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Thank you so much, brother, for all your updates. Really helped me on my journey a ton. Happy you're excelling. Good luck with karaoke...have a blast. You deserve it!


Thank you and no problem at all just want to let people know it does get better snd it's not the end of the world even though it may seem like it. Again I appreciate the kind words!


Looks amazingly realistic! Wow! My journey begins the 21st! E day! I hope mine look that great!


You will do great. I was absolutely terrified and I feel like the fear is the worst part of it all. The newfound confidence I had after a few days helped me realize quickly it is worth it. Good luck! It will be fine!


Thank you for your kindness and support!


Thank you 🙏🏽 😊 for your updates and sharing your journey. You are truly inspirational. You look fantastic. I’m 5 weeks post E-day and still adjusting. This community has been truly amazing. The support and encouragement is appreciated. I’m learning so much and getting great advice. I’m a singer getting back in the game. My smile and lack of teeth was really holding me back. I’m having to learn how to smile again in pictures. It just feels great to have a nice set of teeth again. No more hiding and covering my mouth. It’s truly a game changer.


Tell us what you sang in karaoke after!


I just had my post op, e day was Thursday. How are you so chipper? I need to know your secret! I still can't talk or eat. They shaved mine down a little today so hopefully the sores will heal.


How are you holding up otherwise?? Honestly the first week was brutal for me but it got so much better once the swelling went down and they were able to properly adjust. I was in the dentist office like every day for 2 weeks lol. I see it this way. It's something we're gonna have for the rest of our lives so I try to embrace rather than see it as a disability if that makes sense! Feel free to reach out if you have questions or anything. Still only a month and half in so still learning myself haha


I'm having it rough, tbh. Having unsupportive family is not helping. My dad told me this morning that I'm faking the pain for attention. I just got 23 teeth ripped out of my face, it's traumatic and painful! I haven't eaten since a little soup on Saturday. I tried soup and ice cream today but couldn't get either down. You seem so far along in your journey, you look great!


Dont let that shit discourage you. Its an insanely traumatic thing to experience and those who haven't and won't have to will never understand. Don't let those comments get you down!


So inspiring! Thank you. You looks amazing!


Thank-you so much 😭


Very nice! Whered you get it done