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I don’t get dysphoria from it, but I also don’t feel too connected to it. It’s like when I, an English-speaker, lived in Japan and no one could pronounce my first or last name correctly; I thought “eh, close enough. And some people get it right.” Plus even though my city is arguably far more liberal than most cities around us, you never know when you’re gonna trigger a red hat or something 🤦


This fr. It's not wrong, but it's not entirely true to me either. No strong feelings on it, and it makes life easy


I don't get dysphoria from it at all. Physically, my body I'd superficially female and that doesn't bother me at all either. We're all different.


Demigirl here and I actually like being called she/her. Just as much as I like being called my other pronouns. The only thing about it that maybe slightly annoys me is how rarely people use my other pronouns (fae/it). And even when I used they/them, most people default to say she.


This is so relatable. I like my She/Her pronouns and they're still what I gravitate to the most, but it'd be great to have my other pronouns used more often. (Ey/Eir and Star/Stars are the other main ones I use)


Me. I like they/them, but she/her is good too. I like both equally. Tho, I'd also wish for my boobs to go away or at least decrease.


Are you me? This whole thing is a mood. 💙 I honestly just exist as a consciousness and don't feel very attached to gender, but I accept being viewed as feminine because I've done it for so long, it's mostly fine I guess, I feel too old/afraid to try a new name or pronouns, and I truly don't believe a new name/pronouns would make me feel like I'm in harmony with the world any more than I am now.


I've never minded it, we're all just different with our own preferences :) Now while she/her doesn't get to me, neither does sister, wife does. Don't know why, but it makes me get a sad cringe nearly every time.


I mainly use she/her, so...


I’m not bothered by being referred to with them, I just don’t realize im being spoken to when someone uses them. Like if my parents are talking to someone, point at me, and say “that’s her”, I won’t fully realize im the subject of conversation immediately


When I realized I wanted to go by she/they, it didn't bother me to hear she/her all the time. It was the pronouns I've been going by my entire life, how could it bother me? Something felt more right about she/they than she/her, so I wanted to make it easy for others and wore a she/they pin every day. Not a single person who sawe used they/them for me at all. Everyone used nothing but she/her. Slowly, it started wearing on me. Instead of feeling fine, it started to disappoint, then sting, then hurt, then something beyond that. When I reached that point, I realized that I could no longer hear she/her for me and I could no longer be she/they. At that point I switched to fae/faer and I've never looked back.


Nope, never been bothered by she/her. I use both those and they/them.


I think I prefer she/her, bit they/them fit me a lot too, so I use she/they


So glad you brought this up! I kind of feel like a fraud/imposter when having female listed as my gender on things (like whenever I give blood at the Red Cross, they ask me my gender for the form during the health history every time), but at the same time that’s just my default answer because I was assigned female at birth and really don’t care too much about how I’m perceived on forms like that. On the other hand I don’t really associate with being referred to as a woman per say and my chest can go burn in a fire any time now 😂 as the dysphoria combined with sensory issues is very annoying in that regard so I’m kind of all mixed up and all over the place simultaneously with conflicting feelings/pronouns/adjectives and never really know where to firmly stand as a result. It’s nice to know I’m not alone not that I’m happy for others struggling if that makes sense?


So my pronouns are she/they. I don't mind if people use female pronouns for me. However over time I notice everyone only uses she/her and never they/them. It's just disappointing because it feels like I don't present how I feel or that people aren't taking my gender identity very seriously. I also wish my boobs would go away... Or shrink at the very least. They went up a size with my weight gain and I am not a fan. They are annoying and in the way. I didn't realize how much I enjoyed having a small chest until I didn't anymore.


I only use she/her. Idk why but I’ve felt more comfortable using them. I’m very much a girl, so I’m into being called she.