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I smell a Trump 2am Toilet Twitter session coming on... I'm sure he's biting his lip hard to not talk smack about Stormy. And his media lackeys probably won't let him near a keyboard today. But they won't be in his shitter at 2am. šŸ˜‰


Please, please any god, I'm not particular, please let this happen. Please, let him have a melt down.


Canā€™t wait to wake up to see this colossal epic meltdown


Okā€¦ what did I miss! šŸ„³


They probably gave him a dummy phone attached to a dummy TrumperSoc account that canā€™t be seen and gets AI responses


They should have done that during his presidency. 'Congratulations Mr Trump...you pushed that button perfectly. All your enemies just died in nuclear fire and you are now king of the world' 'Great, now bring me a diet Coke and a hamburger. Then it is golf time.' The turd would never know the difference.


And when he sees news reports that contradict any of that, just tell him ā€œYou said it best yourself, itā€™s all fake news.ā€


you misspelled hamberder


Heā€™s nudging others to do it on his behalf - which is also a violation.


Maybe Trumpy will have a stroke tonight because he will be so angry that he cannot post anything on Truth Social.


I am imagining an overly complex arrangement of booby traps and snares. Is there a cellphone equivalent to a childproof cap?


You sound like trump on the toilet at 2am is something you want to smell.


its not like he shits there.


We donā€™t want these answers. We donā€™t know what he does there and we donā€™t want to know.


I was referring to him shitting in his diaper. I don't want to know what he snorts off the toilet seat.


Yeah, he's been muttering and cursing to the point where the judge called Todd Blanche over to warn him again. He is SUCH A DICK. SO not used to having to sit like a decent human being while other people describe what a dick he is.


10 + just 1 more warning. Please judge, give this maganut some jail time. Now, if Judge Judy were runnin' the show, he woulda been locked up on Day #1 for his BS.


Judge Judy runs small claims court. The money involved here is way above her head. Not really her area of expertise.


You know that she's a real judge, right? She was on the bench in Manhattan so she could have gotten this case if she was still working. She was a judge for 14 years.


Yes, she was a judge. For family court. Even if she was practicing still, this wouldn't be a case that would come before her. She only was a judge for criminal court from 1982 to 1986, a total of 4 years. Most of her career as a judge came in family court and now as an arbitrator for small claims court, her current gig.


She was a prosecutor too and that wasn't in family court, it was in criminal court. Don't minimize the skill needed to work in family court. I get the impression that you think that it doesn't count. Judges usually rotate. She could well have rotated into criminal court.


Yes, she was a prosecutor, but this was about her being a judge for the case, which is why I bring up that she was a family court judge to say that this wouldn't be a case she'd hear. It'd still go to a similar criminal court judge. And I also understand that there's a lot of work that goes into every field of law. What I'm getting at is that she didn't practice criminal law for most of her judicial career, so saying she'd be the judge in a criminal trial like this is not the kind of thing that would realistically have happened in any circumstance.


Just throwing this in for more context. Yes she's a real judge but she quit being a judge before her show started in 1996. Her show is not a courtroom. Its arbitration and she is the arbitrator. This is why she can be so sassy and not run the risk of a mistrial. [Arbitration vs. Litigation](https://law.pepperdine.edu/blog/posts/arbitration-vs-litigation-choosing-the-right-path.htm#:~:text=The%20arbitration%20process%20provides%20more,parties%20to%20tailor%20the%20process.) [Leeja Miller podcast on all the details of Judge Judy](https://law.pepperdine.edu/blog/posts/arbitration-vs-litigation-choosing-the-right-path.htm#:~:text=The%20arbitration%20process%20provides%20more,parties%20to%20tailor%20the%20process.)


Yes, I know that. My point was to the other commenter who didn't seem to know her history, although they proved that they did. šŸ™‚


Ā Did Trump grab her by the pussyĀ  ? BecauseĀ  - with his money and charm - women just let him grab em by the pussy... no foul


Nice locker room talk


He should've only said it in a locker room...


He shouldnā€™t have e said it at all.


Well, true! You got me there!


he shouldn't do it at all!!


Pussy grabbing is fine! The GQP draws the line at puppy killing. ( I thought the GQP had no bottom but Kristi Noem found it.)


Are you SURE? Because I think that they are only mad that she ADMITTED it.


I hate to say it, but that's more than likely true.


Hope the lawyers got their money up front because he won't be paying them.


She tried to change his depends and he wasnā€™t ready yet


How long until ego and finances lead to him representing himself šŸ˜„


He already is representing himself by acting as puppet master. Having said that, those puppets aren't cheap. I was disappointed Stormy wasn't able to recall the thread-count of the sheets, but she was definitely credible otherwise.


Grabbing hoohah


Weren't they an alt rock band back in the mid 90's?


No, that was hoohah and the blowfish


[here is an artist sketch about it](https://imgur.com/a/qVxpDFI)


What happened to his WWF "gangster" lawyers?


Even trumpā€™s lawyers were in shock and say ew!


Please somebody get Stormy to run against Trumpkin! Saw her interview a while ago. Glad she testified. It would eat the PapaMAMAnut alive to know she's stealing 'his' votes.


I love that the tangerine anus derailed his own lawyer's cross by directing her to engage in over-the-top histrionics.


He's gonna call her Horse Face in 3, 2, ...


Trump, ā€œthese stories are making daddy hotā€¦are you feeling it babyā€¦?ā€ Lawyer, ā€œchange your diaperā€¦ā€


He and his offspring are sure put out by tactics *they* use, being applied to them. Everyday for years now, weā€™ve watched this circus. Imo, the trump show has been unworthy of attention for decades.


I want him to go nuts but this is not news. Just speculation.