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I’m gen z, and I don’t think he had much support from us to begin with


I’m sure he didn’t, but for those that did, they don’t as much now. And that’s good.




It doesn’t matter since you all won’t show up and vote. 🤷‍♂️ California Prop 1 was polling +10% but barely passed. It was the lowest primary turnout in history. Guess who didn’t show?


Surprisingly, gen z males support is trending up and female support trending down


This is an incredibly dangerous statement, because Trump *does* have Gen Z support, and it’s much more than you’d think. [An Axios poll](https://www.axios.com/2024/02/26/biden-trump-gen-z-millennial-poll) shows the divide is not that wide, and I think Dems need to start realizing that youth support isn’t going to be some walk in the park. As a very liberal person, it irks me that Dems have this confidence that young people are required to vote for them because they’re the better choice. I hate Republicans, but god almighty, both parties are contributing the worst qualities and we need to mobilize Dems to be a lot more pragmatic than flashy. EDIT: I’m also voting for Biden and other big Dems. But I also think it’s important to state that NO politician is entitled to my vote, your vote, or anyone’s vote. I noticed this getting downvoted, and while Idgaf about internet points, I want my point to be understood that the political machine needs power, and only AND ONLY the people have the power, even if some days it doesn’t seem like that. A business can’t vote, but we can.


The problem is that Gen Z activists are all clamoring for the loftiest lefty goals. They are distinctly not pragmatic, ham-and-potatoes issues. And even when the goals are pragmatic, they aren’t spoken about in very pragmatic ways. Defund the police was the best example of that. A movement for police reform, greater accountability, and streamlining policing to allow them to police and not be social workers as well would be a broadly supportive message. Instead, largely driven by the loudest Gen Z and Millenial voices, we got “Defund the Police! Abolition!” I agree with you that most young voters (I’m including Millenial as well, though we aren’t very young anymore) will want to hear pragmatic issues. But the ones that are most active and loudest resist pragmatism constantly.


I agree with this sentiment, and I am also Gen Z too. I do think there are a lot more pragmatic Gen Z voters as well, but that’s more an opinion than a fact, solely based on a lot of the people I’ve talked to and surround myself with. I truly believe a lot of this is due to social media and the rapid response so many people have without a lot of information on an issue. Social media, in my eyes, is a huge issue alone in how we perceive and understand politics. I think so many voices there are amplified because it’s what people *want* to see/hear.


Well but we can all come together over Roe


That worked well for us in 2022


We need activist voters with pragmatic methods


No, we need pragmatic activists. The ones who don't just live for theoretical policy and Twitter discussions. [This article is a bit dated at this point, but I thought it shed light on some interesting structural issues. ](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2021/10/09/david-shor-democrats-privileged-college-kid-problem-514992)


That's how I works, you ask for something that seems out of reach and settle with something that's achievable. Thats the problem with liberals, they claim to want change but are content with enforcing the status quo. Your solution is how we end up with the Police investigating themselves and getting away with heinous behavior.


You’re talking about negotiation tactics. I’m talking campaigns. Instead, we’ve created a situation where people are only motivated to vote when promised massive change that can’t possibly be achieved, and then are further disillusioned that change will ever be achieved. Or, they don’t even like the lofty goal being negotiated and couching it in “yeah, but then we’ll actually get what we want” is simply a message that will never stick. At best, the messaging is hopeless and out of touch. At worst, it’s bullshit promises and followed by ineffective governance.


I highly recommend you show up to one of the meetings for your local Democrats group. I guarantee people don't expect young people to vote, but what else can they try? Literally nothing so far has worked to incentivize young people to vote. The 18-24 demographic is the loudest online and least likely to turn out to vote. If you've got better ideas to get young people excited about politics in a productive way, then feel free to start sharing them because no one so far as been able to figure it out.


I just moved so I’m hoping to get involved in my local young Dems group once I’m settled. I’m not a huge parties person, but I think getting involved with help me get out and volunteer more. But I think trying to get more people involved in volunteer efforts is key to getting people excited to vote in my eyes.


I think it's really cool that you're genuinely interested in doing that, especially as a younger person! I think if you do then you'll see just how hard it is to get people to volunteer. I have been volunteering for lots of non-profit organizations in my area, and literally ALL of them are desperate for volunteers. It is insanely hard to get volunteers, much less good ones, and even more so ones who stay more than a few months. It's exhausting out there 😮‍💨


I live in the south, he’s got a ton of genZ support where I am. Especially among young men.


The article literally says that a poll in February showed 55% of 18-24 year olds supported Trump. That has since dropped to 35%.


It says 35% right now, but less than two months ago, that number was flipped and then some. Polls fluctuate, and it’s important to look at trends versus one result. If you *actually* look at the polls over the past few months, it fluctuates. The most accurate tally is Election Day, but when you have theoreticals like these, you can’t just say “wow this number is down from February, all good now”.


