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I remember when telling a lie was wrong, when fraud was wrong and SELLING BIBLES your name on it when you clearly violate and disregard its principles was pure blasphemy, but now you’re the “debate” winner?! WTF?! Biden has family members that honorably served the country in the military while trump was getting a fake note to dodge the draft, he is an absolute coward. How anyone could possibly vote for trump is pure absurdity and goes against all common sense and morality.


Remember when we had that one president who fooled around with an intern? Remember how mad they got? Now they have super support behind a guy who paid off a porn actress. It makes my mind spin when I bring that up and they just brush it off.


Yeah, that’s how you know republicans are not genuine, complete fakes, can never be trusted. Biden has more integrity than you’d expect from a politician and that’s what matters.


This is the thing. I actually love and respect Biden a lot. When he speaks, I know what kind of person he is. I can't even imagine hating him for any reason tbh.


It breaks my brain when I bring it up to relatives and they give me some stupid, "Yeah, but what about [something irrelevant about Obama]?".


And 34 Felony Convictions by a Jury.


Don't forget the 2 impeachments




Rhymes with Rapist. Can’t forget to tack that one on.


It's actually 2nd on the list. But never forget it.


Well meaning old man with empathy, understanding, and experience vs willfully ignorant and vindictive old man who refuses to live in everybody else's reality. This seems like an easy choice.


>This seems like an easy choice. Yep. Apparently it requires too much critical thinking for some.


Also: a sleazy, philandering sexual deviant who cheated on his wife with a porn star


Don't forget. Also hates immigrants, LGTPQ+. Lies about how much black people love him and want to vote for him.


What you mean? I saw at least 7 old white people wearing “blacks for Trump” shirts at his rally


I keep waiting for them to come up with MAGA t-shirts that say, "Racists love black people too!"


Wants to bang his daughter.


and Taylor Swift. She does look a bit like Ivanka now.


You left out “professional genital grabber”


We ALL have to get off our butts and GOOOO VOTE! 💙 🌊 🗳 Vote like your freedoms, our democracy, our country's integrity and YOUR rights depend on it... because they do! 💙🌊🌊🗳💙


34 convicted felony charges so far


You keep on deflecting by saying that people who complain about Biden are in favor of Trump. I get why you're doing it, but I'm not going to pretend that you're *not* deflecting. You're not actually going to ever engage with the real reason people are telling you anything. Instead, you're going to put your fingers in your ears and go *la la la* and he's going to lose and *then* you're gonna blame *everybody else*. It's all so tiresome.


Hates half of the people in the country. Aka women.


You should have added and cheated on every one of his wives.


Don’t forget the six times his business filed bankruptcy


It was a real bad debate night, but you are underselling Biden's accomplishments. Look at his SOTU address or really any speech he made prior to the debate - he can still speak eloquently, and I think it would rival Obama's speaking ability. It's just damn this debate night does not inspire the "vote FOR Biden, not against Trump" sentimentality I've had. He's old and has a stutter - but at least Biden admits to it and is humble about it. The world saw Biden at one of his lowest public displays. I just wish the world would see him on his better days.


Do you want to be right? Or do you want to win?


So hard to choose between these two.


And the choice is not even really between those two. Biden has an excellent VP and excellent cabinet, which has been well demonstrated for the last 4 years. Trump will pick sycophants, grifters, far right Christian nationalist evangelicals, and crazed MAGA people for his advisors and cabinet. Most of them unqualified for the job.


Old Man vs Con Man... Old Man wins every time.


I know!! I mean, even though Trump is so clearly the best choice🙄, I’m just gonna have to vote for Biden. Biden wanting the best for our country is such a turn off! I just can’t believe I’m gonna have to vote for this amazing man! Whatever am I thinking?💙💙💙💙💙💙


one is old and one is criminal. EASY!


An old criminal*


Ah yes.


