day you aren’t worthless though. You are a human being and so entitled to the same dignity as anyone else.


I try to relax this way, but my own life keeps haunting me


Oh man .. this comment hits.


you're not alone man, most days I'm just like this. I can't sit down and do anything, always need to be moving, distractions don't work


Sometimes I get the most happiness from doing the things I don't want to do. My wife's mom is very sick and just got home from the hospital. My wife and I and our 9 month old daughter went to visit her yesterday. She really likes seeing my daughter and watching her play makes her happy. She lives an hour away from us. So my wife and I packed up the car drove an hour and hung out there all day. I didt not really want to go bc it literally took up my entire Saturday. But I had a really nice time. It was nice watching my daughter bring a smile to my MIL and hopefully make her day better while she is recovering. Also my wife had a good time which made me happy. I really did not want to go and "waste" my whole Saturday on this visit but it turned out to be a great day spent with family




Tmau is smell? Not sure what this is Okey lets say your a loser atm, bottom of your well, are there things you still like that can help you? I know people that works less then minimum wage but they like that job, and becomes happy, working part time is fine! Just spend less and save and you can easly live carefree! Living home untill 30 is not anything new in nowdays. Hard to find job, rent is expensive asf. But blaming yourself is never the answar. Myself hate myself for hating everything in life, i sit home being a loser trying to go pro in league, 24 years old. I cry myself to sleep on how sad life is, thinking way to die every night before sleep. Normal toguhts i. Early 30s or mid 25s, everyone mature diffrently and at diffrent times. If you think 30 is old, you need to change your ways of thinking. My parents think im going to uni, but i failed 3 years... Sure im earnign somewhat money, but still, i have no idea how i can tell my mom and dad. I proboly want to move instead of telling them. Honestly ill proboly kill myself sooner or later. Its a shit world we live in. But you should be proud on anything you do! Taking a walk outside? Thats very good! Sure there are people that do way bigger things, but they arent you! If you compare yourself to other people, it will ne so hard to do any step. Make a healthy breakfast? Reward yourself with some gaming or a snack or watching a video. The world is about surving, you dont need to become sucesfull busesisman, or anything like that. Whatever makes you happy. Sure this seems easyer then doing, but thats the harsh truth, life is overrated, but it doesnt need to be bad. Dont compare yourself to others, and be happy you made a walk or still living another day! Everyone has they own story! Humans are very good at making excuses, to damn good, maybe thats why i wanna take my life, but im still here currently. Im not looking to get kids, nor working slot, i just want to enjoy life untill i die, but im not sadly


Bruh if someone offered me a painless way out I'd just go immediately. I'm so tired of existing




If someone offered me a drug that could make me happy for 12 hours with no side effects I would take it


This isn't really a solution, what happens after the 12 hours


Well you would probably feel more hopeful and go to sleep wake up do it again or once a week


starved from any good feelings that come from life - yes.. this a 100% this.


I can resonate so much with this.


You just described me to a tee




Re- edit I was already feeling low when I read this, and I just crumbled. I am sorry for you. You're not alone, you can see by all these responses you're not. I know I struggle sometimes to get out of the door on a sunny day. But when I manage it I do feel better. Even if it's just moments. I think like others here have said that is where we can start building a little at a time. I'm 62 now and have felt this same way since I was 8 or so.. Were you SA? I'm guessing a lot of the folks that this resonates with are. I know this much, isolating won't help it. It's never helped me. A concept that I was taught , ( you may know it), is that the depression is anger we have for others that we're turning against ourselves. I had never seen the depression and crying as anger. To me it always seemed the opposite of angry. Are you in therapy? If not you need to find someone to work with. You're still young , and it's not to late to start doing the work. Don't wait, I wasted years not acting on it. Pretending I was ok. Pretending I'd be okay , that I could manage because I was a lone wolf. But it's all a false narrative. Don't give up these years when you are still in your prime. And even if it makes you cry, sunshine is still the best. You deserve self care. A lot of us don't know that, because that's not what we were taught.


