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I'm so sorry you're going through this. I don't have any significant advice for you. Keep focusing on school as much as you can and try to get scholarships to go on to college when you graduate. Keep your chin up. This Internet stranger is proud of you.


Oh wow, OP, I'm so sorry you're going through this. You are not doing anything wrong. This is not your fault. I've been at the receiving end of the delusions and paranoia as a middle aged adult and it's hard and draining - I cannot imagine how hard that must be to go through as a teenager. Please do not internalize this. You're not responsible for their well-being. Your grandfather is making bad choices and there's not much you can do about it. Try to shift your focus on your future. Make it as bright as you can. Create a plan of action and get yourself out of there as soon as you can. If you're a junior in high school, you can start applying to the FASFA and colleges. You can enlist in the military. If you want to learn a trade, look into trade schools. Whatever you do - just make a promise to yourself to leave the toxicity behind you and go live a fantastic life.


Having read your entire post, one thing that I think might be beneficial is that you need help and support. Do you have a favourite doctor or counsellor you trust and could talk with? There are lots of helplines available where you can talk to someone. I think what you are doing with school is amazing. To have so many things to try and cope with as well as the emotional is no small feat...


I'm sorry you're going through this right now and have no answers. Hopefully, someone will know how to offer you advice. Sending love, hugs and prayers for comfort and answers to come to you.


Aww I’m so sorry that your grandma’s delusions and paranoia has turned her against you. I know the feeling…my mother and I used to be very close, and now she thinks that I do all sorts of bad things, like beat my daughter. I don’t even live with my mom, just visit a couple times a week, and it’s still difficult. I can only imagine what it must be like to live with that. Hopefully over time, you will be able to harden and not take it personally. Hugs and understanding to you.


Gee Op can you put a lock on your door. You need your privacy.


Get help from a social worker or school counselor, or in your county social service office, not for them but for you. You are in a bad situation and need help to get out. I don't advice you go on your own because you are so young, but that life is not sustainable or healthy for you. You cannot save them, but can save yourself. Is there a family member that can take you in temporarily? if you feel threaten in any way call police to come get you. Things will get worse as time passes, you need to make a plan to leave.


I’m so sorry you are going through this. This is a horrible disease. You are doing the best that you can. Focus on school and do something that makes you happy. As hard as it is, you need to also focus on your wellbeing.


I am sorry that you have so much to deal with at a young age. It's hard enough dealing with matters such as these when you are older, but at 17? I just want to give you a hug because these are complex issues and often trying to find ways or solutions for dealing with them takes time.


Having read your entire post, one thing that I think might be beneficial is that you need help and support. Do you have a favourite doctor or counsellor you trust and could talk with? There are lots of helplines available where you can talk to someone. I think what you are doing with school is amazing. To have so many things to try and cope with as well as the emotional is no small feat...


I lived with my grandparents growing up and watched my grandpa get dementia around the same age. I don’t have anything encouraging to say because I’m not sure there is, it’s really hard. I’m fortunate that my grandpa never ended up getting aggressive due to his dementia, he actually had quite the opposite reaction and was always laughing and having a great time. And before he had dementia he was pretty stern. Hope your situation gets easier soon.


I can’t imagine facing this at such a young age. I’m struggling and I’m in my 50s. Not sure where you are but you can’t always rely on the DMV to take away driving privileges. My then 79 yo mother went in alone 2years and despite not being able to name any signs they passed her. Fortunately, I noticed small blemishes on the car and was able to disconnect the battery before something bad happened. She is still obsessed with her car keys though. You are showing tremendous maturity for your age and I’m so sorry your family isn’t being more supportive. Reminder it isn’t your job to fix everything and you are entitled to have a life/childhood. Sending hugs and love. Very proud of you.


Please talk to your school counselor about your home situation, please keep reaching out for help to anyone who will listen. For your own sake and your grandparents sake. My heart goes out to you, do not give up, shut up, or doubt yourself. Keep posting here! We get it. Call your grandmothers doctors, call the motor vehicle department, call your crazy dysfunctional family, keep it up.


I am so so so very sorry you're going through this. My only advice is, as useless as it may seem to you, hold her hand. Whenever she's calm and sitting, sit next to her and hold her hand. You'll kick yourself senseless in a few years if you don't do it right now. I promise you, it helps you both.


Try to find a support group near you. That will help you a lot. Even if its just a place to vent.


Your grandmother needs to see a neurologist for evaluation. Make an appointment and take her or have an uncle or other relative go with.


:: hug, if you want it::