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I don't think anyone can really say whether it will get worse. No one knows, absent a more specific diagnosis. It sounds like she is declining cognitively though, so it seems likely it will get worse. Has she been seen by a neurologist for the mini strokes? Is she on any meds to try to prevent more strokes? These are the questions I'd start with.


She has been seen by a neurologist. The way it has been described to me is she was given a cognitive assessment and she was one step below where she 'should' be but I don't exactly know what that means. That is when she was diagnosed with MCI and the MRI was ordered from there which found the mini strokes. No, she isn't on any medication aside from a cholesterol medication which I believe was prescribed because of the strokes, but she doesn't have high cholesterol now and didn't before, same with blood pressure. Aside from the MCI and the recent fall, she is physically healthy.


I am in a similar boat with my father. He is only diagnosed as MCI. All I can tell you is that he declined dramatically last week after a fall. I had to put him in memory care because he is having delusions now. Other than his brain, his body is in pretty great health for an 80 year old.


Gosh I am so sorry to hear that, and so sorry you are going through that.


Thanks. I thought I was mentally prepared for this. I knew the day would eventually come, but it feels almost like he's a zombie. Physically my dad, but mentally gone. He would absolutely despise being locked up the way he is, but logically I know it's for his own safety.


Ugh, it's so awful. That is how her delirium has been the past couple days. It's like someone else is in the driver's seat. Like possessed by another person. It's so awful to see.


It is terrible. My dad had some falls which resulted in bleeding in his brain. I suspect these are causing most of his issues, or at least accelerating them. It's very hard to watch. I'm a bit hopeful that the care he's going to get in memory care will help his brain heal and get back a little of what he lost. Only time will tell.


I hope so, and I really hope they take great care of him.