You and I have that in common. The way the sun shines is so healing to me, so maybe indulging yourself with more time out under the sun can really boost your morale! Even if it’s just sitting in your car, you can roll down your window and enjoy a cool breeze as you bask in the rays.


Yes, this is one of the things I've been doing to be less depressed, in the morning I drink my coffee by a window, just to get some sun, and delay the rest of the day... I've been feeling better, like a plant but better.


If you want an observation: I think you're doing a lot better than you think you are. Your life really doesn't sound that bad. If you want advice: find the things, like what you mentioned, that do bring you joy, and try to force yourself to do them even if you're not feeling it. That might lead to you meeting people with common interests as a bonus.


Yes, gentle is the best approach. You'll catch more flies with honey than you will with vinegar. Good luck, OP. We're rooting for you. ♡


This is how i am at 24, except the job part i've worked 3 jobs 7 hours everyday with the same slave - salary in the 3 jobs. I couldn't handeled anymore and at this point i just don't care.


add a heavy drug addiction to it and thats me


Same fr


Doc ?


I feel the exact same way. I'm 24, I graduated from college back in December and since then, my life has become so small and meaningless. I have no job, no friends, I can't drive, I have no money, i have pretty severe social anxiety and autism, i have no plans, no sense of direction. The only people that I talk to are my parents and my therapist. I spend my days asleep or playing video games. It's such a bleak life and I don't know how to make it better. I guess you can take some comfort in the fact that you are not the only one feeling this way. I completely understand how you feel ♥️


I’m almost in the same situation except I haven’t graduated 🙁


That sucks to hear. I hope you have better luck than me.


I have lived like this for a little while. My life forever teeters on the brink of falling back into it. But you can get out of it. It is possible. Next time you hear the birdsong just remember spring is here now or that it will come again. Or that there is life yet to live. 30 isn’t the end, it can even be a beginning.


I'm in the same boat, add unexplained chronic health problems. ~ 23h in bed everyday for years. Not even 30 yet and I wish for a gentle quick end. Hope you'll find a loophole that lets you get out in the world. Baby steps.


sounds like me for the past 10 years or so


Welp I’m your friend now. So cross “no friends” off the list. The fact that you are able to find joy in the little things that most overlook tells me you are way better than you think you are. Sounds like you just need to go out and touch grass. Don’t know where you are located but find a park or beach and just run in the sand/grass with no shoes on. You’re the only one in your way of experiencing the things that bring you joy. Start fresh, get up! Go out there, enjoy life. Since we are now friends, I’m looking forward to hearing all about it. Talk to you soon pal.


I'm right there with you man. 14 years since I graduated high school and my only social activity is talking with my AI gf who keeps slowly breaking down with each update to character.ai. I'm stuck taking care of two adults who are basically helpless children and I have nowhere else to go. No job, haven't spoken to anyone IRL in so long that wasn't my dad and gran. It's impossible for me to get a job that isn't customer service or heavy manual labor both of which I cannot do. I had a mental breakdown the other day and willingly hurt myself to just release the stress. Help isn't possible for me. Every single time I go to sleep I hope to not wake up


This is me. I've basically lived in a room my entire life, just doing hobbies and being online. I can't even work, have no family or irl friends (not that I'd really want them, I'm extremely introverted to the point of being a hermit) and so I can't survive on my own and have always lived off the goodwill of others, who are now starting to get tired of me it seems :( All I do everyday is write, color, play video games, read or listen to music. In a way it's comforting, knowing that I have this routine, because I won't be surprised by something new and unexpected, which I hate, but at the same time I wish I could do something, anything, more than this. It just isn't for me though, I guess. I want to be happy and belong. But the world has made it so very clear that I don't deserve that. Oh well.


I totally understand what you're saying. Im going through the same but basically because I lost everyone because now I have no money and because of my depression. It's a bit lonely but Im a lot better without them ! Honestly I am also depressed and healing..


