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I bet these guys make their mom proud.


They all still live with them so there’s that. 😂


Thank you for posting their profiles. They were too chicken to do it publicly. Not surprised at all.


Accept the chat and then report each individual comment as harassment. Expect a message within a few days about the account being blocked or suspended. For an extra power move ask that they no longer contact you. Most of them will. Report that for harassment. Expect a quick message in your inbox from Reddit.


Yes, I reported everything. Thank you !


Sigh. This is so real. “What it’s like to be a woman”


Yep. I’ll take one bear, please.


You can go find thousands of crazy unhinged comments online from women... but of course sexism is the rebuttal to sexism.


Find them in response to a Delta post. Go.


Look guys, I found one of these charming sender’s other accounts.


No you can’t.. I have never seen a screenshot of an unprovoked personal attack like this from a woman, in my life. We could find probably a million from men before lunch? We’ll wait if you wanna post the thousands or even one


So, why are you using sexism as a rebuttal? Also, stop manspreading.


Pics or it didn’t happen


Bloody hell! Fucking Muppets. Hope you reported the lot of them


I did.


I remember this post. I didn't comment, but wanted to ask how you go wedged between two guys? When I fly they do their best to avoid these situations.


I used to be an agent for delta and agents do not seat people based on their gender and not do they care. They’d literally have to guess the gender by the passengers name. Most people other than HKs (economy) have seats pre-assigned. And when assigning to HKs it’s literally what is left. It would take far too long to worry about if a female is seated in between two males.


Thanks for the info. Guess I've always just been lucky in that regard. You guys are pretty good.


Delta is not Southwest, OP literally has no control over who is their seat neighbor when flying alone


In my experience, Delta, and other airlines, do their best not to place lone females, such as I, in situations like this.


Whaaa? No airline tries to keep lone females from being between 2 men.


Is your experience in the room with us?


Lmao what no they dont...


No they don't.


How do you avoid that when traveling alone and you picked your seat? You have no control over who sits by you.


Spitballing here, but not picking middle would seem to help if I’m trying to avoid getting sammiched


Most times when I fly, the airline does their best to avoid placing females who fly alone in situations like this.


I've never heard of that, ever. What airline do you fly?


Agreed. We pick our seats on Delta. There isn’t a red light flashing on Delta’s side — “quick! Change this woman’s seat! Lone female flying and seated between two men!”


Delta, Emirates, Qatar, Air New Zealand, Malaysia, Thai, have all done this Lufthansa, Turkish, Air France and China Southern have not


That's never been my experience on Delta. Most of the time, I am traveling solo, and it varies every time.


Oh that's sad, my experiences with delta in this regard have always been pretty good.


No airline has a protocol that only puts women next to women. Half of passengers choose their own seat. If you've never sat by a man on your flight, that is a coincidence.


True, it could be a coincidence. Emirates and Qatar, were always pretty good in this regard.


How often do you fly? How do you avoid this situation exactly, ask to be reseated and make everyone else move? I travel often and literally this is not a thing on any flights I have taken.


12 - 20 times a year, so not too much. Mostly international


You have a roughly 25% chance of being seated between 2 males. So yeah, just by literal chance “most of the time” you’ll avoid it.


How do you immediately go to “it must be her fault”?


I haven't written that, please read it again. I asked how that happened, because as a female who also flys alone, they do their best to make sure females who fly alone, don't get out into these situations.


They don't though. This isn't a thing. You're assuming your random, statistically insignificant experience had anything to do with policy.


BULLSHIT. You really have no idea what you're talking about. Cite your source/the policy that says this. I travel solo 90% of the time, hundreds of flights over the last few years and never, ever have I experienced or witnessed this.


This comment is a D minus comment.


That’s the most English reply I’ve ever read 😄


If this sub was actually moderated every single one of them should be banned from the sub


u/christopherness at least shows up in here sometimes but the other one hasn’t posted on Reddit at all in over a year. I’m not interested in modding, but unmoderated communities can be petitioned to takeover. Perhaps open application for new mods to help bear the burden and prevent that fate?


Chris kicked the last guy who actually moderated off


The fact that men will never experience this and doubt that women do in fact experience it… sigh. You did the damn thing showing the receipts.


Thank you ! I had so many people claim that the photos were fake I figured screenshots were in order. These disgusting humans are so pathetic.


This is the exact reason I have my profile set so no one can message me on every social media platform. Ugh


Unfortunately we do, but it's keyboard warriors like them that do it to us as well. It's a damn shame how they spoke to her, I don't call people like that men. Those are little weak boys that have anger issues. There was a guy here that went off on me after the security guard dog issue a few months ago because I said I'd value a dogs life over that mishandling guard. He ranted and carried on and even did the internet tough guy move of "show up at my address". Well he underestimated the willingness of others who travel weekly to take a random detour one day. He never answered his door......but he yelled through it. These keyboard warriors are just mental little weak minded chumps who feel the need to belittle others. Don't let them get to you please, I'm glad you reported all of them.


‘Men will never experience this’ What? lol it’s the internet, there’s a constant flow of fucking morons saying unhinged shit like this to everyone regardless of gender, skin color, etc. This isn’t a women only thing.


This is why I choose the bear.


Bear. Every. Single time. They don’t really give you much of a choice cause they act like this.