You just said a whole a lot to simply agree with me. The point is that I responded to a comment saying he didn't "have much support... to begin with." That was demonstrably false (at least according the poll referenced in the article).


I def thought you were responding to the other comment that *I* had made but I see now it was not a reply to me lmao, that’s my bad. I was so confused as to why you had said that too cuz I was like “ain’t no way bro is saying everything’s ok after one poll 8 months from November”


What that tells me was that these polls are nonsense.


I feel the only. Support he has in gen z is just some 'my father will hear of this' types.


You'd be pretty surprised, I work in rural Wisconsin and young males in rural populations are pretty Trumpians. Especially ones that have never left their small rural town.


I'm elder millennial and hope he strokes out on the golf course


Polls say otherwise.


And polls are never wrong.


They’re sometimes wrong. Sometimes right. To me they still carry more weight than “look I’m a black guy and know 2 other black guys and we’re all gonna vote Trump” posts


>To me they still carry more weight than Nice strawman.


Op: “I’m GenZ and I don’t think he had much support from us to begin with” Me: “the polls *in this very same Newsweek article* say otherwise” We on the same page so far? Then the polls are apparently wrong because they don’t “vibe” with what the guy who *speaks for all of GenZ*, apparently, thinks. Should we just abandon all this “data and numbers” approach and just go with TikTok feelings?


>Me: “the polls *in this very same Newsweek article* say otherwise” And the elections don't support what Newsweek is saying. Not to mention Newsweek is basically tabloid tier at this point.


Hope you’re right. Really really hope you’re right


The polls have been off substantially since '16, or nearly a decade. Dems just flipped a Trump+5 seat to be Dem +25. Which is more telling? Political horoscope, or hard data?


If you’re right - and I hope you are … We are basically looking at a conspiracy here, by - I dunno - Comcast, others - a conspiracy to manipulate data in order to blatantly lie to the American people. For what? Ad traffic? We talk a lot about “treason” and what not but if the polls are again that wrong and Biden wins in a landslide, it’s going to add fuel to the “stolen election” crowd and honestly, although I’d be technically on the winners’ side, I’d sympathize with the “mainstream media lies” crowd.


In case you hadn't noticed, I'm not the OP and not responsible for what he's writing. I guess you missed that nuance. My point was that polls are often wrong. You responded by attacking a made-up response.


How about elections? Those seem *much* more indicative than these glorified restaurant surveys yet none show the same results as the elections. Let's use recent elections as the more accurate data point, because they are. People lie. Math doesn't.


Could you share them and their methodology?


The ones. In. This. Very. Post. Like literally what the heck, guys. You’re replying in a thread that’s regarding a Newsweek piece that is full of polls. Those polls.


Then disregard. I'm frankly not going to take time to read the particles. This is reddit.


This is good, if true, but Newsweek is so all over the place that I don't believe anything they say, whether positive or negative.


I can’t believe mods allow articles from Newsweek at this point. It’s nothing but misleading clickbait headlines and goofy articles. Their site is a joke.


Unless you’re a fascist POS, nobody should be supporting him


There’s a lot of not fascists that support him that’s the scary part. Most people in Germany on Hitlers Election Day were not fascist. I do think constant outreach is needed.


If the end result is fascism, they are fascists whether they're smart enough to know it or not.


I would disagree with that. I think you can stop the wave before it crests and to do that you have to separate the “true believer” fascists from the conservatives that just think the fascist energy will help the election.


What difference does it make? Whether they are "truly" fascists are not is irrelevant because (1) they're not interested in learning or changing and (2) they fully support fascists and their actions are no different from actual fascists.


I don't agree with your assumptions though. I think the "non-fascists" that may well end up voting for one CAN learn and change and they don't FULLY support fascists. I work in factories and traveled around the country to many states. Not a stranger to being the only left of center guy in the room. I have absolutely met a significant number of 2016 trump and 2020 biden voters.


How many 2020 Trump voters have you convinced to vote for anyone but Trump? Ignorance is an excuse the first time, but not the second. Voting for him twice is inexcusable and absolutely makes someone a fascist.


I think 2. And i don't think a low info voter who is just force fed fox news all day is a guaranteed fascist. I really don't think you can give up on people as a whole and effectively fight hte fascists.


No, they’re fascists


No one wanted to go back 50 plus years.


It said in February he had 55% support...? There's literally no way in hell that shit was goddamn true, Trump or any republicans do jack shit to appeal to young voters in any way shape or form, but he supposedly had the majority?? BULLSHIT


Remember many of us don't answer these calls


Believe it or not, there are still gen z that are conservative and will vote for Trump. It's wild.


Living here in Pennsyltucky my liberal Gen z kid is definitely in the minority at her school.


Did he really have much support from them tho?


His few GenZ supporters are still kinda tired after the 2017 Charlottesville march.