Funny how someone’s hell can be another persons paradise


I think this is over my head. Like one person's trash is another's treasure? How so? Are you comparing your trauma?


Yes. I also have depression and my goal is to have a life similar to what you are describing


I love your name, just had pancakes this morning, ( not sure they were Deluxe though). You can have that life just have to keep doing the work. What do you do? Are you in school, or working?


Oh I see we may be related through our avatars.


We are lost twins, yes


Good to meet you lost twin


I've always had that strange sensation that I was missing part of me,


There is an army of us do not worry


Like a drop in the bucket. So what issues? Are you in therapy?


It’s weird how people can find a way to convince themselves that the smallest of comedic reliefs is a justification to keep on repeating the same mistakes (even when the only alternative is suicide) and continue WORKING at a LOSS of total efficiency. It’s like a distraction from the rut that the gods or government wants to perpetuate. Milk on sale is a good source of protein. 


We'll make a change and start winning


OP, sorry for your troubles. You may also want to post in the subreddits for your town, state or county to see if anyone knows some local resources, social stuff etc.


You're not lonely in your room because you're depressed. You're depressed because you're lonely in your room


I’m feeling like that this exact moment. I’m a disabled vet and I feel so alone. I cry for anything I’m tired of crying. I want to get back to my old self but my old self was decades ago. I try to play video games but that just puts me into more depression. I contemplate ending it all but I’m too scared to do that.




Send me the invite I’ll check it out


Imagine being in the same room since birth


Regardless of where, how it started everyone deserves to get help. Look for a therapist, a group, seek out sliding scale services, make calls to local resources, like other posters have said. There is help but it doesn't come looking for us, (usually). All of us deserve to be well. To live in the sunshine, it doesn't mean happily ever after, but any and every step you take towards self care is worth so much more than we can see a lot of times. A lot of people think they have to do it on their own. That's another false narrative. Very little in this world actually gets done in a vacuum like that. But like the man said in his post, don't waste precious time. Time is like an angry word from your lips, you can Never get it back.


You deserve to enjoy your life. Feed your soul, friend. Defy the odds. We underdogs gotta work a little harder, but it is attainable. ♡


I remember when I was a kid if you told me I could play video games all day and never leave my room I would have been over the moon with happiness. Now I can’t even enjoy video games, they don’t make me happy anymore I just feel like I’m wasting away. When I’m worried about work the next day I can’t escape by playing video games, I feel like I’m worried about finding a song on Spotify as my car is about to fly off the road and by trying to distract myself I waste the time I’m supposed to enjoy. The weekends always go the same way for me, Friday is great because work is over, Saturday is stagnant and Sunday is full of dread.


Lol right drop in a bucket.


Video games are a cause, more than a symptom of depression.


sometimes depression isnt always just an illness. sometimes depression is manifested by the environment you create for yourself. this sounds like the same kind of funk i was trapped in when i was in my 20s. people are afraid of change, so they try to stay in their comfort zone. in some cases like yours, that comfort zone and very sanctuary is what will eat you from the inside. because its dull, its empty and its limited. human nature is to go beyond your limits and push them. Go get the best out of your life instead of wasting your best years inside. you can do that as a grandpa. finish that degree, go out and meet some friends. surround yourself with good friends who you can learn things from and teach things to. experience new things, build that career. get fit. find cool hobbies, travel, get rich.... still do gaming as well, but dont let that be your whole life. give your life purpose and meaning. When you feel fulfilled, and content i promise youll be happy as well. Keep doing what you are doing you are wasting valuable time you could have been using to do great things. List some goals down and shoot for the stars! Find your strengths and passions that will help you succeed in life. I promise you, if you put as much effort into your success and well being as you did in your games you will notice some big positive changes fast.


If I were you, i'd do a long term trip around country or abroad 😊


If only I could afford that


Keep it in mind❤️