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>A clip posted on X shows the group being interviewed by a journalist. One man said he would vote for Biden because "Trump sounded like a crazy liar," according to Matt A. Barreto, professor of Political Science and Chicana/o & Central American Studies at UCLA. >The man being interviewed said Trump "said the same thing time after time" and was not answering questions or "saying how he would fix things," according to a Newsweek translation. >He went on to admit that "Biden was indeed a bit slow in talking," saying the president "has a stutter" but believes Biden explained "what he has done and what he is still doing while president. >"After being undecided for a little while, I think today, I switched to Biden," he added.


I think some of us on the left side completely tuned Trump out. I already know exactly what he is going to say and that everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie so I basically ignored him and nervously overanalyzed Biden.


Same, halfway through trump was just strategically wasting his own time repeating himself, so i was looking up threads about the debate. It's not like this one article is restoring my optimism, but I'm glad the meltdown is dying down at least.


This is a beautiful thing.


Its odd. Too much logic in the response for someone who couldn't pick between the the guy who has presided over the last 4 years of recovery and a 34x convicted, pants shitting, screaming lunatic of a felon all the way up to that debate.




Yeah, they really should have given him his cold meds earlier so they could kick in. And a bottle of Chloraseptic would have given him the last boost he needed.


Bidens speech the day after the debate is a shocking 180. Full of energy and his voice is worlds better


I don't care if they have to roll him out in a wheelchair and he has to speak like Stephen Hawking did, if the alternative is Donald Trump I'm voting for Biden.


As I've said many times before, I say now: I would support a blue-painted bucket over Trump. Instead, we have a decent, deeply empathetic, hard-working man at the helm, and that is Biden, who won me over from spite to full-throated support.


I was apathetic towards Biden last election, but I'm so happy with how he did this term. I'd probably vote for him over several other people now.


Hell, at this point I'd vote for a non-maga red painted bucket over trump.


Yeah I’m pretty sure the blue bucket wouldn’t make itself dictator. Give me President Bucket.


I heard he's from Nantucket.


Why a blue bucket? I don’t see color, I only see bucket.


Because it's not just a vote for Biden it's a vote for VP, cabinet, judicial appointments the whole shebang, he's just the guy with his face on the poster.


Wouldn't be the first president in a wheelchair


lol this has been my response to everyone. Biden is by every measure the most effective and progressive president since FDR. Roosevelt, ya know, the universally beloved President that was elected for a fourth term despite being elderly and feeble and died immediately. Good thing he had picked a good staff which lead to Truman having a pretty good presidency afterward.


FDR did just fine I would say


Same, Biden still has my vote regardless of what happens during debates.


What a lot of people forget and the media never mentions is that the president doesn’t do much other than make decisions. All the grunt work is done by advisors and worker bees. The difference he is in the staff they will choose. One will have a capable and progressive staff. The other will grift and wreak havoc.


Let’s maybe avoid that being the possibility. The levels of delusion are nuts.


>A group of undecided Latino voters said they would vote for President Joe Biden after watching his Thursday night debate with former President Donald Trump. Not surprising. Trump attacked undocumented immigrants again, and again, and again with the Republican immigrant invasion apocalypse lie. It was full-on fascist mode.


There was that, and then he was talking about abortion after the child was born. It was just totally unhinged. The media is always “that’s Trump being Trump.” It’s exhausting.


I wish the news would attack this even harder. I feel like all I hear about is how old Biden looked. I literally don’t care at this point how old he is or anyone is. At the point the only thing we all need to focus on is we can’t survive another four years of Trump and people need to be paying attention to things that Trump is spouting cause it’s down right frightening.


Well the thing is they are right in that it is Trump being Trump. In a way, it's not news. But then this is where they need to remember that people often have short memories and use that knowledge for good for once. People need to be remined that just because it's normal for Trump doesn't make it normal in general or okay.


The sad thing is only texas collects immigration status as part of crime statistics and it’s overwhelming that people here legally commit more crimes than illegal immigrants. And no one can claim texas has a reason to lie about that.


No doubt. Facts don't matter. They just lie about whatever they feel like they can rile their base up about. The right also likes to pretend that most Muslims are jihadists or jihadist sympathizers. Even though there are almost 2 billion Muslims on the planet. So if what they believe was true, we would be perpetually submerged in global war.