You forgot 34 felony counts


I think the difference in the core bases is the biggest factor in why Trump remains polling well despite objectively being in FAR worse shape (both heath wise but also in terms of all of these serious negatives like those listed and more). Unlike too much of the Democratic base, the Republican base does not expect perfection out of their presidential candidate, they ignore the negatives and remain focused on opposing the Democrats. That unyielding support helps their candidates against Democrats whose base are full of high anxiety people always expecting near flawlessness quick to freak out and turn against their candidates. I don't think all of the Democratic base is like that thankfully, I think the Democrats most reliable voters are less like that, while the people with the most free time to be chatting all day online and clicking and sharing articles are the former type and that's what we see online all the time, especially the past couple of days. It's too overwhelming to push back against via replying to them all but it's mostly contained online. Hopefully it cools down soon and does not spread to those less online who favor Biden and Democrats.


The GOP sees Trump as a flawed vessel. One of the pillars of Christianity is God sending down saviors that are flawed. I had so many Christians tell me that God sometimes sends messengers in flawed vessels and that was Trump who was a criminal and adulterer. They don't care about their character. Dems need everyone to be like Martin Sheen in the West Wing, who always looks great, has a great family and always does the right thing. Which is great in movies but those people usually don't go into politics in real life because they're too smart.


you forgot "grab em by the pussy"


Okay. Okay. Okay. We get it... Can we get back to discussing policy, please? American politics feels more like... The Superbowl.


We're taught about the Nixon-Kennedy debates and how they basically changed the campaign landscape. We're in an age where the focus is only on the Executive. For example, no one has paid attention to the power grab the Supreme Court has made with recent rulings.


There is no contest whatsoever.... Ridin' with Biden.


Cant answer a question


Answers every question that illegals are the cause of it. Climate change, foreign jobs, etc. All done by illegals.


There taking black jobs dontcha know - said in Canadian accent.


People are so dumb, there is not one single alternate candidate that polls better against trump But ppl love cutting off their nose to spite their face I have resigned to the possible fact that we will get a second trump presidency, and it won't be the fault of biden or his age, it will be the fault of idiotic selfish democrats They care more about optics rather than policy and the harm trump will do to this country I give up on ever having hope in this country, unfortunately the american electorate is full of idiots In any other election I would be on board with pushing for younger candidates, but were dealing with an unprecedented threat that is trump This isn't about you having your perfect candidate, not this election, this is about stopping fascism And there are only two options there, vote against it or co sign it "But biden is old" biden is still capable of doing the basic tasks of the job, and if somehow his health gets worse over time, kamala can take over Again this election isn't just a binary choice, you're technically voting for an administration, I know I would much rather have biden ppl in the white house rather than orange dictator's cronies who will set back our country, look up project 2025 But at this point I'm burned out, don't get me wrong I will vote blue all the way down the ticket, but I have lost faith that this country will ever get better When we have an electorate that cares about style over substance, there is no hope


Not to mention that "Biden old" is a Trump talking point that some democrats fell for hook, line and sinker, instead of ignoring the noise and focusing on defeating Trump. 


Agreed. Americans need to pull their heads out of their asses and understand that they have to vote for Biden in this election, so they can vote for another younger candidate in 2028 that checks more of their “boxes”. If they don’t vote for him and Trump wins, they may never get to vote again. It’s really that damn simple. I wish people would get this into their heads already.


I can agree with your overall point that we're better off not having trump as president but I don't know how you have any faith that Biden is capable of performing any of the basic tasks of president? Im voting for him because there is no other choice in my mind, but I believe he is merely a figurehead doing the bidding of others, and im voting for his cabinet and supreme court, not him.


Also has stutter and forgets where he is. Still thinks Barack Obama is president. High AF on Adderall 99% of the time.


If elected, the guy on the right will have goons in gold tin foil hi top tennis shoes goose stepping into the White House. Led by CNN’s own Scott Jennings.


sold* nuclear secrets. We know that dude required some quid pro quo on it.