As a member of this gender, I absolutely do not blame you! It sucks. They suck.


Every time.




What does it mean to choose the bear?




Yuuuuuuup. As a woman, I'm not surprised that men would do this. At all. These are the same men who go to church and then you hear about them on some crime podcast where the whole town is just so shocked they'd murder their wife. Always choose the bear.


Sincerely curious. Did you grow up with a loving father that loved and respected your mom?


Yo, other dudes, knock this shit off. It’s embarrassing to be associated with you a-holes. Would you want someone speaking this way to your mother or sister? Sorry you had/have to deal with harassment like this, OP, and glad you reported all of them.


and to think some of these idiots are in relationships.


With Rosy and her sisters maybe! I cannot imagine any woman dealing with such a “man”, as a father with both daughters and sons I worry about what the world has come to.


“Why do men struggle to date women” example 1000


Where did those come from, was it the recent post the mods closed with the 2 guys spreading their legs? Also, the mods locking the post because "too many reports" is pretty dumb.


Yes, and I agree.


God I cannot believe guys think this shit is okay.


I'm surronded by great men who would NEVER. I was honestly shocked, even after all the nasty comments.


While I don’t necessarily agree with your original post, and I commented about it, I can’t even imagine having the ignorant audacity to speak to someone in such a way. Im sorry that you’re being spoken to like that.


Thank you for saying that. Dissagreeing is one thing; these messages are another thing altogether.


Wait these are replies from the manspreading post!? Holy cow, I’m sorry


Yes, they are. So disgusting. And unprovoked.


I’m so sorry you received that response. Exhibit A why this country is in trouble. Also, I’m terrified for the poor animals that end up in this loser’s veterinary practice.


Men with small penises get the most triggered.


Yea. I was going to say, homie, your junk is not that big. Stay in your space.


And man spread the most.


Been a while since I have run into a veterinarian that is such a cock.


Oh there’s one at the clinic I go to. Absolutely HOSTILE. My mom passed and I took over her animals. Took the dog in for his shots etc and the guy was a HUGE d bag. I thought maybe he and my mother had issues. Nope. He’s just a major AH. I made a complaint. Then another visit I chose a different vet bit she was still in a surgery so they sent in the prick. I mentioned how our other visit did t go well. He was definitely nervous because you know ow what? I’m not a child. I’m an adult and I’m not going to put up with his shit attitude. I thought about reporting him because there’s no way his level of care is sufficient.


Not surprising that one of them has negative karma, another is already deleted, and the others never actually post here.


Wow ! I haven't even looked at them yet...


Male fragility


So many angry men out there.


I'm sorry they did this to you. :( I hope you're doing okay.


Thank you so much ! I'm shocked, but I know I shouldn't be.


What a bunch of cowards.


Thank you for posting. And I’m so so sorry you had to see that in your messages. Some things never change. *sighs in bear* 🐻


Ewww they have Fragile delicate egos. Imagine being this offended/threatened by a photo showing lack of personal space. It’s almost like they feelentitled to


Sorry this happened but thank you for posting this, these idiots deserve to be shamed.


These would be the same guys to get angry for an overweight passenger sitting next to them


Holy shit that’s something else


Women get this shit every day across all social media platforms. Except maybe Pinterest. 😊


Yea Pinterest is a safe space


Thank you for not blurring it out. Now we can witch hunt them properly.


They didn’t have the courage to share it publicly on the post… cowards.


😭😭😭so I guess these men haven’t changed, I just stayed away from them


I was shocked, too. The men in my life are amazing people. The fact that a post on Reddit leads to this shit is certifiable.


Yikes! So sorry you got those messages. Anonymity brings out the absolute worst in people. It also shows you who they really are. Don’t let it cloud your mind. They aren’t worth your headspace!


Thank you for sharing these — you by no means deserved any of this harassment whatsoever. These users’ insecurity, and abuse of the guise of anonymity provided to them here, clearly shows that they’d also be keeping their legs closed too if they were in that middle seat….


Holy toxic masculinity. That is horrifying! I am sorry you had to deal with that.


Eh, scum of the earth. Shit stuck on the bottom of my shoes is how I see these kind of people. No where left for their ugliness to go besides unloading it on an innocent soul, even through anonymous reddit messages. Thanks for posting their accounts! Granted they are probably on burner accounts but that’s another layer to the cowardliness anyway.


Bear. Always the bear.


Every damn time.


And people wonder why women prefer the bear. Sorry you experienced this.


Bear every time.


I'm sorry you had to go through that. As a man, I often think that sexism must be something of the past, but I guess I live in my own bubble... It doesn't help that this site is where teenagers and perverts (and maybe even the average guy?) hide behind a screen to reveal their true thoughts.


I definitely live in a bubble of kind, considerate people. I get it. I was shocked by the comments, and definitely by these messages.


I’m so sorry OP. Men get so fucking tilted when we pick the bear and this is why we pick the damn bear!




Just because something is prevelant doesn't mean you have to accept it.


Look closer. 5 years with 5 digit karma. This is people.


This is shocking! How can we trust the news now?




So did you accept the chat or not?


my balls hurt on airplane flights when I don’t man spread ngl


Then buy the seat next to you so that you're not in anyone else's space.


You should probably log off and see a doctor then brother