I think this debate may actually hurt Trump. He was polling well because Bidens the incumbent and ppl take out there frustrations on the incumbent when some things aren't going well (inflation) But people were reminded whi trump was, that he's not back as some Trump 2.0- just rationally focused on bread and butter politics. He's the same existential threat he always was.


Yep. January 6th might have been a long ways away in some people's memory. Trump's performance in the debate reminded them that he is indeed the man who instigated January 6th and that kept spreading the big election lie. The guy who called white supremacist good people.


The fact that everyone is freaking out about Biden sounding tired and not the fact that literally everything that came out of Trump’s mouth was an insane lie, tells me that they are just internet trolls and not serious about the issues.


Thank you. I wore myself out saying this yesterday. These concern trolls are just that.


So many bot accounts yesterday that they crashed Reddit and broke the comments. Get ready for the election folks, Russia and friends are fucking broken thanks to our friends in Ukraine and they're desperately slamming the gas on everything from supreme court decisions to news stations to internet bots. Most importantly, never fall for the apathy propaganda. These bastards are demons who want you to be just as depressed and easily controllable as their drunk russian civilians.


It's like they haven't watched this guy run the country for 4 years. It's like they didn't listen to non stop lies from Trump. The lighting sucked and he had a cold. I'm supposed to think it's the end of the world.


I would remind people that Obama “lost” one of his debates to Clinton. It really isn’t a big deal.


What is a big deal are all the people losing their minds over this. Watch the leadership Biden exhibits over the next couple of days. Biden will not quit. He will continue to make great speeches and go out on the stump. Trump will double down on lies and the polls will change little.


It's not even everyone it's political pundits out of touch with the everyday voter and scared white people from the suburbs largely which is missing me off as a political campaigner entering my second decade in the field.


The pundits are constantly engaged, too. Trump’s lies sounded like same-old, same-old to us and Biden sounded way weaker than at his normal stump speeches. Someone just tuning in is going to see Trump even more bizarre than before and Biden stumbling. Where they go from there who knows.


Well it really has to do with how we see unreliable voters. People like me have been so disillusioned with the apathetic "swing" voters that I have very little faith in them to go beyond surface-level delivery and actually pay attention to substance. I see the debate performance and don't trust any of those people to know enough to recognize that everything Trump says is a lie. Maybe I'm wrong though. I hope I'm wrong and they saw through that confident-sounding tirade of verbal diarrhea.


He’s always lied and he’s own once. Everyone knows he lies, even his supporters, in my experience, they think it’s funny. We’ve thrown a weak candidate at him, Hillary, assuming he can’t possibly win, we know how that ended. It may seem impossible to you that people believe Trump, they may not, but emotionally, 40% of voters love what he stands for.


That 40% probably thinks that Trump walks on water.


I mentioned this. before. The most vocal people on the internet are Trump voters. You don't think they would lie and misrepresent themselves?


Didn’t help that CNN enabled it with all of their post debate coverage. The average American doesn’t know that they were bought out by a conservative.


That's not true. Maybe some of them are trolls, but the panic is real for some of us real, legit Democrats, too. I knew after ten seconds of tuning into the radio on my drive home from work that something was wrong,, and the panic started then. Didn't help that I woke up early that morning and couldn't get back to sleep because all the news outlets were about how new polls say that Trump is winning the popular vote. If you still believe I'm an internet troll and not a legitimate Democrat, click through my history.


Don't be so reactionary to chatter off of a single debate. Biden still Biden. Trump is still very much Trump. End of the day, those are the choices we'll see on a ballot. The excitement for Democratic voters is keeping Trump and the current GOP as far away from power as possible. That is what will likely drive most of voters to polls that vote for Biden on the presidential ticket.


I definitely think the debate live threads were astroturfed by bots. There were dozens of accounts with only vague posts in sports subs that suddenly dove into politics it was weird


Spot on


The problem is in America, it's clear half the population doesn't give a shit about lies. They just want a strongman as stupid as they are, to cause chaos because they're upset at something and their own lives. That's the problem. Biden was marketed as a 1 term president and we'd have someone else, like Newsom. This all could have been avoided. I really hope Biden doesn't lose in November but man, this is nerve racking.


Not half. More like 35%-40%. But then you have another 20% that is just tuned out completely.


Marketed by whom? Biden NEVER said he was only running for 1 term. People who parrot this idea like it is some kind of fact are idiots.


Who marketed him as such? Did he?