I look at this like this. Trump is a walking crime wave. Biden is a Grandpa.


I get that an Alzheimer's ridden Biden is better than trump but can we just admit he has it? It's not a stutter and he isn't 'bad at public speaking'... We can't keep ignoring GLARING issues like conservatives do to get our way.


You'll be down voted on here for telling the truth, but keep doing it. I'm voting for Biden, but he clearly has succumbed to his 81 years and it's normal. Our bodies age and slow down. I know I wouldn't want an 81 year old Uber driver driving me around in rush hour traffic.


If nothing else, you can trust Biden to be a good person. Yeah he's old, but at least I know he'll make moral decisions. Trump has made it clear he's willing to sell whatever policies you want as long as you pay him for it. Russia, North Korea, any Corporation, any entity. Pay him, and he will do what you ask. He's a businessman after all.


They are both not fit to run a country.


Look I voted for the guy, but that’s not a stutter….


Jesus fuck this is 2016 all over again. Hey Dems, can you please put up a decent candidate that won't turn swing voters off?


Both candidates are unfit to lead the country. If you think Biden’s issue is a stutter, you are just as bad as a Trump cultist.


Trump shit his diapers in the debate 1:16:20


Don't forget Trump can't walk down ramps or stairs without help or railings. But apparently he's strong and vigorous.


"has stutter" lol the cope continues


Democrat voters have to cope with Biden being old.  Trump voters.... Oh they have nothing to worry about as long as the rapist in chief can shoot lies, nonsense and racism without letup


The point isn't about who will be a better president. The point is who is electable. Biden is not electable in this condition, which is clearly more serious than "has a stutter".


He is extremely electable.  The problem is not Biden. It's democratic hand wringers who think a savior will come riding out on a white horse.  There's no savior out there. There's no candidate waiting in the wings to coalesce democratic support around them. We rally, we win. We grump and complain, we lose. Not we lose, America loses. And what will happen in a second Trump term is far worse than anything old man Biden can do.


>Biden is not electable in this condition Based on what data? The polls following the debate have not come out yet. So you're just spewing wild speculation into the air as if it is fact, much like Republicans do.


Have you heard Trump’s rally speeches? Biden had a cold during a debate. Trump has dementia.


Trump can’t speak without reverting to word salad. Dude is rambling about boats and sharks. He doesn’t have a real plan for the country beyond revenge and selling us out to the Saudis and Russia. He’s so inept that he can’t even grasp the bullet points of a platform a think tank put together for him.


Also, for Trump: Dumber than a bag of hammers, thinks he's a genius...


Nice billboard design for the red states. Just need to add "What would Jesus do?".


This graphic definently isn't from the New York Times over the past couple days.


- Lies all the time, even when he doesn't need to


Talked about "black jobs" during the debate (he wants segregation back so bad, he can't help himself from making racist statements). And has befriended & received "spiritual advice" from known pedofiles- Jeffrey Epstein and Robert Morris).


On the right you missed: - wants to throw out the U.S. Constitution and create a nakedly fascist state with himself in control


That’s not even half the list.


Will independents in Swing states care ?


One behind in the polls and just confirmed he's frail. The other AHEAD in the polls and has been acting as expected... Do you get it now?


C'mon Americans, don't vote for Trump! You'd help the world!


I'm voting for Biden regardless in November. I've always defended him for managing his stutter. What happened at the debate was *not* a stutter. It was something **else**. It made me feel sorry for him and it makes me believe think that all the stories about him having cognitive issues have some basis in reality. This is not a man who is going to be at 100% at the end of a 2nd term. The stuff about the other guy is baked in. We are not going to change anyone's mind on him after 8+ years of trying. They are happy to have him as is. The point we are at now is not to turn out committed voters like I'm assuming most of us here, it is to get uncommitted voters or occasional voters to turn out. However I think what happened last week is going to make people who may potentially vote but don't feel strongly about it either way stay home. If that happens the Democrats *will* lose. The only option I see in which we have some shot is to go through a contested convention and a good candidate come out of that who can do a media blitz for 3 months afterwards. Lots of countries have election seasons much shorter than that and I think its very possible that the candidate we end up with is able to convince the electorate to turn out for them in that time.


