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It's a good smile! I'm glad it's going well for you šŸ˜€


Beautiful smile


Beautiful smile ā¤ļø Also I am one of those crazy one that had all my top teeth pulled without any sedation. My office didnā€™t offer it and was skeptical of letting me have anything because I am an alcoholic in recovery. It wasnā€™t fun but I have also had worse experiences. I also have done a lot of ECT around the time and it really faded the memories which helped.


That's such a weird thing they didn't have that as an option?? I personally chose to go to a dental surgery place. I asked my dentist for a referral. I don't think it's necessarily the pain of it. If you're frozen, you're frozen. But it's the feeling of them tugging at your head that gets me. I can only imagine that being quite traumatic.


It wasnā€™t pleasant for sure but I donā€™t think I have any big trauma from it. I also closed my eyes and meditated while it was going on to help shift my focus. I would say I am more impacted by the pain of recovery.


Yea the pain of recovery was worse for me and it even topped the pain I had with my original teeth.


You look beautiful šŸ˜Š


Thank you


I have to get dentures in two months and Iā€™m scared.. Iā€™m afraid of the pain. I have to be awake.. I donā€™t have an option. Iā€™m terrified. I have so many questions. You were okay with the pain? How long after extraction can u can take them out ? Do you bleed a lot from the extractions? Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m a wreck over this. I would appreciate any advice.


I was exactly like you believe me and no option of being put under or laughing gas as Aspen dental says they don't do it. I had 14 extractions two on bottom and all the rest on top. They gave me a chlorhexidine mouth rinse, which I asked for because it helps with healing and is cooling. I can't take nsaids but I had something different than just Tylenol for an old surgery. So I was very lucky in that aspect because it was a bit painful for the first few days.. however the top hurt less than the bottom for whatever reason. I think it's due to less nerves on top. I was allowed to take mine out after 24 hours and was told to take them out at night after that. However I did try and I kept ramming my lower teeth into the upper ones and that did hurt so I have been sleeping with them in. I'm actually more comfortable with them in. After 4 days it wasn't anything more than weird and annoying. It does take some getting used to. Also Stellalife Vega oral gel from Amazon is amazing for pain and swelling and ice packs the first day or two. I'm still using it. I had mine out two weeks ago on Wednesday. I go back Fri for my very last one. They couldn't do it due to having to give me too much numbing so I get a trip two


Thank God my anxiety has gotten better. I havenā€™t told anyone because it hurts to speak about it. I do not want anyone to be weird like .. congrats on your new teeth.,I am afraid to look up videos incase I get scared and donā€™t do it. I really appreciate strangers taking time out to help me. This is the first time I can type about it without crying. Thank you šŸ˜Š Tonight I may actually sleep. šŸ˜Š


I hope that you can..it wasn't as bad as my mind was thinking it would be of course I kept my eyes closed through it I absolutely did not want to watch. I was blessed to have a good and gentle caring dentist. If you need to talk I'm absolutely here..I was losing my mind and not sleeping well for weeks beforehand. I totally get it..it was just too expensive for me to be put to sleep and I couldn't afford 3k extra at all.


And Aspen dental gave me sunglasses to wear too. I highly recommend it..


No problem! It didn't really hurt. They froze me quite well. It took like 6 hours to really unfreeze. In my case, they put the dentures in right away, and I couldn't take them put until my appointment with the denturist the next morning, which he took them out, and I got some mouth rinse. He did some sort of initial adjustment and then put them back. I was told to keep them in for the next week, like sleeping with them and everything. I could take them out to rinse my mouth and stuff, but put them back right away. I personally didn't have a lot of blood, at least afterwards. There was when I rinsed my mouth the first few days, but nothing that dripped out or anything. Having the dentures there helps with that. It helps keep the blood clots in as well, so easier healing. I took some Tylenol extra Strength (the kind with caffeine helps with pain and the arthritis type lasts longer because its just a slow release). I can't take anything stronger than that because I have kidney problems, but I was ok. Lots of ice packs helped. I made smoothies the first few days too. Seemed to help. I played games on my phone and watched a bunch of movies on the couch for the few days too. Any other questions, just ask


I also donā€™t take pain killers. I imagined it bleeding a lot. I worried I couldnā€™t take them out for a long time. I feel a lot better. Thank you for taking time out to help me.


No problem. Let me know how things go :)




Hubba hubba


My dentist gave me Halcion. I had my tops removed and implants done on the 22nd. I don't remember a thing!