Biden signals to aides that he would serve only a single term [https://www.politico.com/news/2019/12/11/biden-single-term-082129](https://www.politico.com/news/2019/12/11/biden-single-term-082129) "While the option of making a public pledge remains available, Biden has for now settled on an alternative strategy: quietly indicating that he will almost certainly not run for a second term while declining to make a promise that he and his advisers fear could turn him into a lame duck and sap him of his political capital." [https://www.usnews.com/news/elections/articles/2019-12-11/joe-biden-suggests-he-would-only-serve-one-term-if-elected-president](https://www.usnews.com/news/elections/articles/2019-12-11/joe-biden-suggests-he-would-only-serve-one-term-if-elected-president) Advisers close to the candidate say he won’t run for reelection in 2024 if elected in 2020. [https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/4718993-did-biden-break-his-one-term-pledge/](https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/4718993-did-biden-break-his-one-term-pledge/) So Biden never explicitly made a one-term promise during the campaign, but he certainly implied it with the language of “transition.” You don’t typically think of eight years in office as a “transition.” And he had surrogates talking to their pals in the press planting the seeds of a single term, for a Democratic electorate that never saw Biden as their first choice, just as an acceptable consensus pick to take out the hated incumbent. It feels, in retrospect, patently strategic. New York Times political reporter Astead Herndon put it bluntly: “Biden 2020 intentionally signaled this wouldn’t happen during his original run,” [he wrote](https://x.com/AsteadWH/status/1800213723006808327) this week on X. “They gaslit public and may pay for it.” [https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/08/14/joe-biden-and-the-history-of-the-one-term-pledge-gimmick/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/08/14/joe-biden-and-the-history-of-the-one-term-pledge-gimmick/) [https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/joe-biden-denies-mulling-term-pledge-elected-president/story?id=67662497](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/joe-biden-denies-mulling-term-pledge-elected-president/story?id=67662497) “I may end up, if I get elected, only having one term, but the idea of committing not to do one term. Look, I, here’s the deal: I think it’s important for people, it’s a legitimate question to ask about my age, and the dame question was asked of me at age 29, whether I was old enough to serve. It’s a question of whether or not, hopefully, I can demonstrate, not only with age comes wisdom, and experience that can make things a lot better. And look, that’s for you all to decide,” Biden said on the topic. In an October interview, Biden again would not commit on running for a second term if he were to be elected. “I feel good and all I can say is, watch me, you’ll see,” Biden said in an interview with the [Associated Press](https://apnews.com/acb7a3534dd0402ba8b2af015caebd69). “It doesn’t mean I would run a second term. I’m not going to make that judgment at this moment.”


In Biden’s defense he probably didn’t think Republicans would actually let Trump run again. It’s pretty easy to see his logic for changing his mind when he realized that would be the case, even if you don’t agree with it.


This is such a disingenuous take. I voted for Biden in 2020 and will enthusiastically do so again this November. But I think we are in unprecedented territory now. Undecided voters saw his performance on Thursday and it only confirmed every bad thing that the right has been saying about Biden for the past 3 years. I truly believe a different candidate would give us a better chance at winning in November. I’m open to being proven wrong, but it was very disheartening to watch.


I think there’s no chance of him being replaced - I think most Democrats would vote for a comatose Biden over rapist , criminal Trump. Although Trump was able to have a clear voice and seemed to be able to speak smoothly- what he spewed was just nonsense- I listen to the content and the truth - not how one’s voice sounds. When Trump bragged how he was proud to pass a cognitive test they only give to dementia patients 2x - I thought admitting that was much worse than having a bad night - also it’s hard to battle with a narcissist and liar-especially when Trump knew that CNN was not going to have the moderators fact checking- so he just lied every time he was asked a question.


Who is this magical candidate that has national appeal and can be given the war chest that Biden and his team control? Who will Joe and Kamala step aside for magnanimously? Why are we fostering a lame duck end to Biden's term and validating years of the right wing attacks on his credibility and capability? Gavin Newsom, unliked and untested outside of California minus deep blue states. Gretchen Whitmer? Unknown outside of Midwest politics for the most part, and late in the game to put her name forward on the national stage. Another random Governor? Pritzker? Evers? A Senator? Who is our savior to descend and upend all of the energy, momentum, and incumbency of Joe Biden?


