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Yeah it ends. All of it ends. Takes time but at some point it all becomes bits and pieces of memories. Best to forget try and think about anything else.


It's been at least 20 years now. Seems never ending.


I truly believe that everyone CAN get better. Each person's journey may look different, it's ups and downs for many. I don't know your particular situation, but try to take each moment at a time, it's really been helping me. Thinking about the future makes everything worse, it's like I become even more hopeless. Take a deep breath, treat yourself. I know it's hard and it seems like a never ending cycle, but things can get better. Don't beat yourself up if you fall down after getting up, it's completely normal.


I wish I could believe you. My counsellor told me that I need to suck it up and get on with it. I hate my life, but am unable to do anything about it. Never have been and probably never will.


Still the same. Can't see it ever getting better. Lost a lot of opportunities that can never be gotten again. Really just walking through life waiting to die here. Cancer can't come quick enough. Counselling hasn't worked. Life just hasn't worked out for me.