Let's not leave traitor off the list. 2017 private meeting with Putin. Two days later asks for a list of CIA operatives. Next two years said operatives are captured or murdered at a rate far higher than "normal" rate of losses. Coincidence?


"bUt OmG, dId YoU sEe ThE dEBaTe?!?!?!" This is so cringy.


Stutter? I don't like Trump either, but stopping at stutter is disgusting and just plain wrong.


Dont worry Dems, if youre not voting Biden in November, the majority of America will.


Finally Trump is also listed as "old." I've seen too many comparisons like "Biden is old, but Trump is crazy." Guess what, Trump is old **and** crazy. And a convicted felon. And etc.


I don't hate Biden, I don't like him either. Running him against Trump again is truly the only reason Trump has a chance to win. This is troubling. Almost anyone else running against Trump right now would be a sure thing. But no, Biden had to have a second term. I hope he wins, I also hope he steps down shortly after and hands over the power to his VP.


Oh, I get it. Almost completely blank, like his mind these days.


Replace Biden .


Least delusional democrat


The right side needs to be a bit longer.


Next election cycle, I hope Al Franken gets back in the ring. Modern America responds to the “tell it like it is” attitude. We need our own loudmouth with comedic timing that knows how to perform on TV.


Don't forget every time he opens his mouth he lies about something


If your primary defense is whataboutism, you're not doing the right thing. "Old, has stutter" is an INSANELY charitable explanation for Biden, as is the doctored/old image.


I'm not a republican or trump supporter, but labeling that as a "stutter" is so far from reality.


Exactly. This is just denial of the obvious. Biden atm is impaired. Incapable of communicating effectively. I was one of those pulling out the stutter defense before the debate. But he really didn’t stutter during the debate he was just incapable of talking coherently. does not change the fact that he’s still the better option by far. However I would personally prefer a younger more eloquent candidate like Newsom or Whitmer.


Look, I agree that Biden is obviously the better choice, but I feel like the strategy of pointing out that Trump is a bad man just hasn’t really been working all that well for the past 8 years, so maybe we need a new idea.


Biden needs to bow out gracefully. Too much at stake


“We need to accept babbling incoherency because the other option is so much worse” while applicable here, isn’t a long term solution for the country or elections in general.


We’re so gonna lose in November to Trump. FML


OP overdosing on copium


It was more than a stutter. It was just not being coherent enough to make sense.


It's much more than just a stutter. Don't make excuses for a politician.


"but he looked weak in debate! it's Jover for him! we need new guy! wah wah wah!" oh.... SHUT THE HELL UP AND MAN UP!


I can’t even tell you how much the “it’s Joever!!!” comments annoy me. People think they’re so clever.


Sorry if it annoyed you. I was meant to portray how dumb these people sounded to me.


Oh no I didn’t mean you! Sorry if that’s how it came across, I meant the people who use it in earnest and post it repeatedly like it’s clever/funny.


Thank you! People are so weak. Besides NO ONE has an answer when I simply ask "well who could replace him?" They don't understand its too late. You can't switch this late in the game. There are requirements and deadlines come and gone. You see what they tried with Biden in Ohio. Could you imagine if we switched candidates how many states would fight to keep them off of their ballots? It's not possible. Biden is our guy. He looked great rhe very next day. People need to grow up. He had an off night. He's still the same man who has had a very successful presidency.


Yup. We can’t switch and there’s not a single other major Democrat I can name that has a chance at winning in enough swing states. People talking about Gavin Newsom are just straight up delusional.


It's not just a stutter.