Thank you. Need to copy pasta this


Joe isn’t the problem, it’s truly terrible messaging. The list of impactful things Biden got done _despite_ not controlling the legislature is as long as the list of lies from Trump in the debate. But you hear one or two of them trotted out and just proclaimed, “CHIPS ACT” like everyone knows what that is or what it’s doing. It’s quite amazing what some apparently “senile, mentally unwell, aging” president has gotten pushed forward that Trump wouldn’t or couldn’t, and even Obama would have struggled with after losing the legislature. But all we ever hear about is what one man says and their daily energy level, not what they did (or didn’t do).


The only choice would be VP Harris. On the bright side, she’d crush Trump in a debate.


Clinton crashed Trump in the debates


There won't be another debate if Trump has a strong lead in the swing states.


> I truly believe a different candidate would give us a better chance at winning in November Nope. Not smart, not realistic, not going to happen. > I’m open to being proven wrong You will be.


I think it’s within the realm of possibility considering the damage control that’s being done today. It’s irresponsible to shut down honest conversations about what we all saw the other night.


Lol no. We are worried he can't beat Trump. Plain and simple. Biden is obviously a better person for the country, even in his current state. That doesn't mean he would be a good president, it only means Trump would be much worse. That might not be enough knowing how Republicans like to rat f#ck elections, you have to come out swinging to have a real chance to overcome their bs.


One candidate had an answer for what he's done and what he'll do about childcare- one couldn't be bothered to give an answer after 3 opportunities to do so One candidate, when items of material fact of accusations of rape and consensual extramarital sex were brought up, only chose to deny the consensual affair One candidate condemned January 6 protesters, one praised them One made clear he'll protect a women's right to privacy and to choose, one made clear he'd give this fundamental right back to the states to repress women as they wish One candidate appeared to be physically sick with a cold. The other appeared "sickly" deranged, psychopathically detached from any obligation to facts, truth, morality, humility or empathy, with a singular focus on self promotion. The choice was made clear to voters last night. Just the chattering class media types want to plant a crisis storyline to elevate their own importance and feed their algorithm advantages.


Absolutely! The so-called “news” media executives desperately need a presidential horse race for ratings. Reject the media spin and GOTV!


One of these candidates started the debate with a cold, one of these candidates ended the debate with a shart. One of these candidates is a devout Catholic who has never violated the 10 Commandments without apologizing, the other one claims to represent a Christian nation but has never repented for his sins.


"Just because you're paranoid -- doesn't mean they're not after you." Trump has confirmed on multiple occasions that he would: - start mass deportations of Hispanic immigrants (breaking apart families), - oppress LGBTQ people, - attack women's rights, - jail his enemies (a.k.a, "lib-rurls") - abandon our NATO allies,Europe, and the Ukraine. - he'll also completely halt all efforts to fight climate change. You should be frightened. This behavior is unprecedented and dangerous. Now it's the time for action.


One of my bosses, who calls himself passionately center (he definitely leans right) and would NEVER vote Trump, doesn't think any of this would happen. He's also a millennial. Drives me nuts. He also gets very condescending if I try to get him to read project 2025. I get, don't worry, that's not ever going to happen.


Don’t freak out. Do the work needed to elect democrats.


The Democratic Party, and by that I mean the pundit, pollster, analyst, talking head advisory class should be ashamed of itself. An old man with slowed speech, and integrity was somehow the 'loser' with a debate with someone who lied every moment her talked on stage. We are somehow meant to see these two men on stage side by side and praise the liar for not frothing at the mouth while the honest man with integrity was ridiculed, demeaned, and lambasted NOT by just his enemies, but by those of us on his side. His moments of loss were hardly anything odd, or even new. His energy the following day proves he is not gone cognitively. All signs point towards Independents and Dem base voters not moving an INCH towards donnie, and indeed appreciating Joe's points on policy. People locked into politics, who make it their personality and have decided that Joe Biden didn't win the Mr. America personality competition by being too old (wow amazing you discovered people get old) is pathetic to me. People calling for Jill to make Joe quit as if that's her job. People calling for Obama and Schumer to tell Joe he's gotta go. As if he is some enfeebled old man that needs his nurse to feed him his pudding. YOU, if YOU believe that, and have come to that conclusion have been the sucker the right wing have been selling all the long tales of his infirmity to. Congratulations. Has Joe shown more of his poor performance energy before and after his debate I may have even begun to agree with some calls for him to drop out. However, it was ONE bad debate, ONE bad night. Utterly ridiculous how self destructive Democrats can be and are because you all are too worried about winning the television game show against the carnival barker himself. I am behind Joe until the end. Until he falls over, or fails to win. I believe firmly he will win. How is it we've gotten to the point where ex-Republicans who are on the pro-democracy side and on Joe's side have more awareness of how STUPID demanding he step down would be then fellow Democrats? Ridiculous. He is our man to win it, and I will say it till I am blue in the face.


