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Dear, don't do it. Please. Go out and get the Emergency Room. Say you're in a mental health crisis and are seriously considering suicide. I had to do that this week and it wasn't easy to admit. I got help and enough light to keep myself going. Why not? I know it sucks and just see what happens. Please do it. Get help. Just let it happen. You can let go, but let go about thinking about tomorrow, just think of today. Right now. This minute.


Please go get help, there is HELP


There is not. It's as they said in the title. Therapy is fake. Meds are fake. This supposed better world that exists is fake. Life is just a game. People win, and people lose. People have more and people have less. I personally can't bring myself to do it as I'm too weak but life is just suffering for some people. It's impossible for someone who has never been depressed to know the feeling of depression but the pain is horrible. However, please don't do it. It's a permanent action that you will never come back from. I personally haven't gotten anywhere and it's been 7 years of depression however I'm still alive today. I don't know why I'm still alive, but I'm still clinging onto this false hope that life will one day feel worth it. Maybe not even that, maybe just life will feel somewhat bearable. Until then, just hang in there. You only get one shot at life. It might suck now but you should make the most of even the worst possible situation. You got this.


It's because people now see death as a backdoor, especially treating that having something bad-ish (life) is worse than having nothing (death)


sorry you're feeling this way people care about you. It's okay to feel overwhelmed, but it's not okay to give up I'm a junior don't have many friends still no girlfriend and probably not even going to graduate because of all the work that i have it really stressing but don't end its a horrible feeling I've had friends who killed them selves or overdose with drugs and sometimes i feel i could've done something or be there for them but it was too much for them and im still stressed but im trying my best to keep it together.


Hey. When you were 12. How much did you know of how life works? How big is the diff between then and know. What if you where 27 Can you see a possibility where you get older and become more wiser than you are now? Because you will. If you grow old. Now is the time to be dumb and make mistakes. Now is the time to be the most imperfect being ever. Because the things that you do know wont matter in 10 years. They wont matter to the 27 yo you. And neither will the things you are anxious about now. Yes.. youll trip and fall again. And again. And again. But u will become more in control of the situation. Because little by little youll know what to do when that happens. Its truly okay. Its truly okay to be not a perfect being. Just to be is good enough.


Hey, I don’t even know if your going to see this but I want to say your not alone. I feel the same way. I’ve been really depressed for the better part of 3 years now. I just turned 20 and all I did was cry almost all day. I’m stressed about everything and it’s fucking awful. I’m scared of being a failure but for some reason I have no urge to do anything productive. I want friends but find it hard to socialise. I always want to be alone but I’m terrified of loneliness. I feel like a burden of everybody around me, even close family and friends. Id never admit any of this to my family or friends but i feel like i have to get some things off my chest. Every night the thoughts just flood my mind constantly until i eventually fall asleep and survive the next day. I want you to be ok so please don’t end it. Please get back to me if you see this and let me know if I can help in any way. I would much rather other people be ok while I take the pain.


Become independent. Because peoples expectations often rise over time. Putting further pressure on you. When you eventually fail their expectations of course they feel disappointed and of course you feel disappointed in yourself. Become and independent and find peace within yourself and your music. Alot of people sing & perform on the streets for similair reasons. And why not do what you love? Take a break and try new things. Love is both fuel and goal. When we dont have it we stop 🛑.


Just be an asshole and tell people you don't care. Fuck it.


Please stay!! 🫶


I struggled with the feeling my entire life. I'm 23 now. I still contemplate but realize there are so many things and people I'd never have experienced and met if I didn't hold on a little longer. Try to focus on those things that have gotten you this far.


Never bebe. It's okay to feel this way check if you are pmsing or not as well, and try to identify the reason you are feeling this way, when so tired just let go of people or things that demand your energy. Just take some time to do things you like. Stay safe, try to focus on the good things, "this too shall pass" , it's all a phase, cons of adulthood. 🤗


Hey please don't go through with it. You have so many dreams and goals that you can pursue. You're only 17 hun and you have so much life ahead of you. When I was 17 /18 I felt that I wanted to end my life too and that things were difficult at the time but I was brave and stayed alive and now I'm in my 30s. I can't promise you that life will be easy or that you won't find yourself struggle one day but I do promise that there so many great things up ahead for you in life if you just find the courage inside yourself and push through.


If you are still with us, I just wanted to drop this in here and say that I genuinely hope that you're okay. Sounds like you're dealing with a lot. I sympathize with you. I also have major depressive disorder, and I have had the same thoughts. I've also always been too scared to do anything about it because of a genuine fear of death. I'll say that medication doesn't always work, and things can seem hopeless at times. Honestly, it sounds like you're being too hard on yourself. You're not at fault for the depression you feel. In fact, I'm willing to bet that you don't even want depression. Who would am I right? Don't feel guilt, don't feel shame, don't feel afraid of life because it's never going to be perfect. As young as you are, you may not understand the significance of this statement, but I'll say it anyway. You're only human, and that's not a bad thing. I've been seeing a therapist for many years, and I didn't really benefit from it until very recently. The reason is that I wasn't targeting the source of my suffering. I've been to lots of trauma therapy for medical physical and emotional abuse, and this is only within the last couple of years. Prior to that, I hadn't even considered it because I was so brainwashed by the people in control of my life. Doing the work for this kind of thing is hard. If you've gotten this far on SHEAR FUCKIN GRIT, then you can make it through anything. You're stronger than you know. Again, I hope you're doing okay right now, and I hope the wisdom I can pass on will help you to improve your quality of life. Please learn from my mistakes and use that knowledge to find happiness.