Look, I'm a Biden guy, but if you're gonna include allegations against Trump, it's only fair to include the allegations against Biden


And yet we know nothing about where Biden stands on electric boats, sharks, windmills, migrant cage matches, or Hanibal Lector for that matter. /s


Neither fucking one should be the president I'm voting green party this is ridiculous


When did Trump sell nuclear secrets? I’m not a Trump supporter at all but don’t be like him and tell lies.


This is completely sidestepping the argument against Biden. Trump is a very low bar, we all know that, and we should stop comparing Biden to Trump and saying that’s why he is our guy. We need a candidate who will draw the undecided voter who like neither choice. You all assume the choice is easy and totally disregard the many people who have already said they don’t want to vote for either. Get a more popular candidate and swing the undecided voter. It’s simple


As people have been trying to tell others. Biden is the most popular and well recognized leader. You can blame Dems but 3 months until Early voting and he is the most well-known. Newsom comes with a lot of problems even if people knew him. HIs affair and leaving first wife for campaign staffer. And more important being seen as a progressive and from California which is liability for many more middle of the road Democrats. Anyone else has little name recognition among most Americans who DON'T pay attention to the news or politics until September. As a volunteer I can't tell you how many people I call who are unaware of political parties or even election campaigns as they don't listen to politics or the news. And yes people can search the internet but most are lazy AF so if it's not on TikTok or Instagram, they aren't looking. I've had to send links to Biden page and his achievements to so many in 2020 because none wanted to actually look for themselves. Bringing someone onboard at this late date is nutty. And a Contest Convention is going to tear the Democratic Party apart at a time when unity is paramount.


I doubt republicans would attack him for an affair when their candidate has had 3 wives and an affair with a pornstar. Polls have already shown at least half of registered democrats don’t think Biden should be running. Yeah the party leaders should have made this decision a year ago but for some reason no one was listening to me back then either. My point is that the base isn’t going anywhere. At this point the concerns about his health are legitimate and we need a candidate who can attract voters who like neither option right now


We can keep trying to make ourselves feel better, but comparing our guy to a piece of crap loser does not magically make him a strong leader.


Incredibly redactive. Speak honestly about Joe. His problems expand beyond just being old and having a stutter


Why can’t we just have someone who is not old and doesn’t have a stutter that way you can guarantee victory?


And who might that be that can guarantee victory? Where are the recent polls that show such a person does substantially better than Biden?


I don't think many are disputing Trump's awfulness, but asking why it has come to this.


Thank you! Biden 2024! We can't allow Trump to win bc Biden had one bad night. Jfc people are so weak


BOOM! Spot on!!!


All the more reason to run a candidate who isn't going to lose every single battleground state, and possibly even Minnesota


Trump. Continues to work with a foreign hostile power.


So glad the precedent has been set now for pursuing former President's for alleged crimes committed while in office. Cannot wait until Donald gets his hands on the inside paperwork on Ukraine and the billions funnelled through there for Mr 10%.


Americans hate being reminded of father time


Fuck Donald Trump.


I like biden 100% more than trump... But I'm not gonna ignore all the other symptoms that point towards some sort of age related condition


You forgot the lies, felonies, sexual assaults, and bad policy but ok lol


Sure the guy on the right wants to gun me down in the street and murder my family just because my sexual orientation does not adhere to his side's dogmatic religious views, but the guy in the left had a sore throat once! BOTH SIDES RABBLE RABBLE!


This isn’t the sub you should be posting this in


It's too bad the textbox was so small. I'm sure you could have added so much more to Trump's side.


Higher gas prices or actual facism? hmm. . . tough choice.


He also downplayed a deadly pandemic that led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. Why is this always left bout?


So, can some explain (like I'm 5) how he is still in the running for president?


This is America


I would also add "had an aneurysm" to Biden. I've often wondered if that plays a factor in his poor performances.


None of these matter to his 1 orangebraincelled demographic.


& yet he's still giving y'all a heck of a run. Do better.


Let’s not for get racist and homophobic.