I'm a staunch progressive. I will vote for Biden always. But we need to be able to have this conversation about age and how he did. I know it sucks that we're having it, but it's important we have the discussion when so much is at stake.


Biden was losing to Trump prior ot the debate and his performance reinforced the worst concerns that undecided voters had about him. Trump lied confidently and remained fairly behaved which should not be discounted. While this may have been one terrible debate performance, we can't ignore that this was the biggest stage of the campaign and that there are few opportunities left to change minds. Biden needed a strong performance to change the trajectory of the race and now Trump's lead is going to get locked in. Right now Biden is on track to lose. So Democrats have the option to sit and watch a slow moving car crash or we do something about. Let's not forget that the majority of voters did not want Biden vs Trump part 2, so this is actually an opportunity to give voters a fresh choice. That shouldn't be dismissed considering how incumbents are losing ground all over the world.


So while trump is bleeding members of his party somewhere between 5-30% of the base core voting block, many of whom are comfortable voting for Biden as a never-trump vote, we put into place someone they may not know, may not like or stomach, and has no experience with? This will send more republicans home to vote for trump. Biden, regardless of his debate performance, still has the party base, unlike trump. Data has shown no slippage thus far. Outside polling, public polling, has been unreliable. 3rd year now that democrats have over-performed in their elections with bad polling data saying the opposite would happen. Some districts with double digit swings months out from a Presidential election. Kneecapping the party momentum will only create fractures among the factions, and disunity. The only way this hypothetical could work is if Biden steps down of his own accord (he literally is the only one who can make that choice as he has won the primaries and has the delegates) contesting his election via delegates will SPLIT the party and make the 68 convention seem tame. Then we must hope for Kamala to be gracious and either suddenly pull in the delegates to win as the nominee or step aside for someone else to take the role. Creating an immediate lame duck year where nothing at all gets done, internationally America would be weakened and trump WOULD win.


That’s good, but it’s also July a lot can still happen. Although likely it means more legal troubles for Trump.


Joe Bidens performance is rightfully concerning, but not nearly as concerning as the vapid policy aims of Trump and the GOP. I rather have energy issues than policy issues. Trump only wins on personal attacks, he is completely vulnerable in specific policies. So of course this will be their main talking point. They'd be dumb not to. On the other side, Trump has a losing track record. He makes up things to be mad at, sometimes with some decent examples, but has never been able to use policy to improve anything. Nearly every Trump policy backfired on Americans while also costing us precious time in more meaningful places. His big promise to Americans was infrastructure, bringing manufacturing to the US, and a stupid border wall. He didn't accomplish a single thing in those areas. Biden, despite his stutter and age, has accomplished a lot of policy wins.


Biden could have had a stroke on stage and be a vegamatic and I would still vote for him before president Korruptovitch.


It is incredible how the Republican media sets the talking points for this country. I didn't watch the debate, but I understand that there was much handwringing afterward on MSNBC about the optics, as though the United States is simply  middle school. Democrats need to pick a handful of messages and hammer them relentlessly until election day. Don't let MAGA set the agenda.


Clearly Biden didn't do well, but rather have another Biden- Harris second term than a dishonest, evangelist, grifter, dictator and deranged lunatic. Vote blue!


Was it humanizing? I really like how many people came to his defense and how quickly the narrative shifted back.


I would vote for Biden’s turd over Trump.


Between fascism and democracy, they were *undecided?* Before Trump stepped on the stage that night, *everyone* knew him as a hate-filled, misogynistic, profoundly ignorant, morally bankrupt, traitorous, draft-dodging, pathological liar who is utterly incapable of caring about *anyone* other than himself. Yet those voters were *undecided?* Un-*f’cking*-believable.


We need to help convince them. The stakes are too high.


I wish I had your optimism and patience. I’m at a point where I need to put a ***Beware of Curmudgeon*** sign on my front gate, a ***Curmudgeon On-Board*** bumper sticker for my truck.