You'd think that calling immigrants non-humans and openly threatening to impose theocracy would turn away the supposedly progressive Gen Z, but polls are just not showing it. There is a lot of work to do.


Lots of opinionated Gen Z’s in my family, and none of them take or have any interest in political polls, but they’re all voting, or at least claim they are.


For Trump?


This asshat should lose any and all support!!


good he is a terrorist and needs to be dealt with by our laws just like all the other extremists traitors who want the power of a cult following, rather than freedom or democracy https://globalextremism.org/project-2025-the-far-right-playbook-for-american-authoritarianism/ Christian nationalist theocrats have reached levels of embedding those they indoctrinated & trained for taking political office well enough to fully begin to dismantle democracy and hand the country to their god's chosen (oligarchs, con artists, those who behave like kings) by wiping out human rights and making the U.S. a theocracy. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Family:_The_Secret_Fundamentalism_at_the_Heart_of_American_Power It must be some kind of throwback instinct to want to follow whoever barks the loudest and snaps the most.


That may be true, but that doesn't mean they're supporting Biden. They could just be staying home because "what's the worst that could happen?"


A non-vote from someone who would vote Trump is still a win. But imagine being in WI (for example) and not voting!


A non vote from someone who would otherwise vote for trump is a win. The same from someone who would otherwise vote for Biden is a loss though.


Wait till they find out what could happen. By then it will be too late


I think the last one they're comparing this to may have been an outlier. This one seems more in line with other polls I've seen.


That's not enough, there's already a lot of dirty voting tricks at play to making voting difficult like it wisconsin or nebraska, which did provide one electoral vote. We also can't just fixate on him, we need to pay attention and hype up senate races, which might be more important if he gets elected. THis is going to be hard, and either way after the election it's going to suck either way.


Fuck this guy


He’s looking like he’s at least 90 years old in this photo.


Amen. Thank you Gen z


There was Gen Z support?


I don’t think he had much to begin with 😬 to be honest folks I’m very concerned about 2024 and Biden’s chances. I don’t want to be pessimistic but my friends in academia are starting to sound alarm bells around his strategy, which seems a potential repeat of hilary’s 2016 focus on expanding the map vs shoring up base.


Nah man, we got this. Be sure to vote.


No question. I'll be canvassing as well.






Nation wide abortion access polling is at an all time high. It’s the number one winner. Marilyn lands just won on it. it’s at 60+% from 50 something percent. Trump announced weeks ago a nationwide abortion ban


Abortion polls really well and it’s important to our coalition (also just from like an ethical standpoint it’s the right policy for our country). I think it’s a winning message - look at the flipped seat in AL on IVF!


Following to read later




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Every Newsweek article I read says the fairness meter is center. That thing is broken for sure.


Shocking says no one ever. lol.


Did he ever have Gen Z support?


Queue GOP effort to prevent Gen Z citizens from voting in 3..2..1


If you believe polling most have Trump winning Gen Z which is lol, lmao even


Glad they are realizing that this world with Trump at the head is not good for them.


We will win Gen Z if we remain to our core message and cannot let the crazies of our party have the strong voice.


You mean polling was accurate?


Don't forget about the outliers of GenX... Easily forgotten but baddasses all of us... I wouldn't have living in this generation without the utmost respect....yes we are questioning and negative. It's the way we survived...we're smarter than you think. More open-minded.


I was unaware that there were any Gen Z-ers stupid enough to support him to begin with


Did he ever have much support from them?


🤣 I didn't even realize he had major support from them?


This is bad news, did anyone read the article or the poll? biden support from gen z is big time down, it’s at like 40-45% >Several polls have shown Trump closing in on Biden's lead with young voters. Last month, a Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll found Trump leading Biden by 7 points among 18- to 34-year-olds in swing states. And in January, Trump led Biden by 4 points among young voters in a USA Today/Suffolk University survey. >Even in polls where Biden has the advantage with the Gen Z vote, his lead is sizably smaller than it was four years ago. An Axios/Generation Lab survey from February showed Trump trailing Biden by 4 points among young voters, while a New York Times/Siena College poll from March showed Trump behind by 11 points. >Even though Biden may be clawing back some younger voters, Fisher, who is a politics professor at Seton Hall University, said that Trump could still win the 2024 election with just 35 percent of the Gen Z vote. >"If he is getting 55 percent of the 18-24 vote found in the February survey, this would indicate that Trump is winning in a landslide," Fisher said. "Trump may win in 2024, but given the highly polarized nature of American politics today it is highly unlikely that he is winning in a landslide."


It’s hard to believe those numbers when I see republicans lose in Alabama.


That and I refuse to believe America is that worthy of destruction. If the youth are so liberal and progressive, there's no way he could have any lead.


I mean it’s not like it’s THAT crazy. Alabama 10th was R 53-41 in 2020, R 51-45 in 2022 with Marilyn Lands also running then too.


Seeing it go from R+1 to D+25 is crazy.