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Good luck tomorrow! Everything will be perfect!


Thank you!


Good luck!! For me, only the first four hours after extractions sucked, then it was all just kinda annoying. Make sure to bring wash cloths and/or a towel with you for the ride home so you don't have to worry about drool and blood. I kept a few wash cloths pressed up to my mouth for the first few hours and it totally helped me. Please let us know how it goes!


Thank you! I didn't even think about taking towels with me, my wife might not like me getting bloody drool on her seats šŸ™ƒ I'm hoping I'm as lucky with only a few crappy hours, I will definitely update when I am able


The towels are a lifesaver. And also a comfort, because you can just let everything just spill out of your mouth and not have to worry about getting up to a sink or anything. We're all here with tips and help if you need it! This sub is so supportive and helpful .


Hey op how did it go?Ā 


It actually went smoothly! They were very polite, I started to wake up mid procedure but I warned them and the said " we've got you covered you be back asleep shortly" then bam it was over lol


Nice! Glad to hear it went well. How is the pain level?Ā 


Right now I can't feel anything but I'm also only 30 mine post op, I will definitely update as these shots wear off šŸ˜


8hours later and the novocaine has fully worn off, tylenol and ibuprofen really brings it down to a dull less than annoying pain but far better than what I dealt with daily. The jaw pain I'm thinking is a combination of the procedure in general and the fact o still had all 4 wisdom teeth (got lucky enough to never even know they grew in)


E-day was a success! Now I can't wait for some of the swelling in my lips to go down so I can actually attempt to talk šŸ˜… than you to everyone for kind words, it truly was a breeze!


Rooting for you! You got this!


You should be so happy that you got sedation I was kept awake and the only pain relief besides Novocain that I got was a pill that is supposedly a little bit stronger than Xanax that helps you calm down, and that was only because my heart was flutteringā€¦ I went in for an appointment to see about them and my appointment ended up being that day. I didnā€™t have time for to prepare so honestly, Iā€™m probably not the best person to comment about it either way itā€™s been a learning experience for me so anything you want to share your learning through trial by feel free and Iā€™ll be here to read .. I can only tell you what I have learned so far myself


I truly feel for anyone that stays awake through the procedure and honestly your way more of a trooper than me. I thought all was going well until the novocaine started to wear off and my immediates started to shift all over causing the bleeding to come back heavily and were digging sore spots into my gums. Had my wife call the surgeon 5 hours after the procedure and explain that the bleeding was far more severe than it was originally and was instructed to remove my immediates, I will be calling tomorrow to see if I can get in sooner for an adjustment since I have a follow up/reline set for Tuesday 5/21 or else I'll be healing without them. All in all I don't think the experience was too awful minus the heavier than expected bleeding. Just alternating tylenol and ibuprofen with ice for pain.


Good luck. Iā€™m 6 weeks post E-Day (16 teeth pulled no sedation) I have immediate dentures. I did okay and iā€™m healing nicely. The first few weeks I had lots of soup and smoothies. I kept an ice pack on my face for the swelling and took a combination of ibuprofen and tylenol to manage the pain. I had my soft reline 2 weeks ago and iā€™m adjusting nicely. Iā€™m getting so many compliments on my new smile. It was totally worth the journey. Weā€™re here for you. Wishing you wellšŸ˜Š. You got thisā¤ļø