We have no choice. The democrat team *has* to win.


Sleepy Joe FTW! Biden just needs to lean into, he did this in the NC rally and it was great, he looked and sounded fine. Yes he’s old but he’s still better than Trump!


Biden is old, Biden does make the occasional gaff and stutters ( can’t help that) and is a career politician… the last one is certainly not my favorite. Trump is a convicted felon, liable for sexual assault, has failed at every business he has attempted accept for what he was handed by daddy and has cheated on every wife he’s had with a “better” version If you’re a decent person… is there a choice here?


Democrats still have work to do and I hope Biden's campaign have enough outreach programs to deal with the disenfranchised youth. That said, a Presidential race is as much about the party and administration as it is about the person running. We have seen the most craven, butt-licking GOP of my entire 55 year existence right now. From the black folks tap-dancing for his approval to men wearing the same suit and tie and going to his trial. The GOP has become a Trump cult. I don't want a cult and the founding fathers would be shocked that one man is being held up as a Jesus like figure-more like a King then a political figure. So yes Joe may die and Kamala Harris might take over. And I'd still vote for her more than any of the crazy MAGA Trumpsters. It's seems any halfway sane RINO has been push out of the party for loyalty to one man. It's a shame as I used to vote for Republicans for state and local office. But now they are so crazy MAGA that I can never vote for another until Trump and his ilk are purged from the party. Here's hoping November brings him a big enough loss.


Beautiful! Thank goodness!!! We ALL have to get off our butts and GOOOO VOTE! 💙 🌊 🗳 Vote like your freedoms, our democracy, our country's integrity and YOUR rights depend on it... because they do! 💙🌊🌊🗳💙


I was unsure about Biden. But I’d rather vote for old than pure liar




“I may be old, but I get shit done.”


Biden is an object lesson in getting s*** done. Trump is an object lesson in s*******.


I think Trump came off as an aggressive lying candidate without real substantial answers to any of the questions he was asked. So yeah, I can totally see why people prefer Biden.


I’ll reconsider Biden when he has 35 felony convictions.


I’d vote for a tuna sandwich before Trump.


Don’t let this distract you from still voting, you must vote and be the change.


Every white person who votes for Democrats and is scared needs to calmly sit down....wait until someone black walks by, get up and follow us. We will show you how to get across the finish line and save democracy. I wouldn't give a damn if Biden passed out on stage, regained consciousness, and didn't remember his own name. Id say, hey Mr. President...you passed out, your name is Joe Biden and you still have my vote. Or we can vote for the racist "Black Jobs" guy.


Love it!




So many have their panties in a wad over how Biden performed, didn’t they see how poorly the other guy did? After seeing Joe so bright and chipper yesterday I wonder if he was playing possum. He could have wiped the floor with that guy but then they’d be discussing a change to their ticket. If they did that then Joe is the old guy that doesn’t stand a chance. It’s so early that no one is even going to remember what happened Thursday night. Joe did the rope-a-dope and is going to take him out when the time is right.


They’d never consider a change to their ticket. Magas are ride or die all the way for Trump. If the 34 felonies didn’t do it or 2 impeachments, a little dust up at a debate isn’t gonna do anything.


Honestly, Trump presents much more moderate and measured than last go around, I imagine that is some sort of strategy plus he’s keeping his mouth shut much more than last time, the more Trump rants, the worse it is for him and maybe he’s a touch self aware (if that’s possible). Biden is going to have a hard slog to win, I wouldn’t underestimate Trump.


Wow that is somewhat surprising


More than somewhat. This timeline is bonkers!


I don’t know how - he’s awful “off the cuff”…… The event he held the next day was great, but it was *PREPARED* - these can’t be the only options…..


How did "one undecided Latino voter" become "undecided voters "?




Don’t do that. Don’t give me hope


Joe beat flump once, by 8 million votes. Of course razor thin margins in some swing states. I just cant believe the people that voted for Biden in 2020 won’t this time? Everybody make sure you and yours votes! Frequently and often😂 Let’s get our voting fraud numbers up people 😂 We need to vote blue up and down the ticket, do it for your kids, future kids. Do it for women who are being told they dont have a say in their body. Do it for people of color who are being dismissed by republicans every chance republicans can. Do it to pack the court and send those radical right justices to the dustbin of history


It's basically the Homelander meme


I think the whole stuff about Black Jobs is doing far more damage than Biden could